God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 435: : After the return of a distant country from overseas: Legend of the King of Knights (

"The Biography of King Arthur, Chapter 6, Punishment of Evil" (excerpt)

"...Chakju IV held a grand banquet in order to welcome King Arthur. After the banquet, King Arthur remembered the order of the villager, so he went to Chuckju IV and said:"

"'Respected uncle, on the way to Madeira, I browsed the Miloqiu principality you ruled. Your rule is just and honest, and most people live in peace and contentment and live happily, but there is a dark cloud over Milo. Qiu Principality's sky has damaged your reputation.'"

"When I first listened to King Arthur's praise, King Chuck Ju IV was very happy to stroke his beard, because it was King Arthur's praise for him, but at the end, King Chuck Ju IV became a little unhappy, so he said:"

"'My young nephew, how could there be dark clouds in the Principality of Miloqiu? I am the successor of my ancestor Miloqiu, how can I make my people cry and humiliate the name of my ancestor?'"

"'My dear uncle, although you are wise and wise, you are not a **** of the sky sitting in the clouds, not to mention that the territory of the Principality of Miluoqiu is so vast, it is sad to be deceived, but it is also possible to happen,' so Arthur told Chuck Ju IV about everything on the way back, covering the tragedy in that villager's hometown."

"After Chuck Ju IV heard the tragedy, his face became very ugly, but with a bit of disbelief: 'Arthur, do you know that the person you are accusing is not someone else, but your uncle Bonvailian? He is my right-hand man to rule the Principality of Milo Qiu, how could he do such an evil thing!'"

"Bangway Li An was still by the side at this time, and when he heard that Arthur actually exposed the scandal he had done, he was so scared that three souls lost two souls, thinking that if Chuck Ju IV knew the truth, then his own glory and wealth would be , can't you keep it? So Bangwa Yili An strongly denied it: "

"'Oh, young nephew, you accuse me of being an evil person, do you have any evidence? Can you convict me with just your mouth? Maybe you were deceived by that country girl and said Not sure!'"

"Arthur's expression became cold, thinking of the innocent dead and wounded in that village, and anger surged in Arthur's heart, but it took a lot of effort to contain it: 'Uncle Bonway Li An, do you still remember that I have The sword in the stone! Whether you are a bad person or not, the sword in the stone will naturally decide!'"

"Bangway Li An also remembered the effect of the sword in the stone, and was so frightened that he slumped to the ground..."

"...The general evil elements lurking in the Principality of Miloqiu, headed by Bangwa Yilian, were finally brought to justice by Arthur after they endangered the Principality of Miloqiu for decades, so that they could get the punishment they deserve. ."

"When he learned of their guilt, King Chakju IV repented in frustration: 'I originally thought that the Principality of Miluoqiu was prosperous under my governance, but I didn't expect to hide such a group of villains, they are still my clansmen Ah! Even the king was alarmed by this incident! The **** of the sky is on top, what face do I have to continue to be the Grand Duke!'"

"'Arthur, if it weren't for you, I don't know how long I'd be hidden by the gang of thugs like Bonvailian! If I made such a big mistake, I have no face to serve as Grand Duke Milo Qiu again. Arthur! , I decided to pass on the Grand Duke Milo Qiu to you, and only you can make up for my mistakes.'"

"King Arthur blushed when he heard these words, and he quickly declined: 'No, uncle, there has never been an 18-year-old grand duke since ancient times, even a great man like the ancestor Miloqiu was only 30 years old. Being granted a duchy, how can I, He De, take your place?'"

"'They are them, you are you, you are a great person, and will surely become an existence comparable to the ancestor Miloqiu, so I will pass the Archduke to you, if you do not accept it, I can only go to the church to the sky God repented.'"

"Seeing that Chuck Ju IV was so remorseful, King Arthur couldn't refuse, he could only delay his succession:"

"'Respected uncle, if you insist on passing the position of Grand Duke to me, it is not impossible, but I must wait until I graduate from Milo Chiu College and obtain the honor of the best graduate before accepting the position of Grand Duke. ; Besides, if I fail to marry a woman of high status and love, I have no face to take over as Grand Duke.'"

"Chuck Ju IV was stunned, he said: 'Arthur, you are 18 years old now, and you can only study for 2 years at Milo Qiu College. How can you get the honor of the best graduate in just 2 years? You? Isn't it a refusal?'"

"'Uncle, if I can't do the impossible, how can I be crowned Grand Duke Milo Qiu at the age of 18?'..."

"Despite Chuck Ju IV's repeated pleas, Arthur still humbly declined. There is no way, Chuck Ju IV can only agree to Arthur's compromise plan. But even so, Chuck Ju IV no longer cares about Mai. The Duchy of Luoqiu, he thought that he could not manage it because of his incompetence, so he handed the Duchy of Mai Luoqiu to Arthur's father Uther to temporarily manage it on his behalf."

A few weeks after Arthur returned home, King Chuck Ju IV was escorted to Milo Qiu College. Although Arthur has missed the golden age of learning and is normally unable to enroll, how about Arthur's birth? Milo Qiu family; how strong is Arthur? Fire phosphorus level and has three artifacts, so it was specially approved for admission.

After enrolling in school, Arthur quickly became like the protagonists of Dian Niang, setting off a new storm in the academy, severely attacking the evil forces and bad phenomena in the academy, setting off a new atmosphere.

During this period, Arthur was like the protagonist who was always targeted, and encountered several villains several times... invisible confrontation and passive sabotage...

This is also understandable. The protagonist in the middle usually has no background and is not high-level, so he is coerced by the second-generation ancestor with a deep background, and then pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger to leapfrog monsters.

But Arthur is different. He was a fire phosphorus grade when he entered the school. It can be said that he is the strongest among the students, and he holds the three artifacts. He also belongs to the most powerful Miluoqiu family in the Principality of Miluoqiu, or he is a direct descendant. Who can compare to him in the background of strength theory? Which villain dares to go head-to-head with Arthur?

Besides, Arthur didn't actually do anything terrible, he just punished evil and promoted good, and refused to oppress the lower grades and the helpers from the higher grades. In fact, these are nothing. What really made the students of the academy cry and howl was Arthur's meticulous use of noble morality to demand the students.

Why are there nobles and commoners in this world? Because the nobles have higher morals than the commoners, they need to have stronger power than the commoners in order to protect the commoners.

This theory is the propaganda of the nobles for the power of the nobles. Of course, few nobles really believe this. Whoever believes that who is the club will do what they usually do. But now there is a club that I really believe in, and it is really coming, and this club is still quite difficult to deal with.

In the face of such a club, it is impossible to fight; fight for the background? His uncle is Grand Duke Milo Qiu; do you make sense? People ask you according to noble morality. Noble morality is written by ancestors. They are all excellent terms at a glance. Is it wrong? So what can they do? Can only be tossed to death.

"Fortunately, this disaster star will graduate in two years," this is the common voice of countless aristocrats of the Miloqiu Academy.

And what about Arthur? He didn't feel that he was annoying at all, and also felt that Milo-Qiu College was really corrupt and needed to form a group to maintain discipline with him. When Cold Game until Arthur had the idea, he gave the organization Arthur wanted to build a name that fit the bill.

"The Knights of the Round Table! The nobles of noble character become knights, and the knights form the Knights of the Round Table to help each other, witness our commitment, and make the world a better place!" On the square of Milo Qiu College, Arthur played with high spirits. Banners to publicize the students who come to play.

At this time, Madeira happened to meet the tax season, and the tax collectors of Gosamodo came to the Principality of Miloqiu to collect taxes once a year. King Chakju IV originally didn't care about this matter. After all, taxation is a matter of course, and the Principality of Miloqiu is not a complete autonomous region, but this time, Gossamodo's envoys are not only tax collectors.

"I am the plenipotentiary envoy of King Gossamodo, and I came to the Principality of Miloqiu to visit His Excellency the Grand Duke." After seeing King Chakju IV, the man bowed respectfully, but still gave him a gift to King Chakju IV. A feeling of a smiling tiger.

Before the other party spoke, Chuck Ju IV guessed that the other party might be talking about Arthur. After all, Arthur had been making a lot of noise in Miloqiu College in recent months.

The envoy spoke, and the topic he wanted to talk about was related to Arthur, but it was not Arthur's return or Arthur's troubles in the academy, but the previous incident, Arthur's punishment.

"Our great and glorious king has already known what happened in the Principality of Miloqiu recently," the smiling tiger envoy said unhurriedly, "our king thinks that there are so many sinners lurking in the Principality of Miloqiu, or is it? Relying on Arthur to be exposed, this shows that you, Grand Duke Milo Qiu, are not very competent."

In an instant, King Chakju IV understood the other party's intention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It has been more than 20 years since the Principality of Miloqiu departed from Sara and joined Goshamodo. Grand Duke Miloqiu has had two incidents. times replacement.

In the first two replacements, Goshamodo did not pay attention to this. He only needed to report a letter to the Satsuma royal family after the Miloqiu family's own election. However, now it may be the candidate who wants to control the Grand Duke Miloqiu. .

snort! Before the civil war between the two factions of Sara, Grand Duke Milo-Qiu didn't need a king bb, but now Goshamdo means he wants to learn Sara? Don't be afraid to become a new Sara!

But this time the Gossamodo royal family did occupy the righteous name, so King Chakju IV had to resign first, and then fill in the topic with no suitable candidates for the time being: "Although the old man has been oversight, it is generally the case. Qualified, didn't the king think so in his report in the past? If the old man suddenly steps down, this Mi Luoqiu, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle."

"No problem, no problem, isn't your nephew Arthur a young man with good morals and a bright future?" Smiling Tiger said the theme with a smile, trying to see it. As the words fell, Chuck Ju IV's face was extremely shocked.

At this time, King Liao Dekuan II of Goshamdo was sitting in the palace happily listening to beautiful music and eating delicious food: "Counting the time, Xiao Cong should have arrived at Chakju IV's house and gave him gifts. Right."

Thinking of this, Liao Dekuan II couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing: "Hahaha, I finally determined that Arthur is really stupid and not a disguise. If such a person becomes Grand Duke Miluo Qiu, I can put down a hundred hearts. what!"

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