God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 727: : Apocalypse War (3) Kanyumi Stone

The devils are all dead, all the fallen gods have fallen, and now only the **** king of **** is still struggling in **** with the power given by this ancestor god, but it seems that he will not live for long.

To Leng Yi's surprise, there are still living beings in the entire **** except for the Hell God King. They are not great beings, but a group of poor people who are about to be used as experiments by the devil—or not necessarily poor ones. Just criminals.

Strange, a group of mortals, the strong are extraordinary legends, and the weak are only white jade, how can they survive in the scarlet aura that even gods can't support?

After Leng Yifei got closer, he observed carefully and found that these people were alive or alive, but their condition was not very good. According to the system's present life, the reason was that they lacked food and could not adapt to the harsh environment of hell.

Hell does not have the habit of keeping humans in captivity, but in order to allow the test items to survive in the short term, the devils transformed part of the space in the laboratory into conditions similar to the surface, and stored some food.

However, when the scarlet aura erupted, the devil left the laboratory in a hurry, which led to illegal operations in the laboratory, and many early warning procedures were activated. Crimson scent.

Because of the hurry, the devils didn't care about the test subjects, so the test subjects were temporarily free. After the devils were completely wiped out because of the crimson aura, the test subjects were completely free, and then ushered in their ending.

The worst test items were when the devils were withdrawn, they were still in the process of testing, but as soon as the devils left, no one could keep them alive, and they soon died because of the tests.

The second is the test subjects who were locked and unable to get out. They were trapped in the cage and starved to death one by one after experiencing cannibalism and robbing human flesh because they did not throw food.

The test items that are still alive today are all the luckiest ones. When the devil retreated, they were neither in the test nor locked up, so they were free. There are also some people because the cage that imprisoned them was quickly corroded by the crimson breath and invalidated, and thus they were able to break free from the captivity.

But this was just a moment of luck. Soon this group of people faced two problems. One was lack of food. The devil prepared food and fresh water, but not much, and this group of people didn’t know where to store it. Search by luck.

The second is that they cannot adapt to the environment of hell. The environment of **** is quite harsh. The reason why they can live now is that they have the protection of the laboratory. The nightmare has come.

So after hysterical roaring, brutal cannibalism and cannibalism, there are less than three-digit test subjects who survived in **** now, and they are all leaning against the wall with their backs exhausted, like a wounded orphan. Like a wolf, he looks at the surroundings with fierce eyes to prevent himself from becoming someone else's Chinese food.

"It's not easy to live to this day, but if you go back like this, it will definitely cause an uproar," Leng Yi thought for a while and then came up with an idea.

A survivor leaned on the icy wall. The wall that used to be a nightmare has now become his spiritual support. This survivor was a mercenary before he came to hell, with the average level of a mercenary, fighting in a field. was captured in , then sold to the devil, so now in this **** lab.

Now the poor mercenary closed his eyes, but from his slightly shaking ears, he could see that he was not dead. Instead, he was still using his ears to listen to the movement around him, so as not to be raided by other competitors. Idle, holding a steel pipe in one hand and roasted thigh meat in the other, the source of the meat...

But it's not easy to survive until now, isn't it? You must be the last few alive, right? The mercenary realized that his consciousness was dissipating, and that he was dying soon, so he could only comfort himself with these empty words, so that he could finally win.

In fact, the mercenaries also know that this is a game destined to lose, and no one can have a better ending, because even if they live a little longer, they can't go back. Who can return from **** to the mortal world alive? For thousands of years, I am afraid that there has only been Gross, the ancestor of the warlock, and can he be compared to Gross?

(This mercenary is from Middle-earth, so I don't know that Athena, the savior of Ruiying Maiqiu, once returned to the mortal world from **** alive)

Then why do you keep going? The mercenary thought about it with his already dull head, and thought it was his last breath. At least he had to die of starvation and exhaustion, instead of being beaten to death and then eaten by others. , As for the corpse after his death... that can't be dealt with so much.

Just as the mercenary was contemplating how to die, a magnificent voice suddenly came from his mind. This kind of voice had only appeared in the previous Apocalypse announcement. Is this the arrival of a god? Can gods also come to hell? This made the mercenary play smart, and opened his eyes with a sigh of relief.

I couldn't see the **** standing in front of me, but the voice in my mind continued to recall, but let the mercenary know the purpose of the voice communicator, it turned out to be to save himself.

"You are brave human beings who managed to survive until I came, but the matter of **** is very important, you can't go back like this."

The mercenary did not commit suicide in desperation. After all, the voice said that it was impossible to "go back like this", which means that the way to go back still needs to be negotiated? In the end, it's been until now, so it's better to keep listening, it's better to die than live.

"So the only survivors, you now have two choices, one is to keep all the past memories, keep basic common sense and be exiled to a strange country, and the other is to choose to end your own life, but I promise to make you reincarnated in a noble family."

Without much hesitation, the mercenary chose the second option, just his own bad life, not to mention erasing his memory, what if he kept his memory? On the other hand, although the second rule will make him die, but he can be reincarnated in a noble family in exchange, this transaction is really cost-effective.

Of course, the mercenary also knows that there will be some fearful rats who are hesitant, afraid that the existence of this voice will not fulfill the promise, but for the mercenary, what does it matter whether it is fulfilled or not? If that person doesn't exist, he won't be able to live for long. On the contrary, if what he said is true, wouldn't he make money in the next life?

After choosing the second option, the mercenary quickly lost consciousness and began to be reincarnated. It was just that Leng Yi made a random stroke to let the system arrange it without taking care of it. After all, things in **** are more important now, and Leng Yi didn't know that. All the people in the group were systematically arranged to go to the Southern Border Continent, and the time came sooner or later.

And the mercenary finally fell to the ground with crying after several decades. If he still had the memory of before his death, he would probably scolded Leng Yi with an mmp. What about the noble aristocrat? Of course, this does not mean that Leng Yi has breached the contract. He was indeed reincarnated as a nobleman, but unfortunately it was the plucked nobleman - the Oyingbech family.

If hundreds of years ago, the Oingbage family was indeed brilliant, ruling Fini with many provinces, but when he was born, the Oingbage family had fallen. The family was restricted, and when the great pioneering era began, it was even expelled from the pioneering area.

The reincarnated baby of the mercenary was a member of the Oyingbech family who was born in the pioneering area. His parents named the baby Anzales after his grandfather with a sad face.

Back to now, Leng Yi used the power of the system to break through the many obstacles of the crimson atmosphere, contacted the Hell God King trapped in the Hell Temple, and pretended to be very tired and asked him: "Your Excellency the Hell God King What happened to you guys! What is this thing! Why even if I use Ancestral God Yu Ze, I can only barely resist!"

When the Hell God King heard that there was still someone who could contact him, he was very surprised at first, and then he was overjoyed when he learned that it was the God of Slashing Realms, but only when he heard that the God of Slashing Realms used the ancestral **** Yu Ze to reluctantly contact him, he was rejoiced again. For sadness, since even the God of Slashing Realms is so difficult, it seems that he can't escape this disaster after all.

"A sin," the God King of Hell sighed, "I set up an ultimate plan in **** to try to destroy the demons. I didn't expect that the demons were not destroyed, but **** was destroyed first."

"The ultimate plan?" Leng Yi remembered that he had heard of this so-called "ultimate plan" when he was watching King Arthur's incarnation Mordred. The devil even kidnapped Aguiwen, a descendant of Dais, because of this. How did the plan come about like this?

And the **** king of **** is really a devil, and he is still lying when he is about to die, so Leng Yi first wanted to snort, and then he thought that his current setting is to use the ancestor **** Yu Ze to barely talk, so obviously he can't make a snort. This kind of advanced action was directly changed to scolding.

"It's all at this time, haven't Your Excellency the God King of Hell made things clear! If it's just to contain the devil, why can it cause so much damage to the gods! I can't stay for long, **** has become like this again, we will soon Disconnect! Can't Your Excellency the Hell God King tell the truth for the God Realm at the end! The sea gods have already fallen!"

Leng Yi saw from the system's camera that the Hell God King originally wanted to defend a few words, but after hearing the fall of the Sea God, he lowered his head completely:

"Alas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since it is doomed, let's just talk about it. The source of hell's 'ultimate plan' came from an exploration into the depths of the abyss. After I discovered the source of everything, there will be The 'Ultimate Plan', the purpose of which is to create what it is today, we will call it the 'Kannyumite'."

"The effect of Kanyumi Stone is two, one is to curb the chaos, this knife is aimed at the abyss, the nature of the devil is chaos, and if you curb the chaos, you can destroy the demon; the other is to curb belief, this knife is aimed at the heaven, if you If you believe in entanglement, it will be devoured and transformed by the Kanyumi stone, and finally it will fall."

Hearing this, Leng Yi understood a lot of things, and it is natural to say more than to contain the devil, why did the gods fall? Because the Kanyumi stone has swallowed up the belief, and the sea **** is one of the **** masters of the eight major gods, it is natural to be extremely restrained, and Leng Yi also dared to make a promise. safe and sound.

As for the existences of heroic spirits and gods, they also fell because of the Kanyumi stone because they relied on the gods to transform their own personalities. This is why mortals can survive in the laboratory filled with Kanyumi stone. The reason is that they have not changed their personalities, and they have not believed in them - except for priests.

I have to say that **** has really done a great death. Although they did not believe in entanglement, they also transformed their personalities. As a result, it was precisely because of this that they could not resist the Kanyumi stone. When there was a ghost, he didn't dare to notify the realm of the gods. When he wanted to notify, he had no chance. In the end, he succeeded in killing himself.

This made Leng Yi feel a little unbelievable dream. The great power that he personally participated in building, an existence that can rival the heaven, and the two pillars of the upper world, hell, are all destroyed like this?


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