The starting price directly broke the previous highest bid.

Thousands of people were shocked.

How could this price be so high?

People who didn't know about it in the back asked around, but the restaurants that participated in the bidding at the front looked as if they knew it.

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The fat content of the big belly alone is 22%, which is enough to explain everything.

Different parts of bluefin tuna are called differently.

Cheek meat, cheek meat, head, red body, middle fall, middle belly, big belly.

Among them, red body, middle belly, and big belly are the most important.

Red body is also called red meat, because it is very dark in color and has a relatively low fat content, and it is the cheapest among the three parts.

The color of the middle belly meat is much lighter than that of the red body, and the meat is fresh and delicate, and the price is higher than that of the red body.

The big belly is the most expensive part.

It is rich in fat and pink in color, and the price can even be bought for 30,000 US dollars per kilogram.

The fat content reaches 15%, which is the highest grade SSS quality.

And the fat content of Ye Sihai's fish is an unprecedented 22%.

This gimmick alone is enough to drive gourmets all over the world crazy.

After this fish is auctioned back, there will even be countless other restaurant owners who will quietly come to the door and buy some of it at a high price.

Therefore, the starting price of 1.5 million is shockingly expensive, but absolutely reasonable.

According to the rules, bidders have only one chance to bid, and the highest bidder wins.

This is also the official regulation of Japan.

Because the price of bluefin tuna in the auction every year will cause the world's fishing industry to go crazy.

I don't know how many fishing boats go out to sea, dreaming of catching a bluefin tuna.

Even if it is an ordinary bluefin tuna, the price is much higher than other catches.

The result of crazy fishing is that bluefin tuna is getting less and less.

Even many fishermen who catch small fish weighing dozens of kilograms are not let go.

This is illegal.

There are very strict fishing standards for bluefin tuna, but with the price stimulus, who cares about the law in the vast ocean?

When the auction price of 1.5 million was called out, Lin Qi and others almost fainted.

It's too high.

It's too damn high.

The rich second-generations who went out to sea together looked at Ye Sihai with green eyes.

They felt a little sad.

In the future, they will never go out to sea fishing again.

They can't get interested at all.

At least, they will never go out to sea fishing with Ye Sihai again.

This is not a matter of hurting self-esteem.

This is a matter of hurting the liver, lungs and kidneys.

By the way, will this kid marry the girl from the Lin family?

Should we get involved?

Xiao Jianguo stood on the stage, so excited that he almost had a heart attack.

He knew that Ye Sihai was not an ordinary person.

He knew it the first time he met him.

So he deliberately made friends with him.

Let alone emotional friendship, he was very attentive to every task Ye Sihai asked him to do.

He was expecting a return someday.

But reality gave him a huge surprise.

The return came too quickly.

He was stunned.

The first order of Sihai Company was not just a good start.

It directly set several world records.

It is conceivable how famous Sihai Company will be in the future.

As for money?

Xiao Jianguo has a broad vision. Although he is interested in profit, he also knows that the shareholders will make a lot of money even if they don't get a penny from this order.

The wealth in the future will be truly endless.

According to the exchange rate between Japanese currency and Chinese currency...!

So, the reserve price of this fish alone is...!

Thirty-five million.

Including the bonus.

It's close to 70 million.

Look forward to breaking 100 million.

If it breaks 100 million...!

I'm afraid the officials of Fucheng will come to congratulate in person.

Maybe the national TV station will send someone to do an interview.

Chinese people have an almost crazy obsession with various foreign world records.

Any world record, as long as it is held by foreigners and broken by Chinese people, is a carnival.

While Xiao Jianguo was still excited and sighing here, Xiao Lin had already started the auction.

At the beginning, the bidding was so fierce that it was shocking.

"Akasakatei bid 1.7 million!"

"Hedaoxuan bid 2 million!"

"Ono Goro Sushi bid 2.2 million."

"Osaka Izumi Koi bid 2.3 million!"

A group of restaurant owners began to bid frantically.

The atmosphere on the scene directly entered a white-hot stage.

Ye Sihai stood in the middle, and his heart was a little bit overwhelmed.

It was not the stimulation of money.

In his previous life, he was a billionaire and had seen money.

It was just this feeling, it was really good.

As an auctioneer and the company that hosted the auction, Xiao Lin was more excited than the bidders.

This auction is destined to go down in history.

And his Xiao Lin company will definitely be remembered in history.

This is a supreme honor that cannot be bought with any amount of money.


The record will be broken?

Xiaolin is not worried at all.

Ye Sihai improved all the records by nearly one third.

It is hard to imagine how the young man named Ye Sihai caught this super fish king.

This requires such incredible luck.

This opportunity is rarer than being hit by a meteor.

It can be seen that everyone wants to get this fish.

The bids are not as cautious as usual.

The Japanese are very cautious and rigid in doing things.

But today, everyone is crazy.

When the price reached 2.5 million, the whole place was silent.

The onlookers were shocked and their views were completely photographed by reporters.

The restaurant that failed to bid was full of regret and regret, shaking their heads.

In the end, there were still two restaurant owners who did not bid.

In addition to the three people who bid 2.5 million, you looked at me, I looked at you, like fighting cocks.

The boss who bid 2.5 million had a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

He seemed to be afraid that others would compete with him, but he was also looking forward to it.

2.5 million per kilogram.

750 kilograms.

What if...!

Lose money?

The price of this fish is actually far beyond the limit.

Eating should be a reputation.

The supreme reputation of breaking many world records.

The several restaurants that joined hands with him are top-notch in Tokyo, but not the best.

In other words, it is very difficult to eat this fish.

Because the auction is not nonsense, the debt must be paid on the spot.

Do you think the fish owner is here to support you?


A boss shouted loudly:

"Jita Kiyo Ryotei, offer... three million!"

Boom! !

"Kiyo, you bastard!"

"Arrogant, too arrogant!"

"Three million? Can you eat it?"

The middle-aged man named Kiyo laughed and said:

"Everyone, to be honest, I must win!"

He looked proudly at the last boss who had not yet made an offer, and crossed his arms:

"You, withdraw."

The other party was dejected.

2.25 billion Japanese yen.

Converted into Chinese currency is - 105 million!


Xiao Lin made the final decision:


Lin Qi and others rushed towards Ye Sihai like crazy.

They grabbed Ye Sihai's limbs and threw him into the sky.

Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Lin, the executive of the sea fishing organization, also hugged each other.

The world record was broken again.

And it was raised to a crazy level.

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