God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 647: : The first sound of the evil beast (6) Dima 2443

After losing the cheap Dima goods that have been supplied continuously for more than 20 years, the prices in the cities of Xibo have not changed drastically for the time being, because the citizens still have confidence in this war in general, and the inventory between the cities has not changed drastically. It can also be fruitful in the first year, and the speculative businessmen know that now is not the best time to sell.

After the troop withdrawal and repair, Urdoqi quickly formulated a combat plan for 2442. The Love Army was reduced to 30,000 people and transferred to the bank of the Dima River to contain the Second Army of Dima. After a year of fighting, Urdoqi initially After understanding the configuration of Dima's army, Geqi's army increased to 80,000, marching from south to north, as the main force to break through Dima City.

For this combat strategy, Rahman, the commander of Love's army, has no opinion. After all, he knows how high his position in Xibo is, and he is just a Sydney nobleman. The real protagonist of this war is still to be handed over to Xibei. A Philippine noble, that is, Amis, the commander of the Gechi army.

At the same time, some generals of Urdoqi put forward a new idea: after Sibo cut off the trade with Dima, Dima increased the trade with the cities of Batiros Bay, it can be said that once Dima is blocked The port of Dima will be out of food and will be defeated without defeat, so can the navy be dispatched to gain sea control over Batiros Bay?

This suggestion is very good, if it can be implemented, but the fact is very embarrassing, Xibo does not have a navy, because Xibo has only two cities near the sea, one is the poorest city of all Xibo, and the other is Dima... Although these two There is no real navy in this city, but Dima is a commercial city after all, and the number of sea ships is not comparable to Love.

In the last "Second Siberian War", Philippine argon was able to gain sea control over Batiros Bay because Philippine argon personally dispatched a fleet, but this time due to the "2440 Dima Agreement" with Hulls, Philippine argon Argon could not dispatch a fleet to assist Shibo, so it would not be possible to obtain sea dominance over Batiros Bay.

Although Philippine Argon also sent many "volunteers" to participate in the war, can the army's participation in the war be the same as the navy's participation in the war? There are so many people on the battlefield, and the mage hides in the back and huddles together. As long as it is not a particularly well-known mage, who is sure to recognize it?

And the ships are different, not to mention that each warship has a unique name, it is said that if you want to make Love, the poorest city in the whole country, and even a city that is still blocked by the harbor, there will suddenly appear a few ships. The huge battleship, even a fool can see that it is supported by Fei Argon.

However, the idea of ​​this proposal is still good, so Urdoch ordered to clean up Love's port from today, and make sure that Love can restore his navigation ability, at least repair the port, and we will talk about the future.

In the spring of 2442, when the ice melted and the snow melted, the two armies of Urduoch were dispatched together, and they rushed towards Dima, and the second Dima Guard War began.

The layout of Dima's army was not much different from the last time. The second army went to the bank of the Dima river and was restrained, or was restrained by the Love army, while the first and third army went south to face the Geqi army.

But different from last year, this time Dima's military order is to follow the rules, not to go to the city of Dima from the back, and the two legions must not be entangled in the wild and completely destroyed.

This time, the leader of the Geqi army, Amis, was also different from the last time. He opened the way with the elite army. Dofan commanded the two major armies to engage in small-scale battles with the elite Geqi army twice. Not low, so he fought and retreated without being entangled by the Geqi army.

A month later, Dorfan dispatched the 3rd Corps to the Dima River at a fast marching speed, and together with the 2nd Corps dragged the four psionic cannons arranged on the Dima River back to Dima City, and then the two corps retreated cautiously.

Because the Geqi Army has an absolute numerical advantage, the siege of Dima is just around the corner. If the Second Corps is still outside, it is easy to be attacked by the Geqi Army and the Love Army. This is a matter of minutes.

The Second and Third Corps returned to Dima City unharmed within a few days, and the First Corps also returned to Dima City smoothly. The army gathered under the city of Dima, and surrounded the city of Dima on three sides.

"Don't worry, everyone, all the machinery, equipment and inventory that can be brought back in the factory have been moved back, and all the things that can't be brought back have been burned. We will definitely compensate you after this war," said when Dima City was killed. During the siege, the preacher so comforted the people in the city.

"Besides, Urduoch doesn't have a navy, so they can't surround the port of Dima, so we can continue to trade with Sydney, and many buildings in the city have also been converted into factories, so we don't have to worry about the goods without trade, so we can definitely Hold on!"

Even at the end of the Middle Ages, it is still impossible for the city authorities to have such control, because the bureaucracy cannot cover such a wide area. High-level bureaucrats only need to follow the orders, and they can smoothly enter the wartime system.

Hels has also long since withdrawn from the palace (the palace where Hels live is not in Dima City, it is located on the mountain on the opposite bank of Dima River, and the mineral vein of Fire Crystal Lingshi is also on that mountain), temporarily living in the city authorities In the parliament, they are being surrounded by the high-level nobles of Dima.

"Lord Hill Master, can't you still use your trump card at this time? Urduoqi's army of more than 100,000 has already arrived at Dima City!"

This is the question that the nobles are most worried and afraid of. In their opinion, if there is no last killer "Lingmen Gun", Dima will not be able to survive this siege.

However, Hulls still shook his head: "Only when mass production can be carried out, can it be installed. It is still not the time. Please believe in Dima's army."

After Dima was surrounded, the army was immediately expanded. Each of the original three elite corps was responsible for guarding a city wall, and other citizens were recruited to form many auxiliary corps to help defend the city.

Dima took all the citizens under his jurisdiction into Dima city. As for the rural areas, he could not take care of it. Smart farmers who fled to Dima would be properly entertained by Dima. Erdogi fantasized about experiencing the tyranny of the feudal-era army.

Although Dima only accommodated citizens, some peasants and slaves within the jurisdiction of the entire main city, but even so, Dima was overcrowded, so some reliable people and dangerous elements were temporarily sent to Sydney, and Sydney even allocated these people. field for them to cultivate.

The time after 2442 was spent in the years of the siege of Dima. Urdoch's army only carried out an ant-attack onslaught, and gave up after being frustrated.

After all, exhaustion magic is really too buggy. According to the usual military experience in this world, if the gap between the Mage Legion and the Dima Army reaches such a disparity ratio, no matter how thick the Dima city wall is, it will already fall to the Xibo Mage Legion. In the midst of the bombardment, the exhaustion magic abruptly abolished this most effective weapon.

In addition, it is the orderly order in the city of Dima. Amis, the leader of the Xibo army, expressed helpless emotion: "If half of my non-noble army can be an army composed of citizens of Dima, At this moment, I have already been drinking heavily in the Dima Council!"

Of course, this is a bit of an exaggeration. To have such an order in Dima City is inseparable from the assistance of the cold game system. Otherwise, relying on the human brain and bureaucratic system of this era, Dima has already fallen into chaos and shortage of materials at this moment. among.

The year 2443 was the most violent year of the attack of the Urdoch army. Many city walls were collapsed.

In order to adapt to such a brutal war, Dima implemented a rationing system on the one hand, from Hulls to the food that the slaves could eat were all fixed, and only soldiers, craftsmen and children were given preferential treatment. In order to increase the source of soldiers, the mother Ligu even enlisted slaves into the army, claiming that by surviving the war, slaves would enjoy everything a normal soldier should have.

Facing the doubts of some nobles, Po Ligu said this: "After winning the war, are you afraid that there will be no new slaves? If you lose the war, what slaves should you consider?"

The battle to regain the collapsed city wall all ended in Dima's victory. After all, this was the first few years of the war, and both sides were the most energetic.

However, after several months of high-intensity siege, the Xibo army, which was large in number but low in quality, was the first to fail and was defeated. Amis also realized that continuing to force the siege would cause the entire army to mutiny. I also know that it is regrettable to let Dima go, and Dima has survived the **** 2443 years.

In the literary works of later generations, there are countless related to Dima in 2443, and Guan directly wrote "2443" in the title of no less than ten works, such as "Blood 2443", "Fighting War 2443" and "Soul Break 2443" "Dima 2443" "2443, Unyielding Will" and so on.

In 2444, the morale of the Xibo army was even worse. After all, the 110,000 army (although there were no more than 110,000 after the 2443 war) was stored under the city of Dima. Burden, so only about 40,000 troops were maintained under Dima City to maintain pressure, and the rest of the rear side scattered the supply pressure.

"The plan to seize sea power must be put on the agenda. If you don't control the sea power in Batiros Bay, you can't cut off Dima's supply." Amis put the last hope in Love's port, so this year Love's port The refurbishment program has received a lot of funding ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and a series of shipbuilding programs have been launched.

These plans cannot be completed overnight. In fact, it was not completed until 2445. After all, Dima was able to complete it so quickly. It was Dima that was originally a port, but it was deliberately blocked, and Love... In all senses Neither is suitable as a port, so even before Shibo was founded, Love was very poor.

And the God of the Mountain is still supporting Dima in the realm of the gods. After he measured the news of Love Harbor, he stipulated how big the ships that can be built in Love should be.

After the news was sent down, it brought disgusting Shibo to Po Ligu, saying that once the scale of Shibo's ships in Love exceeded this standard, it would violate the "2440 Dima Agreement". Believe it or not, Hels will come out and scrap it Your boat, let's just shoot and disperse?

So another cheating road was blocked by Dima, which made Xibo scolded Fake directly. The volunteer army at sea just couldn't be as easy as the volunteer army on the road.

However, the worst thing is not this. When the residents of Dima City are gnawing on the bad food distributed by the ration system and complaining about others, the storm of losing Dima’s goods has begun to ferment in other cities in Xiebo as the war protracted. .

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