Gods: Starting with the Goblins

Chapter 653 The Endless Sea of ​​Blood

With the demise of the Gu Master organization,

Countless heads of planets,

The planet's administrators all died instantly,

But the Covenant did not follow the chaos,

The order of the Covenant has never been based on the Fuhrer.

The dark and turbulent galaxy finally ushered in peace and rebirth.

Lordan is known as an interstellar hero,

His name spread throughout the galaxy.


He didn't stop,

He knows that there are more mysteries in the universe waiting for him to explore.

He brought his own battleships and mechas,

Continue to embark on an adventurous journey to find the sacred method of alchemy and higher cultivation.

In the coming days,

Rodan will encounter more challenges and opportunities, and his legendary story will forever be spread among the stars.

At the far edge of the stars,

There is a heart named

"Building the foundation"

the mysterious planet,

This is the starting point that countless practitioners dream of.

on the planet,

The mountains and rivers are magnificent,

Abundant spiritual energy,

It is the best place to practice foundation building.


A young alchemy genius,

It was on this land that he took the first step of his legendary journey.

Luo Dan has had an extraordinary understanding of alchemy since he was a child.

He can easily extract the purest spiritual power from thousands of herbs,

Refining amazing elixirs.


Rodin is not satisfied with the status quo;

He longs to explore a wider world,

Looking for the legendary method of divine alchemy,

To become a true alchemy master.

One day, Rodan accidentally discovered a sacred stone that shone with strange light in the mountains of the Foundation Establishment Planet. This sacred stone contains endless spiritual power and secrets, and seems to be the key that leads him to the unknown world. With a move in his mind, Luo Dan decided to leave the Foundation Establishment Planet and embark on an adventurous journey to find the method of divine alchemy.

Interstellar Voyage and Captives

Rodan drove his small battleship through the interstellar fog and came to a galaxy called "Dark Turmoil". There are many planets here, but most of them are shrouded in dark forces and are surrounded by dangers. Rodan's battleship was accidentally attracted by a strong gravitational force during its voyage and crashed on a desolate planet.

On the planet, Rodan encountered a group of ferocious monsters. They were huge and powerful. They were obviously combat creatures that had received some special training. Although Rodan has extraordinary skills, he is gradually unable to do what he wants under the siege of these monsters. At the critical moment, he had an idea and used the mechas and magic weapons on the battleship to successfully capture the leaders of these monsters and tame them as his own beasts.

By interrogating the monster leader, Rodan learned that there was a powerful Gu Master organization hidden in this galaxy. They used dark power to tame monsters in an attempt to control the entire galaxy. Luo Dan decided to go deep into the tiger's den and reveal the true face of this Gu master organization.

Sneak into the Academy and Reveal the Secret

Luo Dan used his alchemy skills and wit to successfully sneak into the academy controlled by the Gu Master Organization. On the surface, this academy is a holy place for cultivating practitioners, but in fact it hides mysteries and is a secret base for Gu masters to conduct dark experiments.

In the academy, Luo Dan met several like-minded practitioners who were also angry at the evil deeds of the Gu Master organization. Under the leadership of Luo Dan, they secretly investigated every corner of the academy, and finally discovered the secret of Gu masters using divine stones and dark power to refine evil elixirs.

It turns out that these evil elixirs can temporarily improve the strength of practitioners, but long-term use will corrode the practitioners' minds and turn them into puppets of the Gu master. Luo Dan knew very well that the conspiracy of the Gu Master organization must be stopped as soon as possible, otherwise the entire galaxy will be plunged into darkness.

God’s Guidance and Practice

Just as Luo Dan and his team were preparing to reveal the true face of the Gu Master Organization, they unexpectedly encountered a mysterious god. The god told Luo Dan that in order to completely defeat the Gu Master Organization, he must find the legendary sacred alchemy method and refine a sacred elixir that can purify the dark power.

The gods guided Luodan to a hidden holy land of practice. The place was rich in aura and was an excellent place for practicing alchemy. Under the guidance of the gods, Luo Dan began an arduous journey of practice. He kept refining the elixir day and night, constantly improving his alchemy skills and cultivation.

After several years of practice, Luo Dan finally mastered the essence of the sacred alchemy method and successfully refined a sacred elixir that could purify the dark power. He returned to the academy with these elixirs and launched a final decisive battle with the Gu Master Organization.

Decisive battle and rebirth

In the decisive battle, Luo Dan used the power of the sacred elixir to successfully purify the practitioners and monsters controlled by the Gu Master. The conspiracy of the Gu Master organization was completely exposed, and their leader was defeated by Rodan's powerful offensive. Rodin is a young writer who is obsessed with archeology. His writings always reveal the glory and vicissitudes of ancient civilizations. Rodan passed through the vast primeval forest and crossed the lofty mountains, and finally came to the location of the ruins recorded in ancient books.


During Luo Dan's interstellar alchemy journey, his master beast was a monster leader who was originally tamed by a Gu master organization in a dark and turbulent galaxy. This monster is huge and powerful. It is covered with hard scales and its eyes are shining with fierce light. However, in the face of Rodan's wit and strength, it was finally tamed and became Rodan's loyal partner.

This beast not only has powerful combat power, but also has a special perception ability, which can detect hidden dangers and treasures. During Luodan's adventure, it helped Luodan resolve crises many times, find precious herbs and minerals, and provided great help for Luodan's alchemy.

Luodan regarded this beast as his right-hand man, often fighting side by side with it, and facing various challenges together. With their tacit cooperation, Luodan's alchemy skills and cultivation continued to improve, and finally successfully mastered the method of sacred alchemy and refined a sacred elixir that could purify the dark power.

The existence of this beast not only made Luodan's adventure more exciting, but also reflected Luodan's rich imagination and creativity as a novelist.

In his writing, this beast was given a vivid life and a unique personality, becoming an indispensable part of the story

Qi refining is just beginning, and evil must be eliminated

In the vast land of the East Region, there is a kingdom surrounded by mountains, called Yunyin. The people here have believed in gods and Buddhas for generations, praying for peace and harvest. Luo Dan, a young man born in a small town on the border of Yunyin Kingdom, has been curious and yearning for the art of refining qi since he was a child. He is gifted and intelligent. After several years of hard training, he finally achieved the initial stage of refining qi and mastered the basic use of spiritual power.

One day, a small village on the border of Yunyin Kingdom suddenly received bad news. A group of notorious bandits looted the village, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. After hearing the news, Luo Dan was filled with righteous indignation and decided to stand up and seek justice for the villagers. He was alone, carrying only a few magic tools, and set out on the road to the village.

As night fell, Luo Dan sneaked into the bandits' hiding place. Under the moonlight, he approached the leader of the bandits silently like a ghost. The leader was proudly counting the gold and silver treasures he had robbed, and he didn't realize the danger was approaching. Luo Dan suddenly made a move, and his spiritual power surged, and a sharp palm wind hit the leader's heart. The leader fell to the ground, and the rest of the bandits panicked and tried to escape. Luo Dan was merciless and used the Qi Refining Technique to kill the bandits one by one, eliminating this great harm for the village.

The villagers were grateful to Luo Dan and praised him as a hero. However, Luo Dan knew that this was just the beginning of his Qi Refining Road, and the real challenge was still behind.

The Art of Alchemy, a First Look

After eliminating the bandits, Luo Dan decided to continue his journey of cultivation. He heard that in the depths of the Yunyin Kingdom, there was an ancient alchemy furnace, which was said to be a treasure left by gods and Buddhas, which could refine magical pills and help people improve their cultivation. Luo Dan was yearning and decided to go find this alchemy furnace.

After several days of trekking, Luo Dan finally arrived at the location of the alchemy furnace. This is a mysterious cave hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, and the entrance of the cave is shrouded by a layer of faint spiritual energy. Luo Dan took a deep breath and stepped into the cave. Inside the cave, the alchemy furnace was clearly visible, emitting a soft glow, as if waiting for the arrival of a destined person.

Luo Dan approached the alchemy furnace and carefully observed the inscriptions and patterns on the furnace. He recalled the alchemy knowledge he had learned and began to try to start the alchemy furnace. With the infusion of spiritual power, the alchemy furnace gradually became hotter, and the fire burned blazingly, reflecting Luo Dan's resolute face.

After some efforts, Luo Dan finally succeeded in refining the first batch of elixirs. Although these elixirs were not of high quality, they had taken shape, giving him a deeper understanding of the art of alchemy. He understood that in order to refine high-quality elixirs, more practice and exploration were needed.

The crisis of Lion Camel Ridge in the chaotic world of demons

Just as Luo Dan was immersed in the joy of alchemy, an astonishing news suddenly came from the Cloud Hidden Kingdom: the demons from the demon world invaded in large numbers, had captured many border towns, and were advancing towards the heart of the kingdom. The Lion Camel Ridge, a steep mountain in the heart of the kingdom, became the primary target of the demons' attack.

Luo Dan knew that once the Lion Camel Ridge was lost, the entire Yunyin Kingdom would be in crisis. He resolutely decided to go to the Lion Camel Ridge to compete with the demons. He packed his luggage, took the elixir and magic tools he had refined, and embarked on the journey to the Lion Camel Ridge.

On the Lion Camel Ridge, demons were rampant and monsters were roaring. As soon as Luo Dan stepped into this dangerous place, he felt unprecedented pressure. He carefully shuttled between the mountains and forests, always alert to the movements around him. However, despite his caution, he inevitably encountered a group of demons.

The demons were burly, with hideous faces, spewing flames from their mouths, and pounced on Luo Dan. Luo Dan was not afraid. He used the art of refining qi to fight fiercely with the demons. The spiritual power and the flames of the demons intertwined, erupting with a deafening roar. Luo Dan gradually gained the upper hand with his flexible body movements and precise attacks.

However, just when Luo Dan was about to defeat the demon, a huge demon beast suddenly fell from the sky and blocked his way. The demon beast was huge, like a hill, and its eyes flashed with ferocious light. It opened its bloody mouth and bit Luo Dan.

Luo Dan was shocked, and he knew that he could not fight this demon beast head-on. He dodged quickly, and at the same time used the alchemy technique to throw the pill in his hand at the demon beast. The pill exploded in the air, turning into a thick cloud of spiritual energy, covering the demon beast. The demon beast struggled and roared in the cloud of spiritual energy, and finally fell to the ground powerlessly.

Luo Dan took the opportunity to step forward and subdue the demon beast using the technique of refining qi. He understood that although this demon beast was ferocious, it also had extremely high value. He decided to tame it as his mount and fighting partner.

The blessing of gods and Buddhas, the power of faith

After taming the monster, Luo Dan continued to move deeper into the Lion Camel Ridge. He knew that in order to completely defeat the monsters, he had to find their leader and destroy him. However, the terrain of Lion Camel Ridge was complex and there were many monsters, so it was not easy to find the leader.

Just when Luo Dan was at a loss, he suddenly felt a mysterious power. This power was warm and powerful, as if it came from the blessing of gods and Buddhas. He followed the guidance of the power and came to a hidden cave. Inside the cave, a statue of a god and Buddha was clearly visible, emitting a soft light, as if conveying some information to Luo Dan.

Luo Dan knelt down in front of the statue of the god and Buddha and prayed devoutly. He felt an unprecedented power of faith pouring into his body and merging with his spiritual power. This power made him feel extremely powerful and confident. He understood that this was the blessing and blessing of the gods and Buddhas to him.

Under the guidance of the gods and Buddhas, Luo Dan finally found the leader of the monsters. This was a giant monster with a huge body and a hideous face. It wielded a huge weapon and rushed towards Luodan. Luodan was not afraid. He used the power of faith and the art of refining qi to fight a desperate battle with the demon leader.

After a fierce battle, Luodan finally defeated the demon leader and killed him with his sword. With the death of the leader, the rest of the demons also fled. The crisis on Lion Camel Ridge was finally resolved.

Return and inheritance

After defeating the demon, Luodan became a hero of the Cloud Hidden Kingdom. People paid tribute to him and thanked him for bringing peace and tranquility to the kingdom. However, Luodan knew that this was just the beginning. He understood that in order to truly protect the kingdom and the people, he must constantly improve his cultivation and strength.

So Luodan decided to continue his journey of cultivation. He left the Cloud Hidden Kingdom with his demon beast mount and magic weapon and embarked on a journey to a wider world. He was eager to explore more mysteries and powers and prepare for future challenges.

During Luodan's adventure, he continued to refine qi and elixir to improve his cultivation and strength. He encountered various challenges and opportunities, and also made many like-minded friends and partners. They fought side by side and faced the unknown and dangers of the future together.

In the end, Luo Dan became a true master of Qi refining and alchemy. His name spread throughout the East Region and became a legendary figure. And the battle on Lion Camel Ridge became the most unforgettable memory and glory of his life. (End of this chapter)

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