God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 576: : Prisoner of Self (3) End of Calamity Wind

?Safirch and Medas contacted each other in 1653. At this time, on the far east coast, King Arthur was only 5 years old at this time, and it was still 3 years before he was taken away by Leng Yi, the great sage of Merlin. time.

For this new group found in the east, which is different from the barbarians, although the gods they believe in are different, Medas still has a great interest in them, so he asked the Musdoch family to send protons and documents to them. I want to use this as an exhibit similar to the thing.

After some discussion in the Musdoch family, they felt that they could not go against the wishes of this powerful foreign country, so an 11-year-old family member named Sakdo went to Medas as a proton, on the one hand as a proton, on the other hand It is also possible to receive an education in Medas culture.

However, this Sakdo, who went to a foreign country as a proton, is really unusual. In a series of coincidences, he succeeded in getting the princess of the Monotai royal family, and after a series of hardships, their marriage was rejected. The Monotai royal family recognized and finally tied the knot.

"This story is a fairy tale that I have been listening to since I was a child," Bosonide said. "Emperor Sacramento I is already the guardian saint of our marriage."

"Well, at least when the two first met, they really fell in love," the well-informed Leng Yi gave a pertinent evaluation.

Relying on the help of marriage, when the city of Muss faced a new ruler change in 1666, Sakdo challenged the position of the city lord of Muss City. The army marched to Mus, and finally in 1667, the 25-year-old Sakdo became the lord of Mus.

"What? It's obvious that Muss's position as the inspector is obviously that of Saket I. This is the agreement when Saket I went to be a proton. Those despicable scum tried to breach the contract, and Saket I was helpless in desperation. The Monotai Dynasty, only the Monotai Dynasty sent troops," Bossonid suddenly exclaimed when he heard something wrong with his own history.

Leng Yi's hand passed through the iron railings, and caressed the stupid boy's head sympathetically: "Just listen to these words, if you really believe it, you are stupid. From the moment Saket I was sent to be a proton, He is destined to not be able to rule Muss, ah yes, the ruler of the main city at this time is not an emissary, this is the system of Medas."

"Isn't it the Inquisitor? What is that?"

"No one now knows about it. First, the system of Safirchi was very simple before the Age of Calamity, and then after the chaos, the system became a mess. This place is called this, that place is called that, not to mention Mu After the Stoic Dynasty unified Safech, they have also deleted and edited these records, so it is already confused."

On the east coast in 1667, King Arthur had just bid farewell to Merlin the Great Sage and returned home for a year, and was preparing to study at Madeira College. And Laventica also sent an envoy to Saro in the same year, asking Saro to become his vassal state. Saro's refusal laid the groundwork for the upcoming "Third East Coast War".

After Sakdo ruled the city of Mus, he began to restructure the city. The goal of the reform was to emulate Medas. This is not because Sakdo really became a spiritual Medasian, but because the development of Medas in the past six hundred years is indeed better than that of Saferqi, although Sakdo has grown up with Medas. the system to allow itself to better rule.

Better rule, I just dreamed of suppressing mousse at first, but as Sakdo's power became stronger and stronger, especially after the monopoly trade of specialties can be sold on both sides through the channel of Medas, Sakdo's ambition has become more and more. Big, he wants to unify Safech.

So Sakdo promised Medas that he would implement Medas' system to all Safirqi, and make the unified Saffirch a vassal of Medas, and after providing a lot of benefits, he finally Persuaded the Monotai Dynasty to support Sakdo's unification war, Sakdo marched eastward in 1677 to unify Safirchi.

After 16 years of long war, Sakdo has finally succeeded. Although he can directly govern only a narrow strip to the east of Yemmes, at least all the Safirchi nobles have admitted that Sakdo is theirs. Supreme Leader, Safirch's '84 "Calamity Winds" era is over.

Therefore, Sakdo fulfilled his promise to Medas, made Safirch a vassal of Medas, and completely imitated Medas's "Governor [Great Province] - Inspector [Main City] - Ombudsman [Town] ]" Administrative system level, but the highest title is not "King of Sunset" by Medas but "King of Gale" by Safirqi.

Sakdo's explanation for this is very plausible. How can we, Safirqi, a small country, use the title of the supreme ruler of the upper country (Medas)?

"Come on, Bossonid, let me test you, why did Sakdo abandon the traditional old capital Trom after the initial unification of Saferch, and the new capital is not the starting Muss, but the introduction Because of the root between the two?" Leng Yi asked Bossonid.

"Because Bergen is a place favored by the **** of the wind, Saket I established this place as the new capital," I have to say that since the Lavalos dynasty ruled Safiqi, Safiqi has become quite Thoroughly, so much so that Bolsonide, a Medas nobleman, is only three generations old, and when it comes to the belief in the wind, he already has a set.

Leng Yi waved his hand and said, "I've told you many times, and the reason is mostly from material. Even if the gods violate the laws of matter, they will be frustrated."

Looking at the confused Bossonid, Leng Yi transformed a ninety-degree upright map with the national territory of the era more than 300 years ago. The behemoth on the west coast is just a chaotic area that lives in a valley and can't be beaten.

Now the capital of Saferqi is Mabad, which is where the dark prison of Leng Yi is located, and where Bossonid is located, while Muss is in the east of Mabad, guarding the passage from Medas Great Plains. Access to the only western corridor in the Safirch Valley, but more than two hundred years ago, Muss was the westernmost part of Safirch.

Moss is located at the end of the Western Corridor, and the main city at the beginning of the Western Corridor is Benhani. Going further east from Benhani, you come to the real Safirqi Valley, a plain between the mountains. Safirci civilization.

There are two roads to the east of Benhani. The north road goes through Longhe and the south road goes through Bergen. The two roads meet at Trom, the old capital of Safir. This area is in the traditional sense of Safir. Heart, as for the northern part of the North Road and the southern part of the South Road, that is the southern and northern parts of Safirch.

(This is the geographical division of Safirchi in the era of Saket I. When Bossonid lived, due to the great expansion of Safirchi's territory, the definitions of the southern area and the northern area were already different from this era. , Today's North District is also commonly known as North Road, and its official name is Bini Da Province.

(According to the current definition of the southern area, you can reach the inner region by crossing the mountains and forests on the east side of the southern area, and contact the country there, but so far no one has been able to walk through it.)

In those days, the unified route of Saket I was to start from Muss and take off Benhani, who was defenseless against him (the defense forces of Benhani were basically facing the east), after going to his father-in-law's house for support, and then passing through the south. Dao captured Bergen, then marched into Trom, conquering a city of special significance to the Safirchi.

The route of Saket I's march was basically a straight line, and because the nobles in this area resisted the longest, they were also cleaned by Saket I the cleanest, and they were the most stable cities under control. After the capture of this area, it took Sakdo I more than ten years to finally subdue the aristocrats in the north and south, initially unite Saphirch, and then set the capital in Beigen.

Seeing that Bolsonide couldn't answer, Leng Yi could only reveal the answer: "Because Muss is too far from the center of Saferch, and Trom is too far from Muss, which was the most profoundly ruled by Sakdo I, Benhani is too far north, so of course there is only a large area of ​​plains left, and the location is just right for the new capital."

However, Sacramento I's rule over Safiqi did not last long, and he died suddenly in a hunting accident in 1698 at the age of 56. After the death of Saket I, his 30-year-old legitimate son, Ford, who had the blood of the Monotai royal family, succeeded him, namely Ford III.

Ford is the name of the Safirchi culture. In fact, for a long time since Saket I, the upper-class nobles of the Musdoch family and the Safirchi have two names, one is Safirchi. The name of the culture, and the other is the name of the Medas culture.

When they ruled the country, they used the name of the Safirqi culture, such as the present Ford; when they expressed their respects to the Medas, they used the name of the Medas culture, and then typed a small letter at the back. Parentheses indicate that you have another name.

Ford III was supposed to be the legitimate heir, but those nobles from the north and south who had nominally surrendered Sakdo I, as well as the rebels within the Musdoch family, including the sons of Sakdo I and the Sapphire nobles. The first sons all rose up to rebel against Ford III.

After hearing the news of the rebellion, Ford III terrified and asked his parents for help. However, at this time, Medas had already broken out the "Nando War" with Yayokdo in the north and it had been a full 18 years, and he had no energy (or unwillingness) at all. Aid Ford III, which is why Saket I later ended the unification war hastily.

Faced with the situation of being resisted by so many nobles and losing assistance, after the initial panic, Ford III, with the help of his subordinates, began to try his best to suppress the rebellion, taking advantage of the inconsistency of the coalition to find a chance for himself to win.

In 1712, after 12 years of fighting, Ford III won a decisive victory over the rebels through the "Battle of Trom", regaining Trom, a city of great significance to the Safirchi, and most of it. Those who challenged themselves within the Mustotch family were executed or imprisoned after being captured in the battle.

In the face of the soldiers that Ford III could not stop, after four years of tug-of-war, the nobles in the southern district finally surrendered to Ford III after the persuasion of Ford III's counselors. Partial autonomy.

However, the nobles in the North District refused to obey, claiming that Ford III was not a Safirchi, but a vanguard sent by Medas to conquer Safirchi. They really almost bleed to the last drop of blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It took Ford III a full 15 years to really conquer the North District.

So in 1731, the 63-year-old Ford III finally overcame this crucial challenge to the Mustotch family, maintained the rule of the Mustoci family, and then divided Saferch into the provinces of Sacramento, The three major provinces of Bini and Mkhes correspond to the former center, north and south roads.

Although the Murdoch family had established their rule over Safiqi as early as the era of Saket I, later generations unanimously agreed that the real establishment of the Murdoch dynasty should be until 1731, when Ford III was completely Eliminate your own challenger.

Nine years later, Ford III passed away at the age of 72. With this credit, he also became the greatest King of the Winds of the Musdoqi Dynasty. Even now that the Musdoqi Dynasty has been overthrown by the Lavalos Dynasty, Still worshipped as a saint by the Lavalos dynasty.

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