God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 690: : Evil beasts come out (13) The strongest empire in southern Xinjiang

Under the advice of the Fini nobles, Xibo acted as planned, and sent the Xibo XIII Corps equipped with old-fashioned Lingmen guns to cross the Star Fort and rush to the rear to cut off the road between the north and the south of Fini.

However, the Xibo army, which was cultivated under the action of the spirit rope gun and the psionic cannon, is no longer the Xibo army that was a hundred years ago. Fini also knew that at the most critical moment, he took out all kinds of elites who were also equipped with spirit door guns. The army attacked Xiebo's lone army like a madman, so that Xiebo could not complete the strategic goal.

Due to the loneliness going deep and the lack of supplies, the Fini army reluctantly installed the Lingmen guns. As a result, after a few months of siege, the Thirteenth Army was almost wiped out!

Although the Thirteenth Legion had only 3,000 men, and the Fini army besieging the Thirteenth Legion was as high as 20,000, it took a month for the Thirteenth Legion to be wiped out. Fini's army suffered nearly 6,000 casualties. It can be said that although Fini won, it was a tragic victory.

However, even a tragic victory is enough. This is the war with the heaviest losses since the "First Linna War". The Oyingberg Dynasty claimed that it had broken the myth of the invincibility of the Siber and put the tenth The flag of the three regiments was sent to the capital to visit the exhibition.

After the news reached Dima, it undoubtedly made the high-level faces dull. They announced that the designation of the 13th Corps would be permanently abolished and no longer established, in order to remember the unprecedented fiasco in the "Battle of Turaki". of rage, and many more legions.

In 2659, Tulaqi was captured by Sibo, and the connection between the north and south of Fini was cut off. As for the fortress on the road from Tulaq to Hado, Sibo adopted the method of siege and not attacking, because the fortress could not generate food. Yes, as long as the food runs out, the defenders can only surrender.

In addition, Xie Bo also claimed that the defenders who surrendered within three weeks could be sent back to the country by Xie Bo with courtesy, and after more than three weeks, all the defenders in the fort had to die.

With the announcement of Xie Bo's order, most of the defenders who were behind the Xie Bo stage surrendered within three weeks. For a few diehards, Xie Bo fulfilled his promise as promised.

In this regard, Fini quickly issued a targeted order. The star fort that is only surrounded and the main city has not been occupied needs to hold on for half a year. The star fort whose main city is captured and the back road is cut off needs to hold for 2 months. If the defenders abandon the fort and flee without the deadline, they will be severely punished by Fini.

And because of this requirement, Fini began to pay attention to the family situation of the Star Fort guards. Only soldiers with children will be selected into the Star Fort guards. If they violate the regulations, their families and children will be punished together.

In the next few years, Shibo shifted his offensive focus to Fini. After all, the unprecedented "Turaqi fiasco" had to be repaid with the wailing of the Fini people, so that the pressure on Ruiying Maiqiu was much lessened. , although Shib still occasionally used the navy to bomb the coastal areas of Ruiying Maiqiu.

At this time, Patriarch Ruiyingmai Qiu had a whim, and felt that he could launch a counter-attack on the lost ground while Xibo's main force was moving eastward, so that even if the counter-attack failed, relying on the star castle from Tiashiu to Qiu, he could also let Xibo Unable to pursue.

Patriarch Ruiying Maiqiu's idea was supported by Orretia, so they launched a counterattack against Shibo in 2660, and then the next thing proved that although the shield is stronger than the spear, if you try to make peace Xie Bo fights spears, and Xie Bo will let you know that your uncle is still your uncle.

Now the Xibo army left behind in the conquest of Ruiying Maiqiu is just two regular legions with poor quality, and most of the time they are busy suppressing public security issues, but even so, Xibo defeated Rui with only one army. Ying Maiqiu's counter-offensive, and then rushed to cut off the back road of this group of troops, followed by massacre.

Although a small number of Ruiying Maiqiu's army still managed to escape, most of the main force was left on the battlefield, and this was the last possession of Ruiying Maiqiu's republican regime.

Originally, the republican regime was just heartbroken that it suffered heavy casualties, and did not think it would subvert its own rule. After all, the Star Fortress from Tiashiu to Qiu gave them this confidence, but they forgot one point, the Star Fortress can only defend against foreign enemies. .

Over the years, the Kodomy authorities have lost battles one after another, and in the end they even retreated to the North Maiqiu Province, which brought a very heavy pressure to the North Maiqiu Province. The local nobles were not allowed to rise to the top, and the local nobles were dissatisfied. , and at this time a famous family connected them together, giving them the possibility of rebellion.

This family is the Bensa family. After the Bensa dynasty collapsed more than 200 years ago, the newly established republic transferred the Bensa family from the north to the south, removing the foundation of this family, but after more than a hundred years of restoration After that, the Bensa family began to gradually recover.

Although the strength of the Bensa family cannot be compared with the past, when the Ruiying Maiqiu republican regime suffered successive fiasco and counterattack failures, it gave the Bensa family the possibility to cause trouble, coupled with the support of the local nobles, so In 2661, the family of Benza staged a coup d'état.

The Kodomy authorities are already very unpopular, and their own elite strength has been completely lost in these years of war. In addition to the orderly deployment of the Bensa family, the Kodomy authorities have lost most of their territory unexpectedly. Only the crucial Tia held the bottom line.

Seeing this, the Kodomy authorities were also angry, saying that they would rather not give slaves to the Allies, and the Kodomy authorities began to contact Shibo, trying to sell Tia for a good price.

Qiu's fortress, in the final analysis, must have Qiu and Tia to form a solid line of defense. Whoever can control these two cities at the same time will have the strategic initiative. Before the invention of the rope gun, and Star Fortress After the invention, it can be regarded as a battleground for military strategists. Xibo has long been jealous of Tia, and now there is a big gift that comes to the door, how can he not accept it?

As a reward for offering Tia, the Kodomy authorities asked to keep his noble status, and Xibo agreed. As for the deprived land, it was impossible to return it, but Xibo was willing to exchange it with the Kodomy authorities from other places. The two sides negotiated After that, the deal was concluded in 2662.

However, after the event was completed, the Ruiying nobles of the Kodomi government immediately shouted that they were cheating. This Shibo did admit his aristocratic status, but this place is in the Bieber border area that has not yet been conquered. Shibo vowed. He asked the Kodomy authorities to wait in the Vary frontier first, claiming that when he conquered the Bieber frontier, he would compensate the Kodomy nobles for the deprived land three times.

This is too much! Where is Kodomy? On the west coast of the Southern Border Continent, Ula, the nearest main city west of Kodomy, is directly facing the sea, and where is the Bieber border area? The east coast of the Southern Xinjiang Continent. Let's put it this way, when the first ancestor of the saints, Mei Yi, came from the east from the Dragon Continent to the Southern Border Continent, and landed on the land of the Bieber border area today.

After listening to this exchange condition, the Kodomy authorities felt a lot of scolding, but the thief ship has already boarded, so they can only recognize it with their noses, and honestly trek from the west coast of the Southern Border Continent to the east coast.

The Kodomy authorities were close to Orettia, and the Bensa family naturally came to Omedo in person, so Omedo sent an envoy as a mediator in the province of North Maiqiu, which was ruled by the Bensa family, and asked Shibo what he thought of the Bensa family. ?

Now Xibo's focus has been adjusted to revenge on Fini's grandson. Naturally, he is not too keen on fighting Ruiying Maiqiu, so after several discussions within Dima, he told his own conditions: Ruiying Maiqiu must Extinction, Shibo does not care about the ownership of the territory south of Thea, but will not tolerate the continued anti-Sebe movement north of Thea.

After this condition was passed to the North Maiqiu Province, the Bensa family immediately felt that it was simple, so they negotiated with Omedo, and included Omedo on the condition that the North Maiqiu Province obtained autonomy, so that Ruiying Maiqiu naturally No longer exists. As for those anti-Shibo elements in the north of Tia, the Bensa family sold them without hesitation.

With the invention of Star Fortress, Xibo can't conquer the world like in the past, so his resistance to Xibo will be guaranteed. As for Omedo's autonomy, there is no need to worry, after all, he belongs to the resistance to Xibodi. On the front line, Omedo was full of food and insisted on canceling his autonomy, and then took over the responsibility of resisting the front line of Shibo.

The time has come to the year 2664 of the calendar year, here is Dima. After the invention of Star Castle, war is no longer an interesting game for Xiebo, so there are many fewer idlers on Dima Street, and those who can still stay here, Either he came back for a rest or his family was rich and rich, but this old man was different, he stayed to do experiments.

Newton is 76 years old. From a descendant of a run-down noble in Linke Town to today, it can be said that he has left his name in history. The older generation mentors such as Doroc and Mas Empi have passed away. The master of the rope gun, the psionic cannon, and the master who established the "Newton's Law of Spiritual Power", Newton can be regarded as the golden beam of the Xiebo scientific community.

However, Newton is very embarrassed now. Although he is a scientific genius, he is an economic idiot. In the past, he had a history of the strange flower crisis. After the Star Castle came out, it triggered a new round of economic crisis in Xiebo, and it even made Newton pitted. The family went bankrupt, and then the news of embezzling the public property of Doroc University was shaken out, which made Newton have to resign as president of Doroc University.

Having lost his income and owed a debt to his ass, Newton, who was in his seventies, had to return to his old business, returned to his front-line job, and began to carry out the project that Xiebo set up after the appearance of Xingbao, the "rail project". After so many years, Xibo still returned to the plan of the "Poli Ancient Draft".

With the bottoming that was made before, coupled with Newton's dedicated research, the rail technology was finally broken. With the dazzling light of the jet, the spiritual train roared forward on the rail.

As one of the most important researchers of the psychic iron car, Newton stood on the train and wondered what he was thinking. Did he deny his previous invention of the floating airship, or could he finally fight back against Stafford's Star Fortress? unknown.

After the spiritual power train stopped, Newton pushed away the help of his assistant and staggered along the railroad tracks alone. After a while, he sat down at the end of the railroad tracks. the world.

It is a pity that the research and development of the spirit power iron car is too late. The "Second Linna War" has come to an end. After cutting off the north-south communication channel of Fini, Xie Bo did not touch the south where the star fort was built everywhere. Instead, they took advantage of the division of the territory that led to the construction of the Star Fortress to the death of the north.

Both the Waley Border and the Old Pass of the Oyingbeck Dynasty had been occupied, but the Bieber Border, the core area, had relied on the excellent terrain of the Laney Corridor, which blocked the onslaught of Sibo.

By 2666, the Siberians had not launched an attack on the Laney Corridor for a long time, which made the Oyingbage family relax, so they sent envoys, willing to recognize the existing territory, and only keep the Bieber frontier. Put the war to an end so that it will end on the 600th anniversary of the founding of Shibo.

In the eyes of the Oyingbech family, Shibo had only 6 provinces at the time of the war (the sparsely populated slave-catching province was automatically ignored). After more than 30 years of war, Shibo's territory has almost doubled. Times, this kind of achievement is already worthy of the celebration for the 600th anniversary~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Regarding the statement of the Oyingbeck family, Shibo seemed to be persuaded, and began to discuss and negotiate a peace, which made The Owingbage family relaxed their vigilance, and when the Syber raided Enthum by sea in 2667, the Owingbage family was caught off guard and lost the capital in the first battle.

The star fort of the Oyingbeck family was basically built on the front line. They did not expect that Shibo would actually send the navy to bypass the huge northern peninsula and go directly to the side of Ensum. The door gun was hit by Xi Bo.

The fall of Enthum by surprise opened the prelude to the downfall of the Oyingbage family. After 6 years of struggle with Star Fortress, the Oyingbage family lost control of the Bieber frontier.

In 2673 of the calendar year and 605 years of the founding of Xibo, seven countries including Xibo, Omedo, Ruiying Maiqiu, Fini, Feijiao, Falda and Faandamu signed the "Nasu" in Nasubei, the capital of Fini. The Treaty of Pei officially ended the "Second Linna War" that lasted 37 years and the "Fourth Shandian War" that lasted 35 years.

In the "Peace of Nasube", Sibo annexed the whole country of Philippine, annexed all the cities of Ruiyingmaqiu north of Tia, and annexed all cities of Fini north of a border area, resulting in the city of Siber from the pre-war period. There are 50 main cities in 7 provinces and 112 main cities in 14 provinces.

At this point, Shibo has officially become the most powerful country in southern Xinjiang. The entire north coast of the southern border continent is all under Shibo's territory. Because Shibo is so powerful, the heavenly world awarded him the honorary title of "Xibo Empire".

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