God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 702: : Evil beasts come out of cage (25) to step into the wilderness

The fourth batch of colonists borrowed the foundation left by the first three batches, finally survived the most difficult years, established their own humble town, cleared the grass from the land, and allowed the town to be self-sufficient in food. , but the daily necessities still need to be delivered from the outside, which gives Zhong Ming room to profit, and makes Zhong Ming's company a big fortune.

In addition to the development of land, the first three groups of colonists left the fourth group with an institutional foundation. This is undoubtedly thanks to the institutional foundation left by Paine, that is, the colonial electoral system.

The first group of colonists was destroyed by barbarian attacks, and only one survived. This man was shot down by the airship. During the return journey, he tried to drag Zhong Ming to death and was buried in the beast's mouth.

The second batch of colonists died in infighting. When Zhong Ming's supplies arrived, only three people were left alive. After being rescued, one returned to his hometown to wash his hands in the golden basin, and the other joined Zhong Ming's colonial company. The last one was called Paine's colonists decided to continue colonizing.

Therefore, when the third colonization began, Paine, as the only person with colonial experience, easily occupied the leading position among the colonists, but he did not regard it as a permanent hereditary position, but with the colonists. It was agreed that the leader was elected once a year, and all the colonists jointly elected.

When Zhong Ming first supplied supplies to the colony, he found that Paine was implementing this system, and the implementation was very successful, and he was re-elected as the second leader, or mayor, so Zhong Ming curiously asked Paine why he thought of it. use this system.

Paine replied: "We are all just commoners, and no one is more noble than the other. If someone wants to be a new noble, others must think why. The first time was so finished, and the colonial conditions were difficult and they were not united. There is no way to survive, and since everyone is united, we can only allow everyone to have the right to vote and choose whoever they see fit.”

It's a pity that Paine, an interesting civilian, didn't survive the second year. The reason was mentioned before. The floating airship was shot down by a flock of birds during winter transport. This is another blizzard day, and the colonists are attacked by hungry and red-eyed monsters again, so they are led by dogs.

In short, when Zhong Ming reacted and organized a new airship to go to the colony, the colonists were already dead, but it was still a little less than the third batch of dead.

After the colony was destroyed for the third time, Zhong Ming summed up a lesson from the destruction, that is, in bad weather, try to organize two groups of floating airships to go to the colony to supply supplies, in case one accident happens, as for both. What should I do? Anyway, the colonists have a bad life, let them ask for more for themselves.

In addition, although Paine unfortunately froze to death in the blizzard of the third group destruction, his theory was remembered by Zhong Ming, so when the fourth batch of colonization was carried out, Paine's rules were told to these colonists, and they were allowed to carry out their own work. "Paine's Election Act".

After so many hard investments, the fourth group of colonists finally succeeded in developing the colony, which also brought a good income to Zhong Ming, so he opened up a second colony, a third colony, and began to expand his career Bigger and bigger...and then Batiros stepped in.

Zhong Ming may not know that his every move has actually been hooked on Batiros. Later, Zhong Ming bought the airship and the flintlock gun so fast that it was not just the Taugocha family who were behind him. In fact, the President of the United States of America himself gave the green light to these orders.

After all, Batiros has been in trouble recently, and the reason for the trouble is where the future of Shibo is going.

Since the birth of Star Fortress, the expansion of Xiebo has almost been blocked. After the crazy expansion of Xiebo in the past two hundred years, Xiebo has also put up a number in the notebooks of other countries in the Southern Border Continent. If If it wasn't that Star Fortress could not attack and could only passively defend, they would almost have to form an anti-Xibo siege network.

This can not help shocking and terrifying other countries in southern Xinjiang. In 2300, Xibo was only a vassal state with only one province. In 2500, it was only just independent with only two provinces, but in 2600, it became a vassal state with only one province. From 6 provinces, it has now exploded to 14 provinces, and a commercial asylum country.

According to the example of the past thousand years, it is not that there is no such a large country, but once a country has such a huge territory, its efficiency will naturally be low, and the idea of ​​separatism will arise in various places, and then it will wait for an international war and then Disintegrated suddenly.

However, Xiebo broke this convention and divided the country into local provinces for dumping handicrafts, raw material provinces as dumping markets and raw material sites, and special slave-catching provinces, making the domestic economy seamless and raw materials provinces. It is inseparable from the handicrafts of the local provinces, so that it cannot be independent.

Not to mention Xibo's excellent warfare capabilities, especially the invention of floating airships and railways, which enabled Xibo to quickly mobilize troops to any corner of the country to suppress the pattern of rebellions there, which naturally made the Xibo border area even more. Impossible to be independent.

The other countries in the Southern Border Continent are not fools. Knowing that under such circumstances, if the countries continue to fight within each other, Xi Bo will swallow up the entire Southern Border Continent just like Ruiying Maiqiu and Fei Jiao. With the current means, they are fully capable of securing the newly conquered territory.

Therefore, in the jumping up and down of Oretia, although other countries in the southern border continent did not formally sign the agreement to avoid the relationship between Dao and Xie Bo from falling to the bottom, they have reached a preliminary opinion. As long as Xie Bo dares to continue to expand, then they will Aroused countermeasures from the whole southern Xinjiang.

If you use the game terminology of the P club, it is that the expansion of Xibo is too violent, causing ae to explode, causing the anti-Xibo alliance.

However, the invention of Star Castle turned Xibo's war from a game of leisurely strolling into a quagmire that required manpower to gnaw down bit by bit.

Do you think you can beat it? With Uncle Xie's existing size and industrial capacity, compared with the capabilities of other countries in the Southern Border Continent, he might not be able to beat him.

But the problem is that Batiros has been counseled. Now Xiebo is the undisputed number one power in the Southern Border Continent. It can be predicted that Xiebo will remain strong and prosperous for at least a hundred years in the future. In this case, we will fight and win the reunification. Southern Border, defeated and torn apart...

Now the senior executives of Xibo, who have a big family and a big business, don't want to gamble. They lost the aggressiveness of Xibo one city and one country, and two provinces and two countries, and they were discouraged.

But it’s not enough for you to always lie on the merit list. You have to find a new outlet. Nowadays, some Enlightenmentists, especially the reactionary Enlightenmentists, are always targeting workers’ treatment. After workers have the support of nobles, they will He got up and created a lot of riots, which really gave Batiros some headaches.

The main reason is that the population of Shibo has become more and more under the influence of the medical science organized by Akashia, so that they are somewhat overloaded. One of the reasons for the workers' riots is that too many workers squeeze wages. , so that the factory owner's oppression of the workers is becoming more and more excessive.

So there was an Enlightenment named Cato, a rare Enlightenment with official positions, who put forward his own explanation for this phenomenon:

The excessive population of Xiebo makes it possible for the factory owners to have no shortage of labor, so they can viciously squeeze the wages of the workers, which on the one hand causes serious dissatisfaction among the workers, and on the other hand, makes the workers fall into extreme poverty and cannot consume. great influence.

Shibo agreed with Cato's opinion and decided to solve it. At this time, first Pei Siqi and then Zhong Ming's colonial business came into view of Batiros.

At first glance, Batiros thought, "Oh, this business, colonization can make a lot of profits, and it can throw out the surplus population in the country to relieve the pressure on the local population, so that the wages of workers can be improved and the economy can develop.

Best of all, the move is a new idea, a blank slate that doesn't require Batiros to choose between reactionary and liberalism, both of which are strong on both sides.

If you choose reactionism, you must limit the development of factories and return to the pastoral era of "simple and beautiful". Batiros is stupid to do so, but the theory of reactionaries cannot help worrying Shibo, such as the increase in industrial output. Quick, what if one day Shibo can't hold it.

And if they choose liberalism, those factory owners are very happy, but Batiros is worried, no one can say how far the industry that is not controlled by the nobles will develop in the future.

As for controlism? Some views of controlism really like Batyros very much, but what makes people as equal as possible, but what makes Batyros avoid like tigers and snakes, what more nobles are they all equal? What other nobles?

Therefore, in this case, Zhong Ming's colonial path is the best choice, which will neither offend reactionism nor liberalism.

As a result, Zhong Ming's "Zhong Ming Colonial Company" was quickly acquired and reorganized by Batiros and became a private company officially supported by the state. After that, the colonization steps changed three times a day, and vigorously began its own development.

However, the colony's development conditions are really bad. No matter whether you are a noble or a commoner in nature, half of the deaths in the first year of going there belong to the luck of being sheltered by the gods. It is normal that there is no one out of ten, and constant development is required. Therefore, not to mention nobles, even citizens do not want to develop colonies, only those civilians who cannot survive will go to colonies to try their luck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, in order to promote the development of colonies, Xibo promulgated the "Amnesty Decree for Colonists" ”, declared that the debtor could not repay the debt as long as he did not leave the colony for the rest of his life. In addition, unless the non-aristocrat who triggered the crime of betraying the country and killing aristocrats, as long as he fled to the colony and did not return, he could be forgiven.

And Batiros also recognized the "Paine Election Law" implemented by the colonies. After all, in Batyros' view, only the nobles are the worthy leaders. If the commoners form their own towns, it is better to use elections. Lest the mayor want to become a noble after hereditary, it would be very bad.

Zhong Ming finally fulfilled his wish when he was young. He became rich and noble and restored the former glory of the Togo family, even surpassing his own ancestors. And until this time, Zhong Ming, who was almost forty years old, was able to get married. He married Pei Siqi's illegitimate granddaughter, who was also Piahili's sister.

With the development of colonization, there are more types of provinces in Xiebo, so Xiebo finally released an official document. In the classic year of 2700, the names of the three provinces of Xiebo were determined, namely: Home provinces, frontier provinces, and pioneering provinces correspond to industrial provinces, raw materials provinces, and colonies.

And it is interesting to say that there is also a strange example of the residents of the colony, that is, the children born in the colony usually take the name of two syllables, which is to commemorate the three people with the greatest relationship with the colony, Zhong Ming, Paine and Cato, these three Individuals are two-syllable names.

Therefore, later, as long as you hear someone whose name is composed of two syllables, they are basically residents of colonial origin. Later, in order to prevent others from thinking that they are residents of colonial origin, the local province deliberately does not take two-syllable names. This naming method has really become the standard configuration of the colony.

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