God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 569: : The end of Ultraman in the world (21). The end of the war?

?In the early morning of mid-spring in 1855, the early farmers had already started to cultivate the land on the outskirts of La Divo. After all, these were their own land, so the farmers were extraordinarily independent in their cultivation, but a group of people from the south Uninvited guests broke their tranquility.

This group of uninvited guests quickly passed through the farmers on the outskirts of the city, leaving the group of stunned farmers far behind, and the leading group of people rode on a beast and galloped towards the main city.

As these uninvited guests got closer and closer to the city, the guards on the watchtower finally sensed the raid and rang the alarm bell. On, but it was too late, a group of masked figures suddenly appeared in the alley on the side of the pan, and they engaged in a fierce battle with the city defense team, preventing them from closing the city gate.

It is precisely because of this that the last period of time when the city defense team closed the city gate of La Divo was wasted in the battle with these unknown characters. The raiders entered the city smoothly, expelled the city defense team neatly, and then divided troops to control it. Armoury and granary, ready to take the city.

Earl Ladivo was awakened by the alarm bell. Ladive's changing hands over the years made the earl develop an alert character. When the alarm bell rang, the earl immediately got up from the bed, and hurriedly rushed without getting dressed. Get out of the bedroom, ready to find out what's going on.

"That group of evil mountain people broke the sacred agreement with Lord Shangwang and launched a surprise attack on us!"

The Count quickly figured out where the raiders came from, and said in a rage, "These butchers dare to enter the city to fight, are they looking down on me, Radivo!"

If the nobles of any place hate the mountain people the most, then it is undoubtedly the nobles of La Divo. Unlike Habaro, La Divo lost his life when Nataro I, the first Grand Duke of Savannah, died. A large number of nobles, almost every noble family has a blood feud with the mountain people.

However, the noble families have great business, some deeply resented the mountain people and were unwilling to extricate themselves, and some were hopeful after hearing about the good times of the Habaro nobles, so this group of people put down their trivial hatred and colluded with the mountain people. Under the betrayal of this group of nobles, Yu was able to lead the troops to complete the raid.

(Actually, there is a second reason, that is, the suburban outposts used to provide Ladivo’s alert are all located in the north. There is only a small field in the south of Ladivo, and further south is the land of the mountain people, so the mountain people If you want to raid Ladivo, you will only be discovered when you reach the suburbs south of Ladivo.)

After capturing Ladivo, in the cheers of many nobles, Yu passed Ladivo's brand-new law, absolute autonomy and absolute freedom for the subjects, and Ladivo nobles did not need to pay any taxes to Yu.

This kind of condition is not proposed by any grand duke who is interested in ruling the Principality, but it is different. The foundation of Yu is no longer in the city, but in the mountains. The reason for capturing La Divo is just to lock the mountains. It's just a channel, so naturally you can let go so easily.

The news of Yu Fei's capture of Radivo soon reached the desk of Berengar IV, which made Berengar IV annoyed, and immediately sent an envoy to question Yu, while Yu was reminded by Swilson. Next, he handed over the answer in a loud voice:

"Since the Grand Duke, Berengar IV, promised me the position of the Grand Duke of Savan, Ladivo is naturally my territory, so I was just patrolling the territory a few days ago. As for the conflict in Ladivo, there is A small group of mobs tried to resist the lord, and I was naturally pacified."

In addition to this report, Yu also added an application: "The Principality of Savannah was named by the Savannah family privately, without consulting us, and now I want to restore the old name, but think of the name 'Freedom in the Mountains'. It is already outdated, so I hope to change its name to 'Freedom in the Mountains', and I will become the Grand Duke of Freedom in the Mountains, and I hope that your Excellency will submit the promise of the king."

Berengar IV was suffocated by this reply, thinking when did these vulgar mountain people become so cunning, but after thinking about it again and again, Berengar IV neither agreed nor denied, even if this This is how it happened.

The reason why Berengar IV agreed to agree was also due to his own difficulties. He used the power of a border area in the Principality of Ravenk to seize the throne during the civil strife in the Savannah Dynasty, and then led Isavanlo and Savannah. Bei has been fighting for more than 20 years, regardless of his financial and material resources, he is already on the verge of reaching the limit. Thinking about the glorious record of freedom in the mountains, Berengar IV really does not have so much spare money to invest in pacifying the mountain people.

In addition, the mountain people also objectively created conditions for the victory of Berengar IV. They controlled the mountains and locked Sabei's road from the south to cut off Isavanro. No matter what, the mountains were controlled. In the hands of the mountain people, it is better to control it than in the hands of Sabei. The mountain people have no capital to step out of the mountains.

In the end, it was the reason of Berengar IV himself. Berengar IV was getting older and his physical condition was declining. Now he still insists on not abdicating, because he understands that Ravenk can control Isavaro now. It is all supported by his own prestige, so at this time Berengar IV can only hope to end the war as soon as possible before he dies. Where else can he get the energy to interfere in the mountains?

So after 21 years after Manet III destroyed the small regime of Qi, Qi finally revived the small regime belonging to the mountain people in the mountains. Compared with the last time, this small regime is much more formal, no longer Is only destruction, also began to exchange with the outside world development.

"People from outside the mountains finally stopped coming to trouble us, and the mountains are finally the mountains of the mountain people again! I think about it, it has been 34 years since 1821, and I finally lived up to the deceased compatriots. Looking forward, the calm of the mountains has been restored, it's over, it's finally over."

More than ten years ago, Dija was furious when faced with the mountain people's heads piled up in Jingguan, so he agreed to reconcile with him, and once again fought side by side with him for the mountain people, but both Yu and Dija knew that, The cracks are not really being bridged, it's just a false illusion.

Therefore, since then, apart from strategic matters, Yu rarely contacted Dija actively, and Dija did not bother Yu. The two seemed to respect each other like guests. On the sloping grass, there was a boy who was coquettish to his mentor with a dog's tail grass in his mouth.

But today, when Rei became the official Grand Duke of Mountain Freedom from a temporary leader of the mountain people, he seemed to be relieved and confided to Dija that this was the first time that Rei had a heart-to-heart conversation with Dija in so many years.

The jade-like transforming device was as bright as when it was dug up at the beginning of the year, but there were no warm words in it anymore, and after a while, a voice slowly came out: "But now this free principality in the mountains, Or those beings that your deceased compatriots want to restore?"

"How can we do it? We have to move forward, we have to look forward! Remember you said that I have changed, but people always change. Who would be as naive and obsessed with beautiful dreams as they were when they were young?"

Looking at this "mature" and "calm" old man (Yu is already in his fifties), and recalling that young and immature boy who looks like Dagu, but with Dagu's unique justice, Diga can't help but sigh, " It's your choice." He sank after saying that.

Diga knew that unless there was another war, he would not contact him for many, many years, and more likely, the next contact would be when he would die?

However, Dijia was still soft-hearted, remembering the little bits and pieces of how he cultivated the young Yu, so Dijia secretly said in his heart: If Yu had a heart-to-heart talk with himself again, not because of the need to fight but purely as a young man, then He will tell him the secret by himself, Xiaoyu hasn't died yet, and everything is too late.

It's a pity that Tiga couldn't wait for this opportunity until he died.

The heart-to-heart talk between Yu and Dija was extremely unsuccessful. Yu felt that he was in his fifties and had grandsons (although they were illegal grandsons), and he was mature. However, Dija still regarded himself as that child, as that child. Teenagers who need to be taught.

And after being with Dija for so many years, he also found that Dija's thoughts on the world are extremely naive. He seems to like the mountain people in a society without aristocrats, and recognizes the equality of everyone in a certain sense (the era of ancient times), but now Even the mountain people (leaders), who would want that kind of society in the past?

Not to mention Diga's thoughts, Yu recently (1856) encountered an ironic thing. The last main city in the Free Principality of the Mountains that was not ruled by Yu, Tuwak, which has a gold mine, saw it. After the happy life of the Habaro nobles, he was deeply envious, and actually sent an envoy request to the mud-legged semi-aristocrat.

For their enclosed request, Svirson felt that it was unnecessary. Tuvac had no strategic role in the mountains, and the gold mine with the greatest value might bring disaster to the mountains, but it was already considered by the Grand Duke's favor. Eager to put together the last piece of the puzzle in his own territory, Swilson didn't fully follow his advice.

Rei still sent troops to accept Tuwak, but after listening in part to Swilson's dissuasion, Rei's autonomy over Tuwak did not include the gold mines, and since the gold mines were still under the control of Isavanro, Bei Rengar IV turned a blind eye to this behavior, and now he completely owns the territory of the Free Principality in the mountains.

When the Free Principality of the Mountains lived peacefully in peace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The "War of the Succession of Isavanro" which lasted for 16 years also followed the "Second Peace of St. Arrion" in 1860 At the end of the year, Isavanlo ceded Piraang and Nogodek to Sabé, so that Sabé would not have nothing to gain from a war, and ended the war with dignity.

Although Isavanlo ceded the land to seek peace, the Nephi family of Berengar IV became the real victors. After the war, Berengar IV dismissed the puppet king he supported and ended Savannah. The dynasty's 120-year rule over Isavarok brought Isavarok into the era of the Nephi dynasty of Ravenk aristocracy.

However, the first king of the Nephi Dynasty was not Berengar IV, but the son of Berengar IV, Anrocard II, as the first king of the Nephi Dynasty, whether it was a civil war that needed to be restored. After the environment, or the die-hard remnants of the Savannah Dynasty, they are all eyeing the rule of the Naifi Dynasty.

Because of these more important threats, Anrocard II entered into an agreement with Che in 1861, formally recognizing Che's free duchy of the mountains, and his identity as the Grand Duke of the Free Mountains.

It seems that the mountain people's struggle for more than 30 years has finally come to an end?

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