God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 443: : The Legend of the King of Knights (16) The Fall of Angerd

Dais walked aimlessly on the streets of this ruined village, the village was burned, the strong men were slaughtered, the children were taken away, the women... Dais couldn't help but feel a little desolate, even though the village was about to disappear. On the map, I still don't know its name, and maybe no one will remember his name in the future.

As a country man, the reason why Dais came up with this kind of idea that only literati and writers have, is not because of his special talent, but because the fellow who brought him here died, Dais didn't know what to do, so he messed around everywhere. When you go shopping, you will come up with these thoughts of chanting the moon and the sad wind.

As far as Dais's personal thoughts are concerned, since he has come to be a soldier, he first wants to steal money, and secondly, he wants to marry a woman; money is no need to think about, the village is not rich, and the veterans are even better at looting. The sky is three feet high, and I can't compare to them; and what about women? Since the last time I killed the mob with the lord, I haven't touched a woman.

But those veterans are very stingy, and the women they can watch are either kept by themselves, or sold to carriage owners hiding in the woods along with children and old people. The few women who were thrown out have already been played with. Before he could react, the surrounding companions had already swarmed up.

From the number of people who saw it, Dais felt that by the time he was there, it was already a corpse. No matter how rude Dais was, he couldn't convince himself to go to the corpse, so he could only hang out in the village.

After wandering around for an unknown amount of time, the veterans were done, so they called Dess and the others to carry corpses, equipment, burn the village, and in short, serve as coolies. After Dais and the others worked hard for a long time, the veterans gathered Dais and others, paid some salaries, and then took Dais on the way back.

Until this point, Dais realized that the business that the deceased fellow said was referring to the same thing. God is pitiful. Dais has finally been paid since he joined the army.

One might ask what does this sentence mean? You must know that in this era, the generals basically did not count the temporary conscript farmers like Dais as soldiers, so at most they only care about their food, and they will not be paid salaries and equipment.

Then there is no money and equipment, so why do people like Dais come here? Of course it's coming! You have planted the land of the nobleman, and now the nobleman is in trouble, why don't you recommend yourself to be a soldier and do logistics? And this is also the reason why "soldiers" like Dais have no fighting spirit, and their minds are not fighting but looting.

What's even more terrifying is that Dai Si's group of Luofeng villagers called Baron Luofeng a good noble, not touting Baron Luofeng. You must know that Dais joined the army this time, and before he set off, he got enough food from the baron to go to the gathering place.

For people like Dess, this is amazing good governance! Especially after arriving at the barracks and meeting people from other villages, Dais had a deeper understanding of what a wonderful and kind person the baron in his village was, more than a hundred times kinder than that "idiot Arthur".

It is rare that Dais and the others can get rations from the baron. It is a common practice for barons to bring their own rations to participate in the war. According to the message that Dais heard, the most excessive baron took out Milo. The law of the Principality of Qiu stated that during the war, villagers were not allowed to leave the village for no reason, and if they left the village, they had to pay tribute to him. Therefore, before the peasants and soldiers prepared their own rations and weapons (sticks picked up in the forest) to go out, they had to pay the baron. Gongli village fee.

(There is a rule that villagers must not leave the village for no reason during the war, but the purpose of this rule is to prevent villagers from fornicating with foreign enemies, and the law expressly states that this rule does not apply to those villagers who go to join the army. But the baron deliberately did not When you say this, no one in the village knows about it, and those who know are afraid to say it for fear of being targeted by the baron, so the entire village can only be slaughtered by the baron.)

They need to bring their own rations and weapons, are forced out of the village, have no military pay, and don’t know what kind of war they want to fight. They usually serve as surrogate ghosts and coolies. , just want to return to the village immediately after the war.

After finishing this business, Dais mixed in with the large army, tightly holding the first batch of reward silver he got, and walked slowly to the barracks, but the veterans were very happy, drinking and grabbing from the village. The bad wine that arrived, sang out-of-key songs, and walked back slowly.

When he reached the gate of the barracks, he was stopped by the guards. An old soldier smiled and went up to prepare for accommodation with the other party. As a result, he approached the guard and was poked by the guard with a spear, which scared the old soldier back a few steps.

At this time, not far from the camp, a dignified noble dressed in valuable armor came over and shouted sharply to these people: "You rebels who dare to go against the will of Grand Duke Arthur! If you don't put down your weapons, you will be captured. Accept your punishment!"

The veterans exploded with a bang. Unexpectedly, the incident happened silently. However, since the camp was already covered by long-range weapons, the veterans could only surrender after complaining to each other for a short time.

At this time, in the main general's tent, the Knight of the Round Table, Kai, summoned the military chief of Angade, and was furious at the many veterans, spitting spittle, which made these veterans feel resentful and exchanged their dissatisfaction with each other's eyes.

"So many villages were slaughtered and slaughtered by our soldiers, and you didn't mention a word in your report! This is not to take the orders of His Excellency the Archduke seriously, and the other is to not put the lives of the people of this country on the line In the eyes, the third is that the honor of the aristocrats is not taken seriously, and the army under them turns into a group of rude wolves! You say, what should you do!"

The former commander of Angade, also a member of the Miluoqiu family, smiled gently and tried to ease the atmosphere on the field as an elder: "This, Akai,"

"Who are you, Akai? Your Excellency General, please remember that this is in the midst of war! This is in the barracks! Please address each other with military salutes!" Kai snapped back, then took out Arthur's will and said, "Now that Your Excellency the Grand Duke has issued an operation, because of your incompetence and incompetence, Angade has temporarily arranged for the Overseer, and I will take up this position!"

"This, this, this, this procedure doesn't match, right? If you want to set up an overseer, you must pass a parliamentary vote to declare the bill. You..."

"The Overseer's proposal has been sent to the parliament, and the Great Guild will vigorously approve it. It will be a sure thing, so I will take up this position first, and I can't let Angde's situation continue to deteriorate like this!"

"Deterioration?" The general was about to spit out a mouthful of blood. If Kay took the blame for his character or indulged his subordinates, then he would have nothing to say, but now he said he was deteriorating? The general was so angry that he was almost speechless, "This year, the old man has firmly guarded Angad, and is gradually compressing and expelling the area where the barbarians have invaded. How come it has deteriorated?"

"The living conditions of the people of Angad are deteriorating! Not under the slaughtering knives of the barbarians, but under the slaughtering knives of your army! This is not a deterioration!"

At this point, the main general also tore his face and began to confront Kai: "It's ridiculous so far! The places where the old man erects the walls and clears the fields were originally expected to be sawed, and the old man just made those places become what they are now! You just I haven't investigated and found that almost all the nobles and senior villagers in that place have withdrawn! Did this old man not do anything before letting go!"

"So you are complacent? Are you complacent about such an army? Are you an aristocrat! Where is the honor of the nobles placed! When we become nobles, we have the obligation to protect civilians, and what have you done! The army you lead What has it become!"

The general was choked again, and his breathing calmed down after a while. He looked at Kai with strange eyes, and asked in a calm tone, "What does the nobility have to do with honor? Isn't the nobility determined by blood? You really believe those What? And since you deny my strategy of unifying the army, what kind of army do you think the war should be like?"

"A well-disciplined army with honor as its life, brave soldiers, equal enemies, and knights who lead the army to victory. This is what war should look like!"

The main general finally gave up arguing with Kai, because he realized that he and Kai were in two world channels, so he said: "In this case, the old man will let you supervise this army." After that, he waved his sleeves and left, all the people in the camp. The general immediately followed the main general.

Looking at the suddenly empty tent, Kai finally understood Arthur's troubles: "If all the nobles became knights, then there would be no debate now, right? After all, there are still too few knights in this world."

"Who does this young man think he is? He doesn't have any official position, and he has his current status purely through the promotion of the Grand Duke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is still so arrogant, does he think he controls the truth?" After leaving the camp, the general They cursed for a while, and then asked the Lord what to do next.

"In the words of the realm of the gods, that is to see him build a tall building, and the young knight will eventually be crushed by reality, or killed," the general said coldly.

Ever since the man named Kay came to serve as the Overseer, Dess felt that the atmosphere in the entire barracks was not right. The golden knight was patrolling everywhere, trying to arrest some "evil people".

After a few days, the situation deteriorated. It started with a ragged man being taken to the barracks by the Overseer. He identified a group of veterans, and then the veterans identified more people. It was like a virus that infected the entire barracks, everywhere every day. Everyone was caught.

Dais was also arrested a week later. Since Dais's group was already far behind, and there were not enough cells in the military barracks, Dais was taken to Angerd's cell for detention.

After being locked here, it was said that the interrogation would take place in a short period of time, but after a week of release, Dais and his group did not turn around. The only impression Dais had during this period was that the food in the cell was getting less and less, and even the food was out of stock. .

On the night of the lack of food, there was a commotion outside, and then a group of troops with blue turbans on their heads rushed into the cell, opened the cell door, and released Dais and the others: "Damn Kay, you're going to drive us all to death. , everyone follow the barbarians to fight for a way to survive! Tie a blue turban on your head, kill anyone who is not tied, and follow me!"

The cell was a sensation, and with the hoarse roar, Dais was pushed forward by the inmates around him, and then rushed out of the cell.

After rushing out of the cell, what Dess saw was the burning Angad, the flames soared into the sky, and a crowd of black people slashed and killed each other here.

Angold, are you going to fall?


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