Looking at the mountains of pearl oysters, Lin Qiaohua looked excited.

She had never done anything like opening clams.

"Ye Sihai, which one should I choose? I want to open a big pearl with my own hands."

"Just pick whichever one you like."

"But what if I like it all?"

"Then buy them all and play with them."

Qiaohuamei punched Ye Sihai angrily.


She is the little princess in the family, and she has eight older brothers who love her.

Although there was a younger brother who would get angry at her when nothing happened, she still suppressed him and beat him the whole time.

So she lives quite her own life.

The girls in the Lin family are raised in wealth, while the boys are raised in poverty.

A young boy, Amr, has to earn pocket money by traveling to sea by himself.

But it happened that the flower girl couldn't spend all her pocket money, so she was a little rich woman.

While teasing Lin Qiaohua, Ye Sihai asked the worker who opened the clams for two pairs of thick rubber gloves, put them on and started picking through a pile of pearl shells.

He suddenly had an idea.

Can the Heart of the Ocean be used on land?

He tried it.

It actually... works!

The sense penetrates into the pearl shells, and it is clear at a glance whether there are beautiful pearls inside.

Isn't it equivalent to X-ray vision?

Ye Sihai immediately became interested.

Since it can be used, is it only useful for marine life?

He suddenly reached out and grabbed Lin Qiaohua's hand, saying:

"Don't move."

Qiaohua was startled:

"What's wrong?"

Ye Sihai immediately let go, shook his head and said:

"It's okay, I just want to hold your hand."


The attempt failed.

It seems that the Heart of the Ocean is only effective for marine life.

Ye Sihai was not disappointed, and continued to stick his butt out and began to enjoy it.

Seeing him like this, Qiaohuamei also quickly put on her gloves and followed him to pick them up with her butt sticking out.

"You are so stupid. You should pick them from the top."

Ye Sihai turned his head to look at Lin Qiaohua and said with a smile:

"If you pick them from the bottom, it will not only be laborious, but also easy to collapse, which is very dangerous."

The edges of pearl shells are very sharp. If you don't wear gloves, you will definitely scratch your fingers.

Qiaohuamei was just playing for fun, and she couldn't stand it after less than a minute of flipping.

"It's too smelly, Ye Sihai, I don't want to look for it anymore."

Ye Sihai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pointed to the workers on the side and said:

"You go and watch them open the pearls, and I'll pick one out to make a bracelet for you."

Qiaohuamei's heart was so sweet when she heard it:

"Then I'll pick one too, open it and make it into a necklace for you to wear."

The two of them got together and started to work with their butts sticking out.

Although Ye Sihai didn't understand pearls, he knew that the bigger the better, the rounder the better.

And colored ones must be better than white pearls.

It doesn't matter whether you can choose or not, as long as you put your heart into it.

And seeing that the quality of these pearl shells is very high, Ye Sihai has already found a lot of big pearls, so it is not difficult to choose one.

Liu Gang sent Ye Sihai away and immediately turned on the surveillance in front of him when he returned to the office.

He wanted to see what Ye Sihai was going to do.

It was also funny to see Ye Sihai and Lin Qiaohua digging for treasure in a pile of fishy pearl shells.

Dad and Xiao Jianguo both value Ye Sihai so much, and Liu Gang is very interested in him.

After watching for a long time, just when he was about to turn off the surveillance.

"This kid...! Weird!"

On the screen, Ye Sihai chose a fist-sized pearl shell and borrowed the tools in the hands of the workers.

Carefully pried it open, and under the faucet, a black pearl appeared in his hand.

Several workers were also attracted and exclaimed.

Liu Gang was stunned in place, and then he understood why his father was so enthusiastic about Ye Sihai.

How did he find this shell with a black pearl from the pile of pearl shells?

Black pearls are more expensive than ordinary pearls, and the price range is also very large, ranging from a few hundred yuan to hundreds of thousands.

A top-grade black pearl can even be sold for more than one million yuan.

It's really amazing.

"So big?"

"Young man, let me see."

"This is really good luck."

A black pearl with a diameter of one centimeter and a round body turned around in the hands of the workers and returned to Lin Qiaohua's hands.

"Ye Sihai, you are so amazing, I like it so much."

Lin Qiaohua put the shiny black pearl on her jade-white wrist and gestured, and jumped up with joy.

Ye Sihai was a little amused.

The joy of picking up a treasure is not strong.

Because this treasure has an owner.

This black pearl can be sold for at least 100,000 yuan.

So, do you have to pay 100,000 yuan to buy it?

At this time, Liu Gang ran over:

"Sihai, I heard that you opened a black pearl? Let me see it."

Lin Qiaohua handed it to Liu Gang reluctantly.

Liu Gang took it in his hand, looked at it carefully for a few times, and said with a smile:

"It looks good, but it's not worth much. Keep it for fun."

Ye Sihai couldn't help but look at Liu Gang with a higher opinion.

This black pearl is very expensive, but it's worthless in Liu Gang's mouth. It's clear that he wants to do a favor.

If it is made into jewelry and sold, 200,000 is not a problem at all.

So should I give Liu Gang the money?

Ye Sihai was a little entangled.

Although he now has 400,000, this money is of great use to him.

Just seeing Lin Qiao's beaming look made him make a decision.

"Brother Gang, this black pearl is worth at least 100,000 yuan. I want to buy it."

"What are you buying? You picked this out. I gave it to my younger siblings as a meeting gift."

Ye Sihai shook his head:

"No, if you don't charge us, we can't take it."

Then he took it from Lin Qiaohua's hand and handed it to Liu Gang.

Qiaohua girl’s eyes are almost covered with that black pearl.

But she is sensible.

Know what one hundred thousand dollars represents.

Her small treasury has been saved since she was three years old, and now she is eighteen years old, it is only over five million.

Saving money is hard work.

"Let's go back to the office and talk."

Liu Gang took Ye Sihai and Lin Qiaohua back to the office, took out a box of good tea and said with a smile:

"Try my dad's top quality Dahongpao."

Liu Gang said while making water tea:

"The things are mine and you found them, so if you give me 50,000 yuan, it belongs to you. Brothers from all over the world, I like you as a person, so why don't you waste money on tens of thousands of yuan?"

Ye Sihai didn't insist anymore, took out his cell phone and said:

"Thank you, Brother Gang. I'll forward it to you."

"Not urgent."

Liu Gang stood up and picked up a copy of the business license from his desk and handed it to Ye Sihai:

"Brother, look at it."

Ye Sihai was stunned for a moment, then reached out and took it.

In the business scope, there is indeed the production, processing and sales of special shellfish, including clam fossils.

"Brother Jianguo can ask you to come to my father. He must be someone trustworthy."

Liu Gang took the copy of the business license and said:

"So, you must have found a treasure in the sea and need a legal way, right?"

Ye Sihai smiled and said nothing.

Lin Qiaohua stayed aside for a moment, and then looked at Ye Sihai expectantly.

"Can't you tell me, brother?"

Liu Gang is a little strange.

"Brother Gang, I'm just afraid of bothering you."

Liu Gang smiled and said:

"What the hell, unless it's something we can't operate."

Ye Sihai's signature honesty appeared on his face:

"Fossil Tridacna."

Liu Gang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed:

"What are you afraid of? Even if you don't have the qualifications, aren't you still buying and selling? Those things belong to the people and will not be held accountable by officials. What's more, we have the qualifications."

Ye Sihai said seriously:

"According to my observation, it is a blood clam fossil."


Liu Gang was shocked.

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