God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 724: : Southern Border (End) Land of Vengeance

Continue eastwards from Fage in Faandam to Troutzin in Falda, which belongs to the army town of Lorda in Falda.

Luoerda Army Town was originally called Dongjiang Army Town. It was a new province established by Fasium in 1350. The capital when it was first established was Feiqi, the most western part of Luoerda Army Town. The jurisdictional territorial scope of Dongjiang Military Town continues to expand eastward, and the former center has become the current frontier.

After 1421, the Lorda family took control of the Eastern Frontier Army Town, and when Fasium was deeply involved in the war with Frannier, like Riodor and Ruiying Maiqiu, he and Frannier. Er echoed each other, ensuring his control over the military town of Dongjiang, and making his local rule more and more profound.

Until 1688, taking advantage of Fasum's tragic defeat in the "Seventh Shadow Hunting War", the leader of the Lorda family, Guge, took the opportunity to launch a westward expedition to overthrow Fasum's 148-year-old oligarchic era. , established the Lorda dynasty that lasted 42 generations in 693 years, and was not replaced by the Neteo family until 2381.

When the Lorda Dynasty was established in Fasium, it moved away from the Eastern Border Army Town. After all, it is far from the center of Fasium, and it can be divided but not contended for hegemony. However, in order to commemorate the province where it started, the Lorda Dynasty The original local name was replaced by his own family name, which is the origin of "Lorda Army Town".

To the east of Troutzin is Denveron Bay, so the railway goes directly north to reach Denveron, the best port in Denveron Bay, and Denveron is also one of the junctions of the north-south railway arteries in the southern mainland. Sio's Railroad, and Bisao Railroad all the way north, and finally to Mando, New York, in Siberia.

After the railway left Denveron, it left the coast again, bypassing Aoxinliang, which was the capital of the army town of Lorda from 1688 to 1746 and 1939 to 2673, and linked directly to the northeast to the army town of Lorda today. The capital of Road Ferry.

Luferri has one thing in common with Denveron, that is, he is also the intersection of the main artery of the north-south railway. He carries the railway from Hatchmagage, and the railway goes all the way north from Hatchmagage to the repair of Siberia. Cape.

And if the railway in Luferri goes further east, it will leave the army town of Lorda and reach the core of Falda's rule, that is, the army town of Smallton May. It was also the capital of the army town of Lorda until 1939.

Beginning with Baroquel, the railroad traveled again across the coastal lands, and Baroquel continued eastward to Smanu, the capital of Falda after 2381 and the present capital of the town of Smorton May.

As for Smanu continuing to the east, this is the capital of Falda when he founded the country, Lüjing. Lüjing guards the pass of the mountain range, and it can be regarded as a place where a husband can pass. The mountain range was called the Far East Mountains in ancient times, and now Falda calls it It is the Rijing Mountains, and Fini calls it the New Hador Mountains.

After leaving Lujing, you will enter the town of Revenge, which is a very interesting town. Falda and Fini have an epigram, that is, "every inch of the town of Revenge is stained with the blood of the soldiers of the two countries."

The main city connected to Lüjing is called Sudilun. Sudilun is located in the northwest of Lüjing. The railway will pass through Sudilun and then go all the way to the north. Arrive at the famous Sandian Dean.

Although the capital of the town of Vengeance is in Saraika, Shandian is undoubtedly the most famous city in the town of Vengeance. Even people in the Sydney area know the name of this city. This city is Farr. The fuse of the century-old blood feud between Da and Fini.

The cause can be traced back to the "Serbo War" more than 600 years ago. At that time, Fini was at war with the Valerosino Dynasty of Fei Argon, and the Valerosino Dynasty was in the famous "Salvation of the Nation" at that time.

When Fini fell into the "Serbo War", the "Thirteenth Shadow Hunting War" also broke out in the Fakeyou area, and the easternmost town of Smallton Meijun, which is the predecessor of Falda, passed the "Five "The Rebellion in the Military Town" succeeded in separating the regime, but he had no intention of conquering the west, so he set his sights on Fini.

Exactly how the incident happened is now unclear, and Feeney claims that Falda took advantage of the fire and took the city by raiding Shandian in 2266 while he was busy with the Northern War.

However, Falda claimed that it was clear that the nobles of Shandian were dissatisfied with Fini's oppression and invited him to seek refuge from them, otherwise they would have to guard against potential enemy attacks in the west at that time. If there was no leading party, how could it be possible to be in the east again Open a front?

Both countries claimed that they were the righteous side, and Fini was spitting up blood three liters by the "Salvation of the Nation" of the Valerosino Dynasty in the "Siberian War", and the South was naturally unable to resist Smallton May. In the end, Shaandian could only be ceded to Smallton Meijun Town in 2271, and the bridge between the two countries was forged at this time.

In 2335, news came from the far east that the "madman" Hulls' family was executed, and he was angry and launched a rebellion against Shibo, provoking the "Second War of Shibo" and involving Feiqiang, so Fini, who was not worried about being invaded in the north, declared war on Falda in 2338 and wanted to retake Shandian. This was the "Second Shandian War".

The "Second Shandian War" ended in 2381. Fini not only recaptured Shandian, but also conquered a large area that originally belonged to Falda, resulting in Falda's capital, Lujing, directly becoming a front.

After the victory, Feeney proudly set the newly conquered territory as the revenge frontier, indicating that he had successfully avenged this war.

In 2434, Fini picked up the 160th anniversary of Falda's founding and came to the door, asking Falda to cede the Lujing Pass to show that he would not be provoking a war, and the "Shaandian Massacre". Confession, after being rejected by Falda, Fini immediately declared war on the grounds that "for the humiliation of Shandian", this is "the third Shandian war".

As a result, Fini suffered a disastrous defeat this time, and several famous battles took place, all of which ended in Fini's defeat. As a result, Falda became more and more courageous, and even hit the core area of ​​Fini, the Sakya border area.

At this time, the "Third Syber War" in the north under the leadership of Parson Dorfan had ended, Philippine suffered a tragic defeat, Syber annexed Sydney and began to develop, and more importantly, Aoying, who ruled the Bieber border area The Betsy family had freed up and started targeting Feeney.

After the founding of Fini in 2164, the mercenary groups elected the strongest mercenary family, the Antar family, as the leader of the Fini, thus establishing the Antar Dynasty, and the Antar Dynasty was in the "Third Shaandian War". The fiasco left them without the support of the Fini, which gave the Owingbeck family a chance.

So the Fini nobles opened their gates, and the Oyingbeck family took the soldiers from the Bieber frontier all the way south without hindrance. Finally, the Fini nobles staged a coup d’etat and hijacked the Antar Dynasty to surrender to the Oyingbeck family.

Then the Oyingbage family took over the war against Falda, forcing Falda to withdraw from the Sakyamuni Frontier, and signed a peace treaty in 2486, retaining only the interests of annexing the town of Vengeance, while the Oyingbage family overthrew the settlement in the Philippines The Antar Dynasty, which has been inherited for 19 generations and stretched for 322 years, established the Oyingbeck Dynasty of the Phoebebo people.

After Falda recaptured the town of Revenge, some nobles proposed to change the name of the province, but the captain of the Falda army refused. He said that this "revenge" could also refer to Falda's revenge on Fini. What? So the name of the town of revenge has been preserved until today.

After recovering the town of revenge, Falda was still not satisfied, and vowed to go north to destroy his feud, Fini, and thus began to unite with Fei, which made Fei and Fei in the "Gili Laxi War" that occurred in 2520. Falda attacked Fini from the south and the north together.

These things are relatively familiar to Sydneysiders and Phoebebo people, because when Feeney was at a critical stage of life and death, Feeney's Prince Leysay of Oyingbeck sought the help of Syber. With the help of financial and material resources, a group of Shibo-style troops were refined.

Finally, relying on the Siberian army, coupled with the fact that Fei Ar had to resist the Siberian invasion, relieved the pressure on the northern part of Fini. As a result, Fini not only expelled Falda, but also began to counterattack at the town of Vengeance. In the Peace of Dima in 2569, the Vengeance Frontier was successfully recaptured.

The next war between the two countries was the "Fourth Shandian War" that broke out in 2638. The cause of the war was still provoked by Fini, who asked Falda to atone for the "Shaandian Incident" , put forward a bunch of conditions that Falda could never agree to, and declared war on Falda after he refused.

What happened next, Sydney and Phoebe are still very clear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shibo provoked the "Second Linna War" and declared war on Ruiying Maiqiu and Feiqiu, and he quickly and violently The expansion was beyond everyone's expectations. Fini never thought that Fei Argon would be defeated so quickly and completely. Xie Bo was approaching his border at an unimaginable speed.

An uneasy Fini tried to interfere with the situation in the north and provided shelter for Fei Ar to avoid bordering with Xibo. As a result, Xibo had long been eyeing Feini. After Fei intervened in Fei, Xibo immediately issued an ultimatum, asking Fei Nye surrendered all the territory west of Hadow, and after being rejected, Siber declared war on Phinee.

So Falda was happy, and Falda, who had already retreated, began to sing forward again, regained the town of revenge all the way, and then began to spy on the Shakyamuni Frontier.

At this time, Oretia came, and warned Falda with the principle of dead lips, if Fini fell, Falda would border with Shibo, and Falda understood this truth and was forcing Fini to return. After the town of Vengeance, they cooperated with Orettia's plan and let Fini last until the birth of Star Fortress.

Then came the peace brought by Shib. It had been more than two hundred years since the publication of "Railway Journey", and there was no "Fifth Shaandian War". The town of Vengeance remains Faldar's territory.

To the north of Shandian is the land of Fini, and the Bieber border area in the northeast belongs to Phoebe, and it is the hometown of Yusuf, the author of "Railway Journey", and Fini and Phoebe are born. What is separated is the territory of Shibo, followed by the part of the territory of Shibo that belongs to the Fini region.

The "Railway Travel Notes" around southern Xinjiang will be introduced here, and next, it will be the most unpeaceful place in the era of "Xibo's Peace", the vast inland as a colony, and the **** and strange "Apocalypse War" .

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