God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 421: : The counterattack of the exiled noble (10) pawn

In 1818 of the Dali calendar, in the northern waters of the forest guardhouse, different transport fleets carried the same people. After 8 years of fighting on the Lanaixi battlefield, the "Boris Noble Mercenary Group" where Hades belonged finally. can return. However, this time, it was not that Polly was kind enough to allow the mercenary group to rotate, but another reason.

In the transport ship, several leaders of the mercenary group gathered together, and they frowned and discussed topics that they didn't want to discuss but had to be discussed in order to save their lives.

"Hades the wise, among so many of us, you are the wisest one. Do you think this matter is reliable or not. If you say it is not reliable, I will immediately become a sailor and hold a meeting on the ship Lanai. Go," a leader asked Hades hesitantly with a bitter face.

Neither of them dared to make a firm decision, so leave the idea to Hades for judgment, and Hades will have the perfect countermeasure to deal with it?

After hesitating for a while, Hades opened his mouth cautiously, and said in a very moderate tone: "No matter what decision we will make later, we must first make it clear that the Samomis gang is absolutely ill-intentioned, and it will be done. Whether we succeed or fail in the future, we all have the possibility to become scapegoats."

When the other leaders heard Hades' words, they nodded in agreement. As for this possibility, their group of exiled nobles who have been weathered since childhood is naturally quite clear, but the question now is, how to deal with it?

"Samomis is the head of the support room. If he wants to mobilize us back, he can make an open proposal and then mobilize. This is his responsibility. However, the problem is that the report he is currently fighting with the country is to mobilize a team. Support Edonan, but in fact we were all mobilized back by him, and the fleet is not under our control, only his cronies know where we are going."

The so-called support for Edonan means that a month ago, Napolika and other mercenary groups on the Edonan Peninsula finally joined Edonan to launch the second rebellion against Boris after several years of deliberation. The rebellion was dubbed the "Sixth Edonan War" by the Celestial Realm.

After provoking the war, Napolika and Edonan entered the Anrolla channel aggressively, and asked Poli for support. This sort of thing was left to Samomis, so he mobilized a mercenary group from Lanaixi to Edonan...

Theoretically, the order is like this. If it is carried out according to the theory, everyone will not hesitate so much. After all, everyone has a deep hatred with Kado Xu I. Now that they can deal with Kadu Xu I, they will naturally not let it go.

However, Samomis's report on the domestic fight is that a team of mercenaries was drawn from Lanaixi, which will not affect the war to support Lanaixi's friendly countries.

However, the number of mercenary groups drawn from Lanaixi is far more than the mercenary group that Samomis claimed to be taking away. Almost all the elites of the "Boris Noble Mercenary Group" have been taken away and transported. The fleet sailors of the army were all under Samomis. Unless they ripped their faces and violently seized the ship, Hades and others could not control the course.

So the question arises, what exactly does Samomis want Hades to do? Do you need to deceive domestic and foreign like this and transfer the mercenaries like Hades away?

Although the exiled nobles are broken, they are born nobles, and they are very sensitive to the struggle between nobles. This kind of secret deployment of troops has always been a taboo between countries. I'm afraid it's just three drinks, and then Hades and the others will be kicked out as scapegoats!

This is also where the mercenaries hesitate. If you follow Samomis' will, the consequences may be unimaginable. If you don't follow Samomis's will, your relatives are still in Polly. Who knows Samomis, Or what kind of disgusting stumbling blocks would someone from Samomis' faction make to punish these exiled nobles!

"Why don't we tie the boat and go back to Ranaishi?" a mercenary leader said with little hope, and was immediately turned back by Hades.

"Then you can receive the heads of your wife and children next month," Hades responded bluntly, and then made his own decision, "The situation is lower than people, we can only follow the general direction. Samomis, then pry the corner in a small direction to see if you can find life."

So in the next few days, Hades and other mercenary leaders seemed to be waiting to go to their destination on the surface, but they were actually investigating where the fleet had settled.

In the end, Hades relied on his ability to exchange in the Heroic Spirit Store and succeeded in getting his destination without causing alertness.

"We will disembark at the port of Utdana, and even this group of people will not know about the subsequent transfer."

Utdana is a main city west of Lorne. More than a thousand years ago, "Navigator" Luer set off from here, and then discovered the Edonan Peninsula.

After knowing the destination, I thought of the Poli situation obtained through letters, and the clues that had been hidden in the fog began to be strung together by Hades. Hades vaguely knew what this group of people wanted to do.

"What!" Napolika was taken aback, "Kardosh I went on an expedition himself! This old man is about to be in his eighties, isn't he? Aren't you afraid of dying halfway!"

When Napolika IV was born, Kadoshi was in his forties. He was in his prime, and then he fought against the old aristocracy. Napolika has been in exile for more than 20 years now, and he is almost four years old. It's ten, so Cardos I is also 78 years old this year.

However, at this age, after learning of the outbreak of the new Edonan war, he actually announced to go out in person. Did he want to prove that his sword was not old? Perhaps it was the news of Kadosh I's announcement of his personal expedition that inspired Nanbo Utu, who subsequently declared war on Edonan and stood with Boris.

If Polly gets involved at this time, I am afraid it will be another terrifying war comparable to the Bourbon Island War, so Napolika wrote another letter to Polly asking for help, asking Polly to send troops quickly, and even if it was bad, he would have to send a new one. Here come mercenaries, like the mercenaries of Ranaishi.

But after waiting for a month, Napolika did not hear news of Polly sending new reinforcements, but heard news of Polly's civil war.

When he learned that Polly couldn't send troops at this time, Napolika patted his thigh and sighed: "The good time is ruined at this time, this battle is probably the ending battle of Kadosh I, but with Edonan alone The strength of the country, if you want to defeat Nanbo Utu and Boris at the same time, I think it is very difficult. Is the name of Kadosh I invincible to be passed down like this?"

At this time, in the territory of Poli on the other side of the sea, a low-level civil war has broken out in this country. The so-called low-level civil war is that the civil war is limited to the northern waterway, because both sides of the civil war have degrees in their hearts and know that this is not a war of life and death. , so the civil war did not evolve into a full-scale civil war.

The cause of the civil war was that after the Second Bourbon Island War, Polly became more and more dissatisfied with the existing republican government. They believed that Polly gathered the three kingdoms to besiege Boris, and they were all at a disadvantage (they think so), We think this pot is eating jujube pills!

Among these opponents, the one who dances the most is Fokodo of the Yaros family, which is the fourth reincarnation of the heroic spirit Fokoto. As early as the academy era, Fokoto has repeatedly criticized the republican system and praised the oligarchic system. With the group of people like Focodo entering the political arena, the so-called broken pot pill has also changed from word of mouth to actual struggle.

What is the difference between a republic and an oligarchy in this world? First of all, I need to explain that the so-called elections in this world are all elections between nobles and some outstanding citizens, and have nothing to do with the people. Therefore, the difference between a republic and an oligarchy is the size of the voice of the small aristocracy.

In the era of Bourbon’s hegemony, the implementation of the republic system, the most thorough republic system, each town elects a noble representative to participate in the main city council, and the aristocratic representatives of the main city council participate in the Congress Palace Council, the Congress Palace Council, The representative status of each aristocrat is pacified, but it is divided into old waterway aristocrats and non-old waterway aristocrats.

Arriving here in Polly, a decent republic system was implemented before that, and every noble family in each place had a little bit of right to speak.

This is not the case with the oligarchy system. The oligarchy system concentrates the power of the aristocracy on a few fixed or semi-fixed nobles. As for whether these nobles have hereditary rights, there are two different opinions.

Of course, the implementation of the oligarchic system does not mean that the small nobles can be farts. After all, Bourbon's body is still warm and warm, and Foucault is not that stupid.

The oligarchy means that your little aristocrats don't have much knowledge, and the rotation is too frequent. Isn't it beautiful to hand over state affairs to the big aristocrats who stand high and see far away, and then fix it? In this way, there is no need to replace representatives frequently, which leads to frequent changes in the political situation. Can we have a more stable core?

In short, Polly's republicans and oligarchs had a fierce dispute, and the dispute slowly turned into a personal attack. This time Hades was secretly dispatched back, which was the first physical destruction attack.

Lorne is about to hold a new conference, and Focodo, who is the representative, will naturally attend. The republican Samomis saw this opportunity, so in the name of supporting Edonan, he secretly mobilized Hades' "Boris noble mercenary group"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to prepare for a half-way interception Fokoto, an important leader of the oligarchy.

If this attack is successful, it is naturally the best; if it fails, Samomis is not unable to dock the tail of the gecko and throw the group of Hades out as scapegoats.

Even so, since Fokoto has always supported the use of exiled nobles to deal with Boris, it is naturally impossible to hold all the exiled nobles accountable for this assassination incident, at most killing Hades and the leading descendants. Therefore, this assassination, Samomis not only did not have any losses, but there is still the possibility of profit, why not do it?

As a result, this perfect plan also failed. Those **** mercenaries colluded with Fokodo and defected before the battle, causing Samomis to be very passive.

On the day the news came, Samomis summoned all the participants overnight, and said with a gloomy dripping face: "We have a traitor, otherwise this group of mercenaries would have no way to get along with Fokoto. "

No one answered Samomis's words, so Samomis's face became even worse: "The whereabouts of those exiled nobles are closely monitored by our subordinates, and there is no channel to contact Fokoto. If there are no traitors within us In matchmaking, how can these two forces that have little to do with each other cooperate so closely!"

"Samomis must think that there are traitors within them?" Fokodo sneered, "so he would not think that if the distance between the heroic spirits is less than one kilometer, he can use the heroic spirit channels to communicate, haha. Diess is in the channel, but he said it clearly!"

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