God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 574: : Prisoner of ego (beginning) under the dark prison

"Hello, sir, please come here." "It's a little dark here. Please walk carefully, sir, and be careful not to fall down." "If you want to eat something, or need someone to take care of you, please tell the little one. The adults will be arranged properly."

If you only listen to the above dialogues, the audience may think that this is the reception of a nobleman when he is about to rest in a magnificent mansion.

However, in reality, this conversation took place in a dimly lit underground prison where the screams of criminals being beaten were heard from time to time. In front of him was a fat middle-aged man in a warden's clothes who was huddling into a ball. His smiling face flattered the tall handsome man in gorgeous clothes, which seemed to make people wonder who was the prisoner and who was the guard.

The Gao Jun man did not come alone. The man's family was behind him. The old man was dignified and dignified, the woman was graceful and graceful, the man was handsome and tall, and the small one was carved in pink and jade. Must be a very rich family.

The warden led the group all the way down, and in the middle of it came the screams and screams of the prisoners, and there were also reprimands from the guards from time to time, causing the few children in the team to shrink together. The team went deeper and deeper, and soon reached the bottom of the underground prison. Those who can be locked here are either rich or very vicious.

After thoughtfully sending these noble prisoners into their cells, the warden kindly gave them the keys to their cells:

"If you feel that the cell is too stuffy and want to stroll around, it's not impossible to open doors between each other, but there is nothing to stroll around in this dark cell, and parents should be careful not to let their children wander around. As for encountering some vicious prisoners and suffering any bad injuries, then I will die for the common people."

"Understood, your hospitality is not bad. I, An Feibo, remember your name. You can go down." After bowing, he withdrew.

After the warden returned to the rest room, a cell chief who had been following the warden finally couldn't help but ask, "Who is that, my lord? It's fine to enter the deepest dark cell and not give money, but he still acts like this. Arrogant?"

The warden brushed aside the uninformed prison head, and for the sake of the other party being his cronies, he explained patiently: "Master Anfibo, but the Lavalos royal family, it is not the old king who died this year. Is it? Lord Anfeibo competed with the new king for the throne, and used some disgraceful means, but the fight for the throne failed, and the matter failed, isn't this coming in?"

The warden’s explanation was very detailed, but he still didn’t understand this ancestral occupation of a prison head who had never been out of a black prison in his entire life. Is the whole family dead? Why is there such a delicious treat?"

"Because our current Lavalos dynasty is not a Saphirchi, they are Medas, and the population is only more than half of us. Every royal family is extremely precious, not to mention the ability of Lord Anfibo. The royal family, so Lord Anfeibo usually comes out after a few years of confinement."

The warden was so sure of An Feibo’s release from prison, but An Feibo himself was a little worried. His cousin, Samo, should be called Samo V now. Does the Varos royal family treat themselves according to their past customs?

The adults are very worried, but the children are heartless, at least that is the case with the boy named Bossonid of Anfeibo. When his cousin was shivering with fear in the terrifying black prison, he was not. Often sneaking away from the servants, hanging around the dark prison.

The servant found that Bossonide often did this, so he cried out angrily, and reported to An Feibo in fear, but An Feibo said in disapproval: "If the child likes to hang out, let him hang out, maybe these days in the black prison, he will Will it be a memory for him to grow up in the future?"

With the words of Anfeibo as the basis, Bossonid got the opportunity to walk freely in the dark prison, which is a rare experience for him, a 10-year-old child.

In fact, Bolsonide didn't like to hang out in the dark prison very much, but he hated more than hanging out in the warm VIP cell, crying all day long and recalling the beautiful past.

So what can you do hanging out in a dark prison? The most is to tease and tease the prisoner, pick up mud from the ground and throw it at the prisoner's face, and then look at the prisoner or his eyes are confused and indifferent, or burst into anger and curse, the life in the cell is the only joke of Bossonid at this time. source.

In the process of throwing mud happily, a week has passed, and Bossonid made an astonishing discovery in the northwest corner of his cell, where there is actually a prisoner who can still use spiritual power! Bolsonide ran to call the jailer in shock, but when Bolsonide brought the jailer over, the cell in that corner and the mysterious prisoner had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Bossonide was shocked again, and firmly claimed that there was a prison cell, but he had to come to his family members' eyes with suspicion. Finally, he was found by his family members to have an addiction after wandering in the black prison for a long time, and was banned from going out.

Finally, the warden heard the news, so he personally went to the door to explain to Anfibo and others that after Anfibo agreed to pardon the warden's offense to the Lavalos royal family, the warden finally hesitated:

"This is a bit hard to gnash. It is said that more than 30 years ago, when the Musdoch Dynasty was still there, an upright royal family repeatedly advised the last king, Raelba II, and angered Rael. Bar II was thrown into our black prison, and when the Musdoch Dynasty was overthrown by this dynasty, the royal family committed suicide."

"It's a loyal person." Although An Feibo was a member of the Lavalos royal family who overthrew the Musdoch Dynasty, he still appreciated the noble's loyalty.

The warden wiped the sweat from his forehead: "But since then, there has been a strange story in the dark prison, that is, the prisoners can see a cell that the jailer can't see. This cell sometimes appears in the east, and sometimes Appearing on the west side, sometimes on the top floor, sometimes on the bottom, before the little son, I am afraid that he saw this cell."

"If that's the case, it means that my son is not suffering from addiction," So Anfeibo accepted the warden's explanation and lifted Bossonid's grounding order.

When he was finally able to go out again, Bolsonide took his brothers and sisters who were just as interested in the prince who committed suicide in the past to look for the cell, but the cell disappeared again, and he didn't look for it for a few days. found, so the brothers and sisters went back to the cell, leaving only Bosonide still looking.

The hard work pays off. After half a month, Bossonid finally saw the mysterious cell and the mysterious prisoner! Bossonid, who found the target, was mixed with excitement and excitement, and quickly asked: "Are you the prince who committed suicide and died in the previous dynasty, did you appear in the dark prison?"

The prisoner laughed and said in a very vulgar and elegant language: "Two words, Abu, one word, bullshit! Lao Tzu came in 1990, the prince who died of illness in the black prison in 1985, the time is similar and has passed. After more than 20 years, he actually confused me with him."

This time, Bolsonide was strange, so he squatted by the pillar of the cell and talked to the prisoner in detail: "Since you are not the heroic spirit that appeared, how did you come? Why did your cell move around, why did you get imprisoned? Here? Who imprisoned you here?"

"The reason why I move around is because I think I have to change places after a while. Who is imprisoned? Joke, there is no one in this world who can imprison me. I came in by myself."

"Ah? Come in by yourself?" Bossonid's face was full of confusion. As a teenager, he didn't understand why someone would go into the cell by himself, and he didn't want to go out. "Why is this?"

The mysterious prisoner was also interested, he adjusted his sitting position to face Bosonide and explained: "Because I found out that I am a prisoner, a prisoner of myself, and since I am a prisoner, I am imprisoned in a prison. Among them are the righteous prisoners."

"Then I thought, since I'm a prisoner, I have to go to a place I'm not very familiar with. Surasi is the place where everything started. The east coast has the immortal legend of King Arthur, and I personally experienced the sea of ​​Bourbon for seven hundred years. For more than a few years, Gonigeta had a snatcher, and Maz Island followed those two people there, as did Felix, Fakeyou had the person who was tricked by fate, Audi had a lie-winner, Rui. In Ying, there was Athena, there was Ultraman in the belly, and I witnessed the blooming of the rays of the sun in the south bank, the doves of the exiled occupy the magpie's nest, and the rebirth of the reborn in Maosu Island, so after such a calculation, The only place I'm unfamiliar with is your West Bank, so here I am."

The prisoner said a lot of words, and Bossonid barely discerned from the "Mao Dou Island" and "West Coast Region" at the end. The other party should be talking about the geographical location, but how come there are so many geographical locations that he is not familiar with?

So the self-esteem of being a noble rose~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Bossonid crossed his arms and doubted: "It must take a long time to go to so many places! The priest in the church told me before, The first ancestor of the saints, Mei Yi, spent a hundred years ascetic in the mainland, and only then did he achieve his later achievements, you one, one, "

Just as he was about to describe the youth of the prisoner's face, to despise the other party's so young, how could he have been to so many places, Bossonid suddenly realized that he couldn't see the prisoner's face, but only vaguely felt the other party's face. Probably a young man.

Bolsonide rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and found that the mysterious prisoner's face was still blurred, and he could vaguely identify the location of the other's facial features, but if he wanted to see what he looked like more clearly, he could no longer do it. arrive.

"How could it be impossible to see the face, how could this be?" This phenomenon had a great impact on Bosonid's young mind, and he asked himself incredulously.

Seeing Bossonid's little face wrinkled in confusion, the prisoner laughed and said, "Now you can believe that I have been to many places! You can call me Leng Yi, don't complain about the pronunciation of this syllable. It's weird and so on, since you are so persistent, I think I have a relationship with you too, come and chat with me when you have time."

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