Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 486 Ending

On the fungal blanket continent, countless red-eyed barnacles are trying their best to extract nutrients from the fungal blanket so that the scarlet rays can reach a higher energy level.

The wealth accumulated by the brainworm farmers in the "cradle" is not comparable to Mu Peng's small fights.

The fungal blanket continents are crawling with red-eyed barnacles that have been cultivated.

In the case of ignoring losses, the energy that bursts out is terrifying.

Even tiny energy will eventually undergo qualitative changes in the nearly endless accumulation.

The high-energy rays fired in volleys converge into a surging and violent particle flow, instantly crossing an extremely long distance, and with incredible accuracy, madly sweeping the fleet and divine domain of the Longwa god.

For this group of Morr's followers, their divine power reserves are always limited.

As long as they have expectations for their own future, they have not completely given up the hope of becoming a true god.

The pure divine power produced by the core clans will basically be used to condense divinity and provide firewood for the burning of the divine fire and the permeation of the divine domain.

The faith generated by the vassal clans will be used to supply daily consumption.

Naturally, it is impossible to maintain a large number of core clans like Han Fei, and still be able to earn blood and divine power everywhere.

In fact, these Longwa gods live a tight life in order to develop the divine domain and core clans, and their divine power reserves are not much.

So even if these Longwa gods respond at the fastest speed, they will burn their divine power crazily to provide energy for the divine patterns engraved on the divine domain barrier.

But under the continuous scouring of the violent particle flow, this reserve of divine power will soon be exhausted.

To make matters worse, when the divine domain barrier shows unstable fluctuations.

In the Zerg fleet that has completed the space jump, a large number of flagships equipped with array towers have begun to quietly blast out thick divine energy light columns towards their divine domain.

The barrier of the God Realm, which was struggling to maintain, was pierced in an instant, like a balloon that had reached its limit.

The broken barrier of the God Realm collapsed in a chain reaction, like a broken dam.

Inside the God Realm, the huge energy seemed to have directly lifted the sky.

The scarlet particle flow instantly filled the field of vision, pouring down from the sky.

Wherever it passed, it cleansed the world and annihilated everything!

Even the core area of ​​the God Realm with the most stable defense system may not be able to withstand such a blow that can be called a heavenly punishment for a long time.

On the battlefield, wailing suddenly broke out.

Dozens of gods who were suddenly hit hard released their majestic divine thoughts in a tragic mental backlash.

When the divine thoughts collided, circles of terrifying void disturbances were stirred up.

Like a rock smashing on the lake, it stirred up raging waves and caused waves of void disturbances.

The nearby Zergs with divine protection only heard the "wailing of the outer gods" in their consciousness during this round of divine thoughts, which made them feel a little dizzy and swollen.

This situation may make some of the gods' followers unstable and frightened.

But for the Zerg with low IQ, this impact is almost meaningless.

The brain worms and single-eyed worms, which are high-IQ units, are affected by their growth environment, and they are all strong in spirit and stable in consciousness.

This impact is completely negligible for them.

Under the unified command of the brain worms, the battlefield coordination of the Zerg fleet can be called textbook level.

After several waves of long-range firepower coverage, the energy level of the high-energy particle flow has just weakened to the extent that the fungal blanket covering the outer surface of the ship can barely accept it.

The Zerg fleets that have been on standby for a long time have rushed to their selected targets.

Those who cleared the remaining fleet, blocked the retreat route, and invaded the Longwa Divine Domain... The division of labor was orderly and well organized.

A large number of pioneer ships, while passing through the completely collapsed barrier of the Divine Domain and launching an offensive towards the core area of ​​the Divine Domain, the brain worms did not forget to send swarms to various places in the Divine Domain.

A large number of thunder dragons in the pioneer ships were released, quickly forming a sea of ​​flying insects that covered the sky and the sun.

In the process of killing the remaining lives, they also skillfully spread the fungus blanket to the entire Divine Domain.

These fungus blanket seeds, in an unrestrained state, extracted various energies at a terrifying speed and converted them into nutrients needed for their own growth.

All the resources in the Divine Domain began to be quickly exploited by them.

If no one dealt with it, it would not take long for the fungus blanket to turn the land in these Divine Domains into a dry and withered gravel desert.

Several Longwa gods who were struggling with mental backlash were commanding their followers to resist the invasion.

They could only watch helplessly as their own divine domain was rapidly covered by the purple-red fungal carpet that looked like flesh and blood.

"Stop, stop quickly............!"

Sensing the erosion of their own divine domain and watching the fungal carpet gradually spread to the core area, they could no longer hold on and wailed in despair.

This war lasted for more than a month. The various Longwa gods present later admitted defeat and began to actively break up the divine domain, leaving only the core area of ​​the divine domain to protect themselves.

So many gods, and a large number of fragments of the divine domain that broke up one after another, floated in the void.

Some of the creatures who survived the previous disasters also quickly became corpses floating in the void after leaving the protection of the divine domain.

It was like a scene of purgatory, and every second was silently telling the end of the loser.


The emotions of the creatures were not connected.

On the other side.

"It's sent, it's sent!"

Han Fei, who was in the body of the brainworm and was in full OB through the consciousness network, was excited to see the fragments of the divine domain floating in the sky. He was in a very good mood.

He had already let the brainworms control the fungal mat and limit their ability to reproduce independently.

In order to avoid destroying the high-value resources that could exist in the fragments of the divine domain without paying attention.

The divine domains of dozens of gods, Han Fei really made a lot of money in this wave!

His spirit body kept rubbing his hands at this time, and his face was so bright that he almost smiled like a flower.

"Boss Mu, your divine domain can't get to the scene for the time being. Look at the collectors of these divine domain fragments... "

After Han Fei sent a message to Mu Peng, he was mentally prepared to be slaughtered.

Time is money. So many resources are left at the scene. What if someone comes again? I'm afraid that it will change if it's too late.

Mu Peng's answer was still as straightforward and generous as always.

"Okay, I'll help you salvage them all, seal them into a blank card and give it to you."

"Count it as your reward for this support!"

"Boss, you're so generous!"

Han Fei, who was completely dazzled by the extremely rich spoils, immediately agreed to come with ecstasy.

Little did he know that after getting his affirmative answer.

Mu Peng immediately took a screenshot of the conversation and sent it to the task system of the Civilization Center Academy for settlement.

"Wow, Dandan, you are really good at predicting things!"

"Han Fei, the profiteer who is greedy for money, really fell into the trap!"

"So many credits, all mine, yeah!"

Looking at the sudden surge in personal credits in the academic system, Mu Peng immediately sent a message to his own Dandan, sharing his uncontrollable joy.

Meanwhile, Han Fei looked at the task settlement message sent by the Office of Academic Affairs, and he was in agony as if struck by a calamity.

"Go away............!"

"I didn't expect that Mr. Han, a sincere businessman, would be pecked in the eye by a goose today!"

"Sure enough, only the foolish people who are usually stupid can dig a hole and the effect is really outstanding!"

"It must be that the treacherous Dandan gave Mu Peng advice after being caught, and he was careless and sloppy!"

"This pair of dogs and bitches..., damn it!"

Han Fei's pupils dilated, and he kept chattering, feeling that the world was full of malice.

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