Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 552 Chain Reaction 2

When Han Fei's new trap was set up, the aggressive Longwa army finally pressed to the core area of ​​the cradle.

I saw the void with a solemn divine light group of divine domains connected together, with the momentum to crush everything, passing through the void like a huge star cluster.

From a distance, it looked like a huge star disk, slowly pressing towards the defense line built by the Zerg.

The movement caused the void collapse from time to time because of the disturbance of space, which was quickly smoothed out by the glow emitted by these divine domains.

Behind them, countless fleets and fortresses, under the protection of these divine domains, would not be affected by the collapse of the void at all.

Although Han Fei left the outermost fungus fortress and the cannon fodder troops who went to block it without fear of death, they also caused a lot of trouble to the opponent, but they could not stop the full advancement of the Longwa army at all.

"Forward! With the protection of our gods, these damned Zergs can't stop the fleet's advance at all!"

"Our doomsday has finally arrived!"

"Victory will eventually belong to us. For our glory, crush us!"

As a large number of Zerg combat units were crushed under their observation, the fleet's senior leaders welcomed unprecedented excitement and enthusiasm.

The smooth advancement of the front also swept away their previous haze.

Everyone's heart was filled with the joy of victory in sight!

"Hahaha! Those despicable insects, is this all they have left?"

"The frequency of void collapse here has increased by more than 20% compared to before. You can imagine the situation in the nuclear area. They are just playing with their own hands!"

"Don't worry, order all combat units to slow down the advancement speed, don't give the opponent any chance to take advantage! The final victory will belong to us!"

For Longwa, this tortuous war is finally coming to an end in front of their overwhelming strength.

At this time, steady and steady is the best choice.

So we saw that countless magnificent Longwa divine domains, with absolute advantage, slowed down.

The brilliant 'star disk' wrapped in infinite power, while crushing blood and flesh, became more and more dazzling.

That was the glow of the divine pattern that burst out under the self-explosion of the insect swarm and the frequent void collapse.

This caused the gods' divine energy to be consumed like flowing water, and the entire battle formation built with the divine domain seemed to be completely ignited.

Like a huge wheel of death, the terrifying aura condensed into substance.

"Haha, slowing down at this time is not a good choice!"

On the other side, Han Fei, who was observing everything through the consciousness network, was not worried but happy after seeing this scene.

This seemingly safest choice for the opposite party was exactly what he wanted.

"Since you are so cooperative, I will definitely leave you a lesson you will never forget today!"

Seeing that the opposite party had no consciousness, he just plunged into the trap he had prepared for a long time.

"Let's start."

Feeling that the time was right, Han Fei decisively gave the order with a smile on his face.

As a result, the planetary-level jump engines arranged in the fungal blanket fortress at the first section of the defense line were instantly started.


Amidst the distant flames and violent roars, the already fragile space around was immediately stirred.

Even without waiting for the engine's power to reach its peak, the void had already collapsed.

Clusters of time and space began to collapse and tighten inward like crumpled cellophane.

When the space was suddenly stretched to its limit, it was like cowhide that was about to break.

Countless fine and sharp space cracks formed huge knife nets.

Finally, when the space completely collapsed, the collapsed space seemed to want to drag everything around it into the abyss.

Some slightly larger fungal fortresses could still complete the jump and escape from the dead at the critical moment when the engine was started.

But more large fungal fortresses completely lost the possibility of escape after triggering this terrible void disaster.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei was bleeding, but he also had a sense of apprehension.

When has he ever done a business that made a loss?

So many Zerg combat units, so many fungal fortresses, it is impossible that they died in vain.


The next moment, the result he expected happened as expected.

After the space completely collapsed, the remaining force continued to burst out.

Like a boiling tide, it swept in all directions.

It easily caused a larger area of ​​longitudinal collapse. In the blink of an eye, large pieces of airspace were visibly pulled and deformed, and quickly connected into pieces.

From a distance, the entire section of the Zerg defense line looked like a glass smashed by a sledgehammer, with terrifying "cracks" running across it.

In just a moment, the originally stable void was completely filled.

"Not good! It's a huge area of ​​void collapse......"

Under the incredulous eyes of countless Longwa followers, the void at the end of the entire defense line completely shattered.

It was like a grand and complex domino that was completely triggered.

This made the vast void completely turn into an abstract oil painting.

"Damn it! All warships retreat immediately! Let the divine domain in front buy time!"

"Don't let the void collapse spread to the back!"

As long as the front divine domain ‘star disk’ can block the continuously generated void cracks, the fleet behind will still have a chance to evacuate this hell.

Unfortunately, there is a gap called ‘selfishness’ between theoretical plans and actual execution.

When the nightmare-like void collapse just appeared, the gods of Longwa also reacted very quickly.

In an instant, countless divine domains lit up with dazzling divine patterns.

The golden divine light spread like a wave, forcibly smoothing the sudden void collapse nearby.

While saving themselves, they tried their best to prevent the collapse from continuing.

But such resistance was nothing but futile.

Soon many weaker gods could not hold on.

Along with the raging void storm, countless Longwa divine fortresses were directly crushed into pieces.

The various divine domains also began to gradually break away from the ‘star disk’ and flee to the periphery of the battle line.

There are even gods who choose to cut off their arms and seek salvation. After cutting off a large area of ​​the divine domain, they only leave a small area and their core followers and flee lightly.

As for the gods who are stronger in strength, although they can still hold on for the time being, the divine energy consumed every minute and every second is also a huge number for them!

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