God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 489: : Queen Arthur's Biography: Mordred (8) Underworld Supplement...

Let's start from when this world was first born - don't interrupt, start from where Lao Tzu loves to talk about it, and you listen to Lao Tzu honestly.

Unknown beings created this world - I know you've heard this story from a priest, but I love to repeat it over and over again, if you don't want your little woman to be torn into seventeen or eight parts by Lao Tzu, Listen to me honestly.

When this world was first created, it was composed of five parts. The sea level where human beings were born later, the atmosphere above, the wall of the sky above, the underground world below, and the wall below. Bottomless abyss.

The primordial gods awakened from the atmosphere, and the first gods to awaken were the gods of gods, the strongest gods, the great and supreme beings, the ancestral gods. After the ancestral gods, the gods gradually awakened and formed the original gods.

The Ancestral God felt that the atmosphere was chaotic, which was not good, so he separated the originally mixed atmosphere, separated the stars and the clouds, let the clouds fall below, forming a white cloud, and lifted the stars up, turning them into gorgeous In the starry sky, the scattered stars are the residence of the gods, and the white clouds below are where the gods are located.

The Ancestral God felt that the sea level was blue, which was not good, so he established three continents, three islands and one archipelago on the flat sea level, and created 1,300 people on the land. Individuals are divided into 13 ethnic groups in 100 units, and these 13 ethnic groups are the ancestors of all human beings, that is, the 13 ancestor tribes

The 13 ancestor tribes are the Hesugosha tribe, the Yamero tribe, the Bagazabeo tribe, the Ikajidu tribe, the Hammena tribe, the Boehi tribe, the Ushub tribe, the Maiyingo tribe, and the Ori tribe. Tribes, Fafi Sita, Fenai, Maz and Maher.

Among them, the ancestors of the Saros and the Gosamos are all from the Hesugosha tribe. You are completely different from the Laventica and the Hammador people from the Hammanla tribe.

If the wall of the sky, the stars and the white jade are called the upper plane and the heaven, and the sea level is called the main plane and the present world, then the underground world and the bottomless abyss can become the lower plane and the underworld.

At the edge of the sea level, you can see the wall of the big sky ahead, because the wall of the big sky is inverted in this world like a bowl, that is, the so-called circle of the sky - of course, this beautiful scenery can only be seen by us demons, Because of the turbulent maelstrom at the edge of the sea level, you humans are not destined to get there.

And the edge goes down, it will continue to fall, until it falls below the bottomless abyss, and then down again, into the terrifying river of Styx for you.

Unlike the sea level, the underground world is gray rock and soil, no matter the top or bottom. Only lava and luminous moss can provide light source, and the four sides of the underground world are surrounded by the water of the Styx, making even the fallen gods powerful. The existence of , can only be transmitted to the main plane through the gap.

However, although the Styx water in the four corners of the underground world is terrible, the most terrible thing is the Styx River that evenly divides the underground world into two halves.

With the River Styx as the boundary, the underground world is divided into two areas, the abyss where the devil is and the **** where the devil is.

Due to the millennium connection between human beings and hell, you have a general idea of ​​what "hell" looks like, right? Everywhere is full of yellow springs and sulfur, and the city of the devils is built in the gaps of the yellow spring sulfur, a beautiful city that is deformed and strange and exudes a coquettish texture.


The war between **** and the abyss has been going on for thousands of years. The overall situation is that the devil is on the defensive. The battle on the Naihe Bridge (the product of war developed by the devil) on the Styx River shows that the battle is very smooth. The bank is the devil's normal operation.

But the demons have stopped here. Their current record is to leave the Styx 13 meters without being beaten back by hell, but it is impossible to penetrate into the core area of ​​hell. Due to being on the defensive against demons, it is still unclear, from demons to fallen gods, what is under the abyss and how the demons appeared.

Regarding this issue, Leng Yi said that he didn't know either. Since Leng Yi didn't know either, he couldn't let the devils get rid of them. To probe what lies beneath the abyss.

So even if the devil performed exceptionally in one year, he was about to hit the other side of the Naihe Bridge and landed in the abyss.

The cruel war between **** and abyss left over to the present world. The present world is aware of the existence of divine servants, but it is basically unclear of the existence of fallen divine servants.

This is because in the early days, the main force of the war was not the fallen gods, but the fallen gods driven by the fallen gods. As a result, after hundreds of years of fighting, the fallen gods died one by one. Going into battle in person, thus promoting the devil as a servant of the fallen gods.

Over time, in hell, the devil has become equivalent to the fallen servant, and the concept mentioned is higher than the fallen servant, so the fallen gods use the devil instead of the fallen servant to call their subordinates.

If you have a good memory, you will still remember that the creator of the first devil **** messenger was not a fallen god, but a fallen **** servant played by Leng Yi, so at that time, the devil's status was lower than the fallen **** servant, and even so Servants of fallen servants.

However, for the reasons mentioned above, the devil has now taken the place of the fallen servants, sweeping the concept of fallen servants into the trash.

Because for the fallen gods, the devil is more useful than the fallen gods. He solved the problem of how the fallen gods can be believed in from the present world. And because of the low birth, the devil's brain is generally better than the fallen gods, such as the warlock system. , invented by the devil.

In fact, the "warlock system" is just a job that the devil uses to earn extra money. The invention of the devil's real job should be to study the invention of the devil. In fact, the devil is indeed doing this. For example, the aforementioned "Naihe Bridge" (named by cold game) is a new item invented by the devil (and don't forget the devil's physical evidence that is constantly improving).

In addition, the devil's most important research on the devil is undoubtedly how to contain and even improve the devil's terrifying pollution ability. This research is named "Devil Containment Program" in hell.

In 1684 of the Dali, the messenger of hell, who was responsible for the research and development of the "Devil Containment Plan", was anxiously waiting for a new batch of sacrifices to be delivered to the laboratory, and was eager to start a new batch of experiments.

This experiment has been in preparation for 50 years, and it is not easy to collect various materials - to obtain from demons, many people need to die, and some special materials have to be obtained from the corpses of elite monsters. As for this elite monster, the It's the bad taste of cold chess - so there's no room for several failures.

Although the messenger of **** is the original demon, although messenger of **** has a unique title, and messenger of **** has successfully developed the "warlock system", messenger of **** is not the most valued developer in hell.

After all, this kind of researcher is not determined by identity. You can enter if you are able, and where do you enter? Hell's true elite researchers, all called together for the "final plan".

What exactly is the content of the "final plan" is unknown to the messenger of hell, but the more this is the case, the more anxious the messenger of **** is, and he wants to join this plan, and now the "devil containment plan" he presides over is the best springboard .

Do devils have ranks? Yes, the fallen gods have granted some positions to the devils to differentiate their ranks, but the devils have their own criteria for judging, and now, after more than 400 years, this set of criteria has gradually matured.

"Trash devils become Styx cannon fodder, low-level devils become black devils to make hard money, intermediate devils become white devils to make running money, both of these devils are at any time, senior devils become researchers, and top-level devils go to the 'final plan' , and as the original devil, I should participate in the 'top-level plan'!" The messenger of **** said to himself in his heart.

The messengers of **** can't help but gravitate towards the top devils. Apart from the undeserved treatment, the most striking difference between the top devils and other level devils is that even if the battle against the devil is critical, the fallen gods would rather go into battle by themselves than let the top devils lose. On the battlefield with demons, that's the difference!

Even if he has this status now, as long as he is not a top-level devil who participated in the "final plan", he may be pulled as cannon fodder at any time! Moreover, the existence of a high-level devil like myself will be pulled into the battle situation as cannon fodder, which is definitely a near-death situation!

The messenger of **** was pulled once, that is, the time when the highest record was 13 meters. That was more than a hundred years ago. There were countless monsters in the abyss, and there were as many demons as dogs. The hundred-person team where the messenger of **** was there went In one wave, the messenger of **** came back alone, and he had to cut off half of his spiritual body because of the pollution to survive.

Having experienced that terrifying dream demon, the messenger of **** also understands that as long as he does not become a top-level demon who can enter the "final plan", everything else is empty.

The first test, the precious test, was completed after two days. Of the 666 subjects, only three survived, and these three people were also extremely weak at this time. It is hard to say how long they can live. The **** messenger of strength could hardly hold it anymore, he waved his hand and said:

"Let them go back and forth, send a few people to watch, we have to make sure they survive."

In this way, Dais, numbered "Survivor No. 3", was protected by the devil and returned to Meng Mu from the **** laboratory, and with the free help of the devil, he successfully escaped from Meng Mu.

"I want to go to King Arthur, he is a living legend, he will sort out Meng Mu's grievances for me" Dai Si refused the devil's proposal to send himself back to Luofeng Village~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and stated his choice .

"But your King Arthur has already," Shu, Leng Yi possessed the devil, and said to Dais, "If you really want to help King Arthur, go to the vicinity of Adi, organize a small team, you will be there Reunite with Arthur there and repay his kindness."

"is this real?"

"Of course it's true, this is the devil's prophecy."

The devil would not lie about his promise, so Dais believed what the other party said, and walked all the way to Adi with his body after the experiment, where he gained the support of a group of simple devil worshipers and successfully organized a team.

The so-called simple devil worshipers refer to those who do not seek to make deals with the devil, but purely worship the devil. This group of people mainly witness the ugliness of the world, the arrogance of the nobles, and the indifference of the gods, and feel that the devil is the truth of this world. A group of people, and therefore differentiated from demon summoners who are purely transactional.

Just as the devil said, in 1686 Dess finally waited for the person he was waiting for, the great King Arthur, and as the devil said, he rescued King Arthur at a critical juncture.

It's just that when King Arthur asked about Dais' experience, Dais didn't dare to tell King Arthur the news that he had been tested by the devil and got help from the devil, so as to hide it.

What Dais didn't know was that, as "Survivor No. 3", he was already the only surviving experimental subject two years after the first test of Hell's messenger. At this time, he had been closely watched by Hell's messenger.

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