God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 706: : The barbarians before the prologue of the Southern Border (2)

The fourth chapter after "Farka People" is "The Man Who Comes More". This chapter is also a chapter that has caused Mali a lot of headaches. The main reason is not that there are few records, but more tampering.

The Duolai people were originally a barbarian tribe located in the central and southern part of the Southern Border Continent. They did not form their own independent civilization due to the influence of the Fakeyu people. However, for this reason, the early historical materials of the Fakeyu people recorded many stories about the Duolai people. The history of Lai Nai, after all, Du Lai Nai people has been the most troublesome barbarian problem in the western and southern frontiers of the Fakyu people from a very early time.

But after 1011, Fakeyou fell into an era of war, and the territory was gradually controlled by the five major warlords in the south, east, north, and west. Later, the warlords in the north established Flanier, the warlords in the east established Fasium, and the warlords in the middle annexed the west and inherited the Fake's legacy.

However, the southern warlords had to devote a lot of energy to the war with the north, so they failed to spend the main force on dealing with the Duolai people. In addition, some nobles like to hire Duolai people to fight for themselves, resulting in the southern Duolai people. More and more, and began to fake Yu.

In the end, under the leadership of the Mobius tribe, Duolai occupied the magpie's nest in 1107 and established the Dodi military aircraft power in the south of the former Fakeyou. The Mobius tribe also became the Mobius dynasty. Soon these invaders were transformed into the Dodi of the Fakyu culture.

Although Dodi has experienced the Mobius Dynasty, the Tijik Dynasty, the Fair Era and the Gosi Dynasty in just two hundred years or so, these regimes have the same attitude on certain things, one of which is the attitude towards the past. The historical data related to the early history of the Duolai man were deleted and tampered with.

This incident started as early as 1166, when Hu Erli, the captain of the Dodi army at the time, edited and edited the "Qianlong Quanshu", and in the name of revising the book, he edited and edited the historical materials related to Dodi in the past. It was an unprecedented catastrophe in the cultural history of Fakeyou, and then Dodi's successive army captains basically inherited this policy.

Although the Dodi was only a regime that divided the south, the problem is that the chronicles of the early history of the Duolai people are basically concentrated in the west and south bordering the Duolai people. The historical data in the southern part are almost impossible to read, and the western part is also due to later It was occupied by Dodi for a time, resulting in no historical data.

Time has changed, and now more than 1,500 years have passed since the compilation of "Qianlong Quanshu", and even Dodi has perished for more than 400 years. Now this problem will be the turn of the people in Mali to have a headache.

In fact, the question of the Complete Book of Qi'anlong does not need to be the turn of Mali to criticize. After Franiel took up the banner of the successor of Fakeyou, he beat the Complete Book of Qi'anlong from various angles, and concluded that "The Complete Book of Qi'anlong" The Quanshu of Qi Anlong, the five taboos of the barbarians, the Fakeyou, the chiefs, the tributes, and the fake thieves.

Therefore, although the "Qianlong Quanshu" has rich records of the early history of the Duolai people, the principle in Mali's "Barbarian Encyclopedia" is only when the "Qianlong Quanshu" is consistent with the remaining ancient documents. Only take this record, otherwise it will not be believed.

As a result, although the history of Duolai is very rich, there are not many histories recorded in the "Barbarian Encyclopedia", and this problem not only troubled Mali, but also because of the rise of "New Barbarian Studies" in the future. The question of "The Complete Book of Qi Anlong" has been debated countless times.

However, in addition to the records in the Fakeyou area, there is another area that also involves the records of the Duolai, and that is the Ruiying area.

As early as in 980, the Asina frontier outpost, which is now part of the Linna Province, received news from the nearby Ruipang people barbarians, and there was a fierceness comparable to the Shiliduo people in the far south. The barbarians, this is the Duolai who penetrated the southern border, from Fakeyou to the border of Ruiying Maiqiu.

Later, the Duolai people replaced the Ruipang people and became one of the most troublesome barbarian problems in Ruiying Maiqiu. After that, although the Duolai people on the border were gradually compressed by the Xiliduo people, only the southern part of Ruiying could I saw the barbarians of the Duolai people, but according to the records of Flanier, the Duolai people were still expanding in the south.

But Duolai stayed on the border of Ruiying for more than 200 years, and was expelled by the more ferocious Xiliduo people. After that, he could only meet from the Dodi border, but at that time the Dodi people had already I didn't care so much about the issue of the person who came to the world, so the records about the person who came to the world at this time are credible.

In the 14th century, the remnants of Ortega crossed the sea to establish Giannis on the peninsula, and then annexed the nearby Dodi cities, so they began to absorb the surrounding Dola people as slaves to suppress the Dodi people in the territory. .

Due to the tolerant attitude of the Yanistega family towards the Duolai people, more and more Duolai people were attracted to the local area. The elements defected to the Xintega army town, and then they merged into the army town. So far, the man ceased to exist as a barbarian force.

The fifth chapter of the "Barbarian Encyclopedia" is to introduce the ancestors of the Odi people, the "Okmi people". Once the Okami people were adjacent to the Ruipang people in the north, and the Duolai and Xiliduo people in the east, it is not a giant but a pity After the 6th century, the territory was gradually shriveled by the successive attacks of the Duolai people and then the Shiliduo people.

But history is just wonderful here. The Okme people in the west avoided the middle of the fiercest war between the barbarians. Therefore, when the Duolai and Ruipong people who once coerced the Okme people had been eliminated, the Okme people People still linger in the West.

Therefore, from Audi, Oslo, Ortega, to Ruiying, Ruiying Maiqiu, there are many historical materials about the Okami people, and even a century after that person was wiped out, the Okami people still existed. The short-term eastward expansion left them a short-lived figure in the historical records of Dodi.

In the 23rd century, due to the development of the eastern countries, the Okami people were truncated into two branches, so later generations retained the original name of the original Okami people in the west, and mixed a lot of Xiliduo culture in the east. The Okme tribe of the 1970s was changed to other names, because the most powerful barbarian kingdom was "Laing", so it was also called "Olaying".

Therefore, in the 27th century when the "Barbarian Encyclopedia" was written, the distribution of the barbarians of the Okme family was roughly as follows. The Okme people had been driven off the coast and were distributed among the mountains, with Omedo and Odi in the north, and Okme in the south. Rhaetian, there is also a point to the east that borders Ortega.

As for the Oraying, they bordered on the west by the Okme, on the east by the Seliri, on the north by the Omerdor, and on the south by the Ortega.

The last chapter of the "Barbarian Encyclopedia" is a chapter introducing the "Xiliduo people". The Xiliduo people and their branches are the most widely distributed barbarians in the southern border. This has also become a proud argument for enlightenmentists. The "Xi" ethnic group, whether it is a civilized country or a barbarian, is the most powerful ethnic group.

In the "Barbarian Encyclopedia", an ancient legend of the Xiliduo people was mentioned in a playful tone, that is, a "hero king" once appeared in the Xiliduo people. The hero king ruled more than half of the southern border continent, and his power was higher than all civilized nations.

The "Legend of the King of Heroes" in the "Barbarian Encyclopedia" is just a joke for people to talk about, but after the rise of "New Barbarian Studies", archaeological excavations have proved that the existence of the King of Heroes cannot be determined, but the legend of the "King of Heroes" mentions It is a fact that the Shiliduo people ruled more than half of the southern Xinjiang, and the Shiliduo people were so widely distributed around the 5th century that later scholars were dumbfounded.

However, since the 7th century, the Xiliduo people suffered serious internal conflicts. The Xiliduo people in the east converted to the **** of fire and had a serious conflict with the Xiliduo people. It can almost be regarded as an alliance of two tribes. Therefore, In Fili's historical records, this group of Silitho tribes are called Sydney Ji people.

The Sydney Jiren are also a very fierce barbarian. For example, the Philidos were annexed by the Sydney Jiren. For example, the Faka were also annexed by the Sydney Jiren, so that the Sydney Jiren once became a common threat to Feili and Fasium. Both countries have numerous documented records of Sydney Ji people harassing the border.

The Xiliduo people were relatively milder after that, and they only clashed with the Duolai person, replacing the Duolai person's position at the border of the Ruiying area, and this group of Xiliduo people at the border of the Ruiying area were much softer. After the Lai Na people and the local people believed in them, they gradually formed the Xili Rui people who were different from those in the south. One of the barbarians who later destroyed the Duo Lai Na people was the Xi Li Rui people.

In the 15th century, the Sydney Ji people also split. The north still maintained the worship of fire and was still called the Sydney Ji people. The south bordered with Fasium, and accepted the hunting worship of Fasium, and began to be called the Siddhis~www .wuxiaspot.com~ By the 23rd century, there was a serious civil war among the Sidifahs, and the six barbarian kingdoms in the east broke away from the Sidifah tribal alliance, and this group of barbarians began to be called the Sidja.

And due to the appearance of Fini and Falda, the civilized countries gradually formed a circle, including the Okami, Oraying, Sidley, Sidfa, Siya, and Sidney. , and the wild East Coast.

After losing contact with the headquarters, and due to the isolation of the Bieber frontier, the Sydney Ji tribe on the east coast quickly split into the Sydney and the Syd, and the Sy'an was affected by the Fini. The influence was more, but the southern tribes began to be influenced by Falda, so the Siana were split in the south.

In short, the pedigree of the Xiliduo people is roughly as follows:

【Xiliduo people】

—【Knowing Li Rui people】

—【Sydney Jiren】

【—Sidi legal person】

【*—Xiya people】

【—Sylodu people】

【—Xi’an people】

【—Xiana people】

At the time of writing the "Barbarian Encyclopedia", among the barbarians on the lonely east coast, from north to south, there were Xiluodu, Xi'an and Xiana.

As for the barbarians in the interior, the order from west to east is as follows:

The Sili Rui people are bordered by Omedo and Sib to the north, and Ortega and Fassa to the south; the Silituo people are bordered by Sieb to the north and Fassa to the south; the Sithifa people are bordered by Sieb to the north, and Fasa and Faandam to the south. The Siyahs are bordered by Sib to the north, Faandamu and Falda to the south; the Sidney Gee are bordered by Sib to the north, Fini to the east, and Falda to the south.

That is, the arrangement of [Okmi-Aolaying-Xilirui-Xiliduo-Xidifa-Xiya-Sydney-Jee].

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