God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 462: : Reunion of the Far Lands Abroad: The Legend of King Arthur (35)

Bedwell is a Hansamon. In fact, the village Arthur encountered was a Hansamun village in the Principality of Hammador, so their language was so strange.

In fact, Bedwell didn't plan to come back today. You must know that the time for the mercenaries to return to the village is stipulated, but the clouds in the sky changed for half an hour. Not only did Arthur see it, but also happened to be in the nearby Bedwell mercenary group. I saw it, so I followed the clouds back to my village.

It was precisely because of the illusionary cloud that they believed that Arthur really had divine grace, and Arthur promised to thank the mercenary group well when he returned to Bangalore, so they decided to **** him. Arthur.

"Hanshamen? I heard that the syllables of respect are from the Hamador line. Are you a mixture of Hamador and Menshi?" In Bedwell's spare time guiding Arthur, Ya Se accidentally asked about his background.

Bedwell thought for a while and replied, "I don't know how my ethnic group came from, but the priest at the altar said that it was the descendants of the Hammadorized Menses, and then mixed with some saros. People's blood or something, it's not reliable to say that it must be from that lineage."

"I'm sorry, Mencius? Do you mean the Mencius, not the Menshes?" Arthur only knew that Laventica had conquered the Menshes in the Laventica area before invading the east coast. country, but Arthur really didn't know anything about the concept of the Mencius.

"Yes, Menses," Bedwell replied affirmatively, "the priests say that the Menses are the barbarian fellows of the Menshes, but they were wiped out by the Dula more than two hundred years ago, so Not many people remember them now."

"That's it, no wonder," Arthur nodded knowingly. Arthur still knew something about the barbarian tribe of the Dura people. The Dura people are a barbarian located in the south of the Gorisa people. Languages ​​of various ethnic groups in the region, and there are not many regions bordering Goshamodo.

When Arthur returned to the west in the Principality of Hamadore, he used the banner of Bedwell's mercenary group, which reduced a lot of trouble for Arthur's southward march.

Of course, even with the Bedwell mercenary regiment as the vest, Arthur still encountered some difficulties. This package included 3 bandit attacks, 1 rout attack, 1 noble private soldier attack, and 2 villagers passing by the village. , 4 Warcraft attacks, but fortunately, with the martial arts of Arthur and others, they all survived.

But Arthur still reveals his identity in the end, which happened while passing by a noble country estate.

That manor was surrounded by three or four mercenary groups, who tried to invade the manor and loot. When Bedwell's mercenary group passed by, those mercenary groups even invited Bedwell to join the raid:

"The nobleman in this village is a miser. He won't pay for his own life until the whole family is killed. And this nobleman is also a staunch Hammador supremacist. The earl's inspector appointed by Ventica will not shed a single tear."

The contempt for the nobles in the group's words angered Arthur, and Arthur stood up and angrily reprimanded them. As a result, among the mercenaries, there were actually veterans who participated in the Warnachar battle and survived. How much make-up Arthur, so he shouted: "King Arthur! He is King Arthur!"

After a while, the mercenary group moved together, a group of people surrounded Arthur, a group of people ran on the official road, it seemed that they were going to the city, and the other group ran to the noble manor and took King Arthur. The news here is notified to the manor owner, and the manor owner is asked for rewards and employment.

When Arthur saw this situation, he knew it was going to be bad. Although he could easily defeat the blockade of the opposing mercenary group with his remnants of the army and the fighting power of the mercenary group, he could never completely wipe out the opponent, and wait until the opponent fled. After the people who went out called the army in the city, it would really be over.

"Your Excellency the Knight King, we have passed the Shrike, and we can return to Bangalore after passing through Yati, break through the blockade of the rabble, and step up the march!" Bedwell made this suggestion to Arthur, and after Arthur agreed, He directed the armed gang to start breaking through.

Breaking through the siege is very simple. This group of mercenaries has no interest in confronting Arthur head-on, so they easily let Arthur break through. But it is worth mentioning that when Arthur evacuated with the remnants of the army, the hostile mercenary group was still negotiating with the Scrooge Manor owner.

When the emergency march began, the gap between the remnant army led by Arthur and the rural mercenary group of Bedwell was reflected. The mercenary group couldn't keep up with the footsteps of Arthur and others, and began to hold back.

Faced with such a situation, Arthur held an ad hoc meeting and said to the people of the Bedwell mercenary group: "Everyone, if the current speed of progress means that it is impossible to escape the eyes of the mercenary group, then soon It will be overtaken by the enemy's large army, so now we must divide our forces."

"Is King Arthur abandoning us?" After Bedwell finished translating Arthur's speech, there was a commotion in Bedwell's mercenary group.

"Of course not. Abandoning teammates is not the behavior of the Cavaliers. Tomorrow, I will set up an ambush in the hills in front of me, first kill the eyeliner in the back, and then I will continue to attract their attention with the fast runners. You guys can't keep up. The people who are smashed will be scattered first, and the whole will be broken into pieces."

Bedvel, who was in charge of the translation, was circled. He couldn't understand the idioms from the heavens in Arthur's mouth, "birds fly and clouds scattered" and "break into pieces", so he could only look at Arthur innocently. Arthur had to use vulgar words. It is only by explaining the meaning of these two idioms in the language that Bedwell can fully convey the meaning.

So the key to breaking down the fighters who couldn't keep up was the ambush battle in the Tomorrow Hills. But Arthur overlooked a few points.

The combatants around Arthur at this time are no longer the brave noble soldiers of the past, but the remnants who have been running for a long time but have little food. In addition, there are also more than half of the village mercenaries whose combat quality is higher than that of the peasants. This made it difficult to communicate and execute Arthur's battle plan well.

As a result, the ambush battle that was expected to wipe out the spies in the rear was unexpectedly escaped by the opponent. If this team escapes, then Arthur's battle plan will fail, and then they will be more vigilant, and there will be no such good ambush opportunities.

Just when Arthur thought the battle plan was over, another group of mercenaries suddenly appeared in the direction of the deserters' retreat. The deserters originally thought that the mercenaries were the ones to meet them, so they fled into their camp unprepared. The mercenaries attacked in an instant, executing the last deserter.

After the deserter was executed, the newly emerged mercenaries approached Arthur. After the warning distance, the leader of the mercenaries dropped their weapons and marched forward to show that they were not a threat, so Arthur also let his men relax their vigilance.

When the mercenary leader approached Arthur, he knelt on his knees for Arthur with a plop, and cried: "Dear King of Knights, your humble servant Dais is finally alive to see you! Many people are talking about you He's already dead, but I firmly don't believe it, how could someone as good as you die so early, and sure enough, I finally saw you!"

Arthur has an excellent memory and can remember the names of little people, which is one of the reasons why those commoners adore Arthur. Therefore, after the mercenary leader approached him and said his name, Arthur immediately recalled his past contact with Dais and who this Dais was.

So Arthur helped Dais up: "I know, you are a villager in Angerde, right? You followed me to Angerde and lived to the end. You are a loyal subject of the Duchy of Miloqiu."

"It's me, it's me, esteemed King Arthur, you still remember me as a little guy," Dais gradually stopped crying after being helped by Arthur.

"Would you like to join me?" Arthur continued after seeing Dess nodding, "Now is not the time to reminisce, we have to implement the retreat plan first, and we will talk about other issues when it is safe to do so." Dess Without hesitation, he greeted his subordinates to act according to Arthur's instructions.

When he was in a safe area, Arthur could finally calm down and ask how Dais had changed from a villager in Angerd to an active mercenary in the Principality of Hammador.

"King Arthur, as soon as I heard the news that you are going to go out again, I was the first to sign up and became the first batch of troops in Luofeng Village to support you. After arriving at the front line, although I failed to follow you to kill the enemy like last time, It's just some logistical work as an auxiliary soldier, but even so, I'm happy to serve you."

"But the day before the year before, I discovered a secret. Meng Mu's logistics officer actually deducted the military rations shipped to the front line and stuffed it into his own pocket, so I angrily went to report it to the officers of my team, but they called me Don't worry, I wanted to report it to the Cavaliers, but before I could report it, I was locked up."

Hearing this news, Arthur's face suddenly turned gloomy. He didn't expect that after being in the front line for so long, the rear actually started to do things for him again.

Where is Meng Mu? Meng Mu is located in the north of Bangalore and west of Miluoqiu. Whether it is to transport general grain to Bangalore or to Miluoqiu, it must pass through Mengmu, which can be said to be an important passage.

And Arthur recalled that after the war for the past few years, the military rations became less and less, and the logistics were also damaged. He asked Lancelot before, his explanation was that the national strength was too much, and he had to use shoddy ones. Se believed it. I didn't expect that it would be done like this later. What did Mentor Merlin say? The front is tight, the rear is tight!

"Go on," Arthur said through gritted teeth.

"After I was taken into prison, they beat me for a while, almost killing me," Dais rolled up his shirt, revealing his scarred upper body, frowning.

"Isn't there a potion for healing scars? Why don't you buy it?" Arthur asked in confusion. The potion for removing scars is a very common potion among nobles to ensure that nobles look bright and beautiful.

As a result, Dais looked at Arthur in surprise and asked, "Isn't this medicine only for nobles to buy? If commoners buy it, they will be fined ten times as much."

Arthur was even more surprised than Dais: "What? During the Knights Circuit Court, I read the laws of the Principality of Miloqiu more than ten times from top to bottom. Why didn't I know there was such a law?"

Dais pressed his forehead, and he knew that he seemed to have pierced a basket. At this time, Dais was no longer the young man who followed Arthur to Anged more than ten years ago.

So Dais coughed twice and took over the topic: "Anyway, esteemed King Arthur, after they beat me, when they were about to bury me alive, someone invited them to drink, and they also bought black devil offerings from them. , I was brought there as a sacrifice."

"Black Devil?" Arthur repeated syllable by syllable, "The scope of this group of people is really wide."

"It was a large-scale sacrificial event~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I wasn't the last sacrificial offering. As a result, there was a problem with one of the sacrificial offerings in front of me. The whole altar was blown up, and it was black. Because of the vibration, I was restrained. The chains were shaken, and I took the opportunity to unplug the robe of a devil worshiper who was killed by the bombing, and tucked the chains still tied to my hands in the robe."

"When their accomplices came, they rescued me and some other people, and then said that this matter would be a big one, and the wind would be very tight, and they sent me some money and a guide, and told me to go to the Principality of Hammador to take refuge first. ."

"Meng Mu's devil worshipper, I will send you a guide to the Principality of Hammador, for you?" Arthur's voice became louder every time he uttered a sentence, which made Dai Si a little uneasy, "It's okay, it's not against you, you go on."

"It's nothing after that. I found an empty space to leave the team on the way, and they didn't come to me. Then I felt that the officials at the front were unreliable, so I fled to Hammador, gathered some refugees, and formed a servant. Corps, and then I met you today."

"According to your description, it is easy to establish a mercenary group in the Principality of Hammador?"

"Yeah, there are refugees everywhere, and the soldiers are defeated. It's very easy to buy people from the village, and I get the repatriation fee from that devil worshipper."

The magic mirror told Arthur that Dess had lied. To be precise, he should have concealed part of the truth, but Arthur didn't want to care about these things for the time being, because although Dess lied to himself a little, but he worshipped Arthur. But it is so real, one yard is one yard, since Dais has saved Arthur now, then Arthur will go to Meng Mu to give Dais justice.

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