It's time for lunch.

At noon is a very rich lunch.

Aunt Mei prepared a lot of dishes, originally for Professor Chen and others.

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Ye Sihai and Liu Hanhan were both lucky.

Liu Hanhan dominated the whole place and his mouth was full of oil.

Amo was very quiet when eating, like a little girl.

Qiaohua girl was eating and talking at the same time, and she was very happy.

"Ye Sihai, what are you going to do this afternoon?"

Seeing Qiaohua girl asking herself, Ye Sihai thought for a while and decided to give his little girlfriend a surprise.

He whispered a few words in Qiaohuamei's ear.

Qiaohua girl said, her whole body became full of energy:


Amo's attention on the side was immediately attracted.

But before he could eavesdrop, Ye Sihai finished speaking.

Ah Mo was so angry that the roast goose in his mouth no longer tasted good.

I feel like I'm redundant.

I want to go home.

Never come again.

He leaned closer to Liu Hanhan.

Liu Hanhan, who was holding a rice bowl and eating with his mouth full of oil, suddenly looked at him:

"Amo, don't take it from me."



The world is hostile to me.

Qiaohua girl already looked a little dizzy, her little butt couldn't sit still at all, she kept twisting and turning, her face was flushed with excitement, and she wanted to leave now.

It's midday now, when the sun is at its hottest on the beach, and ultraviolet rays can kill people.

Ye Sihai couldn't bear to let his little girlfriend turn into a little black girl.

After eating, I went back to the bedroom and lay down.

Continue to meditate.

When I woke up from my nap, I was sweating again.

I took a shower, put on floral pants and a vest, and got ready to go.

Qiaohua girl actually changed into a set of sun protection clothes and wrapped her upper body tightly, but her long, straight white legs were exposed underneath.

Ye Sihai glanced at it and didn't dare to look again.

"Xiao Hui will definitely like me."

Qiaohuamei stretched out her hand to hold Ye Sihai's arm, she was so cute.

"Where's Amo?"

Not seeing Amo's shadow, Ye Sihai thought he had gone back.

Soon he saw Ah Mo walking out with Liu Hanhan.

"Lin Qiaohua, Ye Sihai, if you dare not take me with you, I will sever ties with you."

Ye Sihai burst out laughing.

He understood that it was his brother-in-law who got the news about Xiao Hui from Liu Hanhan.

"Then let's go."

Four people rode two cars. Ye Sihai rode a battery car carrying Qiaohua girl, Liu Hanhan rode his motorcycle, and Amo squeezed in behind.

First go to Xiao Jianguo's shop to gut the fish, and then go to the breakwater.

When they arrived at the place, Ye Sihai pulled Qiaohuamei into the water.

Qiaohua girl became a little scared.

"Ye Sihai, I'm afraid."

Amo stood with his head facing the scorching sun, wishing he could become his sister.

So jealous.

He had ridden a whale.

But that was with a few friends.

As for Ye Sihai, he has a killer whale brother.

Although the little killer whale is only two meters long, it will grow up.

In the future, Ye Sihai will own a killer whale that is more than ten meters tall.

Imagine riding such a big killer whale and galloping on the sea. It is more exciting than driving any super sports car.

Sports car?


At this moment.

On the sparkling sea, a surging white line suddenly appeared in the distance.

Ye Sihai immediately waved and cheered:

"Small gray!"

A small black dorsal fin immediately accelerated and cut through the sea surface, roaring towards Ye Sihai and rushed out.

While rushing, he also jumped half of his body out of the water, and kept making sounds from his mouth:

"Chirp! Chirp!"

The cry was extremely joyful.

Qiaohua girl was surprised, happy and a little scared.

Xiao Hui quickly arrived in front of her.

Looking at the cute head sticking out of the water, she suddenly wasn't afraid anymore.

Xiao Hui's shiny black head was tilted. There was no doubt that he was seriously looking at Qiao Hua.

"It's so cute, Ye Sihai, can I touch it?"

Xiao Hui's body is round and smooth, and his two small black eyes can convey an anthropomorphic look.

Curiosity, inquiry, and an indescribable joy.

When Qiaohuamei looked at it, it also looked at Qiaohuamei.

The tail fin continued to slap the sea surface, and there were bursts of yo yo sounds coming from its mouth.

Obviously, it was acting cute towards Qiaohua Girl.

Seeing its innocent and happy expression, Qiaohuamei giggled and reached out to gently touch its head.

Xiao Hui chirped, then buried his head into the sea. When he lifted it up again, a stream of water arrows shot out from his mouth.


Sprayed all over Qiaohua girl's face.

Qiaohua girl screamed in fright, but found that Xiao Hui was patting his pectoral fins continuously and smiling with his mouth open.

"Chirp, chirp!"

Qiaohua girl was so angry that she immediately reached out and splashed water:

"Little thing, look how I deal with you, you are rude."

One person and one whale actually started playing like this.

Ye Sihai watched from the side and felt extremely warm.

Amo was so jealous that he was beyond recognition.

Qiao Hua Mei was quickly pushed into the sea by Xiao Hui.

In addition to the constant screaming at the beginning, slowly only her silver bell-like laughter remained.

"Ye Sihai, Xiao Hui is so cute!"

"Ahhh, I'm so happy."

Xiao Hui opened his mouth and kept making various short sounds.

Ye Sihai was surprised.

Although killer whales have the highest IQ among marine creatures.

But it seems that only beluga whales and dolphins can make multiple sounds, right?

How can this little guy do that?

It's amazing.



Seeing Xiao Hui calling her, Qiaohuamei was very curious and had to turn around and ask Ye Sihai:

"What does it mean?"

Ye Sihai smiled and said:

"It's asking you to ride it."

Qiaohuamei was overjoyed:


Ye Sihai nodded.

"But I'm a little scared."

Ye Sihai had already observed the nearby sea area and there was no danger.

As far as he could see, there were no large beasts within a few kilometers.

"It's okay, it will protect you."

Although Qiaohuamei was afraid, she couldn't resist the temptation of riding a killer whale.

Even if it was just a small killer whale.

Xiao Hui slowly sank into the water, letting Qiao Huamei ride on its back.

Then it came out of the water again and began to swim slowly.

At first, Qiao Huamei was still nervous and tightly held Xiao Hui's dorsal fin.

But she soon breathed a sigh of relief and happily played with Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui carried her, sometimes speeding up, sometimes turning in circles, which made Qiao Huamei very happy.

She slowly dared to stretch out a hand and touch Xiao Hui's head in a flattering way.

Xiao Hui immediately sprayed out streams of water.



Ye Sihai was amused by the two little guys and laughed out loud.

One was cute and the other was lovely.

A'mo stood aside, his delicate features squeezed together with sourness.

I want to ride too.

Ye Sihai said:

"Amo, hurry up, take out your phone and take a picture of your sister."

Amo's whole body was full of rejection:

"No, I won't."

Ye Sihai turned his head and glanced at him:

"Don't even think about riding Xiaohui, it won't let you ride, but you can use the video to exchange money with your sister."

Amo took out his phone silently.

The next best thing.

The whale can't be ridden, and the money can't run away anymore.


Lin Qiaohua, I'm going to shoot you until you go bankrupt!

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