God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 714: : The Glory of Haimin Huannanjiang (10)

In 2105, the "Olikai Massacre" in Audi triggered the subsequent "Bird's Body War". As the suzerain of Audi, Oslo was involved in this war. However, this war became the decline of the Lovin Dynasty and even the entire Oslo. At the same time, it is also the beginning of the rise of Oretia.

The "Birdslo War" ended in 2155 with the "Kifota Peace Treaty" signed in Kifta, the capital of Oslo, and Oretia became independent as the Toma District - renamed the Island District after 1701, And cut off the front and rear bird head areas of Oslo.

At the beginning of independence, Oretia adopted an oligarchic republic system, that is, a country ruled by a small number of large noble families who elected the Tongtian King to rule.

After the founding of Oretia, the three provinces at hand were merged into two provinces. The two Simedre islands and the southern coast of the Birds Head Peninsula formed an island area. The capital was established in Mananodo. As for the front and back The Birdshead District was consolidated into one province, the New Birdshead District.

After independence, Oretia formed an alliance with Audi to deal with Oslo, which still has a certain strength. At this time, Oretia was on the mainland as an island country, so its strength was weak, so when discussing with Audi about the division of Oslo , has made a lot of concessions to Audi in terms of territorial issues.

However, in 2175, Audi formed an alliance with Ruiying Maiqiu to deal with Ruiying without consulting with Oretia, which made Oretia very angry, because it would involve Audi with the northern neighbor. The war will undoubtedly lead to more pressure on Oretia, and Audi obviously refuses to compromise on the territorial issue.

The two countries had a big quarrel over the alliance with Ruiying Maiqiu. In the end, Oretia took the initiative to back down. There was no way. At this time, Oretians accounted for less than one-fifth of the country. As long as Audi was willing to exchange benefits, Many local Odi nobles must be willing to carry pots and pulp to welcome the king.

Afterwards, Oretia's prediction became a reality, Oslo and Ruiying formed a strategic alliance, so in the "Sixth Ruiduo War" that broke out in 2214, Ruiying Maiqiu, Audi, and Ole were formed. The situation in which Tia is at war with Ruiying and Oslo.

And Oretia's concerns have also become a reality. Audi, who was fighting on two fronts, transferred many troops to the north to fight Ruiying, which led to the pressure of the war on Oslo being basically borne by Oretia.

The "Sixth Riodor War" ended in 2263 with the Peace of Marana, Oslo ceded the Dito district to Audi and the Kas district to Oretia, making the Kas district a Fortunately, the enclave of Oretia could be connected by sea, so Oretia accepted it temporarily.

After the war, Orettia lifted the military alliance with Audi. After all, the cooperation between the two countries was really unpleasant. Besides, Orettia was worried that after Oslo was destroyed, he would become Audi's next target. So it is enough to maintain a balance in the Audi region.

Since Orettia and Audi were in trouble, Oslo came together and wanted to form an alliance. Orretia didn't do it. Although he was very unhappy with Audi, as long as he did not form an alliance with Oslo, there would be reconciliation. Chances are, after forming an alliance with Oslo, it is really an enemy country relationship.

So Oretia traveled between Audi and Oslo to maintain the balance of power, and had many business ties with both countries, which made Audi avoid the mouse and maintain peace for a period of time.

The balance of power was finally broken by Oslo itself. Oslo surrendered to Dorian in 2294 and became part of the construction of Dorian's "three ministers and one main system" to ensure the continued existence of his country, while Dolly arranged to squeeze Orretia merchants. Enraging Oretia, Oretia fell to Audi.

Dorian ambitiously claimed that he wanted to build "Dorian Peace" for the Fakyu region by building a "three ministers and one main system". Unfortunately, the only consequence of this strategy was to anger both the Audi region and the Fakyu region. To break the status quo country, both sides joined together.

The countries united in the Audi region are Audi and Oretia, and the countries in the Fakyu region are Fasium and Fassa. In the "Dorian War" that broke out in 2340, they It was Audi, Oretia, Fasium, and Fassa who fought against Dorian, Oslo, the Danub army town of Fasium, and the Fakyu army town of Fasium.

The "Dorian War" ended in 2381 with the "Fifteenth Peace Treaty of Tuk", Oslo was completely destroyed, and Audi and Oretia divided Oslo from north to south.

During the war, the "Ravi Incident" occurred between the mercenaries of both sides. Due to the fight for the territory of Oslo, there was a war in Rawai. In the end, Oslo and Audi reached a compromise and exchanged Gradoso and Anhu.

In addition to the territory divided into Oslo, Oretia also gained a lot of territory in Giannis Gulf, so when the year 2400 came, the Oretians only accounted for one-tenth of the country's population, the Dorians and Combined, the Dodi also make up one-tenth of Oretia's population.

At this time, Orettia controlled almost all suitable ports in the Audi area, and the next goal he set for himself was to "dominate Giannis Gulf". Most of the ports in Giannis Gulf were controlled by Orettia. Orettia integrated it into the Gulf, but there were still some northern ports, such as the Livin District, which remained Dorian territory.

Since Oretia's next target is Dorian, and Audi's next target is Ruiying Maiqiu, the two countries signed a non-aggression pact and fought against each other.

In the course of negotiating with Audi, Oretia began to form an anti-Doric alliance, forming an alliance with Fassa in 2403, which led to an alliance between Dorian and Fatheum, and then bringing Faandamu into the alliance in 2414. .

On the other hand, Oretia began to incite rebellions in the Dorian-autonomous Yuliwen District and Xintega Army Town, which happened to be controlled by the Ortega people, which undoubtedly gave Oretia a chance to Take the opportunity.

In the end, it was because of the civil strife in Yuliwen District and Xintejia Army Town that Dorian sent troops to counter the rebellion, which gave Oretia an excuse to send troops, so the "Second Dorian War" broke out in 2425. Rhaedia, Fassa, and Faandam go to war with Dorian and Fasium.

After more than ten years of fighting, Dorian began to lose support and was losing ground. Fassa's triumphant advance had a tendency to destroy Dorian, which made Oretia begin to be vigilant.

As a country whose capital is on the far-off Birdshead Peninsula, Oretia is only satisfied with occupying the port area in the Fakeyu region, and if there is a unified overlord in the Fakeyu region, it will undoubtedly make Oretia lose the expanded port. Now Faza has a tendency to become the new overlord, so Oretia began to turn to support Dorian to fight Faza.

In the end, the alliance between the two sides completely collapsed in 2461. The cause was the Fasum issue. Fasum collapsed under the flanking attack of Fassa and Faandam, so he surrendered to Fassa to seek the continued existence of the country, and Fassa was the host to let Fa. After Hume ceded the south to Faandamu, he received Faandamu's recognition, so Fasumu became a vassal of Fassa.

This gave Oretia an excuse to use the topic. Orettia accused Fassa of accepting Fasium's vassal request without authorization, and regarded the "anti-Dorian alliance" as nothing, and Fassa took out Oretti Asia financed Dorian's old account, and then the two sides each pulled allies in Dorian and began to fight.

Later, Oretia planned to negotiate peace, even if she gave up a little interest, it didn’t matter, it was Dorian’s interest anyway, but Fassa insisted on not negotiating, and planned to hold on until Audi and Oretia’s “North-South Mutual Discord” The Invasion Treaty expired, contact Audi to invade Oretia south.

It is a pity that Audi was still engaged in the "Second War of Light" with Ruiying Maiqiu at this time, and did not have the energy to attack Oretia south, so the two countries renewed the "North-South Mutual Nonaggression Pact", which made Fassa completely Abandoned and ended the "Second Doric War" with the signing of the Sixteenth Treaty of Tuk in 2474.

Although Oretia did not gain any territory in the "Second Dorian War", the gains were still not small. Ortega, who marked the 554th year of the annihilation of the country, returned to the country again.

After the restoration of the country, Ortega was originally separated from the local family, and the Shangyu Liwen family became a dynasty. The Shangyu Liwen Dynasty was established, and the Shangyu Liwen Dynasty was actually a branch of the former Yuliwen Dynasty.

In addition, Dorian also opened many ports and provided many commercial privileges to Oretia, which was enough for Oretia. Oretia's goal was only to control the Gulf of Giannis. Dorian's vast interior has little aggressive intent.

More importantly, in this way, the Fakeyou region is relatively safe for Oretia. Ortega is his own commercial asylum country, and Dorian has a request for Oretia, and he is not interested in Oretia. The hostile Fasa stood out of Dorian's territory. Even if a war broke out, as long as Dorian collapsed, it would take at least ten years for Fasa to reach Orretia's territory.

At this time, Fassa has become the strongest country in the Fakeyou region, so due to the fear of other countries, it gives Orettia the possibility to stir up the storm.

Beginning in 2500, Oretia used the common belief of other countries to believe in the shadows as a connection point, and let Ortega, Dorian and Faandamu sign the "Romus Book Three Kingdoms Mutual Defense Alliance" in Oretia's Luomushu. Ortega , Dorian and Faanda concluded a mutual defense alliance treaty, Dorian and Faandamu signed a separate military alliance treaty.

(Although Ortega is a vassal of Oretia, Oretia claims to be a commercial sanctuary country, so it has the right to conclude treaties—of course not by itself)

These operations allowed Oretia to build a sufficiently secure eastern border for herself. In the "14th Shadow Hunting War", Oretia only provided financial expenditures, allowing the three-nation alliance to block a wave of Fasium~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ And taking advantage of this opportunity, Oretia may be able to intervene in the situation in the north and solve the country that divides its territory in half, Audi.

Now Dito area is still occupied by Audi, which is very unsafe, because Dito area also has a port, Audi may cut off Orettia, and if Dito area is controlled by Audi, Audi and Oretti The sub-core area is separated by a mountain range of Biu, which is quite dangerous strategically.

So when the "Tedatio War" came, Oretia took the opportunity to aid Audi's domestic rebel forces to launch an attack on Audi.

The "Tedatio War" has been described earlier. With the "Meida Shaqi Peace Treaty" signed in 2570, Omedo became independent, and Oretia got Audi's right wing area and Dito area to Oretia, Solved its own strategic dilemma.

In addition, after more than 400 years of development in Oretia, the Gafilho family gradually became the most powerful noble, so after the "Tedatio War", the parliament granted the hereditary power to the king of Tongtian, ending the Aurelia In the aristocratic republic era of Tia in 450, the Gafilio dynasty was established.

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