Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 586 Dyson Megastructure

A cold wind blew, and Claire shivered.

He looked up at the sky. The only star in the galaxy was extremely dim, no longer as warm and bright as before.

The silver-gray artificial spherical structure has completely wrapped it, absorbing heat continuously.

With the construction of the Dyson megastructure, the ecological environment of Moon has been devastated.

The once lush forests have withered, lakes and rivers have frozen into ice, birds and animals have died helplessly, and the whole world is shrouded in a bleak atmosphere.

The lives of the locals living on Moon have become increasingly difficult.

Claire often blames herself and feels that she is also one of the accomplices.

After the border war ended, the Molson Consortium came here with huge resources and technology.

The locals were jubilant, believing that the economy depressed by the war would prosper again and even take off again.

In order to make a living, Claire accepted the employment of the Molson Consortium and drove an interstellar mining ship to the asteroid belt outside the galaxy to mine.

The various resources mined were used as building materials for the Dyson megastructure.

If he had known this, he would rather starve to death than accept the employment of the Molson Consortium.

Claire shook his head in annoyance, glanced at the tavern in the corner of the alley, and his throat moved slightly.

After hesitating for a while, he took a step.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, a strong smell of wine and sweat came from the room.

"Old John, the heating is so high, don't you want to live?"

Claire walked to the bar and joked to the tavern owner.

Old John said unhappily: "You kid, do you have money to pay the debt?"


Claire touched her nose awkwardly and said with a wry smile: "I'm still a little tight lately, so I'll continue to owe the previous debts. Just give me a glass of the cheapest beer!"

"Hey, why are you so stubborn?"

Old John shook his head, deliberately lowered his voice, and persuaded: "You used to work well in the mining company, but you had to resign and work on your own............."

Before he finished speaking, Claire waved his hand and said loudly: "Forget it, I would rather starve to death than make this conscienceless money."


"Claire, who are you talking about?"

"Who is conscienceless? I think you are itching again, right?"

The sarcastic words angered many drinkers, and they kept cursing.

Claire was not afraid at all, and even didn't bother to pay attention.

This tavern is shabby and remote, and most of the people who come to drink are the natives of the nearby slums.

He was an orphan since he was a child, and he lived in the slums. He is very familiar with these tavern regulars, and many of them are childhood friends who have played together in the mud.

It is normal to quarrel with each other, and it is nothing.

Claire sat at the bar and drank beer.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the drinkers didn't continue to curse.

In fact, they also understood Claire's thoughts and were indignant about the immoral things done by the Molson Consortium.

But now, it is really difficult to find a job in Monstar.

Not everyone is like Claire, who eats for the whole family and does whatever he wants.

The originally noisy tavern suddenly became quiet for no reason, and the drinkers were drinking silently.

Until the sound of a chair moving was heard in the corner of the tavern.

"Boss, two more glasses of rum."

A short man stood up from the small table and walked to the bar to order drinks.

"Huh! Alon people?"

The drinkers cast their eyes on him, feeling a little surprised.

Although the other party was wrapped in thick winter clothes and a shit hat on his head, covering his pointed ears, his unique head and slender limbs made him easy to identify.

Even though he was on the border of the empire, the locals knew a lot about alien races.

Before the war, Mengxing was close to the border star system and undertook the transportation of military supplies and logistics. Because of its pleasant scenery, it was the first choice for border officers and soldiers to take a short vacation.

It was also one of the important trading places for border trade between the two countries.

With the prosperity of trade, the transport fleet was constantly coming and going, and there was naturally no shortage of alien merchants and crew members.

Especially the Ailon people, who are known for their cunning and greed, account for a large proportion of interstellar merchants.

Today's Monstar is no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

In that border war, the disputed areas between the two countries, including nearly 100 star systems where border guards were stationed.

All planets suitable for habitation were almost reduced to ruins.

According to the agreement between the two countries, their respective border defense areas were withdrawn synchronously, leaving a wider buffer zone.

Unfortunately, the star system where Monstar is located was also designated as a military buffer zone.

It is still nominally the territory of the Lance Empire, but there are no garrisons.

With the massive entry of the Molson Consortium, even the administrative organs have become in name only.

After several years, both the official and the private sectors have subtly regarded it as the private territory of the Molson family.

Otherwise, the Molson Consortium would not dare to recklessly build a Dyson megastructure that wraps around a star in a galaxy with a habitable star, and frantically grab energy from it.

In the empire's direct territory, Molson would never dare to do such a thing.

No matter how vast the empire's territory is, the number of habitable planets is ultimately limited. Not all barren planets are suitable for environmental transformation, let alone primitive planets with a complete ecological chain.

Perhaps the True God Morson paid a great price to eliminate the disaster of war, and the high-level officials of the empire took a tacit attitude towards this in order to compensate for it.

This is an absolute disaster for the locals who stayed on the Moon Star.

The war and the large-scale exodus led to a serious depression.

Before the post-war reconstruction, the construction of the Dyson megastructure made the living environment even worse.

Not to mention the restoration of commercial prosperity, even the daily necessities on the ground are extremely scarce, and they have to rely on external supplies to barely maintain.

No matter how cheap the daily necessities are, after the interstellar transportation, the price will inevitably soar wildly.

Not to mention the business giants such as the Morson Consortium, even ordinary interstellar merchants feel that the profit of transporting daily necessities to the Moon Star is too small.

Although things are rare and expensive, there is still a lot of room for price increase, but I am afraid that local people can't afford it!

Those who could afford the tickets at the beginning all fled, and the vast majority of those who stayed behind were in the abject poverty class, and there was not much oil left after squeezing them dry.

Moreover, after the Molson Consortium entered, it did not try to reorganize the post-war order.

Instead, it paid to hire workers and frantically mined various resources and minerals, which gave people a sense of exhausting the resources.

Who knows, they may also deliberately let prices soar, sit back and watch the chaos in public security, and force more indigenous people who have no food and clothing to accept their cheap labor needs.

In the long run, foreign merchants will have even less interest in getting involved.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for an Ailon person to appear in a tavern near the slums, right?

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