Blue Star.

It's late at night.

In the silent church, a figure sat beneath the cross.

He was covered in blood, and there was no hope in his eyes for life.

"It's over, it's over,"

resounded in the huge church.

As the words fell, he slowly closed his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were raised with a relieved smile.


Wuhun Continent, among the woods outside a remote village.

A child slowly opened his eyes.

"Am I not dead?"

the child's tone was a little surprised, but soon he noticed his own reflection on the river.

"It's... It's not me!" The child was even more surprised.

Although he looked like he was only six years old, it was clear from the look in his eyes at this time that he did not belong to this age group.

Soon, however, the child felt a sharp pain in his head.


A wave of memories that didn't belong to him flooded wildly into his mind.

I don't know how long it took for the pain to slowly disappear.

The child also stood up again at this time, then looked at the reflection on the river, and slowly spoke: "Is this considered rebirth?"

Through the extra memory in his mind, the child knew that the owner of this body was named Fang Cheng, who died here yesterday, and he had the opportunity to borrow rebirth.

At the thought of being reborn, Fang Cheng's face showed a smile of excitement.

In the next second, he even opened his arms directly to hug the blue sky

, and said with a big laugh in his mouth: "Rebirth! Heaven will not die for me!"

The smile on his face was a little crazy, a little excited, but more still happy!


[A suitable host was detected, and the bounty hunter system began to bind...]

At this time, an electronic binding sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

【The system is binding...】

【1%... 3%... 10%... 20%... 66%... 89%... 99%...

] [Ding!System binding successful!]

"What is it?" Fang Cheng was a little surprised.

[The newbie package has been distributed, please open it as soon as possible!]

But at this time, such a sentence came to his ears again.

So he opened his mouth with some curiosity: "What kind of system, open the newbie package and I'll take a look!" [

Ding! The newbie package has been opened...

] [The host has obtained: Perfect Flesh × 1, Heavenly Reverse Turtle (Enhanced Version) × 1, Physical Technique (Mastery) ×1, Bounty Coin ×100]

Looking at the four items in the system panel that appeared out of thin air in front of him, Fang Cheng was a little puzzled.

So he asked, "Can you tell us about these four items and the nature of your system?"

The system also had nothing to hide, and quickly gave an answer.

[Perfect Body: A body that can break the limit, and the data of the owner's body can break through the limits of human beings. 【

Heavenly Reverse Spell (Enhanced Version): Heavenly Reverse Turtle originally belonged to a special spell in the spell world, and its effect was to forcibly disarm the spell in the activation, if it comes into contact with the spell, the spell can be forcibly lifted, and after the enhancement, it can forcibly destroy all energy-related abilities (all energy includes the soul power of the current world, spiritual power, etc.)】

【Body Technique (Mastery): The owner will be proficient in various body arts. 【

Bounty Coins: Currency, which can be used to trade items in the Bounty Shop.】 【

Bounty Hunter System: The host bound to this system will become a bounty hunter; the system will distribute bounty tasks from time to time, and whether the hunter is willing to accept the task depends on the hunter itself; after completing the bounty task, the hunter will receive a reward - bounty coins (the specific amount will be paid according to the difficulty and completion of the task).

After hearing these words, Fang Cheng almost understood everything.

He laughed straight out and muttered, "Bounty hunters?"

After muttering, he said decisively: "Fusion of perfect flesh and body art (proficient)." "


As the system's words fell, Fang Cheng also felt that his body was now full of strength and that there were more memories of various physical techniques in his mind.

For a moment, Fang Cheng stood in place as if his brain was down.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Cheng gradually recovered from the brain outage.


After taking a deep breath, the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"Is this the perfect physical body?" Fang Cheng clenched his fists, and the expression on his face was very satisfied.

Suddenly, he instantly punched the big tree on the side.

I only heard a "squeak", and the big tree collapsed with a bang.

If you look closely, you will see that there is an uneven fracture in the trunk of the big tree.

"It feels pretty good!"

Fang Cheng looked at the big tree that was knocked down by his punch, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

But soon, he also calmed down, because the system spoke at this time.

[The bounty task has been distributed, please choose "Accept" or "Reject" according to your own conditions.]

Hearing this, Fang Cheng thought for a moment, then turned around and asked, "System, what is the content of my first bounty task?"

[Bounty Mission: Hunt a Millennial Soul Beast Alone!] [Task Reward: Bounty Coins×100]

Seeing this, Fang Cheng also had his own plans, and then he didn't think about it, and smiled directly: "Millennial Soul Beast

, it sounds very powerful, but I feel okay." Just

now, by sorting out his memories, he knew that this world is called the Martial Spirit Continent, and there are many unnatural things on the continent.

For example, the soul master, the soul master can go to the sky and the earth, the strength is strong, he can condense water into ice, or make fire with his bare hands, a bit like a superpower.

But even so, Fang Cheng didn't take it to heart, because through the memory of the original owner of this body, he learned a cruel truth.

That is, he has no martial soul and no soul power, and the soul master has nothing to do with him at all.

Although this was the case, Fang Cheng didn't care at all, after all, he thought that the soul master was also a human being, and if it was a human being, it would be possible to be killed, as long as he was prepared a little.

At this time, the system's prompt sound sounded again.

["Accept" or "reject"?] "

Do you need to say more?" Fang Cheng just smiled after hearing this, and then decisively gave a choice.

"Of course I accept it!"

[The task has been accepted, please complete the task as soon as possible.] When

the voice falls, the system stops talking.

Fang Cheng didn't say anything, and followed the memories in his mind and walked slowly towards the village not far ahead.

In my memory, the original owner of this body seems to be very unpopular with the villagers, and this death seems to be because of those guys in the village.

As soon as he thought of this, Fang Cheng showed an evil smile.

"Do you want to kill all

those guys?" but he quickly dispelled the idea, and muttered, "Forget it, those guys don't have any big enmity with me, I'm just borrowing this guy's body." He

thinks that this matter is the matter of the original owner of this body, and has nothing to do with him, he is not a good person, but the premise is that the other party does not come to provoke him.

Thinking about it, he returned to the thatched hut he remembered.

Without saying a word, he took a step and walked straight in.


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