God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 470: : Brawl Before the End of the Battle (Beginning) Phase 5 Start

In 1900 of the calendar year, all the heroic spirits participating in the heroic spirit game were gathered together, and they were informed from the God of Slasher that the fifth phase of the heroic spirit game was about to start, which was the last foreshadowing before the final battle.

"And four Heroic Spirit games have been played, so there is no need for me to say more, just to warn you in advance that the "Ebos Ban" will be revoked in 100 years, that is, in the year 2000 of the calendar."

Hearing Leng Yi's words, all the heroic spirits froze. What is the Ebos Prohibition? The content has been said in the previous matter, that is, Boris cannot let the army land on the Dragon Continent, and the result of this ban is that the Bourbon Sea is forcibly divided into two parallel lines, the Dragon Continent. , Bourbon Island and the Edonan Peninsula.

Now the countries of Tenglong Continent and the countries of Bourbon Island can fight at their own pace, because they know that the only country on the other side that has the ability to interfere with them, Boris, can't invade themselves, but once the "Ebos Ban" is lifted, this But can't tell.

"Okay, I will explain here. The rest of you heroic spirits can go first. The heroic spirits of the Boemi camp and the Merami camp will stay first. I have something to explain."

With a flash of light from the teleportation array, there were only 5 people left in the silver-white room that was crowded with people before. One was Leng Yi, and the other four were Kalai and Lesso from the Boemi camp. Nuo, with Gu Geduo and Saiflifu from the Merami camp.

Kalai, the descendant of Moxie; Lesorno, the reborn of Afonci; Gu Geduo, the lucky one from Orono; Saiflifu, the first generation of Xiaguang sages of Bam.

"In the first phase of the Heroic Spirit game, there were 15 factions. When the fifth phase of the Heroic Spirit game is about to begin, there are 16 factions in total, of which twelve are official countries, two are semi-nations, and two are This one doesn't even have a basic set, that is, your two camps."

"So I'm here to assign you a special task. The Boemi camp must find a basic set for their tribe before the fifth Heroic Spirit game ends; and the Merami camp, you have a special task score system. , before the end of the fifth period, if the score reaches the pass line, you can continue to participate in the sixth period."

Kalai raised his hand and asked, "Why do our two factions have the same situation, but the missions of the fifth phase are different?"

"Same?" Leng Yi laughed, took out the census of Porterloo from the 1900 national census of the Gregorian calendar submitted by the system, pointed and said, "Look, in today's Porterloo, Poe The Mi occupy 13% of the population, and what about the Merami? With only 1% left, it’s hard to say whether the Boemi will survive the next hundred years.”

After reading the data, Leng Yi tossed the list up and turned it into smoke: "Of course, I also understand that the weakness of the Mailami people is also fate, and it is possible that no one can do it, so I did not block your way. , and give you a chance."

After Leng Yi said these words, Kalai and the other four also left the silver-white room with the teleportation array, ready to start their fifth Heroic Spirit game.

"This is the last chance. If we fail to win the basic set, we will be out of the game early," Carle said with a gloomy expression.

Now that the fifth phase of the Heroic Spirit Game has begun, what about the sea of ​​Bourbon in the 19th century?

On the west coast of Tamron Continent, from north to south, Indians, Portloo, Mysika, Ulchi, Braasson, Butoksi are lined up, and Portloo passed the previous war, It has forced Mysika and Ulqi to become their vassals, and through the core of Teiweisi, the Indians dare not declare war on themselves.

In the south, Butoksi is a disloyal vassal state of Braasson. Butoksi's territory is located on a relatively separate peninsula, and it makes a living from commerce.

And at this time, all the countries of the Dragon Continent have all been in contact. As early as 1844, the navigator of Boris bypassed the Indian Land and discovered Gonigetta on the east side of the Dragon Continent.

In terms of Bourbon Island, Boris, who had been brilliant for more than a hundred years, was seriously challenged by Polly for his maritime hegemony due to the rise of the Laventica trade.

Although Boris forced Pokorn to be his vassal, he lost most of his influence on the Edonan Peninsula. And because of Bourbon's fear of neighboring Boris, he began to walk with Polly. The two sides are fiercely competing and winning over the Edonan Peninsula to establish their position on the Edonan Peninsula.

At this time, Bourbon Island has been deeply connected with the Laventica region, and even spread its commercial influence to the East Coast region through the Laventica region. However, due to the constant national wars on Bourbon Island, it is impossible to use commercial advantages to continuously transform into political advantages like Bourbon did 800 years ago. On the contrary, it has to please the countries in the Laventica region.

In 1900 of the calendar year, Lesotho was reincarnated for the fifth time in the Heroic Spirit game. According to past habits, he was reincarnated into the Enfi family. Although the first five reincarnations failed to help the Boemi people establish their own country, Lessono used his own abilities to make the Enfi family grow stronger and stronger. .

Therefore, in 1900, the Enfi family, where Lesorno belonged, and the Stood family, where Calle belonged, could be said to be one of the two most prestigious families among the Boemi people.

However, no matter how high the prestige is among the Boemi people, it is still not worth mentioning for Portloo, but in order to maintain stability, they have to rely on these two families. In fact, there is an irreversible ceiling in Portloo. .

why? Because the Boemi people, although they respect the syllable is also "wave", but they are not the descendants of Bourbon immigrants, the descendants of Bourbon immigrants who really won't die of poverty, are now all Portloo people, only those who are Bourbonized Naturalized ethnic groups such as Ingonas, Ingoinas, Meramis, Myshekas, oh, and Bourbon immigrants who died of poverty, were called Boemis.

When the Portloo people first began to gather strength and grow, in order to unite their strength against Bourbon and their neighbors with malicious intentions, they called themselves Boemi people, and everyone was Boemi people. But when Portloo became strong, they thought, "You deserve my last name too?" So they created the concept of Portloo people.

From the above, we can see the embarrassment of the Boemi people in Portloo. Of course, if the Potloo people did not persevere in turning batches of poor people into Boemis, they automatically cultivated the ethnic consciousness of the Boemis. It is impossible for the Boemi people to occupy 13% of the population today. I am afraid that, like the Mailami people, they are close to extinction, right?

As early as the third issue, Kalai exchanged a Heroic Spirit Talker from the Heroic Spirit Store, so that even when they were children after reincarnation, the two could quickly communicate with each other. And according to the custom of Heroic Spirits, the baby before the age of 3 is directly handed over to the baby simulator to control the body.

In the Heroic Spirit Talker, Kalai asked Lesorno's opinion: "Lesorno, the fifth issue is very important to us, where do you think the way out for the Boemi people is?"

Following the other party's questioning, Lessono's thoughts seemed to drift back to hundreds of years ago. At that time, he was still a rebirth of Aifonqi. With the opportunity of his own rebirth, he let Aifonqi, whose native land was captured by Finno, be reborn. The aristocrats successfully suppressed the colony's rebound and migrated to the colony. Now, are they going to repeat similar operations?

"There are many countries in South Merami, and the ethnic groups are mixed. Mysika, Ulqi, Braasson and Butoksi are intertwined, and there is a river-crossing raptor like Portloo, even if you and I are highly intelligent, There is also the disaster of capsizing, and even if the boat is not capsized, it will be sandwiched between Portloo and Braasson and forced to be a chess piece, so going to the South Merami area is not a good choice.”

After listening to Lessono's answer, Kalai agreed: "So you think the same as me, think you should have a foothold in North Mailami?"

"Yes, there are only three forces in the North Meramy region, Portloo, Laidro, and Indian. The strategy of Portloo over the years has been to contain Indians and ensure the north. balance, and then expand mainly to the South, where the country's contradictions are complex."

"But in the third Ulch War, the Indians fought against the Laidro privileged area, and threatened Portloo with Braasson to stop the war. I guess Portloo was dissatisfied, and he could fight in North Myra. Change the spokesperson for Midori."

"For example, the Boemi people," Carle's face showed a smile, and then turned sad, "so the Boemi people we lead, like a dog, will compete for the bones with little hope. ?"

Lessono replied: "This is the misfortune of the small ethnic group. You can only seek wealth and wealth at risk, and step on other ethnic groups to ascend to the top. Otherwise, is there any way? Go to Portloo? Dahe Taotao~www.wuxiaspot .com~ It's better to just jump into the sea."

"Besides, the situation is in our favor now, and the two camps that are most worried now must be the two camps of Potluo and Boris. They need to solve the problems in their own areas first before the "Ebos Ban" is lifted in 2000. Who can Whoever solves it better will be able to take the lead in the final battle of the next issue."

Carle thought for a while: "I think Portloo has a higher winning rate. He has conquered Mysika and Ulch, and only Indians and Braasson are left. Braasson is restrained by Butoksi. The Indians can use the Delu privileged area to make a fuss, it is simply destiny."

"On the other hand, Boris, on the other hand, because of its geographical location, he can't intervene in the Laventica trade and the Gonigueta trade, which has made Boris' national strength and Polly shrinking for more than a hundred years, so who will be killed in the future? , is still unknown."

Seeing that the talk time of the walkie-talkie was coming up, Lessono summed up the conversation: "In short, a new war is about to start, or has already started, but we are still children at this time, and we cannot be the protagonists of the war. One can only hope that this war does not bring too much change to the sea of ​​Bourbon, waiting for us to take the stage."

The wars mentioned by Lessono refer to the "Toxie War" that broke out at the same time in 1898 two years ago, and the "Fourth Bourbon Island War" that will break out three years later in 1903.

In short, the final battle of Bourbon's sea is approaching, and the fifth phase of the Heroic Spirit game is the final preparation before the final battle.

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