God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 711: : Central South Xinjiang (7) The riding boots of the aliens are stepping on the soil o

The railway from Tia to the south leads to Qiu. Qiu belongs to the province of North Maiqiu, which is the territory of Omedo, but is autonomously governed by the Bensa family.

The local rule of the Bensa family can be traced back to the "Second Linna War" more than 200 years ago. After the republican regime of Ruiying Maiqiu was overthrown, the Bensa family controlled the North Maiqiu province. So he actively talked to Sable and Omedo, trying to solve his status problem.

In the end, Xibo said, "Ruiying Maiqiu must perish", and other requirements were not so harsh, so the Bensa family chose to separate the North Maiqiu province and join Omaiduo, which is considered to have perished Ruiying Maiqiu. Satisfied Shibo's request. And since the House of Benza joined Omedo in 2673, it has been peaceful to this day.

The railway in the south of Qiu leads to Ruiying. This is the name of the ancient saint. More than 2,000 years ago, the saint married the **** of light and gave birth to two saints, Mai and Qiu, and Ruiying became the name of the country. Now, Ruiying and Ruiying Maiqiu are no more, and only the three cities named after them are still standing on the mainland.

The railway in the south of Ruiying leads to Mai, and Mai is also the capital of today's North Maiqiu Province. The name naturally comes from the former Guangming Son Mai.

North Maiqiu Province inherited the legal system of Maiqiu Province, and its name naturally comes from one of the most fertile lands in the southern Xinjiang continent, the Maiqiu Plain.

The province of Maiqiu was established in 1292. At that time, it governed the entire Maiqiu Plain. Together with him, he established the central province, the northern province, the southern province and the southernmost province of Riado. This was Ruiying at that time. The five provinces of Mai Qiu.

Over time, the southern province has become the basic plan for Ruiying to restore the country, the central province has been split into Athena and Linna, the northern province has been replaced by the Rem province, and the Ruido province has repeatedly jumped horizontally. , and Maiqiu Province was also divided into North and South Maiqiu Provinces in 1642 due to the Maiqiu Plain becoming the front line of confrontation between Ruiying Maiqiu and Ruiying.

However, since many in the south were separated from the Maiqiu Plain, the North Maiqiu Province had always considered itself to be the legal successor of the Maiqiu Province, and the God Realm had also concluded that.

When Maiqiu Province was first established, the capital was set up in Ruiying’s earliest capital, Ruiying. After that, Ruiying Maiqiu was on the defensive, and its control over the Maiqiu Plain was retreating, so in 1868, the capital was moved to the north. "Qiu" did not move to Mai in 2164 until after Ruiying was destroyed for the second time, and it has remained unchanged until now.

Youssef visited here and recorded this group of immigrants who claimed to be the last Ruiying people. Today, there are only 3 provinces in the entire southern Xinjiang that use Rui English as a legal language. The province of Athena, and the second is the province of North Maiqiu of Omedo.

However, these nobles in North Maiqiu Province believe that Linna Province has always been the wilderness people in the Ruiying Maiqiu era. Can Ann be called orthodox? As for the Ruiying people in Athena Province, they have long been assimilated by Xibo, and they are also impure Ruiying people. Therefore, only Ruiying people located in North Maiqiu Province, where the Ruiying people originated, are the last legal. successor.

The railway in the south of Mai leads to Youxi. The name of Youxi naturally comes from the river Youxi that nourishes the entire Maiqiu Plain, and the history and status of this city are also extraordinary.

As early as the era of Ruiying Maiqiu, Youxi was established as "the city second only to Laishui". At that time, Laishui was the capital of Ruiying Maiqiu, and Youxi naturally meant the second capital.

The reason why Youxi has such a high status is that he is in the center of the Maiqiu Plain. In the ancient times, if you mastered Youxi, you could control the transportation hub of the Maiqiu Plain. Therefore, Youxi has always been Ruiying Maiqiu. A must-see when fighting Ruiying.

Youxi went south and entered a new province, which was the South Maiqiu district of Omedo, and connected to Youxi was the capital of Omedo, Passatka.

This is also a system of Omedo. As an Audi country, they call their provinces "districts", that is, South Maiqiu District and Oluño District, etc. Only the North Maiqiu, which is autonomous by the Bensa family, can called the province.

Passatka is connected to Yuxi, which means that as long as the country that controls North Maiqiu province moves south from Yuxi, the capital of Omedo can be reached in a moment, so Omedo set the capital at Passatka at that time. , also caused a lot of controversy, and finally the Tedatio dynasty was able to succeed against all opinions.

The Tedatio Dynasty used Passatka as its capital, but in fact it had no choice. As far as the administrative division of Nanmaiqiu Province was concerned at that time, the only one that could be established as the capital was not Passatka, only Lu Xiuruo was left, then why? Did the Tedatio Dynasty not choose Lu Xiu Ruo?

First of all, at that time, the Tedatio dynasty had just succeeded in becoming independent. There were only two provinces, Nan Maiqiu District and Oluño District. The southern Oluño District was just the land that had just been conquered. The Odo people are intertwined, and it is obviously impossible for the Tedatio dynasty to abandon its Nanmeiqiu District and run to Oluño District as its capital.

Since the capital can only be established in Nanmaiqiu District, then there are only two cities left to choose from: Passatka and Lu Xiuruo. Although Passatka was connected to the Yuxi of Ruiying Maiqiu that existed at that time, Lu Xiuruo was just fine. Yet? At that time, the Slu area of ​​Audi was also very close to Lucius!

Moreover, Ruiying Maiqiu has the pressure of Shibo, as long as you don't lose your head and won't start a two-front war, you can win the trust of the other party by placing the capital on the border of Ruiying Maiqiu. As for Audi, he has just become independent from Audi. Putting the capital on the other side's border is too arrogant, right?

To sum up, Omedo had no choice but to put the capital on Passatka, which borders Ruiying Maiqiu, and it was not solved until the Bensa family separated Omedo in the province of North Maiqiu. Border pressure in Passatka, the capital of Omedo.

When the province of South Machee was first split in 1642, the capital was established at Rick, which is located west of what is now Passatka, and you can walk up the game to the city.

Due to Ruiying's advantage over Ruiying Maiqiu, the province of Nanmaiqiu once expanded to the north. Therefore, in 1868, Youxi replaced Rick as the new capital; The capital of Qiu Xing Province was replaced by Lugar in 2161; after Ruiying fell for the second time, the capital was adjusted to Passatka, which has remained until today.

The southern railway leads to Lutiti, and Lutet is also an ancient city. When Ruiying Maiqiu was divided into four provinces, Luteti was the capital of the southern province. When Ruiying returned to the country in 1578 , Luteti has become the first capital of Ruiying, which shows its important position in the south.

Although Lutti was replaced by Kedisa in 1609 due to the reorganization of Ruiying, it was also assigned to the province of Milan, and in 1868, it became the capital of Ruiying and the capital of the province of Milan again. .

It is a pity that the important position of Lutti declined after 2161, the province of Milan was abolished, and the capital was replaced by Marana. In the early days of Omedo’s founding, Lutiti played an important role. He was one of the two passages connecting South Maiqiu District and Oluño District. If Lutti was captured, Omedo’s passage would be cut off. half.

The railway across southern Xinjiang starts from Lutti and turns east for a while. The official reason is that it is convenient to build roads on the flat ground. In fact, it bypasses those provinces that rely on the core during the second rise of Audi. In cities such as Silu District, Qima District, and Lasai District, Audi also regrets being the only country in the southern Xinjiang continent that does not have a railway crossing.

The next city to be connected by railway is Kedisa. Kedisa originally belonged to the southern province of Ruiying Maiqiu. After Ruiying returned to the country, it was included in the province of Milan. The famous Battle of Milan, Milan is a city adjacent to the west of Kedisa, and now it belongs to the Slu region, and the entire province has no railway.

Today, Codisa belongs to the district of Oluño, which was established in 1868 and split from the province of Milan after the "Third Riodo War", "Oluño" It is the spelling of the English abbreviation of Rui, and its full name is the abbreviation of "Oslo is our friend".

Ruiying and Oslo have been friends for 100 years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It has always been a cooperative relationship between the two sides since the contact, and now they have both been destroyed together. It can be said that they are good friends and will go together.

In fact, after Audi conquered the local area, some people proposed to change the name of this province. In the eyes of Audi nobles, this province is not pleasing to the eye, and it was finally suppressed by the then bird king, so it has been used all the time. to date.

When the province of Oluño was first established, its capital was Aostadu in the north, and it moved south to Marana in 1938. Marana also became the last capital of Ruiying after 2161, accompanying Ruiying until 2263. The "Peace of Marana", which declared the subjugation of Switzerland and Britain, was signed here.

Marana's railway is divided into two, one goes east to Batele, and east of Batele is the eastern extension of Omedo, which is a sparsely populated land; one goes south to Asata Della, this is a relatively young city, which was gradually opened up after the division of Oluño Province, and it has lasted for nearly a thousand years.

Assatadela's railway extends westward, and the connected city is called Pashaba, which belongs to the province of Riodor in Omedo, and Riodor is autonomous in the local area.

Ruiduo is an indescribable ethnic group in the southern border. Since his birth, he has been linked with the term "rebellion". Because of his rebellion, many great powers have declined due to his rebellion. At present, Ruiyingmai is on this list. Qiu, Ruiying, and Audi, in fact, Omedo was holding the province of Riodor in his hand, and they were also beating drums in their hearts, not knowing whether they would become the fourth.

The province of Riodor was established in 1290. The capital was originally Ketida, and it was moved to Markov in the south in 1871. It has not changed until now. Some historians joke that this is completely inconsistent with the character of Riodor. , perhaps the loyalty of the Roodoros has been sucked away by the unchanging capital.

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