God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 432: : The Legend of the King of Knights (5) The Birth of a Knight

"Arthur, I took you out of the mansion because of God's will to train you to be a perfect knight. Do you have any questions?" Leng Yi sat in front of Arthur, teaching as Merlin. Arthur.

The so-called will of God, Leng Yi is God, so Leng Yi's will is God's will, so when Leng Yi said these words, his face was not red or his heart jumped, and he looked righteous.

At this time, Arthur was already thousands of miles away from home, because when Leng Yi took Arthur away by teleportation magic, in order to avoid Arthur being more timid, he teleported a little farther.

So how far is it? Let's put it this way, Leng Yi has allowed Arthur and himself to reach the inland of Tenglong Continent, and transformed the local environment, turning it from an ordinary forest into a dreamlike forest that only appears in fairy tales.

Hearing Leng Yi's question, Arthur raised his hand and asked, "Respected mentor Merlin, isn't the so-called knight a branch of the army? I haven't heard that knights also obey virtue. If there is virtue, is it? Obey orders, act fast, and unite partners?"

"It can be seen from your answer that you have seriously studied the content taught by the Family Enlightenment School, which is very good, but your answer is wrong, because the knight I am talking about is not the so-called one in the past. A pure army, he is a symbol."

In Arthur's curious eyes, as Leng Yi snapped his fingers, the left side of the two instantly flashed an image that Leng Yi had prepared for a long time. The sudden image frightened Arthur, but with a shake of his body, he quickly regained his composure. Whether it is to see that the image is harmless or the new self, it shows that the child has a good heart, so Leng Yi nodded secretly.

In the flashing picture, a warrior dressed in heavy golden armor, riding a half-armored, mighty horse, came out of the picture. Looking at the mighty knight, Leng Yi noticed a look of envy and hope in Arthur's eyes.

"As a knight, you need to have eight virtues. Only with eight virtues can you be considered a true and qualified knight."

"Virtue?" Arthur seemed to repeat the word back and forth, and it could be seen that he liked it very much.

"First, humility; compared to gods, humans are insignificant, so even if you become Grand Duke Miloqiu, even if you are promoted to extraordinary legend, you can't be arrogant, not only for the arrogant, but also for the lower. Arrogance, it's all unacceptable behavior."

Along with Leng Yi's narration, the mighty knight in the picture gave flowers to the beautiful woman, the old man who couldn't walk on his back crossed the river, and fed the snot-snoting child with snacks.

"Second, honor; you must remember that you are a knight, your knees can only kneel to gods, parents and kings, not to your enemies, you must obey the laws of the world, no matter how bad the situation is, Nor can you bend your knees and compromise with the darkness."

Arthur looked at these images, his eyes flashed with admiration, and said, "This is the real aristocrat." In Leng Yi's mind, he was recalling the wandering knights who were looting in Europe, called "locusts". Germans, as well as such rhetoric as "falsely convert to Lulu, and repent in the future".

"Third, sacrifice; the honor of a lord is above everything else. Although life is precious, as a knight, when necessary, what's the harm in giving your life?"

"Fourth, bravery", "fifth, mercy", "sixth, piety", "seventh, honesty", "eighth, justice"... When Leng Yi finished the eight virtues, Arthur's eyes had become Star-shaped, looking at Leng Yi's eyes full of admiration: "This is what nobles should do!"

"So Arthur, are you willing to work hard to become a knight? You know, it's a very hard road, even I can't be called a real knight, I can't do humility and sacrifice, but I Pin your hopes on you, so can you?"

Arthur nodded excitedly: "Lord Merlin, I can! In order to become a real knight, I am willing to overcome all kinds of tests along the way!"

So in the years that followed, Arthur, as a disciple of Leng Yi, began to work hard to become a "knight" in Europe in the mouth of the public. This kind of treatment is incredible. Speaking of which, the last person to enjoy such a special counseling treatment as Leng Yi was the first-generation Xiaguang sage from Bafilke.

Cold Game teaches Arthur in three ways. One is spiritual power cultivation, at this point Arthur enjoys the unbelievable favorable conditions of others. One of the reasons why Chuck Ju IV didn't want Leng Yi to take Arthur away was because he felt that the ascetic had no good conditions for cultivation.

You must know that cultivating today is not simply a matter of operating spiritual power. Those who really use spiritual power to cultivate as they did a thousand years ago will probably become a common cultivator on the street. In martial arts terms, cultivation requires natural and earthly treasures, and cold chess can create the best conditions at this point.

The place where Arthur lives now is the forest in the inland of Tenglong Continent, which has been transformed into a fantasy forest by Leng Yi, in the way of a fairy tale. Now all the animals here can talk to Arthur. Lying on the ground and sleeping will not feel cold and damp, but just warm. Food can be eaten from dewdrops to leaves, and it will greatly promote cultivation.

In addition, every once in a while, Leng Yi will let Arthur go out to receive experience, experience fairy tale scenes, birds that guide the way, trees that can talk, and let Arthur experience the beauty of the world.

The second aspect of teaching Arthur is theory. Leng Yi taught him all the knowledge related to Arthur in this era. Because of his own intelligence and the cooperation of the magic food here, Arthur learns very quickly. Gradually grow into a learned man.

The third aspect is the etiquette of the nobles. In order to ensure that Arthur does not become the "vulgar person" in the noble circle, Leng Yi taught Arthur all the thinking of the nobles on paper.

The etiquette taught by Leng Yi to Arthur is all the most noble and upright. In fact, the nobles also have many dark places in the etiquette. If they teach them normally, they will need the teachers of the nobles' own families to combine with the nobles' own perceptions to find out these things. , can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, but Cold Game teaches Arthur according to the content on paper.

In these years, Leng Yi has often used a magic mirror to observe Arthur's growth. As far as the results are concerned, his teaching has been very successful. Because Arthur has been alone in the forest for a long time, he has been in contact with either himself or those animals. Contaminated by the outside world, his morality became more and more noble, and he really got closer to the "virtue of chivalry" that Leng Yi used to call him.

In the process of teaching Arthur, the most difficult question for Leng Yi was a historical question posed by Arthur: "Dear Merlin,"

"Oh, now this world finally has a real, completely good person, but ah, the magic mirror, the magic mirror, tell me, what will happen to this good person?"

As he became more and more familiar with Arthur, looking at Arthur with an innocent expression on his face, Leng Yi felt a little drum in his heart. When he was looking for "good people", he saw the name "Arthur" and had a little association. Then he really cultivated him in this area, so he was cool, what would be the consequences for Arthur?

"In the future, except for the great master, who will observe it in person, who else can predict it?" The magic mirror replied, and flattered Leng Yi.

But what the magic mirror said is true, yes, unless you cheat by opening the tentacles of the future, who can know what Arthur's future looks like. So, put him back?

After thinking about it, Leng Yi invited Arthur. At this time, 10 years have passed since Arthur was brought to the magic forest by himself, and Arthur has grown into an 18-year-old youth.

As he grew older, Arthur became more handsome, with blond hair shining like sunshine, a voice more sweet than a troubadour without training, pupils as beautiful as agate, and a sway like a breeze The hearty smile like a wheat field.

It's really hard to see that this guy has not seen any other human beings except himself for ten years, yet he can still have such a healthy mentality.

"Flander Arthur Sulvin Miloqiu," Leng Yi solemnly read out Arthur's full name, "You have also studied under my guidance for ten years, and now it is time for you to accept It's time for the last test, and if you can pass it, you'll truly be a knight."

Arthur respectfully saluted Leng Yi: "I will do my best to pass the test, mentor."

"The final test is that you have to go to the end of the forest, and you will find a blue lake shrouded in mist that will never dissipate. In the center of the lake is a small island with weapons given to you by the gods. He brought it back to me, and this is my test for you."

"The Biography of King Arthur, Chapter 3, The Test" (excerpt)

"... After accepting the final test given by Merlin's mentor, King Arthur began to walk into the depths of the forest. He had to go deeper into the forest than ever before to see the small lake in the mouth of Merlin. King Arthur didn't know which direction to go~www. wuxiaspot.com~ So he started walking intuitively because he believed the gods would protect him."

"...The giant was overwhelmed by King Arthur's bearing, so he sucked up the swamp that separated the forest and the small lake, and created a passage. After sucking up the swamp, the giant turned to leave, and before leaving, he sincerely wished: 'Arthur, You will become the first knight, and I believe that you can do what no one has done before and pass the test."

"...The crow was impressed by King Arthur's bearing, so he told King Arthur how to get through the fog: 'You need to plug your ears with my feathers so that you won't be disturbed by the goblins in the lake, but remember, don't be disturbed by the lake The goblin found you plugged your ears'."

"...The goblin in the lake found that King Arthur had blocked his ears, and shouted angrily: 'You don't want to listen to our song!' So he shook Arthur's boat violently, just when Arthur was about to fall off the boat, The queen of the fairies in the lake appeared, and Arthur found out that the queen was the little girl he had helped before."

"'Arthur is a good man, don't confuse him with an evil robber.' The goblins in the lake stopped rocking Arthur's boat under the queen's stop, but they were still dissatisfied: 'Or maybe he is a scum with a deep disguise? Unless he passes our test!'"

"After waving goodbye to the lovely lake goblin, Arthur finally landed on the island. He found that among the piles of rubble, there were two magical artifacts, one was a shining sword inserted in the stone, and the other was The scabbard lying in the little pond on the island, so which one should Arthur choose?"

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