God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 556: : Ultraman in the world (8) is like a rainbow


Those arrogant nobles on weekdays did not expect that only in the legends there have been mobs who ignored their noble status, but actually appeared in the vicinity of them, and they were only a distance from the city wall, and the children were crying. , the old and the weak hold their heads and tremble, and the young and middle-aged stand on the city wall holding their weapons, both of which are weak.

"No, don't worry, those mobs don't know how to form formations, they don't have heavy weapons, they can't break through Ladivo," at this time, the temporarily elected defender in Ladivo City stood on the high platform and used amplification magic to boost morale , However, judging from his trembling tone, it is difficult to say how much of an encouraging effect.

A few days ago, those thieves suddenly appeared in the south of La Divo on a huge scale that had not been seen in many years. It was the most concentrated place where Natalo I set up the model village, and it was also the most serious place for the mountain people to resist and flee.

Regarding the appearance of the bandits, Nataro I explained to the residents of Ladivo: After all, this time is after the autumn harvest, and there is a lot of grain in the barns of the villages around the country, so the bandits attacked at this time. First, it is convenient to seize immediately. A large amount of food, the second is to concentrate the last manpower desperately.

Everyone felt that Tarot I's statement was very reasonable, so they regarded the "army" led by Yu as a bandit at the end of the road, so the whole La Divor was boiling.

Many young nobles happily signed up to join the army assembled by Nataro I, preparing to take advantage of what is estimated to be the biggest battle of the Principality of Savannah in recent years, in exchange for merits to pave the way for themselves and win the favor of the lady.

The businessmen were also very excited. Although most of those mountain people were muddy, they couldn't squeeze much oil and water, but as long as they were human, they could be used as slaves anyway. After this battle, they could get a lot of benefits.

The mood of some full-time ladies who are not working is more complicated. On the one hand, they are happy and blessed for the honor and merit that their sweetheart may get, and on the other hand, they think of a lot of people who will die, even if those people are the mob despised by the nobles. , they couldn't help but lament, why do people hurt each other?

As for the civilians with the largest number of people in the city, those who are honest and indifferent, feel that this is just another activity of the noble master, and other self-motivated civilians plan to take the initiative to apply for coolies to see if they can pick up some windfalls on the battlefield and make a fortune .

In short, in such a chaotic situation, the Tarot I took the elite troops as the core, and drove a group of rabble together towards the south. In fact, Tarot I was unwilling to take these rabble people who could only hold back their legs, but there was no way, the most powerful foreign troops had already left, and they could only rely on the number of people to rescue them.

This group of people left Ladivo like this, with the cheers and flowers of the residents of the city, marching neatly (in the eyes of Ladivo residents), out of the city gate majestically, and gradually disappeared on the horizon.

After that, the news continued one after another, and it was good news one after another. The official army and the rebel army contacted, the official army defeated the rebel army, and the official army chased the rebel army, just when the nobles in the city had begun to plan a ceremony to celebrate the victory. , those troops lost the news like this, and only a small number of troops who did not follow the pursuit could still communicate normally.

La Divo was a little uneasy, but more people remained optimistic. After all, how could the dignified army be defeated by a small group of desperate thieves? And how optimistic they were at that time, then how panicked they were when they learned that the thief Wang Xuweili was going north with an army and would soon surround Ladivo.

After that Tarot I led the army to chase into the mountains, there was no news for a few days, but now that Tarot I did not come out, but a group of bandits came out, so there is no need to mention what happened to the Tarot I army. The most fatal blow to La Divo from this news was that La Divo lost all field ability and could only sit in an isolated city.

After the King of Thieves came out with a group of bandits, it took two days to defeat the small number of left-behind troops in the Model Village like a duck, and then went north to La Divo, surrounded the city, and the nobles sent messengers to try Contact with the other party, at least to redeem the captured nobles, such as Natarot I and others.

However, these bandits were indeed bandits. They actually cut off the ear of the envoy and drove him back without giving him a chance to speak. However, they probably forgot that the official army and the rebel army never had to talk about the diplomatic aristocracy. In the past, whenever the official army arrested the leader of the bandits, they would kill them and hang their corpses to the public.

Since the negotiation could not be carried out at all, the residents of La Divo could only start to defend, but the strange thing was that the thieves did not immediately attack, but instead of attacking.

This makes the defender feel very strange. After all, if the defender feels that he is the leader of the thieves, he should understand that the thieves are a little finger-like force compared to Isavaro, and at this time, the soldiers should be swift and fast. Decide, either to attack quickly before the reinforcements arrive, or not to attack at all, what is the attitude of this server now?

At this time, there was news that they had started to build a certain object, which made the guard very nervous. Could it be that this object is quite mysterious, so that the thieves can be so confident?

After waiting for a few days to build the utensils, the guard took a closer look and saw that it was a small catapult, or the kind of catapult without any magical blessing. While wondering, the guard encouraged the city: " Don't worry everyone, although I am not a big city in Ladivo, it is a main city anyway, not to mention that the autumn harvest has passed, and the bandits have no means of attacking the city.

Just as the guards were talking endlessly, the trebuchets of the group of bandits started and shot a watermelon-sized stone with a bang. Being able to throw such a small stone, the guard's seasoned experience told him that he might be deceived, so he ordered the shooter to shoot the projectile.

There are still some elites left in the city, such as the private soldiers of the nobles of various governments. At this time, they also went up to the tower. Several elite archers drew their bows and drew arrows. When the projectiles were only halfway through, they shot the projectiles directly with a swipe. .

After the projectile was shot, it exploded, splashing some juice that had already solidified, which made the guard bewildered, and invited the mage to detect it. The general said that the projectile was probably a human head.

Human head? What are they throwing people's heads for? Could it be that this person's head was poisoned or... So the guard's pupils also widened suddenly, he thought of a terrifying guess, and in an instant it was like the sky was spinning, and he whispered in his mouth: "How dare they How dare they!"

The opposite started throwing again. At this time, the defender suddenly ordered the archer not to shoot the projectile, and then ordered the mage to use the suspension magic to catch the projectile.

After the projectile was presented, the guard looked at it carefully and was shocked. Isn't this head a document from that Tarot I! "How dare they kill the nobles! Who gave them the guts!" The guard couldn't restrain his anger and fear and roared out, and also revealed the news to the residents of La Divor City.

The last line of defense that supported the nerves of the residents was to hope that the King of Thieves would be deterred by the title of nobles and not dare to slaughter the nobles, and then no matter how much ransom was paid, the captives would eventually be sent back to the city, but with these The head was thrown in, and the last line of defense suddenly collapsed, and in an instant, Ladiver cried out loud.

La Diwo was crying, and the mountain people were laughing. It had not been so refreshing for many years. At this time, the resentment caused by the request for patience in the past disappeared in an instant.

"To send envoys again, we can't let the dignity of the nobles be desecrated by them like this," the guard said with a livid face. Behind him are countless family members crying and screaming. Since their relatives can't come back, at least they can't have their heads cut off. Throwing into the city is worse than the humblest serf.

This time, I did not rudely reject the envoy. After all, it was the first time I rejected the envoy. First, it was for the sake of standing up. Second, I knew that the arrogant nobles at that time would not bow their heads, and this time I should accept the envoy. , start well, seriously discuss the conditions.

The envoy came back trembling. At this time, the rear was still shooting people's heads from time to time. The only thing that made the nobles relieved was that the heads of lowly civilians were now being thrown, but the nobles also knew that if they didn't negotiate, then the heads would be thrown immediately. , is about to become a nobleman.

"He, he said that he wants a total of one million tons of grain and good seeds, and armor and," the envoy was interrupted by the angry roar of the defender before the envoy had finished saying the conditions: "How dare he ask for so much! Yes! Do you want to make our year's work go to waste?"

"He, he also said that now the nobles have not been beheaded, and the bodies have been stacked on carriages. If we don't agree to his conditions, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

"Oh! The God of Wetlands is above," a noblewoman heard the noble body of the noble being stacked on the carriage like an object without dignity. She screamed and fainted, so she just stopped because of the negotiation. A moment of crying sounded again.

As for the civilians, those who have joined the army are worried, while the civilians who have not joined the army are poking their heads in the back, looking at the unfortunate picture of the nobles that they may only see once in a lifetime. I can brag about it with my grandson.

Finally, a few young nobles couldn't bear the humiliation, and shouted loudly: "How dare the pariahs dare to deceive people too much! General, please let us go out of the city, peel off the skin of this bastard, and hang it on the city wall for three days and three nights! "

"Then at least wait for the old man to redeem the body first!" The guard said loudly, "Now that the nobles' bodies are still in their hands, you rush out like this, do you want them to burn the bodies to the ground!"

Therefore, no matter how reluctant they were, the nobles still frowned and collected the ransom for the remains, which was an eye-opener for the mountain people. It turned out that the nobles' remains were so valuable, and only Yu said with a sneer: "Prepare for defense, this If you pay so neatly to help people without bargaining, you must be planning to riot after you get the body."

Several subordinates were a little worried, but one subordinate put forward a good idea: "We will mix the remains of nobles and civilians to hand over, so as not to be afraid of them breaking out halfway."

However, Yu did the opposite: "No, the bodies of the nobles are all gathered in the front. Since they want to go back, I will give them a chance."

As a result, things were as expected. After most of the nobles' bodies were handed over, the Ladiver defenders suddenly launched an attack on the mountain people, but they were resisted by the well-prepared mountain people, and Yu also transformed into Diga. , so that none of the elites of La Divor could escape.

"The rest of the remains do not need to be handed over, and the rest of the ransom is not going to be asked for, just put them on the trebuchet and throw them out at one time, even if the remains are returned to them!"

Yu's one-liners caused the mountain people to burst into laughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and some mountain people who were blinded by greed looked at Ladivo and suggested, "Then why don't we just go? Grab one in the city?"

"No, we don't have any long-range weapons and heavy weapons, so we can't take down a city with a regular city wall, even if it's just a small Radivo," the still calm Que refused to go too far and was not affected by the existing achievements. Get over your head and make the perfect end to the action.

"All of your bodies could have been returned, but because the nobles broke the contract, they can only be returned in this way!" Sound amplification magic spread to the city, followed by the sound, which was first stacked like a haystack , and then the corpses scattered in the air were thrown into the air, and suddenly Ladiwo (the nobles) were in mourning.

"Let's retreat," Xu Weili said vigorously to the mountain people under his command, "Although we can't loot Ladivo, we can avenge the invaders and traitors!"

"Vengeance! Revenge! Revenge!" The thunderous cheers spread all over the southern suburbs of Ladive, and then the group of elated mountain people set foot on the road back to their hometown along with the mourning and the setting sun in Ladive.


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