God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 582: : The Prisoner of Self (9) The Legend of the Prince of the Black Prison

?Leng Yi has great hopes for Varro, expecting Varro to be enlightened after escaping, which may bring him some surprises, but Varro is really stupid enough to escape with the help of Leng Yi After 7 years of going out, he died in confusion at the hands of a group of thieves.

This kind of ending is really nonsense. Leng Yi had to open the system that had not been activated for a long time again, and read what was going on with Varo. Finally, it was determined that this group of thieves was not instructed by anyone, and they just opened the business normally, and then Varro, the stubborn and untouchable son, doesn't understand the rules of Taoism, so he just threw himself on the street.

Come on, this time it's not anyone's conspiracy, then Leng Yi can't do anything about it, Varro, you can't blame me for not having your back.

After the "Change of Varro", Leng Yi was too lazy to see Bossonid II again, lest the two sides meet too embarrassingly, so he completely disappeared and resumed his behavior before seeing Bossonid I.

When Leng Yi was still there, Bossonid II was all bored and felt that the dark prison was too oppressive and Leng Yi was too weird, but when Leng Yi avoided Bosnid II, Bossonid II was born. Panic heart.

The court of the Lavalos Dynasty enshrined Barlow at the end of the day. After returning home at night, he did not rush into the bedroom, but began to write his own court diary according to the habit he had cultivated since childhood. Besides, sitting in a pavilion at midnight in midsummer, with a maid fanning the wind beside you, and listening to the continuous croaking of frogs under the stars, wouldn't it be beautiful?

After washing his hands, Barlow sat on the stone bench of the pavilion. When he was about to write, he hesitated for a while. Today's matter is quite strange. It involves the secret of the Wang family. Should it really be written? So Barlow pushed away the maid and turned around in the pavilion one after another. In the end, he couldn't restrain the power brought by his habit. He sat down and started to recount what he saw and heard today.

"It has been a week since the failure of the Rebellious Prince Varo Incident, and the king is still very worried, which is understandable, because Prince Varo suddenly disappeared in the dark prison, which is really strange, and there are too many strange stories in the dark prison. , even I've heard a little bit of it."

"Some people say that there is a devil under the dark prison. It is the soul of the former king (the original text is a random sign, and later people speculate that it should be 'sold his own') soul, and he has obtained power Become a 'Prisoner King'."

"But it has been more than seventy years since this incident, and the parties involved are no longer alive. Why is the king still full of fear of the dark prison? In the past few days, he ordered all the prisoners to be moved out of the dark prison, and then abandoned the guards by himself. Go to the dark prison alone. The guards are very worried, because the dark prison has become an abandoned prison, and there is no exorcism, it is extremely easy to provoke demons."

"Maybe other people don't know, but I can say a few points about this. I once heard the king in an empty bedroom and said in horror, 'He's gone, he's gone, is this a sign?' Something like that, I thought it was Varo at first, but after thinking about it, the tone didn't seem to be to Varo."

"In short, the king has been very frightened these days, and his nerves have been tense to the extreme. If the servant makes a small mistake, he will curse. I heard that the two-digit corpses of the palace people have been carried out from the palace. I am very worried that this will harm the king. adverse health effects."

After writing these secrets in the palace, thinking about what was feared by Bossonid II, Barlow shivered for no reason, and suddenly lost the desire to continue writing, so he locked this diary into himself in the storage cabinet and never touch it again.

The vicissitudes of life, the owner of the diary and his contemporaries have both passed away, but this diary was dug out of the ground due to a construction. After the experts have sorted out and deciphered, the diary written by Barlow has become a heavyweight. The pound bomb, the content has attracted the attention of the majority of good people.

The rise and fall of the Lavalos dynasty is usually based on Bossonide II in the historical circle. Since the "Variation of Varro", the succession of the Lavalos dynasty is no longer as affectionate as in the past. Rather, it is full of **** murder and violent usurpation.

Scholars who study the history of the Lavalos Dynasty have many theories for the explanation of this issue. However, most ordinary people do not like to listen to those formatted explanations, but prefer to listen to some magical explanations. Barlow's diary is satisfy them.

Soon, a civilian scholar put forward his own point of view based on this diary. After being imprisoned in the black prison, Bossonid I got a treasure in the black prison. This treasure helped Bossonid I obtain the throne. .

But this treasure can't leave the black prison, and after becoming the king of the wind, Bosonid I can't stay in the black prison forever, so Bosonide I arranged for his son Amphibo I to hold the treasure instead of himself, which is why Lava The reason why the Rus dynasty once popular sent the heir to the black jail.

The official explanation on the surface is that Bosonide I declared that he wanted to let his heirs remember bitter thoughts, but in fact it was to master that treasure! As long as there is that treasure, the rule of the Lavalos dynasty will be prosperous and the country will be prosperous and peaceful.

Therefore, the reign of Bolsonide I was smoothly continued to his son Amphibo I, and then to his grandson Bolsonide II, during which Safirchi flourished, both in terms of territory and national power.

But when it came to Bolsonide II's son Varro, something went wrong. It was well known that Bolsonide II didn't like Varro, so after the failed coup d'état, Varro took the treasure out of the black prison and failed. , And after the treasures were gone, the Lavalos Dynasty fell into continuous turmoil and chaos until it was replaced by the Luman Dynasty.

At the end of his brain, the historian of civil science also set a name for this treasure, called "Secret Treasure of the Dark Dungeon". After a few years, the "Secret Treasure of the Dark Dungeon" became a legend familiar to the people of the West Bank, and was brought to the public. He has written a number of adventure films and films, all of which are competing for this legendary "secret treasure of the dark prison".

The only thing that makes the good people a pity is that after Bosonid II went to the black prison several times, he completely leveled the black prison. Now they go to dig, but they can't dig out anything but soil and bones.

Bossonid II couldn't find Leng Yi, so he leveled the black prison. Leng Yi sighed that this stupid student never listened to the class well, he had told him how many times, he was just a prisoner of himself, the important thing was Prisoners, not cells, you shovel the cell down and I'll find another one?

So with the departure of Leng Yi and the leveling of the black prison, the so-called "secret treasures of the black prison" and "weird stories of the black prison" only exist in people's minds.

However, the story of "Dark Prison Strange Talk" didn't end there. When the Lavalos Dynasty was cool more than a hundred years later, Leng Yi accidentally saw a drama that made him thunder.

This kind of drama was passed down from the distant Sulassi. The Medas only liked to sing and dance to the sunset. The Safirchi learned this custom from the Medas, so they only had unsystematic. After the original opera and then Su Xi's drama came over, they quickly attracted them. After hundreds of years of fusion, they also developed dramas belonging to their own ethnic groups.

The name of the drama that makes Leng Yi feel that the thunder is rolling is "Prince Elegy", which mainly tells the story of the prince Sakdo, who forcibly inserted the daughter of Reerba II and was imprisoned in a black prison, and was changed by various magic. In fact, what Leng Yi heard at the time was not the final version.

The first act of the play is about the birth of Sakdo and the fall of Relba, the young Prince of Musdoch proudly holds up a newborn baby and names him after his ancestor Sakdo. , and told Sakdo's mother that he would bring them honor.

The second act is about Raelba diligently and loving the people, working hard, and finally becoming the King Raelba II of Safirch and Medas Gale to the cheers of the crowd. But at this time, there was an unpredictable situation, and the beloved wife of Reerba II died, so Reerba II was degraded.

The third act is the experience of the young prince Sakdo studying in the academy. Sakdo is handsome and righteous, and was envied by some villains. They used various methods to frame Sakdo, but they were saved by Sakdo one by one. In the process, they also gained love. A beautiful Midas woman, from the Lavalos family, Ford's daughter Binsil, the two got married and got married.

Uh, well, this Binceller has a real person in history, and is indeed the daughter of Ford (the real founder of the Lavalros Dynasty), but the screenwriter just gave Bincelle's husband to the green, yours Will the conscience not hurt? No wonder this play was released after the fall of the Lavalos dynasty. It's just that you arranged it like this, and it's no wonder that the Lavalos dynasty didn't cut off your dog's head.

In the fourth act, the plot took a sharp turn. Reerba II was provoked by a traitor and did not trust Ford of the Lavalros family who led the war for him on the front line, so he arrested Ford and imprisoned him. After learning the unfortunate news, Sa Keto hurried to Muss (the capital of Safirchi at this time) to exhort Reelba II.

Next is the story of Saketo, with the help of Ford's subordinates of justice, fighting wits and bravery with the courtiers around Reerba II, and finally let Reelba II let go and agree to release Ford, but in exchange, Saketo must Breaking off the engagement with Bincell is the only way to prove that Sakdo didn't help Ford out of Bincell's influence.

Facing the reluctance of his subordinates and Bincell's tearful eyes, Sakdo resolutely said that the country is at war, and what everyone needs is the well-known general Ford who is proficient in military affairs, not a useless prince.

Keep blowing, keep blowing, Leng Yi said that even if you blow Ford to the sky, the Lavalros family will not forgive you for arranging Bincell's bad deeds.

The fifth act tells that Saketor finally angered Leerba II because he repeatedly persuaded him, and under the provocation of the traitor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Leelba II exiled Saketo to the old capital Bergen.

Along the way, the traitors tried to cut the weeds out of Sakdo, and the old Safirchi people in Bergen didn't trust Sakdo, the Prince of Mustoki. Under such unfavorable circumstances, with his own charisma, Sakdo finally influenced the local old Safirchi, Akshi of the Bihipom family. Sarkozy's life.

At the beginning of the sixth act, at a banquet, when Sakdo and Akshi were having a good conversation, the assassins sent by the traitor tried to assassinate Akshi to blame Sakdo. He pushed Akshi away to block the assassination. After finding that his friend had been assassinated, the angry Akshi led the provinces of Bini and Mkhes to launch an uprising against the Musdoch dynasty.

Wait, what is this? Leng Yi couldn't help but roar, screenwriter, have you checked the historical data? The time when this old province launched the rebellion doesn't match the time you said at all, okay? Moreover, the rise of Akshi was in the Battle of Bergen in 1972 when Prince Musdoch was beheaded. How could he bring the old land to rebel at this time?

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