When diving to 40 meters.

Ye Sihai felt the limit.

If there is professional diving equipment, 40 meters is actually a very wonderful process.

The density of the human body will make people maintain a slow free fall.

The premise is that the wearer must be professional diving equipment.

But Ye Sihai now has only a pair of goggles and a pair of fins.

There is also a simple respirator.

Exhaling very carefully, Ye Sihai pulled out the dagger with his backhand.

The body remained motionless and allowed to fall freely.

From now on, he must do everything to ensure that he will not make any mistakes.

In case of failure, he had to give up.

The mind kept sending messages.

"Don't move."

"Don't move."

"If you move, I can't save you."

"Your child will become an orphan."

"Your husband will marry another coquettish and cheap whale."

"Imagine that she sleeps with your husband and beats your child."

The whale mother really didn't move.

Ye Sihai gritted his teeth.

Forty-five meters!

Forty-six meters!

Forty-seven meters.

Forty-eight meters.

Forty-nine meters!

Fifty meters!

When his feet landed lightly on the back of the killer whale mother, his mind began to blur.

His head hurt like it was exploding.

Damn it!

Let's fight!

Starting from the killer whale mother's dorsal fin.

The dagger cut the main rope of the fishing net, which was as thick as a thumb.

Then cut the thin fishing net line.

Starting from the dorsal fin, all the way to the head, it was cut about two meters.

The fishing net line is easy to cut, but the main rope of the fishing net has several ropes.

The main feature of that thing is that it is strong.

Fortunately, the dagger that Ye Sihai bought was extremely sharp.

It took a minute, and Ye Sihai felt like he had lived a lifetime.

After cutting the last main rope, he immediately kicked his feet desperately.

The killer whale mother screamed.

The little killer whale also cried out happily, rushed directly to Ye Sihai's feet, and pushed him up.

This time the little guy actually knew to take it slow and didn't push too fast.

Just when Ye Sihai rose about 20 meters, the killer whale mother swung a few times to regain her freedom.

The huge body slowly moved upwards, and then the tail fin slapped.

Her body quickly floated up to the coast.

On the fishing boat, A'mo and several other teenagers were still confused.

At this time! !

Boom! !

A huge monster suddenly rushed out of the sea surface only 20 meters away from the fishing boat.

The huge body jumped out of the sea for a full seven or eight meters.


"Oh my God!"

The teenagers were scared and pale.

Before they could react, the killer whale mother's body hit the sea surface heavily.

Wow! ! !

The waves hit 30 meters away, and the whole fishing boat was soaked.

A'mo and his companions were thrown to the ground by the sea water and fell into the boat.

Only Liu Hanhan held the side of the boat with one hand and stood there motionless.

His eyes shot out two fierce rays of light, staring at the mother killer whale.


The mother killer whale took a few breaths and let out a cry of surviving a disaster.

Ye Sihai also surfaced at this time.

The little killer whale chirped and kept nudging him with its head.

The mother killer whale swam around the fishing boat and slowly swam in front of Ye Sihai, gently touching Ye Sihai with her head.

On the fishing boat, Lao Liang saw this scene and immediately understood it.

He couldn't help but feel an inexplicable fear of Ye Sihai.

People who live in the sea are very superstitious.

The incident of Ye Sihai jumping into the sea to commit suicide was a hot topic before.

And the magical changes after he was rescued made many people doubt in their hearts.

Why can this kid make a lot of money every time he goes to the sea?

Now it seems that he really has magical abilities.

The little killer whale came to him for help, and he saved the mother killer whale.

Killer whales are creatures that will repay favors.

Among the various legends circulating on the seashore, killer whales repay favors account for more than half.

For example, killer whales will help fishing boats to fish in groups, and fishing boats only need to put down the nets in the sea.

A'mo and his friends stood up from the boat cursing, and were collectively stunned when they saw this scene.

Their faces were full of envy and jealousy.

The mother killer whale even gently dived her head under Ye Sihai's feet, and then slowly lifted him up.

Ye Sihai sat on the back of the mother killer whale, and the mother killer whale carefully carried him and began to circle around the fishing boat.

The little killer whale behind him was chirping happily.

The scene was simply amazing.

A'mo quickly picked up the phone and turned on the camera function again.

He wanted to take a picture of this scene, and then...!


Lin Qiaohua, how much are you going to pay for Ye Sihai's video?



Don't even think about it if you are less than 200,000.

Hehehe, rich.

Ah Mo was only dreaming, he completely forgot that with his sister's money-grubbing character, let alone 50,000, she would have taken away her cell phone by then.

On the calm sea, under the blue sky, Ye Sihai closed his eyes facing the wind, and suddenly felt a sense of great pride.

In this life, this is the best.

Free, carefree, unrestrained.

He slowly opened his eyes, then reached out and patted the mother orca's head a few times.

"My home is over there. When you are free, just bring your child to me."


"Do you understand?"

Ye Sihai was overjoyed.

The abduction plan was more than half successful.

As for the development plan, there is still a long way to go.

Whales have a unique sonar system that can accurately locate them even at long distances, which is much better than Ye Sihai now.

The mother whale whined twice more.

The little killer whale immediately turned over happily, then swam over, exposing its snow-white belly. Like a super worm, it arched its head and gently bumped Ye Sihai's hand.

This scene made the six teenagers on the boat drool.

Ye Sihai smiled and jumped into the sea. After scanning the surrounding area and making sure that there was no danger, he shouted to Amo and the others:

"You guys come down too."

"Come on, she's very obedient, no problems."

Wang He was the bravest and jumped up first.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xiaoer, Cheng Jiashu, and Shui Yi all jumped into the sea.

Only Amo was a little scared.

Several teenagers swam toward Ye Sihai with some trepidation.

Just like before, the mother orca carefully put her head under the feet of the teenagers and lifted them up.

Amo finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Uncle Liang, I'll give you my cell phone. You can quickly take a video of us."

Lao Liang also looked envious.

None of the killer whales in Ocean Park are so well-behaved.

How did Ye Sihai do this?

After Ah Mo stood on the back of the mother killer whale, Ye Sihai rode on the back of the baby killer whale and grabbed its dorsal fin:

"My journey is like the stars and the sea!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The cheerful laughter spread far and wide.

Liu Hanhan stood at the bow of the boat, grinning with his mouth wide open:

"Ho ho ho!"

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