God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 391: : Destroy the enemy 100,000 and turn it into Little North (5) to trace the source

Looking at the number of people who came to participate in the "National Conference", Hunuxiu Qiyuan felt a little embarrassed. There were still too few people here, and it was the correct description to call it "Fensun Noble Conference".

In the past, Hunuxiu Qiyuan only needed words and prayers, so he painted his own blueprint in a dream so beautiful, but now it seems too good, even the **** of thunder and lightning believes in his prayer. Since the **** of thunder and lightning has given him the axe of thunder, Hunuxiu Qiyuan can only go on like this and start to do things down-to-earth.

That year, Hunuxiu Qiyuan got the Axe of Thunder and went home to show the axe to the family, and for the first time explained his ideal of "returning to the source" in front of the elders. The concept is explained.

After Hunuxiu Qiyuan explained "Retrospecting Zhengyuan", the elders did not express their support, but they did not object. Let Hunuxiu Qiyuan go back to rest first, and do not go out these days. Hunuxiu Qiyuan felt that he just locked himself up, and after returning to the bedroom, he didn't dare to walk around, so he stayed in the bedroom for a few days.

A few days later, the family finally responded to Hunuxiu Qiyuan, and sent a messenger, the third uncle of Hunuxiu Qiyuan, to answer.

"If the **** of thunder and lightning really believes that you can become the second Hunuxiu Qiyuan I (that is, the one who established Ma Xi and started the Rinaldo dynasty), then why not just issue the great announcement of the apocalypse? Now there is no announcement, but it gives you thunder again The axe means that the God of Thunder and Lightning believes that you have the qualifications of Hunuxiu Qiyuan, but you are not yet mature, so you have to work harder."

This paragraph was rambling. With Hunuxiu Qiyuan's current political skills, he couldn't understand what the family wanted to say to him, so he could only bite the bullet and ask.

The third uncle replied very cheerfully: "Since you have the Axe of Thunder, and you want to be 'Zhengyuan', you can just say it, the family can help you quit your job, and then give you some money every month, but other The matter, you have to solve it yourself, it has nothing to do with the family, and don't show the Thunder Axe everywhere."

This is also the usual practice of nobles, but Hunuxiu Qiyuan understands that since the family can allow him to do this, it is the biggest happy event.

So the next day, Hunuxiu Qiyuan successfully resigned from the unpromising small clerk job, returned to the academy after a 4-year absence, and began to preach his "backtracking to the source" and win over colleagues.

In the past, Hunuxiu Qiyuan was not a leader, and he had a good time at the academy, so he never promoted or agitated as a leader. There is a hook on the booklet of the God of Thunder, and he can only stick to it with his teeth.

Hunuxiu Qiyuan didn't know how many people could really understand and recognize his "retrospection". Those around him were probably attracted by the Thunder Axe, and this was undoubtedly leaked by the family. news.

Many people were attracted by the Thunder Axe, so they often bewitched Hunuxiu Qiyuan to show off the Thunder Axe. Help people get over their eye addiction. If he didn't do this, Hunuxiu Qiyuan didn't know how many people were around him now.

The first time Hunuxiu Qiyuan personally listened to the individual announcement of the God of Thunder was the night before he obtained the Axe of Thunder in 1608, and the second time he heard the individual announcement of the God of Thunder was a month later.

Because after Hunuxiu Qiyuan got the Thunder Axe, he found that although the Thunder Axe has various magical uses, people can challenge the level a little, but it has not reached the level of 10,000 enemies, which makes Hunuxiu Qiyuan tremble in his heart. The axe is not as good as the hammer of Thor, can this work?

As a result, the God of Thunder (Leng Yi) quickly listened to Hunuxiu Qiyuan's complaints, and then declared to himself again: "The Thunder Axe and Thor's Hammer are basically the same in strength, why are you complaining!"

Hunuxiu Qiyuan didn't know what he was thinking at the time, but he retorted casually: "Then why did Hunuxiu Qiyuan rely on such an artifact to create such a foundation?"

"Time has changed! It was not this time, how can we generalize it! What was the population of Maxi eight hundred years ago? What is the population of Maxi now? What was the extraordinary legend of Maxi eight hundred years ago?

Then Hunuxiu Qiyuan didn't dare to ask, and knelt down and shivered. Fortunately, the God of Thunder didn't hold on to this, so he just left, which made Hunuxiu Qiyuan heave a sigh of relief.

After being taught by the God of Thunder this time, Hunuxiu Qiyuan also died of the madness of going back to the source with only the Axe of Thunder, and developed his own organization honestly and down-to-earth.

Hunuxiu Qiyuan worked so hard for 6 years, and in 1614, an organization that surrounded him, at least verbally willing to invest in tracing the source, finally took shape, so just like those trend-setting factions, Hunuxiu Qiyuan was going to hold a conference. Normalize the organization.

The place where the national conference was organized, Hunuxiu Qiyuan was placed in the auditorium of Finsun College. It happened that they were all students of the college, so during the summer vacation, they borrowed the auditorium to hold a meeting.

There were so many guards in the organization, but they refused to downgrade to arrange this kind of work for the organization and management site. At this time, Hunuxiu Qiyuan, a capable subordinate of Hunuxiu, recommended a run-down nobleman Luo Bo, so Hunuxiu Qi Yuan asked Luo Bo to do this.

As expected, Luo Bo had been in the lower ranks, and maintained the venue in an orderly manner, without the grievances of the run-down nobles against the world, and without any dissatisfaction when serving other nobles, he was very considerate. Hunuxiu Qiyuan felt that Luo Bo was very good, and when the conference was held, he asked Luo Bo if he would like to join their organization.

"I think you are capable, do you want to join our organization?"

Luo Bo nodded without hesitation, and said some flattering words, which made Hunuxiu Qiyuan very proud, so he waved his hand and used his privilege to let Luo Bo join the organization.

The first national conference of the organization was held for 6 days. There was not much to discuss about the purpose of the organization. Hunuxiu Qiyuan said clearly from the beginning, "Unify the Northern Expedition and restore the republic". The focus of the discussion was the name of the organization, the flag, and Some minutiae regulations.

Of course, it is impossible to discuss these things for 6 days. The reason why it lasted for 6 days is mainly that each member only discusses half a day, and the remaining half day is to go to various places to eat, drink and play, which makes the savings of Hunuxiu Qiyuan and others in these few days. The sky was shrinking rapidly, and it was Luo Bo who gave Hunuxiu Qiyuan a sum of money, which made the other party look better for a day.

On the last day of the national conference, Hunuxiu Qiyuan systematically explained the concept of tracing the source for the first time to all the members.

"Everyone knows that the words I say to you every day must be inseparable from the word 'Suzhengyuan', so what exactly is 'Suzhengyuan'? In fact, 'Suzhengyuan' is a combination of three words compound words."

"The source is the republic and the token; the right is the establishment; the trace is the trace."

"I remember listening to the elders in my family talk about the ancients when I was young, listening to the glorious things of the past, I couldn't sleep at night, and I am worried to this day. It has been nearly 800 years since the founding of Ma Xi's country, but now it is full of flames, and the people are struggling to live, which makes people sigh with embarrassment. , Compared with today's war and chaos, there are only speechless tears."

"What happened to Ma Xi? Why can't anyone end the turbulent times? Is it because there hasn't been a hero for so many years? I thought about it privately for a few days and felt that this was not the case. The reason why Ma Xi couldn't end the turbulent times was because of Defenti. The Luo family stayed away from the Republic and chose a dictatorship!"

"There is no doubt that the republic is the best system. Under this system, every noble can fully exchange their opinions, minimize the possibility of conflicts breaking out, and elect the most suitable person to be the chief minister. ."

"If the chief servant is elected by the republic, then he must be able to convince all the nobles, and there will be no conflicts due to the transfer of the chief servant. And the rights and interests of the lower-level commoners can also be guaranteed, because the elected chief servant must be of high moral character. Servant."

"So the source of Ma Xi is the Republic."

"However, the Defentillo family was so fascinated by their interests that they monopolized the chief servant and abolished the republic. After the republic was abolished, the chief servant was no longer elected by the nobles, but only decided by Defentillo. And the nobles of various places are no longer determined by virtue and ability, but by whether or not to obey the Defentillo family."

"In this case, everyone only pays attention to everyone's interests, the country becomes degenerate, the nobles are divided, and the rights of the common people are not mentioned, so the troubled times will break out naturally. This is the way to abolish the republic and move towards hereditary Bad thing!"

"Of course, some treacherous villains will try to defend the hereditary after receiving the money. They will definitely say, wasn't the Nato Dynasty also hereditary? Since only the republic is good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ why? Did Massey prosper during the Rinaldo era?"

"Don't forget, I said that there are two sources of Ma Xi, one is the republic, and the other is a token. What is a token? It appeared as a thing of rights before the emergence of the republic, in other words, he was An alternative to a republic appears temporarily as a substitute when there is no way to implement a republic."

"In the era of Hunuxiu Qiyuan I, the token was Thor's Hammer, which was granted by Thor's Hammer to the Renado dynasty to temporarily carry out hereditary guarantees under the premise of no other way, and when the time is right, don't we restore the republic? ?"

"In history, when the time was immature, the Rinaldo dynasty held the Thor's Hammer to exercise expediency. When the republican time was ripe, the Thor's Hammer was not put into the palace and would not be taken out again? And this Isn't the two eras the era when Ma Xi was prosperous?"

"So we can conclude that the republic is the cornerstone of Masi's prosperity, and only rebuilding the republic can restore peace to Masi. And when the republic cannot be implemented, we must have tokens and implement expedient measures. After the republic is restored Make modifications, and this is traceability."

"So, the harbinger of Ma Xi's restoration of peace is to have a token, which is why the turbulent times of thunder and thunder have not ended for more than 30 years. Only then can we end the turbulent times and establish a republic."

"Then where is the token?" Hunuxiu Qiyuan raised his right arm and summoned the Thunder Axe. Those who had not seen the Thunder Axe in the scene were taken aback, while those who had seen it a long time ago couldn't bear it. Live cheered, "Here, this is the guarantee to end the troubled times!"

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