Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 452 Nine-Life Spirit Blood

"At the very least, you are trying to stop Lordan from setting up his formation. At the most serious level, you are plotting something evil, intending to harm the Demon King and make the entire Demonic Beast Clan change its king?"

The demon general waved his hand and told these one hundred people to leave, but they looked at each other and did not choose to leave. Instead, their murderous intent continued unabated.

"General, if you insist on protecting outsiders today, you will only be offended. Rodan must be killed. This is for the sake of the monster clan."

One hundred people raised their hands and said categorically: "Lodan's formation has evil intentions. Once Lordan succeeds, hundreds of thousands of people in the entire monster clan will be destroyed."

"Who told you that Rodan's formation is harmful to people?" The demon general asked in a deep voice. The demon king has already said this. He is arranging the spirit gathering formation to save the secret realm. Although he and Rodan had conflicts before, Still took out three hundred high-grade spiritual stones for setting up the formation.

Even if Luo Dan lied, but the Demon King was supervising from the side, could the Demon King not be able to distinguish between the killing array and the spirit gathering array? Even if these people can't believe in Rodan, don't they even believe in the Demon King? As the king of the monster beast clan, how could he conspire with an outsider?

"The elder said it." One hundred people replied in unison, which made the demon general shake his head. These one hundred people were bewitched by those old guys, because they hated the human race so much that they couldn't think clearly. It also harmed this group of young geniuses.

"The elder must be right? If it were an ordinary person, I would have killed you long ago with my temper. But after all, you people are the future hope of the magic clan. I really don't want to fight against each other, but you must believe in the magic clan." King, can you please wake up?"

The demon general begged again and again, but it was of no use at all. These one hundred people had already determined the fact, how could they change it just because of a few words? In their eyes, Luo Dan, a foreigner, had evil intentions and wanted to murder the entire monster clan.

When things got to this point, the general of the monster clan took a deep breath: "Forget it, you won't leave, but as long as you dare to take a step forward, I can only kill. Even if I have the reputation of killing the young talent of the monster clan, as long as I can let you The crisis in the secret realm is over, even if you die, it’s worth it.”

"That's an offence!" A hundred people immediately attacked and left. The demon general did not expect to dare to attack him, so he immediately fought back in anger.

After all, the demon general has eight levels of strength. Facing more than half of the quasi-sages, even though there are more than a dozen saints among them, he still has the upper hand in a crushing manner. However, the demon general does not want the demon beasts to kill each other, so He just fought off everyone and did not choose to kill.

Luo Dan was able to set up the formation with peace of mind. Originally, half of the spirit gathering formation was completed, but now it only took half a stick of incense to complete. Luo Dan was caught in a dilemma. After all, the people of the monster clan treated him like this. What should he do? Do you still want to finish setting up the spirit gathering array?

Just thinking about it, it was this small group of people who were bewitched. The Demon King did not choose to fall out, and even started fighting with dozens of people. He had made a promise with the Demon King, and it was not other people from the Demon Clan who were in love. Yu Li himself should continue to set up the formation.

And don’t these people say that they have evil intentions? Then Rodan wanted to wait for the moment when the formation was completed, and let them see with their own eyes that the crisis in the secret realm was resolved. Then he would not be able to slap him in the face, and prove to them that people from the outside were equally powerful, and were not evil-minded as they said.

Rodan continued to set up the formation, and runes appeared again and spread to the surroundings. These are the sources of spiritual energy for the future of the secret realm. Although many runes were dissipated due to the fighting at the scene, most of them were dissipated. The runes were unaffected.

After a long time, the Monster Clan general had killed forty or fifty people. Originally, he was unwilling to kill, but in the end hundreds of people had to fight with their lives. They fell one after another. Facing the stupidity of the young geniuses of the Monster Clan, the Monster Clan... The general hates that iron cannot become steel, but he must not take a step back.

Luo Dan was setting up an array to save the secret realm of the demon clan. If anything happened to him, the demon beast clan would really be doomed, and he would not be able to explain to the demon king.

On the side of the Demon King, more than twenty people have been killed, and only a few people are left: "You still want to stop me? How long can you stop me?"

"If we can block it for a while, we are the only ones in the entire monster clan who are awake. Demon King, you are too confused. Even if we die, it will be an honor for us. The descendants of the monster clan will remember us, and you, the monster king, committed the crime." Out of confusion, he actually chose to help the human race. "

Several people looked at death as if they had been greatly wronged, as if they were so glorious, and they really made the Demon King very angry.

He knew clearly in his heart that these people were extremely ignorant and there was no point in trying to explain them, so the Demon King stopped explaining and used his great magical powers to trap the remaining people.

Then he took a step away and came to the demon general: "Fortunately, you arrived in time. If these people succeed, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Demon King, I have an intuition. Although those old guys are ignorant, they are not too stupid. Is there someone else behind the instigation?"

The demon general sighed and told the demon king that there must be someone who didn't want Luo Dan to solve the demon beast clan's crisis, so they secretly instigated all this.

The Demon King nodded and acknowledged: "It's not impossible. I will ask people to investigate later. If there is anyone with evil intentions, I will kill him without mercy."

"Demon King, you are so cruel. You killed most of the dozens of elders? Just for a foreigner, it really chills our hearts."

Only half of the hundred people were left at this time, but they were not awake at all. Instead, after seeing the miserable state of the elders, they accused them righteously.

The demon king has a headache. Each one is stupider than the other: "Who is the king of the demon clan? Who do you listen to? If I cooperate with the human race to murder the demon clan, will it be of any benefit to me?"

Dozens of people were silent, but the elders would not lie. As the eldest members of the Monster Beast Clan, they dedicated their lives to the Monster Beast Clan, and their orders would not go wrong.

"If I follow my usual temper, I will kill the rest of you, but today, I want you to be alive to witness the success of the spirit gathering array, to witness whether my demon king has murdered the demon clan, and my decision. Is there something wrong? Let the facts speak for themselves.”

The demon king's eyes were as bright as fire and he said seriously: "I dare not say how much I have contributed to the demon beast clan, but I have tried my best. Time will confirm everything."

"Monster General, go and mobilize more than 10,000 people now to protect the surrounding area. Don't let others take advantage of what happened just now."

After that, the demon king gave another order to the demon general. The demon general nodded and left. As for this, there is a demon king guarding Rodan now.

A long time passed, and a protective barrier appeared, surrounded by countless golden lights, as if it had become a small world of its own. Thousands of runes were flying on it, and the nearby spiritual energy was attracted, and then all injected into it. In the spirit gathering array.

Luo Dan made three marks. Each mark was like a vast avenue, allowing the formation to operate regularly. For a moment, the spiritual energy in the barrier was like a sea, which shocked the demon king. If in this barrier Cultivation, isn’t this enhanced a hundred times?

But soon the spiritual energy dissipated again, and all the energy was injected into the secret realm. The secret realm that was originally exhausted seemed to be reborn at this moment. It resonated with the spirit gathering array at that moment. The entire secret realm was dancing with spiritual energy at this moment, indifferent to the previous spiritual energy. Completely different.

Luo Dan showed a smile, and the Spirit Gathering Formation was finally completed. As long as the Spirit Gathering Town was not damaged, the secret realm could last at least another thousand years.

Finally, Rodan fell from the air and began to nurse his injuries. He had been hit twice in a row just now. He was injured but he just kept holding on.

Fortunately, the injury was not fatal, and Rodan himself had the Law of Thunder, so after four or five minutes, the injury was under control, but it would take two or three days to recover.

The Demon King was overjoyed and quickly raised his hand: "Benefactor, I couldn't believe it before. The reason why I asked you to take action was just out of a glimmer of hope. I never thought it would actually happen."

"The Spirit Gathering Array operates automatically and will continuously absorb spiritual energy and inject it into the secret realm. The secret realm will generate spiritual energy all the time, forming a cycle in itself. Moreover, the spirit gathering array will not absorb too much spiritual energy and will ensure that the secret realm The practice of practitioners."

"In case of an accident, or if the spiritual energy in the secret realm is low, it is okay to throw spiritual stones into the spirit gathering array, because after all, the secret realm of monsters is tens of thousands of miles away, and one needs to invest thousands of high-grade spiritual stones at one time, or hundreds of times the amount of ordinary spiritual stones. Stone, but one investment can last for several years.”

"One thing you need to be careful about is that the defense of the Spirit Gathering Array is not very good. If it is attacked by a strong person from the Holy See, it will stop functioning after a few hits. Therefore, someone needs to guard the center to prevent people with ulterior motives from destroying it. However, You must be prepared for this.”

Luo Dan explained everything to the Demon King one by one, and the Demon King listened very carefully. After all, it was related to the safety of the secret realm, so he definitely didn't dare to careless about a single word.

And with a hint of guilt, if he was attacked, he would run away immediately. How could he continue to arrange the formation? He really didn't know how to repay this great kindness, which was equivalent to saving the entire monster clan, so he could only bow solemnly to Luodan.

"The promise has been made, and it's time for me to leave. You monsters and beasts are so majestic, and I don't dare to stay. I might be assassinated again one day."

Luo Dan waved his hand, and then prepared to leave. The Demon King could naturally hear the sarcasm, and immediately showed great embarrassment. It would not be useful if he just apologized. It is normal for Luo Dan to have a temper. Just now he kicked Who wouldn't be angry after stepping into the gate of hell?

Rodan saved the secret realm, but the people of the monster clan had just killed him. With this comparison, he, as the monster king, was really disgraced.

Although he and the demon generals took action to stop a group of them, Rodan received two blows after all and almost died here.

"Don't worry, I won't let go of anyone who takes action." The Demon King said sternly. He must give Luo Dan an explanation. Since the Demon Beast Clan has made mistakes, it is inevitable to bear the consequences.

He looked at these dozens of people, including the remaining elders: "How is it, what is the result? You just kept saying that Luo Dan couldn't believe it, saying that I was bewitched by foreigners, but Luo Dan's spirit gathering array solved the problem Eliminate the crisis, so that the secret realm does not have to worry about destruction. "

Dozens of people were embarrassed. At the moment when the Rodan Formation was completed, everyone could feel that the secret realm was radiant, and naturally they were happy from the bottom of their hearts. After all, the fact that the secret realm was running out of oil had worried the monster clan for decades. Now, now It's finally solved.

Just thinking about the killing of Luo Dan just now, everyone regretted it. They wanted to cut themselves. They said it was for the sake of the monster clan, but in fact they almost harmed the monster clan. Facts have proved that the decision of the demon king was right. The elders did is wrong.

"Master Demon King, we were wrong." Dozens of people lowered their heads, but no matter how much they regretted it at the moment, they had indeed made a move just now.

"One wrong step and the next wrong. Rodan is the benefactor of the secret realm, but you kill him? If you are let go, how can we, the monster clan, stand up?"

The Demon King said very coldly. The dozens of people looked at each other, and then they all chose to commit suicide, which was an explanation to Luo Dan.

As for those elders, although they regretted it, they also knew that they were wrong. They just thought that they were old people of the monster clan after all, so the monster king should be able to give them some mercy.

In fact, the reason why the demon king didn't kill a few people was because he wanted to interrogate them. He and the demon general suspected that these people must have been bewitched by others.

"I ask you, why do you have so much hatred for Rodan? Although Rodan is a foreigner, I guarantee that you will not be so bold. Moreover, I have repeatedly stated that Rodan is here to help the monster clan. Unless someone confuses you, you won’t think otherwise.”

The Demon King walked up to these people and asked: "Name the instigator, and you will make up for it. I believe you are dedicated to the demon beast clan. If you don't find out the other person, will he be a demon if he continues to deceive others in the future?" A permanent scourge for the beast clan?"

"Master Demon King, please kill a few of us. We can't tell who it is, because the matter is so important that it will even cause the entire monster clan to fall apart."

Several people hesitated, and finally shook their heads and said, although it was indeed wrong, until now, they only thought that the other party had misunderstood the form, and did not want Rodan to fail.

"Is it the Great Elder of the Demon Clan?" The Demon King guessed it right away. The only one who could make these elders reluctant to say it, or even dare not say it, was the Great Elder of the Demon Clan.

Among the entire demon clan, apart from the demon king, the great elder has the highest status, and the two have always been at odds with each other. It can be seen that the other covets the position of demon king.

"Master Demon King, don't blame the Great Elder. The Great Elder is loyal to the Monster Clan. The reason why he attacked Luodan must be because he was confused for a moment and felt that the human race cannot be trusted. Moreover, once you take action against the Great Elder, the Monster Clan will definitely will be separated."

These people kept pleading, which completely annoyed the Demon King. These people were willing to listen to the great elder, but they were unwilling to believe in themselves? Obviously he is the king of the monster clan, just a great elder? I am so kind that I think I have no temper.

With a wave of his hand and a magical power, these people fell down. A trace of killing intent flashed in the demon king's eyes. He didn't want to attack the great elder, but the other party was too presumptuous. This time, he almost harmed the demon beast clan. Absolutely intolerable. (End of chapter)

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