God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 473: : Brawl before the end of the war (4) Fixed base entry area

After finishing the meeting with Kutumat, Lessono declined the other party's request to stay overnight and stayed in a hotel run by the Boemi people in the city, anxiously waiting for Kutumat's reply.

Lesorno knew that this was the best chance for the Boemi people. If he couldn't step on the Invat's Laidro privileged area, he could only go to Ulqi to fight for a chance. When he arrived at Wurqi, If you want to get ahead and break the game, it is countless times more difficult than going to the Delu privileged area to break the game.

After waiting anxiously and hesitantly for a whole month and a half, Lesorno finally received news from Kutumat's servants: he agreed in principle, and granted Lesorno's Enfi mercenary group a privilege to travel to Leeds District Pass.

For this so-called "agreement in principle", the sophisticated Lesotho is very clear. The meaning of this sentence is to let yourself do it first. If you can do it well, Portrew will follow up and agree with Lesor. No's next request, if it is not done well...then Portloo will regret to see a band of bandits who disrupted the peace of Portloo and Ladro's privileged area are exterminated.

After returning to the family residence, Lesorno announced the news to the family, but the response was not great, just as Lesorno's cousin in this life said sarcastically:

"We Boemi people have always been second-class people under Potloo. How can Potloo give us a chance to establish a country? Even if the Delu privileged area is weakened, it is still a prince. Why? Maybe give us a chance to step on him?"

Lessono did negotiate this plan with Kalai, but this plan did not receive strong support from the family. The family felt that this plan to steal his luck was too whimsical. Due to the face of the members of the Nuo family, and the fact that the young man is aggressive, he was allowed to try it out to see if he could get sponsorship.

As a result, Lesorno went to Ori, and within three months, he really came back with a permit and got the sponsorship of the Portloo nobles, and the family was a little depressed.

As a result, discussions within the family, as well as Lesorno's own insistence, finally allowed the family to agree to provide some basic support and let Lesorno go to the Delu privileged area to test the water first.

Unsurprisingly, not many Boemi mercenaries were willing to go to the Laidro privileged area with Lesorno to test the waters. Laidro only got a group of basic sponsors and another group of people brought by Kalai.

"I'm the forerunner of the king, Carle, I'm also going to talk to Kutumat about sponsorship, and I'll also make suggestions to the family. You just need to play the role of someone who is encouraged by friends and supports me in terms of friendship and loyalty. Friends, you don't need to pay for your reputation and future, and you have a clear morality."

When meeting Kalai, Lesorno said with a slightly teasing tone, while Kalai shrugged: "Don't forget that Kutumat is the heroic spirit of Roman Hefei, I am the heroic spirit of Sulassie, We are so close, of course I am embarrassed to discuss it. And you Afonci people have been doing business in Romanhof since ancient times, so it is naturally more suitable for me to do business with Kutumat."

In any case, the heroic spirits of the two Boemi camps, Lessono and Kalai, set off together in the year 1926 of the calendar year and went to the Laedro privileged area to try to win a basic plate for the Boemi people. , to fight for a chance for the future of the Boemi people.

It is a very strange concept to come to the Delu privileged area. Its history can be traced back to 1596 after the end of the "Ingona War". In that year, a far-reaching event occurred in the north of Portloo, Ingona, a thousand-year-old country in the north, was destroyed under the attack of Portloo and the Indians.

After the demise of Ingona, the oldest country in the north, the alliance between Portloo and the Indians came to an end, which forced Portloo to make new arrangements for the north to ensure that he would not be attacked by the north and the south. The Delu Privilege Zone came into being in this environment.

And subsequent history has fully proved that Portreau's establishment of the Leedro privileged zone was very successful, so that in the next three hundred years, he did not suffer too much pressure in the north, and he could concentrate on transferring the army to the south. Conquest of the country.

So what exactly is the Lai Delu privilege zone? Funny to say, the Leedro prerogative is not exactly the autonomy of Portloo, yes, it is not entirely, it is made up of the Nevagrave in Portloo and the Teavis in Indiana, Only when these two territories are added together, it is called the Ledro Privileges.

But in fact, the Lai Delu privileged area is not the original official name of this political concept. It has evolved from a conventional colloquial language to an official official name.

After the end of the Ingona War, in addition to the geopolitical changes in the North, another pressing issue facing Portluw and the Indian Land was how to deal with the separatist regime in the West.

In the west of Ingona, there has always been a border area with strong autonomy, that is, the western separatist force composed of the Western Frontier Alliance and the western core. Andi's good helper is an important chess piece to check and balance Ingona.

But after the collapse of Ingona, the role of the Western Partition seems to have been greatly weakened? According to the pre-war agreement between Portloo and the Indian Land, the central and western cores of the western division (which had been renamed the Teaiweixi Core at this time) belonged to the Indian Land, and the Western Frontier Alliance belonged to Portloo, but if this is really divided, The northern border of Portloo no longer has the power to check and balance the Indian land.

And it is impossible to breach the contract. First, the treaty has been signed. Second, Portloo in 1596 is not the first overlord of the Dragon Continent the day after tomorrow, and he is not so thick-skinned.

So after some hard thinking in Portloo, a proposal for a slapstick operation was conceived by Portloo, so it was established in the "Ledro Pledge of Freedom" signed by Portloo and Indians later.

The main content of the "Ledro Pledge of Freedom", first of all, is to confirm that the pre-war agreement is still valid, that the western core should be annexed by the Indians, and the Western Frontier Alliance should be annexed by Portloo, but...

However, these two regions are to be granted "Taiweisi privileges". What is the "Taiweixi Privilege"? That is, although they are in two countries, the military and customs of these two regions are unified, that is, a country within a country. In this way, Portreau can use these two regions that have been granted the privilege of Teavissi. Continue to check and balance the Indian land.

Therefore, the earliest name of these two areas was "Taiweixi Privilege Zone", and because the source of Teiweixi's privilege was the "Ledro Pledge of Freedom", it was also called the Laidro Privilege Zone. The Leedrok privileged area has become a proper term to describe these two areas - although they are not at all related to the Leedrok core.

With the passage of four hundred years, the Ingonas living in the privileged area of ​​​​Ledro feel more and more different from the Ingonas in Portloo and the Indians, so the concept of Invat, Thus was born, the descendants of the Ingonas who lived in the privileged area of ​​Ladro.

Four hundred years later in 1926, the representatives of the two Boemi people, Lesorno and Calle, will fight for a chance for the future of the Boemi people. The superior, in the Laidro privileged area, establish a territory belonging to the Boemi people.

If you say that you want to go to the Delu privileged area, there are also two choices, Wagra Guards (the former Western Frontier Alliance) and Teiweisi Core (the former Western Core), so where should you go? For Lesorno, this question has no value for discussion, and there is no doubt that it should go to the core of Teiweisi.

The first reason is that the core of Teavis is nominally the territory of the Indian Land. Going there will not make it difficult for Portloo, and if it does not make it difficult for the master, the master will not make it difficult for himself.

The second reason is that it is really necessary to go to the core of Teiweisi instead of the Nevagra Guardian, which is determined by geopolitical factors.

Judging from the history of the past thousand years, Newagraweisuo is definitely a pitiful place. If it is said to Leng Yi, it is like an alien version of Shu. This is like entering a prison cell.

why? The Geography of Nevagra Guardian is extremely closed, surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on the other side. External traffic is blocked. If you get stuck on an official road, you can close the door and become a king. Historically, Ingona quickly lost control of this place. , so it is called the Frontier Alliance.

There is only one plain area in Newagra Guard that can be connected to the outside~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which is the Wagra Pass, which is one of the reasons why it is called the Wagra Guard.

In addition to the Wagra Pass, the only ones that can communicate with the outside world are the two plank roads built between the towering mountains, Hay and Gilf. The Bourbon government-in-exile led by Ferris XVI passed through these two plank roads. Pass between Wagra Guardian and Armada in the south.

Therefore, although the predecessor of the Nevagra Guards, the Western Frontier Alliance, quickly broke away from the control of the Ingona Central, but looking through the history books, what the Western Frontier Alliance did was to raise the anti-flag, and then at the Wagra Pass and Ingona Narasaw, several times out of the Valgra Pass, ended in catastrophic failure.

On the other hand, the Teiweixi core is different. In the long history of Ingona, the predecessor of the Teiweixi core, the western core, went south many times and competed with the orthodox Laidro core of Ingona for hegemony. Although there was no success, but It has always maintained an autonomous status independent of the center, so this proves that the core of Teavis is a promising land.

In the year 1926 of the calendar year, Lessono and Calle, together with not many followers and mercenaries, left the residence of the Enfi family and embarked on a journey to the core of Teiweisi.

When his hometown disappeared at the end of Lesorno's vision, Lesorno sighed melancholy: "What my family said also makes sense. It's really not a big chance to shake a regime with mercenaries, but this is us, this is Poe. The Mi people's last chance."

Kalai patted Lessono on the shoulder: "Since we have embarked on this road, then we will do our best to do it and be worthy of our conscience."

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