God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 739: : Apocalypse War (15) "Call"

Lovekraft woke up from his sleep and felt that he seemed to have forgotten something. After repeated memories, he still couldn't remember it, so he could only put this matter aside and start his socializing today.

It has been a long time since the copy of "The Weavers of Batyros" that he wrote was stolen, and nothing major happened these days, everything was peaceful, so Lovekraft slowly The mysterious guest was forgotten, but the tragic world that he saw and came into contact with when writing poetry was still entangled in his heart and could not be relieved.

How to save the tragic situation of those people? Lovekraft doesn't know, he only knows that this country will not do much for these people. Except for the workhouse and the pioneering land, it will not waste any more money. showing off.

Aren't their lives extremely tiny and insignificant to the upper echelons? But when the upper echelons treat their compatriots in this way, wouldn't the gods in the heavens treat us humans in this way?

In extreme distress, Lovecraft spent many sleepless nights, and finally he decided to write down his pain, not in poetry, but in the form of.

The editor of the Ruel Club magazine received Lovecraft's latest work. When he thought it was still a romanticism, when he opened Lovecraft's latest masterpiece while drinking tea, it meant that he could not I drank the brown tea that I haven't finished drinking yet.

The title sent by Lovecraft is called "The Call". The story begins with an adventurer getting a new commission. His employer has acquired an ancient demon evidence from a barbarian tribe. He hopes that the adventurer can explore this demon evidence. Where did it come from, so the explorer ended his rest in the homeland and re-entered the vast and mysterious wilderness.

Devils are also often killed in battle. If no one takes over, these demonic evidence will become invalid and become one of the most valuable collections in the hands of collectors. However, the magic of this demonic evidence does not seem to dissipate, causing collectors to be caught by some The call is disturbed, and because the devil is involved, there is no way to ask the gods for help, so the adventurer can only go to the source to find a solution.

The adventurer embarked on the journey like this, but from the moment he got the "Devil's Evidence", he stepped into the back path of the collector, constantly disturbed by some mysterious call, and various kinds of things appeared during the journey. Strange things, as the adventurer gets closer to the location of the call for guidance, the surrounding things become more bizarre and twisted.

And the adventurer didn't know that a few days after he left, the collector died strangely. After killing the whole family, he nailed himself to the door.

For the editor, he has never seen this type of work. After all, there has never been a horror in this world, so the more the editor looks at it, the more sweat drips on his head. Fortunately, there are many other editors in the venue. , but the editor was not so frightened that he immediately dropped Lovecraft's submission.

However, although I can continue to read it for the time being, when I think of the weird and twisted things described in the article, all kinds of unspeakable tastes are churning in the editor's stomach, and I have no intention to drink this cup of tea that cost me a lot of money.

When the journey is about to reach the end, the adventurer already knows that the "devil's physical evidence" in his hand has been contaminated by demons, and the terrifying monsters chasing him along the way are not ordinary demons, but servants of demons, and the adventurer continues to walk. Go on, or there is a way to liberate at the end, or the adventurer himself has been twisted.

The end of the journey is an abandoned barbarian village. The altar of the village shows that this barbarian is a rare demon worshiper. The demon corrupted the attracted demon. In the end, the village was twisted by the demon and destroyed each other, but because of the demon The power of , to maintain the appearance before the destruction is about to come, until the advent of the adventurer.

At the end of "The Calling", the devil is about to descend from the abyss. As for the adventurer's ending, he didn't say anything about the devil.

The editor sweated profusely and put "The Calling" on the table, panting hard, and couldn't help but mutter: "blasphemy, this is blasphemy."

In the whole text of "The Calling", apart from the collector's talk at the beginning that they dare not ask for help from the gods, there is no shadow of the gods at all, and even the devil is only because of the devil's physical evidence, as well as strange and twisted things and pursuits on the way. When the adventurer monster, the adventurer thinks that it is the power of the devil, but in fact, it is known at the end of the article that it is the power of the devil.

what does that mean? It means that the world in the text is completely devoid of gods and demons, and some are just demons. Even at the end of the text, the demons only vaguely reveal a shadow and stop abruptly, without really appearing.

Regarding the ideological content of this article, it is not that the editor did not see it from others, most of which are romantic, that is, human beings are insignificant compared to nature, so nature should not be damaged, or it is a pious religious article, the narrator It is extremely humble to the gods, so all you need to do is to be under the knees of the gods, you can get rid of all troubles.

But like this article, it is the first time that the editor sees the contrast between the humble and the HTC on the demon, and the editor can also read the meaning of Lovekraft:

Compared with demons, human beings are just extremely small beings, just like living on an island called ignorance in the dark ocean, and this ocean is vast and contains infinite secrets. Humans should not explore too much, or simply don’t. Explore, or you will end up like this explorer.

The ending of the adventurer is not clearly stated in "The Calling", but the editor can guess it. In the previous article, the adventurer just saw the statue of the devil, and almost lost his reason because of the meaning buried in the statue. After seeing the real body of the devil, how could there be a second ending?

Although there are all kinds of problems, it is indeed a very good article, and the article contains the theme of "small human beings and great nature", which is also in line with the creed of romanticism, decadence and conservatism, respect for the world, Don't go too far.

In the end, the editor approved The Call. Unsurprisingly, the new style of The Call caused a lot of shock to Batiros, especially from religious figures and liberals.

Religious people are dissatisfied with Lovekraft's disregard for the gods in the text, and believe that Lovekraft speaks for the devil, while liberals strongly criticize the sense of despair and decadence revealed in Lovekraft's text, believing that the world is a Progress will get better and better, and the more you explore, the more bad luck you will encounter. These are all nonsense.

But I am not afraid of being scolded, but I am afraid that no one will answer. After two scoldings, Lovekraft's reputation rose, and more people invited him to dinners, and his income also increased.

After "The Call", Lovecraft continued to work hard and wrote "Fallen Stars", "Dream Over the Wall", "Memory", "Black Old Man", "Cat under the Tree", "The City Shrouded in Fog" and "The Stranger" Paintings in the Moonlight, Whispering in the Dark Night, Crazy Mountains, Witch's Dream, Shadow, etc.

Then, Lovekraft woke up from his sleep. At this time, the sun had not yet risen. Only the early workers were shuttled in the street, and Lovecraft's head hurt like an explosion. I just remembered what I had forgotten before.

After "The Textile Worker of Batiros" was stolen, nothing major happened. On the contrary, the knights of the apocalypse came to the southern border with the abyss gate, and each knight killed at least one lord of a country, such as Xi The President of Bohezhong was killed by the death knight.

The unnatural death of the leader of a country in the conflict, in the eyes of Lovekraft’s generation, was something that only happened in the Middle Ages, but now it actually appears in reality, as if people are dreaming, this is Lovekraft Is there a reason why Te feel like I slept so long?

I'm afraid not! Lovekraft tapped his temple lightly, he felt his head was forcibly stuffed into the memory of more than a year, it seemed to come from the memory of a world where the disaster of the Knights of Apocalypse did not happen, and with the memories brought by these memories. ….

Lovecraft found that his memory was so clean, "The Call", "Dream Over the Wall", "Memory", "Black Old Man", etc. Lovecraft vowed that he could write out all of them without omission.

When he recalled what he had written in that world, Lovecraft's body could not help but tremble, and he wanted to light the lamp and pray to the **** of the mountain. At this time, Lovecraft realized that, There was a person standing beside his bed.

It is impossible for Lovecraft to forget his appearance, because this is the first and possibly the only angel that Lovecraft has ever seen in his life~www.wuxiaspot.com~Randolph Ha Le.

But what are the angels doing standing beside their bed? And those strange dreams... At this time, Lovekraft instinctively thought that things had something to do with the envoy.

And Lovecraft felt that the Randolph at this time was different from the last time he saw it. Last time Randolph's eyes were filled with lingering sadness, but now he keeps a polite smile on his face, There was no sign of fatigue, but Lovecraft felt instinctively that something wasn't right.

Although he didn't get dressed, Lovecraft jumped up from the bed quickly, kept a distance from Randolph as a consolation effect, and asked after saluting, "May I ask the Lord God to come to me, what do you want to explain? Mission?"

"When I saw you that day, I felt that you were an interesting person. After I asked him to cast magic, I found out that my guess was right, and those memories counted as my reward for you."

Lovecraft actually wanted to ask who Randolph was referring to as "He", but he remembered what he remembered for no reason, so he cautiously avoided this point: "Then the Lord has come here, what else is there other than this? ?"

"No, no," when Randolph sighed, Lovecraft felt like he was back to the way he was a few days ago, tired and worried, becoming a little more "human", but the change was very It was soon gone, and Randolph returned to that peculiarly polite smile.

"I have read my hometown and the interesting people I am interested in, so I can leave and go to the Silver Gate to pursue endless knowledge."

Lovecraft still maintained a saluting attitude and made up his mind not to ask any questions to Randolph. After a while, a gust of wind blew, Randolph disappeared, Lovecraft raised his head, and saw that the sun had just risen, The sun shines into the bedroom alone.


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