Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 396 Business Scope

Especially outside the barrier of the God's Domain, the layers of bacteria carpet are dozens of meters thick.

As Han Fei's divine realm strives to transform towards astralization, the prototype of astralization has already appeared.

The outer covering layer of fungi also curled up in an arc along the edge of the divine realm, always firmly covering the divine realm barrier.

According to the "Red-eyed Barnacle Breeding Manual", the brainworms planted the first-generation larvae of red-eyed barnacles one by one into the deep layers of the fungus carpet.

Under the control of the brain worms' 놅놋 consciousness, these first-generation larvae seemed to fall into a rage in an instant.

Crazy absorbs the nutrients and energy provided by the bacteria carpet, and rapidly divides itself with an exponential growth curve.

In just a few months, under the care and attention of the Cerebrates, the barrier of the God's Realm, covered with a carpet of fungi, began to be gradually occupied by red-eyed barnacles.

Among them, there are large clusters of bulges emerging from the inside and outside.

Looking from the void, Han Fei's Divine Realm looks like giant brown bamboo shoots and a blood-red continent.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that those giant bamboo shoots are made of countless palm-sized carapace objects gathered together and piled up.

Densely packed red-eyed barnacles are stuck together, and the tops of their brown carapace are constantly opening and closing like breathing.

From time to time, a scarlet eye appeared inside, which made his scalp tingle when he saw it.


Han Fei finally settled the new unit, and his subjective consciousness returned to the real world. When he once again felt the peace and tranquility of the campus, he felt as if he was in another world.

In these ten years, Han Fei devoted almost all his energy to the design of red-eyed barnacles.

Even the various affairs of the Commission for Discipline Inspection have been temporarily handed over to his younger brothers.

Under normal circumstances, after igniting the divine fire, the gods no longer need to use equipment to assist, they can leave their consciousness and take care of their own divine domain in the world of gods at any time.

In this way, each school in Ming Ming Central University organized the management and was able to take care of both ends.

They can not only manage the affairs and interpersonal relationships in the real world, but also do not delay their development in the world of gods.

As the president, Han Fei left all his affairs behind, which is also very common in various university organizations.

Fortunately, there is a time speed difference between reality and the world of gods, and only about a month has passed.

Looking through the performance report of the Discipline Inspection Commission for this month, Han Fei's face was neither happy nor sad.

During the period when he let go, although the monthly performance of the Commission for Discipline Inspection failed to meet the standards, the overall income was still within an acceptable range.

After all, a wave of special rectification activities have just been launched during the beginning of the school year.

It is estimated that in the near future, it will be difficult to catch unknown phenomena on campus.

No matter how unscrupulous they are, if they are raped several times by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the high fines will still make them feel a burst of pain.

Therefore, he expected that there would be a short-term decline in the business performance of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The ministers of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Commission for Discipline Inspection have long been used to President Han disappearing at every turn.

I didn't even think about taking advantage of the opportunity to oust the president and seize power.

Within the Commission for Discipline Inspection, everyone is aware of Han Fei's prestige and control over the members.

It has never been about his position, but because he has brought substantial benefits to everyone.

The so-called benefits are not just to pick up students who violate disciplines and obtain commissions from fines.

As Han Fei became a god, the business of selling the main battle insect swarm has gradually expanded to the Internal Affairs Commission for Discipline Inspection.

All members of the Discipline Inspection Commission can purchase goods in bulk from him.

In particular, those with outstanding performance can not only receive high performance commissions.

You can also get corresponding discounts for purchasing the main battle insect swarm from Han Fei.

Among them, the monthly performance champion can even get a half-price coupon. This price is already close to the purchase price of Brother Dan and Sister Dan.

In terms of cost-effectiveness for the main battle unit of the swarm, for those who really need it, the price is definitely worth it.

Some members who have not yet ignited the divine fire are eager to save money and want to redeem the crystal wall shell as soon as possible.

These are ridiculously cost-effective and the main battle insect swarm is almost equivalent to a farming machine in the outer circle of the cradle.

Even if you continue to fight with high intensity, it will be difficult to avoid the appearance of insect swarms and a large number of battle losses.

But the benefits they can gain from learning must also be extremely considerable.

This is equivalent to exchanging divine power for learning, which is quite "cheap".

In the eyes of the vast majority of members of the Discipline Inspection Commission, the price given by the president is too conscientious. This is a disguised form of giving them internal benefits.

You know, if you are not a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, you are not qualified to buy it.

This is not because Han Fei is reluctant to sell, and he is engaging in some kind of hunger marketing. The market demand is really too hot, and the supply is completely in short supply.

Today, Han Fei's income mainly comes from two major businesses.

One business is the sales of single-eye bacteria blankets, which are handed over to Liu Dan as the exclusive agent.

Liu Dan handles all sales channel and price negotiations. Han Fei only needs to settle the accounts according to the contract with him.

Another business is the sales and leasing of ‘Brainworm brand communicators’ in the battle against the insect swarm.

Among them, the rental of "Brain Worm" is still only open to Liu Dan and Mu Peng.

Although renting brainworms did not break the thread of faith, as fanatic believers they were able to remain absolutely tight-lipped during their assignments.

But for some things, even if you don't say them, you can see something different just by looking at them.

Han Fei will not let those who are not trustworthy enough easily spy on the details of the brain worm.

Therefore, the real majority is still the sales of the main battle swarm, and the full set of puppet controller technology he got from Liu Dan.

In fact, the main battle swarms sold to the members of the Discipline Committee are also low-end versions that have not been fused with void genes and can only fight in the divine domain.

These Zerg units are all early legacy exclusive hatching nests, which are eliminated after being produced.

As Han Fei ignited the divine fire, the Zerg units that could not fight in the void no longer met his actual needs.

However, the number of exclusive hatching nests that Han Fei had left in the past is still not enough.

If the production capacity is fully utilized, nearly 2 billion main battle swarms can be produced every year.

These hatching nests were completed with the help of bloodline cards in the early days.

The internal gene chains are at an extremely dangerous balance point, and have not been specially designed and optimized.

They are probabilistic products, and the situation of each gene chain is different.

After Han Fei became a god, he wanted to make a secondary genetic adjustment to these exclusive hatching nests, so that they could transform into hatching nests that could produce void swarms.

It is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive.

There is also the possibility of breaking the original genetic balance, and failure will cause the hatching nest to die suddenly.

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