Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 288 Attempt

Liu Fugui's personality is quite different from Liu Dan's. They are both quite generous and casual.

After he ignited the divine fire, the first divine imprint he constructed was blood extraction. Although he was already a high-level blood card maker, he did not show any resistance.

Knowing Han Fei's intention, he agreed very readily.

However..., brothers should be clear about the bill, so the price he asked was really low.

To customize a high-level blood card of a supernatural species from him, the production fee would be 8 million divine power per card.

After all, Han Fei only provided the sacrificial materials, and the layout materials of the sacrificial divine pattern matrix were provided by Liu Fugui, which were absolutely high-quality materials.

According to him, this was already a 20% discount.

For an unrelated customer, if he customized this kind of blood card from him, the production fee would definitely be less than 10 million divine power per card.

Han Fei felt that the price was a bit expensive, but as long as the quality could be guaranteed, it was still worth it.

If it were someone else, and regardless of their ability, they might not be willing to spend as much as Liu Fugui, a rich man, to use only high-quality materials.

"Brother Jiu, I'll pay you the price."

Han Fei paused and asked, "I know, when are you free to make it?"

Liu Fugui sipped his milk tea: "Are you in a hurry to use it? How many do you want?"

Han Fei scratched his head: "Uh..., I want to ask you to help make one first to see if it can be used."

"Well, that's fine."

Liu Fugui had already heard him talk about the general situation, so he didn't misunderstand that he believed in himself, but he really had to try it first to know whether the extracted blood card was applicable.

"Then let's do it now."

Liu Fugui glanced at Han Fei's magical bracelet and sent Han Fei a coordinate directly.

"Seal 100,000 extraordinary families into a blank card, take it to the Gods Exchange Continent, and send you the coordinates."

As a god, Liu Fugui does not need to use landing equipment at all, and can enter the world of gods with consciousness anytime and anywhere.

Seeing that Han Fei has a divine bracelet, he simply solved it.


Han Fei nodded and stopped talking nonsense. He used the divine bracelet to log in to the world of gods with partial consciousness.

After sealing 100,000 thunder dragons in the divine domain, he entered the Gods Exchange Continent and handed the seal card to Liu Fugui.

It took less than half an hour in the real world, and more than two hours in the world of gods.

Han Fei took the advanced bloodline card made by Liu Fugui, and after checking it, he gave a thumbs up: "Brother Jiu, awesome!"

It was successful at one time, and the other party also helped Han Fei identify the extracted talents. A total of two talent magics were extracted, Thunder Flash and Thunder Assault.

"Although your Thunder Dragon bloodline is of the same origin as the Thunder Dragon Beast, it is much more complicated and it is very troublesome to extract."

"To extract three powerful talent magics at the same time, the success rate will be very low, so I didn't extract the defensive magic talent of 'Thunder Armor'."

Liu Fugui shook his head, obviously not too satisfied.

Although he looks quite dissolute, he has always been striving for perfection when it comes to making bloodline cards.

If not, he would have become a high-level bloodline card maker at a young age.

In addition to his extremely high talent, he also worked hard on his own research.

In order to help Han Fei make this bloodline card, he actually didn't offer a high price.

Because during the card making process, he didn't expect that the bloodline of the Thunder Dragon would be so complicated and contain some extremely violent bloodline factors.

In order to stabilize the extraction of the magic circle and ensure the success of the card making, he had to temporarily add some precious materials.

However, he didn't mention this to Han Fei, and didn't want to increase the price.

First, he was short of money, and second, he wanted to continue trying.

That special bloodline factor made him quite curious. If he could explore it a few more times, it should help improve his business ability.

Bloodline card makers are originally cultivated with countless divine power, and poor people can't afford it.

Han Fei knew his thoughts, which showed that Liu Fugui was very satisfied that he could extract two talent skills.

After all, the way he used the bloodline card was completely different from others.

When evolving the original hatching nest, if the innate skills added by one bloodline card were enough, then you could get a few more, as long as the main gene template collapsed and the required innate skills were gathered.

Han Fei took this extraordinary bloodline card and immediately returned to his own divine domain.

In just a moment, his demigod body appeared in the underground nest specially placed in the original hatching nest.

He held the bloodline card and looked at the original hatching nest in front of him with a hesitant expression.

According to the past process, when transforming the original hatching nest, you have to burn incense and bathe to worship the gods.

But at this time in the real world, he was still in the cat maid cafe, drinking the latte that the cat-eared loli deliberately made thicker, but "forgot to put sugar".

Faced with this situation where conditions were not allowed, Han Fei could only pray devoutly and then inject his divine power into the blood card.

"Gods and Buddhas, I wish to exchange Liu Dan's ten years of single life for the success of this transformation."

The extraordinary blood card immediately turned into golden light and quickly merged into the hatching nest he selected.

Under Han Fei's divine observation, the gene chain in this hatching nest, after the change of the foreign extraordinary blood, has successively grown a series of extraordinary gene tumors.

The surface of the entire hatching nest gradually began to change, and the color began to turn from dark purple to blue, and the blood vessel-like network veins intertwined and spread like vines on its surface.

The subsequent evolution process was much faster than Han Fei had imagined, and the state of the hatching nest was extremely stable.

It was even more stable than the bloodline card of the Thunder Dragon Beast in the past, and no special situation occurred.

Two days later, the state of the hatching nest was completely stable, and Han Fei immediately applied the gene template of the Thunder Dragon and began to produce eggs.

Then a large amount of rare resources were used to quickly ripen the eggs.

As the larvae formed cocoons, they quickly broke out of the cocoons until they grew and matured...

Han Fei, who was observing with his mind, became more and more excited.

"It's done, it's perfect!"

This Thunder Dragon, which is about to mature, has the skills of Thunder Flash and Thunder Assault, and it only lacks Thunder Armor.

Other body functions are basically the same as those of the previous Thunder Dragon.

The bloodline card extracted from the Thunder Dragon is indeed usable and extremely easy to use!

Although Han Fei had only tried it once, he had basically come to a conclusion.

Because the experimental process this time was so smooth and stable!

The whole process went smoothly without any problems, and even fine-tuning the original gene template was not necessary.

"I hope the killer and the blasting dragonfly can be so smooth."

Han Fei's eyes sparkled, and he forced himself to suppress his excitement and returned his consciousness to reality.

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