God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 396: : Destroy 100,000 enemies and transfer to Little North (10) Northern Expedition

"Now is the most critical moment in the great cause of the republic, why are you refusing to send troops! Are you still fantasizing about compromising with the warlords in Rinaldo! As long as you refused to pay the protection fee and established the navy on your own, you were already hated by the warlords, don't you think? Do you think that if you stop now, you can be on your own!"

In the parliament, Teozi Enzian roared at the members of the parliament with an excited expression. His tone was extremely annoying, and many members frowned. But no matter how much they hated what this man said, they couldn't deny the fact that Teozi Enzian had said that since they formed a navy, they could only go one way to the dark, and the other side would not let them go.

"Here I will tell you directly, if you don't participate in the Northern Expedition, prepare for the fourth Otto War as soon as possible! Don't you understand such a simple truth? If you guys are determined to kneel and lick Rinaldo, I also admire you guys. While hooking up with the Son of Thundercloud, and at the same time using various tricks for Rinaldo, what the **** are you thinking about!"

"Who does he think he is!" Some of the members of the assembly couldn't stand it anymore, and they complained to the companions next to them in a not small voice. However, in addition to the dissatisfaction with Teozi Enzian, there was a trace of panic in their voices. , because Teozi Enzian's words were so plain that every MP could understand that he was right.

At this time, Otto and Alessin's presiding officer, Wars Enton, came out and said, "Governor Teozi Enzian, your current state is not suitable for you to continue to stay in the Parliament. Your Excellency Robo, please send the governor out. ."

Robo heard Wass Enton's order, and without waiting for Teozi Enzian to react, he grabbed his arm and pulled him out. Fortunately, Teozi Enzian did not have the desire to continue to entangle this point, so after starting some formal resistance, he let Luo Bo pull himself down.

When the guards were still standing guard outside the parliamentary field, Teozi Enzian couldn't help complaining to Luo Bo: "I can't believe that these rural nobles are so short-sighted, snakes and mice are on both ends. If the great cause of the republic is promoted by these people, really,”

Luo Bo patted him **** the shoulder, interrupting Teozi Enzian's chatter: "Governor, Your Excellency the Governor! I know you have a lot of opinions, but this is someone else's territory after all,"

"Does other people's territory have any necessary connection with whether their actions are correct? I have endured it for a long time!" Teozi Enzian also interrupted Luo Bo's persuasion, "Don't talk about the relationship with Shunongio Rinen. My lord, even compared to me, they are far enough away!"

"But without their support, the fleet could not be formed at all," Luo Bo said, only to be interrupted by Teozi Enzian again.

"If it weren't for me, without the people I brought, the fleet could be formed by them!? Luo Bo, you are also my deputy, don't you know how much trouble these people caused us during the formation of the fleet? You don't know anything, but you have to intervene in various ways."

Robo and Teozi Enzian seemed to be in the game of interrupting each other's speech, and the guard turned his head away uncomfortably, trying to get the conversation out of their minds as much as possible.

"Your Excellency Chief Admiral, listen, now you go back first, and I will go back to the council to help the organization speak a few more times, so that at least there are people from the Son of Thunder Cloud in the council."

This time, Teozi Enzian didn't object. After nodding and scolding the other party, he left. Seeing Teozi Enzian leave, Luo Bo felt relieved. When he walked back, he remembered that most of the troubles caused by the formation of the fleet were caused by Teozi Enzian's attitude. .

However, Teozi Enzian's attitude also helped Son of Thunder Cloud in another way. Why did Otto let the outsider Teozi Enzian come to form the fleet? It's not that the Republican faction and the Lewis Liuting faction are mutually exclusive. In the end, only Teozi Enzian, who hates ghosts, can become the admiral, so that people can feel at ease.

After Luo Bo came back, Worth Enton invited Luo Bo to speak again. After Luo Bo came to power, he decided to speak in a gentler tone: "Although our chief admirals are a little unpleasant, they did point out a point, If the snakes and mice are on both ends, Otto will be unhappy on both sides."

After saying this, Luo Bo stepped down, and a few minutes later, Worth Enton announced that the meeting was temporarily adjourned and decided to postpone the meeting.

When Robo returned to the house, he found Teozienzian waiting for him here. He was very happy with the letter, and when he saw Robo, he asked him to read it.

"What's wrong?" Luo Bo asked while opening the letter.

"The commander-in-chief found that the navy has not been dispatched so far, so he knew that we must be in trouble, so he wrote to teach us how to deal with it," When he said this, Teozi Enzian's always arrogant face appeared. A rare expression of admiration, "As expected of the commander-in-chief, it is much better than some people who eat vegetarian meals."

Luo Bo did not comment on this. He knew that the commander was referring to the introduction of Teozi Enzian, the current military supreme commander of the Son of Thunder Cloud, Suunong Giorin, and "some people who eat vegetarian food", Undoubtedly Hunuxiu Qiyuan. Luo Bo was actually a member of Hunuxiu Qiyuan's subordinate Cienqimei faction, so he didn't say much, so he concentrated on reading the letter.

"If you run into trouble in instigating Odo to send troops, and they push things back, don't bother to follow my next steps."

"According to the letter you sent before, Otto is divided into the republican faction and the Louis Liuting faction, and the soul of the Louis Liuting faction, Louis Liuting, relied on the struggle in the interior of Alessin after the fall of Odo. The rise was once the supreme controller of Odo's army, only to be stripped of power later."

"So you can say this to the Republicans now, that the Louis Liutings were unwilling to help the Son of Thunder because they wanted the Rinaldo warlord to attack Otto again. When the army retreated to Alessin, it was Louis. When the Liuting faction is back in power."

After reading the letter, Luo Bo quickly burned the letter, and Luo Bo felt a little puzzled about the idea put forward by Swonongio, and asked: "Is what Lord Suunongio said true? "

Teozi Enzian nodded without hesitation, accompanied by a sneer: "It really doesn't matter, human beings always choose to believe what they want to believe. Judging from my experience with these people over the past few years, this The group of rats are short-sighted and the turtles at both ends of the snake and rat will definitely believe it."

"It really doesn't matter," Luo Bo thought about this sentence carefully for a long time, and found that it was really philosophical.

After saying goodbye to Teozienzion, Robo did not dare to stop for a moment on the road, and went directly to the mansion of Waxenton. It's my own idea.

The idea that Swanongio Rien came up with really worked. After listening to Luo Bo's words, Wassenton's expression instantly turned ugly.

Three days later, Otto finally decided to send a fleet to assist the Son of Thundercloud, which had a great relationship with the softening of Otto's republican attitude. But the troops were dispatched, and before they were happy for a while, Teozi Enzian had another conflict with Otto.

The Odo Republicans believed that they helped the Son of Thundercloud to send troops, so Teozi Enzian should sell his face; Teozi Enzian believed that it was obviously a clever trick by Swonungiorien to send the gang of rats into the army. Besides, fighting is also to allow them to protect themselves, so why should I give them face; this conflict is only resolved when Luo Bo is coordinated in it.

Six years passed in the blink of an eye. When the Northern Expedition reached a new stage in 1631, with the end of the Rinaldo Battle, the Moss Andor family and these warlords were all beaten to the north. The Son of Cloud became the overlord of the Southern District.

And unlike the overlord, the republican idea of ​​the Son of Thunder Cloud has a strong appeal to many nobles who are dissatisfied with the status quo. Many aristocrats have defected along the way. One of the reasons for suppressing other century-old warlords.

In the Northern Expedition, Luo Bo, as the deputy admiral of the fleet, also contributed a lot, and because behind him stood a member of the son of Thundercloud born from Otto, he was also a big boss. Ci Enqimei took great care of Luo Bo.

In addition, the navy proposed by Swonungiongion played a big role in the war. During the battle of Rinaldo, Teozi Enzian personally led the flagship to charge the port, and even set up a plan to capture Rinaldo. irreplaceable contribution.

Therefore, up to now, the navy of Otto is the strongest navy in the North Islands - it is not as good as Bourbon and Afonci, and even Ortega can't compare, but it bullies this group of Masi warlords who have no concept of navy at all. Enough is enough.

However, at this time, the Sons of Thundercloud had disagreements. As to whether to continue the Northern Expedition immediately, the entire Sons of Thundercloud organization was almost torn apart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hunuxiu Qiyuan refused to continue the Northern Expedition. He felt that he was fighting. After so many years of war, we should first stabilize the rule of the occupied area. How can it be stabilized? For example, restoring the glory of the members of the Sons of Thundercloud (many of them are run-down nobles who lost their ancestral properties in troubled times).

Swanongio Rien objected to Hunuxiu Qiyuan's statement. He believed that this was the best time for the northern expedition. At this time, the warlords in the Ma Xinan district had been beaten to pieces, and they huddled in the Henimi area for the final struggle. The warlords in the district are engaged in a new round of fighting. It has been six years since the Northern Expedition. They have not seen any movement to interfere in the south.

But not interfering now does not mean not interfering in the future. If Son of Thunder Cloud continues the northern expedition, it will definitely run into the warlords in the northern district. Sons of Thunder Cloud are quite unfamiliar to the warlords in the northern district. They are basically from the southern district. They have never been to the northern district. At most, they have heard the reputation of the madman.

Therefore, no matter how hard or tired he is now, he has to knock down Heinimi, and if he takes down Heinimi fortress, he will have the capital to be independent and self-defense, and he can also take care of it slowly.

It would be fine if Sunongio Rin only said these words, at the Sons of Thunder member congress, he bluntly rebuked in front of all the delegates: "The decline of many warlords is the source of Since they thought they could take a break, they couldn't get up again after taking a break!"

This scolding is quite harsh, and comparing Hunuxiu Qiyuan to being no different from a warlord is almost a slander.

Luo Bo was also in the venue that day. When he heard Suunongio Rien say these words, when he saw Hunuxiu Qiyuan's hideous expression at the meeting, but immediately apologized, Luo Bo, Instinctively, I felt that the Son of Thunder Cloud would have an accident sooner or later, ah no, it was going to happen soon.

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