God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 479: : Chaos before the end of the war (10) Erosion and transition

When Leng Yi first arranged the faction of the Heroic Spirit game, he thought he was very cautious. In the 13th century, he listed all the countries that Bourbon has come into contact with and may come into contact with in the next hundred years as optional Heroic Spirits. The camp, but did not expect that the trend of history is more exaggerated than Leng Yi expected.

From the beginning of 1380 to nearly six hundred years now, the Bourbon Sea has gone farther than Leng Yi had expected: they crossed the north coast of the Tenglong Continent and discovered Goni on the other side of the continent. Geta; they went north and found Laventica; they went south and now rediscovered Maz Island.

Although those civilizations did not have a heroic spirit camp, they gradually influenced Bourbon while Bourbon infiltrated and changed the concept of the other party.

The rise of the Laventica trade led to the relative rise of Poli and the relative weakness of Poris; the rise of the Cornigata trade made the centuries-old balance of power in the north of Portloo begin to disintegrate, until Portloo decided to preempt the collapse; and What will Maz Island bring to the sea civilization of Bourbon?

Malanqi's hereditary ruler, Lan III of the Bourbon family, expressed Malanqi's desire in a private formal meeting with the envoys of Butoksi: "My friends of Malanqi, your shipbuilding skills are better than ours. Many times better, we are willing to exchange the treasures of Maz Island for your technology."

The Butoksi envoy Diparomat was obviously prepared for this question, so he was not surprised at all, and said in a calm tone: "Respected Governor Malanqi, this exchange is not impossible, but not now, And when the time is right, what we want in Butoksi is not a treasure, but something more important."

On the other side, the Heroic Spirit of the Butokxi camp, Xiu Gemat, with a tone of doubt, asked another heroic spirit of the Butokxi camp, Shuraqi: "Lord Shuraqi, you really explained Diparo. Matt spoke to the governor of Malanqi? I didn't mean to veto the resolution, just like this..."

"The brain hole is too big, right?" Shu Luoqi said with a solemn expression, "Compared to the past, this idea is comparable to that only when Ferris XVI used diplomatic immunity and took the entire Bourbon elite into exile in Potter. Lou can be compared, and maybe Afonci exiled? But it's a last resort."

"My personal opinion is to use the Nasu system in the 'First Toxie War' to fight against the Braasson army, and it is impossible to say that it will support Portloo."

Shuraqi sighed: "The times are different, Shugmat! At the time of the 'First Tokxi War', our Butoksi was only a small country on the peninsula, and now it has expanded beyond the peninsula, and our spirits and spirits are all over the place. It’s not comparable in the past, plus the industry has also moved out, I’m afraid those nobles can’t be as persistent as their ancestors did in the last war.”

"So, I think the most suitable way out for Butoksi at present is to relocate the army to Maz Island when there is still strength, establish the Butokxi exile government on Maz Island, and wait for the opportunity to return to the mainland. !"

This is Shu Luoqi's view of Butoksi's future. He always felt that Potluo would not be able to support him back immediately, so he should plan for himself first.

So in the following years, Butoksi's navy has another business, that is, to explore the sea route from Tamron mainland to Maz Island.

The sea area of ​​this world is divided into offshore, open sea and pelagic sea. Offshore seas are usually suitable for navigation like bathtubs, while open seas need to consider ocean currents and monsoons. In addition to ocean currents and monsoons, oceans also need to consider more factors such as maelstrom and sea monsters.

In terms of the current sailing situation, even Boris, the strongest navy, only dares to conduct large-scale sailing jobs in the open sea, and dare not drive the navy into the ocean for a long time, but if Butoksi wants to go to Maz Island, Going through an ocean! Although according to current measurements, the pelagic range between the two lands is not large, it is also very terrifying.

After several years of measurements, Butoksi gradually figured out the sea area intelligence of this ocean, and the sea area information presented is very gratifying.

A nautical expert is introducing the ocean situation to Xiuluoqi: "In general, the monsoon and ocean currents blow from north to south in this deep sea. In other words, the meeting of the fleet from Tenglong mainland to Maz Island went smoothly. It's difficult to get in the right direction."

"This also explains a reason why Lure was able to sail all the way from Bourbon Island to Maz Island with a very primitive ship more than a thousand years ago, but it was so difficult to drive from Maz Island back to Tenglong mainland. , not all because of Maz Island's shipbuilding technology."

Listening to the expert's introduction, Shu Luoqi tapped the table lightly, and his thoughts had already flown to a farther place:

It is suitable for Tenglong mainland to go to Mazi Island, not suitable for Mazi Island to Tenglong mainland, so even if there is a choice to give them some navigation skills, there is no problem. Moreover, if Butokxi can solve the external pressure faced by the mainland on the Dragon Continent, I am afraid that the wealth of Maz Island can be used to cultivate a second Bourbon Empire!

After Butoksi came into contact with Maz Island, it didn't cause much of a stir, because Maz Island was too remote, and the best intermediary object Butoksi fell into war again. On the other hand, Maz Island was After the discovery, Brayasson added another reason to destroy Butoksi.

In this way, the war went on for another 6 years, and it came to 1960. At this time, the situation ushered in a big change, and before the big change happened:

In the "Ledro War", despite the support of Boris, the Indian and Ledro privileged areas were still abruptly destroyed in the plains, and the core of Teavis was shrunk into the towns on the north coast of the Dragon Continent. , while the Indians built the Card-Somis-Tavina line of defense and struggled to resist.

In the "Second Tokxi War", Butoksi has lost all the land north of Momando, and the country has gradually become unstable. There have been three coups in recent years. Fortunately, they were all pacified by Shuraqi, but Because of this, the idea of ​​turning to Mazi Island became stronger and more mature in Shu Luoqi's mind.

At this time, Bourbon Island finally made a move, and the "Ninth Edonan War" broke out, which forced Boris to gradually withdraw his army that interfered in the "Ledro War" and fill in the "Ninth War". The Edonan War".

It turns out that Polly didn't say that it would take at least 1965 to start the war. Why did he start it earlier? Because the instigator of this war was not Polly, in fact the war was not provoked by who, but from the civil strife in Edonan.

The current dynasty of Edonan is the second dynasty of Schedler. The rule of the second dynasty of Schedler over the whole country was challenged by the great domestic nobles, Drizzt. After Wei So, in order to ensure his dominance, he began to fall to Boris in all directions.

The complete inversion of the Drizzt family aroused strong dissatisfaction with Polly, who reminded Bourbon that he should pay attention to the terms of the Fourth Peace of Garabon signed in 1878, that "Police renounced his commitment to Nampo Utu and Eddo. Suzerain of Nan", however Boris claimed that he only established suzerainty over the New Southguard, not over the whole of Edonan.

In short, Polly said that Boris violated the treaty, Boris said that Polly was unreasonable, and the two sides broke down. In the end, Polly issued an ultimatum. If Boris insisted on signing a suzerainty treaty with the Drizzt family, Schedler was second. Edonan and Polly, who ruled by the dynasty, will enter a state of war with Boris and the House of Drizzt.

Boris ignored Polly's ultimatum and signed a sovereign treaty with the Drizzt family, and the "Ninth War of Edonan" broke out.

After Boris withdrew from the "Ledro War", Porterloo was overjoyed and gathered a large number of troops, ready to seize the time before Butoksi was finished, and launched several major battles in the next successively to destroy the Indians. The land and the Laidro privileged area were completely wiped out.

However, Shuraqi no longer wanted to use Butokxi's heritage, and spent it with Brayasson and Ulqi, and by this time, most of the loyal nobles in the country had already agreed with Shuraqi's proposal for the transfer of Butoke to the West. The plan to enter Mazi Island, so Shu Luoqi began to run away.

In 1963, Butoksi's elite troops, important property, and town archives were all transferred to Maz Island by the Butoksi government in exile, and most of the materials that could not be taken were burnt. After Butoksi's departure, although Braasson failed to completely destroy the country, the generals were still relieved that they did not have to face the Nasu system mentioned by their ancestors.

After the Butoksi government fled to Maz Island, the original territory was jointly divided by Ulci and Braasson, and the "Second Toksey War" came to an end temporarily.

After Butoksi was exiled to Maz Island, the first stop was the former capital of Maranqi, where the exile fleet first rested for a while.

Negotiations with Malanqi's chieftain, Lan III, went relatively smoothly. After promising to send craftsmen to guide Malanqi to improve his navigational skills, the Butoksi government in exile was allowed to temporarily live in Taim, and there were no more people in Taim. Equipment, you can transfer to the north of the quiet capital to establish a temporary stronghold - by the way, develop the border for Malanqi.

Xiuluoqi was 63 years old at the time, but he was still very energetic. He let Shugmat stay in Taim to preside over affairs, and he took people to the north of Anmidu to build a stronghold. Full of passion, Xiuluoqi named the stronghold developed by the Butoksi government-in-exile as "Tuomai", which in Braasson means a new home.

Not to mention Butoksi, who was happily building a new home, turned his attention back to the Dragon Continent. Butoksi patted his **** and walked away, and Portluy was about to sit on the wax.

Now the geopolitics of Portloo can be said to be the worst time period since the founding of the country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not to mention Lesorno, even Kutumat can't imagine that the "Laiduo War" will actually end in the present. This way.

Today, the south of Portloo is already a country where Ulch and Braasson are in trouble. It is hard to say when he will stab himself. There are two or five boys like Mysika in the interior. ah? The north is the Leeds privileged area and Indian land that is fighting to the death with itself, and the phrase "enemy on all sides" perfectly sums up the current situation in Portloo.

However, Ulchi has just finished the "Second Toxie War", and if he wants to intervene in the "Laiduo War", he has to wait for himself to slow down, so Kutumat still has time to think.

Kutumat thought hard for a night before he managed to come up with an idea, so he summoned Ambassador Ulchi to inform Ulchi that Potlu had agreed, as long as Ulchi could defeat the "rebellious" Meshka. ”, then all the lands of Mysika can be conquered by Ulqi.

Portloo's sincerity spread to Ulqi's heroic spirit and Deqiang's desk, and what he got was only Deqiang's sneer: "The ghost believes in Portloo's promise."

"But we have to stabilize Portloo, at least until we have digested the territory we just conquered from Butoksi," said Ulchi's other Heroic Spirit, Barty.

So in 1966 of the calendar year, Portloo and Ulqi signed the "Laon Secret Pact", Portloo allowed Ulqi to attack Mysika, and all the conquered Mysica territories belonged to Ulqi.

However, with "Laon's Secret Covenant", can Portreau stabilize his south and prevent himself from being attacked by the north and the south? not necessarily.

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