God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 385: : Li Wei has a long-term commitment (5) to clean up the old mountains and rivers

Myshica's era of governor was a complete disaster, not to mention the countless large and small wars that broke out in the era of governor, just from the number of people who took up the governor's office, we knew what kind of disaster it was.

Since the end of the Anti-Tyroid War in 1667 and the beginning of the era of governorship, to the time when Kejie IV came back to power in 1687, even if Kejie, who was reinstated, was removed, in the past 20 years, Mysika has a total of 17 governorships, and Among the 17 governors, the first governor, Dama IV, served as governor for 6 years.

This means that within 14 years, a total of 16 governors took turns in Mysica, and on average, each governor was in power for less than a year. In the past 14 years, except for the fact that Mysika barely had a decent government, it would be no exaggeration to say that it was Mysika's version of the twenty-four years of the governorship.

It is precisely because of this situation that Kejie IV returned to Lugro and was supported by everyone. During the war of oligarchs, even the minor nobles suffered heavy losses, and they desperately hoped to return to the old days. , after all, the oligarchic era has proven to be a nightmarish tragedy, so they are all calling for Ke Jie IV.

In order to return to Lugro, Kejie IV temporarily acknowledged the oligarchs' existing gains in exchange. The oligarchs also just need peace time to stabilize their gains in the war. It is for these reasons that Kejie IV Successfully served as the 18th Governor.

But if you don't do it today, it doesn't mean you won't do it tomorrow. The major oligarchs monopolize the local resources, control the local manpower, and divide Myshica into countless pieces. The tribute to Lugro is also lacking. They are all major obstacles to the centralization of power, so when Ke Jie IV temporarily takes control of the government, he will definitely attack them and bring everything back to the original track. Most of the oligarchs will not be happy with this. The balance depends on the power. grasped.

"The king lived in the Lugolo Palace, and often sighed at the sky. When Xiuge asked what he meant, the king replied: 'If this world is still an isolated island for a thousand years, if Mysheka is like a thousand years old Myrami, I have the heart to break the oligarchs. Now it's very different, I'm afraid I can't get anything out.'"

"Xu Ge advised: 'The king is mistaken, if you are looking for escape and fear of difficulties today, and you are not sure about this urgent matter, and when the warlords make a concerted effort to rule, I am afraid that the grief of Ingona more than a hundred years ago will reappear in Mysika. Fuxi! God said so, long pain is worse than short pain, if we don’t explain this matter to my generation, and leave it to our descendants to solve it, it may not be appropriate!’”

"The king listened to Xiu Ge's words, and he looked up at the sky for a long time, but he bowed to Taixi for a long time: 'It's just that, I would like to take all risks, stop, stop, stop.'"

- "The Chronicles of the Kings of Mysheka, the New Detroit Chronicle, and the Biography of Kejie IV"

"The king returned to the capital, and the country was restored, and Xiuge also returned to Lugaro from the king, and returned to his hometown with honor. Since Xiuge has been living in the king for more than 20 years and has made countless contributions, it is the sin of the Wang Youluos family. Xiuge returned to the mansion. All the Rus people praised Xiu Ge, saying that Xiu Ge is really knowledgeable, and he deserves to be a Rus owl.”

- "The Chronicles of the Kings of Mysheka, the New Detroit Chronicle, and the Biography of Kejie IV"

"When Xiu Ge returned to his ancestral house, the thief governor Dama IV was still alive, but he was sick and could not get up. Xiuge wanted to enter the province in Dama, but Dama ordered his son to lock the door so that Xiuge would not be allowed to get up. Look. Dama's son did not dare to do this, so Xiuge still entered his bedroom, Damana turned around and carried Xiuge, and did not want to speak to Xiuge, and he went to his room for a long time without speaking."

"A few days after Xiuge left, Dama died. Before he died, he cried to his son: 'I have mistakenly raised my family, I am not as good as brother Xiuge.' After Dama died, the Ross family wanted to be buried in the wild, but Xiuge sent The messenger told him to bury Dama in his ancestral tomb."

"Dama IV's ability is mediocre, his nature is stubborn, and he is erratic. How can he rebel against the king unless he has the help of thieves and wealthy families? And the world of governance he created was also full of suffering. The disaster star. If it wasn't for his brother Xiu Ge who was virtuous, this scorpion would have died without a place to be buried, so it was called the 'disaster star'."

— "The Chronicles of the Kings of Mysheka, The Chronicles of New Delos, The Biography of the Governor"

After Kejie IV returned to Lugro, he took control of the situation for a while, and when he felt the time was right, he began to attack the oligarchs.

When dealing with oligarchs, Ke Jie IV's methods are extremely old-fashioned. He can always gather power to a certain extent, but it is just right. He not only takes back part of his power, but also makes the oligarch feel that he can bear it. Immediate rebellion is a loss-making business. Ke Jie IV Always hold that degree.

And in the process of centralizing power, the age of Ke Jie IV also confuses the oligarchs. They think that an old man who is almost seventy years old doesn't need to care no matter how smart he is. Then everything can return to the familiar origin.

But after waiting for a long time, something is wrong with them. When a normal person reaches the age of 70, all physical functions begin to decline, and their strength also declines. However, the golden partner of Ke Jie IV and Xiuge, the two An old man in his seventies, who is still getting younger and younger, and the old people of their generation are basically lying at home waiting to die, but they are still alive and kicking in the political arena, beating their children's opponents to the death.

The power of Ke Jie IV is recovering little by little, and the power of the oligarchs is declining little by little, and with the excellent diplomatic skills of Xiu Ge, one faction fights the other, and the oligarchs fight against the oligarchs. A rope against Kejie IV.

The oligarchs are retreating step by step, and King Ke Jie IV is advancing step by step. When Ke Jie IV took office as governor for five years, that is, in 1693, the 73-year-old Ke Jie IV promulgated the "Order of Reunification". , ordered the oligarchs to surrender all power, restore the old system of thirty years ago, and unify everything by Luguero.

At this time, the oligarchs found that they had no way out. Some oligarchs chose to obey, but the oligarchs close to Potloo and Ulch chose to resist to the end, so the "Second War of the Oligarchs" exploded. .

The resistance of the oligarchs is against the will of the people. The oligarchs are not likable in the first place, and the era of the oligarchs is a nightmare, so there are not many people in Mysika to support.

And in this war of retribution, the 73-year-old Xiuge personally shawls and takes command of the battle. It took a year to beat the oligarchs to nothing, leaving only some oligarchs in the old land, relying on coastal supplies to shrink in the fortress. A last desperate resistance.

By January 1695, the oligarchs had only the last fortress left. If it wasn't for the fortress that Ulch had been providing assistance from behind and had already run out of ammunition and food and surrendered, Myshica seemed to have won?

However, what Kejie IV and Hugh had always been most worried about happened. On January 10th, Potloo declared war on Mysheka on the grounds of "restoring the original order of Mysheka". On January 13th, Ulch declared war on Mychka on the grounds that "Mychka harassed the Ulch frontier", and the "Second Oligarchs War" evolved from the Mychka civil war to an international war.

Myshica is finally about to experience the fears faced by Portloo in the past. She was attacked by two countries, north and south, and worse than Portloo, Myshica itself suffered from years of civil war, and the country was in a mess at this time. King Kejie IV has only just figured it out, not to mention that Mysheka's foundation is already thinner than Porterloo.

In this desperate situation, Mysika can only turn her attention to Brajasson, which is farther south in Ulci. Someone proposed a plan to contact Brajasson to join the war and let Brajasson from The south attacked Ulch and shared the pressure of Myshica, so that Myshica only needed to deal with Portloo, so there might be a possibility of victory.

Although Kejie IV thought that this proposal had little chance of success, at this time, Mysheka was like a drowning person, and urgently needed to grab even a straw, so that he could imagine that he could float. Under the influence of this kind of heart, Mysika sent a diplomatic envoy to Brajazon.

Thanks to the deterrence of the Divine Realm's diplomatic law, Ulqi at most did not open the official road to block the other envoys, but he couldn't directly attack the diplomatic envoys of Mysika and physically destroy them, so he could only stare at Messica with disgust. The Ka diplomatic envoys crossed their country and went south to contact Braasson.

"My messenger's journey was difficult, but he still did not forget his country's destiny. He took the most to go to Braasson. When he went up to the hall, the messenger shed tears and called Braasson to help distant friends."

"My messenger said: 'Now Maisika and Braasson are in the south and north, and they can attack Ulqi together. This is the most appropriate way! If Mishika declines, Ulqi wants to attack. Brayasson is easy. Therefore, not for our country, but for the great king of your country, please enter this battle to help me'."

"Brayasson was the great king at that time, and it was Shuraqi II of the Matbei family. He heard the envoy's words, and he said a few words of kindness. Make those who see it this way, and know that they don't want to help Mai Shika, and they cry a lot while walking, and their feet are all paralyzed."

"If the next day, the king of Braasson did not see his messenger in person, but sent an official to inform him: 'My country was recovering from the war of restructuring before it came out, so I couldn't send troops to save you. I am very grateful, but In this case, please go first!""

"The envoy heard his order to expel guests, but he resigned. When he left, he sighed and said: 'The war of restructuring of Brayasson was over in 167o, and it has been more than 20 years since then. This remark to reject me is really absurd. Perfunctory. 'Of course' people were under the eaves and had to bow their heads, 'the envoy had no choice but to leave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ on the way back to China, he was treated by the new sailing domestic country. The new sailing domestic country, Braya One of the oligarchs in the Song Dynasty is also, and he asked for the money and Mishika, and he still wanted to give the boat to make a change, so he felt it, so he said: 'Today, I know that oligarchs are not all wrong, they are all oligarchs, and other countries are oligarchs. If the gap between the oligarchs of our country and the oligarchs of our country is so big! I think the people of this year's Myshka are unbelievable!""

- "The Chronicles of the Kings of Mysheka, the New Detroit Chronicle, and the Biography of Kejie IV"

The failure to ask for help from Brajazon means that Mysika can only face the two major powers alone with the broken domestic situation. How can this be done? The only opportunity Hugh could take advantage of was the intrigue between Potlu and Ulch, so that Mysheka would not suffer too much loss.

Five years later, Mysika's "Second Oligarchy War" was completely defeated, and the two countries signed a humiliating alliance under the city in Du Luguero, and the "Lugro Peace Treaty" that humiliated the country.

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