God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 736: : Apocalypse War (12) Falda's Upstart

This Falda upstart who came to the door called himself Sauron. If Lovekraft was familiar with Falda culture, he would have realized that there was never a person named Sauron in Falda culture, even only Sidfi Among the barbarians, there is a custom called Sauron.

However, Lovekraft obviously didn't realize this. In fact, although he was unfamiliar with the pronunciation of "Sauron", since he was a foreigner, it was understandable, not to mention that it was a two-syllable word. I am afraid it is not only foreigners, but also foreigners in the colonies.

And the purpose of this Soren coming to Lovekraft, he said that he was greatly touched after watching "My Childhood" and was determined to devote himself to the career of romanticism, so he paid for Lovekraft to write a story. I took this poem back to myself, but the conditions were not simple, it had to be a poem related to the slums.

This ghetto has always been visited by only a few liberals. What does it have to do with their romanticism? However, this Sauron not only provided a good Austrian draw, but was also willing to provide many necessary magics for going to the slums, such as the olfactory shielding scroll, etc., so Lovecraft felt that it would not matter if he went once.

Anyway, this Sauron is bringing poetry back to Falda, so he doesn't need to take it very seriously. He revises it repeatedly like other poems. He just needs to do it in one go and then correct it again and again, so it's quite an easy job, especially with Such a rich pay, it is a cost-effective job.

So after receiving the deposit and making some preparations, Lovekraft went to the slums to collect folklore in order to write the romantic poems Sauron demanded.

Ashamed to say, Lovekraft has been in Batiros for a long time, but he never went to the ghetto once, and there is no need to be too ashamed, because most of the gentlemen who can join the club do not need to go to the ghetto. So this is the first time Lovecraft has stepped into a slum.

The slums are mainly populated by the extremely poor and the thriving social groups. Batiros inherited the fine traditions since ancient times, never cared about the life and death of the slums, and left the land to the control of vigorous social groups, and the vigorous social groups colluded with the factory owners and became the yamen who brought the workers to work. .

In fact, hundreds of years ago, when Boligu just started the industrial revolution, vigorous social groups were classified as "gangsters" among the three evils, and were severely suppressed until they disappeared for a while, and most of the gangsters caught were slapped with The title of homeless person, and then thrown into the factory to work as a coolie for a few years, so the effect is obvious.

However, after Dima ruled the entire Shibo, dynamic social groups began to sprout, and Shibo also handed the bottom-level security to dynamic social groups. As long as the gang could pay the poll tax, Shibo would no longer be able to do so. To manage, one is to respond to the call of liberalism, and the other is to save administrative expenses.

Since the administrative expenses are saved, there is no need to pay too much attention to the living environment of the poor - of course, the layout of the city should be done well, so as to prevent the outbreak of plague in the slums and contaminate the entire city - so the slums are mostly set up at the downwind of the factories. Every moment can feel the industrial power of Shibo.

Therefore, when Lovekraft stepped into the slum, what he saw was a smoky scene, whether it was a physical sense or a security sense.

The slums on the leeward side can hardly see the sun, so it is always gloomy, the houses are extremely low, you never know how many people are in a house, and passers-by can see holding spirit rope guns arrogantly The thugs walking through Ang, as well as the faceless pedestrians, and a group of children covered in dirt.

Looking at this scene like a **** on earth, Lovecraft's heart was tightly grasped. Lovecraft, who was just planning to deal with it casually, began to take his work seriously.

While Lovekraft was visiting the slum, there was also a strike here. I saw a group of female workers gathered some workers neither to work nor to disband, squatting at the door of the textile factory and shouting slogans to demonstrate.

After listening to it for a while, Lovekraft roughly understood the reason for the troubles among the female workers. The female workers had just passed a strike demonstration a few weeks ago, forcing the factory owner to promise that the female workers could work a maximum of 16 hours a day. The result was within a few days. break the agreement.

At first, the female worker didn't dare to attack, but yesterday another female worker collapsed on the machine because she was too tired, and then the whole factory was covered with blood from the roaring machine. After the factory owner came in, she actually claimed that the female worker was disturbed. Production plans, refusal to pay today's wages, culminated in this strike.

The factory owner did not show up in person, but sent a housekeeper here, threatening the striking workers and sending them to court, and dynamic social groups also emerged from every corner in a timely manner to talk to the female workers. He kindly mentioned their families and children, and commented on their bodies.

A small number of female workers were shaken, but most of them still glared at them. Just as the relationship between the two parties became more and more tense, the factory owner appeared in a hurry in a carriage and repelled the housekeeper who threatened the female workers. There are also areas where it is not enough, so he agrees to compensate the female workers and restore the 16-hour work system.

Under the hard and soft measures of the factory owners, most of the women workers retreated, and only a few women workers were still insisting on going on strike to no avail. In the end, the turmoil ended there.

When Lovekraft returned to the textile factory a few days later, he felt a chill in his heart when he learned that the leading female workers had disappeared.

Through the observation of the slums these days, as well as the dialogue with some workers, Lovekraft finally wrote "The Textile Workers of Batiros". After several revisions, even Lovekraft felt that when he read it out My scalp is numb, what have I been writing these days? Why write such words to curse gods, presidents and nations?

The poem was written very well, but the problem was that it was so good that Lovekraft would not dare to hand it over. Otherwise, Sauron would hand over this "The Weaver of Batiros" to the government and trouble him himself. just big.

You know, whether it's romanticism or secularism, what they criticize is only industrial owners, with the support of some of the big nobles and slave owners behind them.

And my own article "The Textile Workers of Batiros" is no longer scolding a certain group, but scolding the entire upper class, whether it is the upper class of the mortal world or the upper class, all the words are filled with resentment and anger. Damn, this kind of poetry was taken out, I was afraid that I would have to go to the altar for a while.

Therefore, even though he had finished writing "The Textile Worker of Batyros", Lovekraft did not hand it in. After all, the reward is sincere and the price of life is higher.

However, when Lovekraft came back from a party at the Luell Club one day, he was surprised to find that "The Weavers of Batiros" that he had hidden in the secret box had disappeared, and that on the table is the reward left.

After Lovekraft made an inventory, he found that it was consistent with the remuneration he had not received, and he was horrified. He was probably taken away by Sauron, and this guy was able to bypass the surrounding protection. Program, you must know that this is a civic area, not a slum!

What made Lovekraft even more puzzled was that Sauron took "The Weaver of Batyros" and took it away. Why should he give himself the rest of the reward? The legacy of the elegant gentleman?

But since the rest of the remuneration is left, at least there is no need to worry about the other party reporting him, so Lovecraft pretended that nothing happened in the next few days, and outsiders had no idea what happened to Lovecraft's house. .

It's just that beyond this, Lovecraft's suspicion of Sauron is getting heavier and heavier. For a visitor who acts so strangely, I am afraid that the identity of Falda's upstart ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is just an excuse Forget it.

But in that case, what is his real purpose? What needs him to take poetry? And the thought of his own poetry filled with resentment made Lovecraft's heart feel even more uneasy.

A few days later, when Lovekraft came to the Luer Club to sit and sit, he suddenly heard a noise outside the club. A gentleman who prided himself on being elegant felt that the noise broke his enjoyment and wanted to call the guards to come in and reprimand him. He ran in by himself and said in a slightly flustered voice: "Gentlemen, go out and have a look, there is something strange happening in the sky!"

For no reason, Lovekraft remembered the "Weavers of Batiros" that he had taken away a few days ago, but he remained calm on the surface, went out of the Luer Club with other gentlemen, and then raised his head.

Most of the buildings in this era are not high, so you can easily see the sky of Batiros when you look up. Today, the air quality of Batiros is not good. Even the club is slightly gray, and you can't see the blue at all. The color of the sky, but this did not prevent Lovekraft from following the angle of the other pedestrians turning their heads and searching towards the southeast.

Lovekraft soon saw something that surprised the guards. He saw a red light on the southeast side at noon. The red light fluctuated like an underwater phantom, bringing endless strangeness. sense.

Only red light can be seen here at Batiros, but the residents of the big double star can already see a huge door appearing in the west, and something disturbing is squirming on the door, but it is too far away. I couldn't see clearly, and a nameless mania rose in my heart.

There was a knowledgeable scribe on the field. After carefully identifying it, he said hesitantly: "The shape of this gate looks like the gate of the abyss, but how can there be such a big gate of the abyss."


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