Gu Zhiqiang felt that he was being plotted.

In fact, he also knew Ye Sihai's purpose of doing this.

Ocean fishing inherently carries huge risks.

The more valuable seafood is, the more dangerous it is.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Sihai brothers doing this.

But Mayor Gu was very unbalanced.

I feel like I am a dedicated liver worker.



Give this boy a good meal.

The gooseneck barnacle is actually a type of conch.

The meat of this thing is really delicious.

Even though Gu Zhiqiang's mouth had been spoiled by Ye Sihai for more than half a year, he still felt that his mouth was not full when he was eating gooseneck barnacles.

It really makes sense for it to be so expensive.

Mayor Gu has his own little book in mind.

Gooseneck barnacles can be sold for more than one thousand or two thousand yuan per pound, which does not look as good as the best blue fin tuna or several other types of precious seafood.

But that’s not how the account is calculated.

This thing has a thick shell on the outside.

If you buy a pound of meat, will you be able to eat one-tenth of the meat in your mouth?

That's pretty much it.

As for bluefin tuna, one pound is one pound of meat, and you can eat real meat in your mouth.

So, in fact, this thing can really be ranked in the top three or five of the most expensive and top-quality seafood.

Eat eat eat.

Eat and drink.

Seeing him like this, Ye Sihai was also amused.

"Pry some good ones back and give some to your uncle and aunt. You can also give some to the capital. Seeing you being so filial will bring glory to your parents. The children have grown up."

Gu Zhiqiang...!

He silently put down the gooseneck barnacle in his hand, picked up the wine glass and looked at Ye Sihai:

"Okay, if you don't, I won't beat you to death."

Ye Sihai laughed.

The two of them chatted while eating, with Uncle Mei interjecting a few words. The time passed quickly.

"Hey, I'm so full!"

Gu Zhiqiang reached out and touched his swollen belly with a satisfied look on his face.

Eat and drink enough.

"By the way, your Mixue Bingcheng has been causing quite a stir recently. My dad has paid attention to this matter and said he wants to talk to you again."

Ye Sihai smiled and said:

"Of course, I have to be Wang Zha when I make the move. Just wait, within three years, Mixue Bingcheng will definitely become a listed company with a market value of 100 billion."

"Seize the young master?"

Gu Zhiqiang's accent came out.

He widened his eyes and looked at Ye Sihai with shock on his face:

"You want to go public? Are you kidding me? Hundreds of billions?"

Ye Sihaihehe.

Can I tell you that I cheated?

This small store franchise model can flourish all over the country in just one year.

Different from another life, in this world, Ye Sihai added markets in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States.

By then, maybe even two to three hundred billion won’t be a problem.

If there is only one franchise store in one county in China, there can be more than a thousand.

There are tens of thousands of franchise stores around the world, what is their scale?

Uncle Mei's hands shook when he heard this, and he couldn't hold the vegetables firmly.

He looked at Ye Sihai and blurted out:

"What is your relationship with that beautiful girl from the Liu family? Are you willing to give her so much money? Did you two do something behind Qiaohua's back?"

Gu Zhiqiang...!

Ye Sihai's face suddenly stiffened.

He almost cried without tears as he explained:

"Dad, what are you talking about? Fangmei and I are in a cooperative relationship. You should go and take a rest. Mom, please take care of my dad. He is getting better and better every day. What will it sound like if it gets spread?"

Aunt Mei immediately scolded Uncle Mei off the table.

Gu Zhiqiang suppressed his laughter and shock and looked at Ye Sihai like a monster:

"Hundreds of billions, brother, that's a market value of one hundred billion. Are there a hundred billion-dollar companies in China?"

Ye Sihai smiled proudly:

"There will be more in the future."

Gu Zhiqiang shook his head sadly.

Ye Sihai looked at him narrowly and smiled:

"Lao Gu, you really don't want to be an official anymore, do you?"

"Get out!"

Gu Zhiqiang cursed a little arrogantly:

"My goal is to surpass my father."

Ye Sihai immediately gave a thumbs up.

The restaurant was a little quiet for a while. Neither of them spoke, feeling dizzy.

After a while, Gu Zhiqiang yawned and said:

"Your uncle Lin An's affairs have been almost arranged. Let him train for a few months and try to win it in October this year."

Ye Sihai nodded.

Lin An's career as an official was a part of his discussion with his father-in-law, Li Changqing, and it was also one of his long-term plans for the future.

And with the relationship with the Gu family, Lin An will definitely have a smooth future.

After sending Gu Zhiqiang away, Ye Sihai brought Wanwan over again, personally picked up a few gooseneck barnacles for her, dipped them in some soy sauce, and fed them to her mouth:

"Try it, it's delicious. Brother won't lie to you."

Wanwan still had a face of resistance and disgust, but Liu Hanhan was making famous gestures on the side:

"Sister, eat, it's delicious."

Only then did she hold Ye Sihai's arm with her hands, and tentatively took one.

The meat of the gooseneck barnacle is indeed too fresh.

Wanwan just tasted it lightly, and her eyes suddenly widened and shone brightly.

Bah, bah, bah.

Two bites down.

"Brother, I want more."

The little guy couldn't care less about hugging his brother, so he stretched out his hand to grab it.

Ye Sihai laughed, held her on his lap, and then quickly peeled the shell for her.

His speed of peeling the shell could not keep up with the speed of the little guy eating meat.

Wanwan said while eating:

"I will tell Chuchu tomorrow that this is delicious. Can brother eat it tomorrow? I want to give it to Chuchu."

Ye Sihai pretended to be in deep thought:

"This is very expensive. I have to think about it."

The little guy immediately climbed up with a grunt, then put his arms around Ye Sihai's neck and kissed him on the face.

"Brother is the best to me."

"Brother loves me the most."


Her hands and mouth were full of juice from eating barnacle meat, making Ye Sihai's neck and face sticky and uncomfortable.

Liu Hanhan blinked his eyes foolishly, hoping that sister Wanwan would kiss him too.

Unfortunately, Wanwan only knew how to act cute to Ye Sihai at this time, and had long forgotten him as a new soldier.

Ye Sihai took Ye Wanwan down:

"Let mom cook it for you tomorrow. You can take it to Lin's house to eat when it's done, or take it to Lin's house and ask grandma to cook it for you."

"Yeah, brother is the best."

The little girl's mouth is the most picky, and the deliciousness of gooseneck barnacles obviously conquered her.

After feeding Wanwan, Ye Sihai cleaned up the table.

When Aunt Mei saw him eating, she immediately drove him out of the kitchen.

He took a bath and lay on the bed, thinking about something.

Grandma Whale had four children, forming a sperm whale group, and they had been living in a certain sea area.

Grandma left the whale group because she felt that she was dying.

Before that, she had always been the leader of the whale group.

Sperm whales, like killer whales, are social species.

Even the sperm whale group is much larger than that of killer whales, sometimes even up to three or five hundred.

It seems that I should prepare and find a time to go out to sea.

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