Farewell to the director, the old lady.


Ye Sihai took Wanwan back home.

The house has now become a busy construction site.

Feng Ping personally took charge of the dispatch, everything was busy but not chaotic, and in order.

The busiest person was Aunt Mei.

Because she was responsible for the workers' three meals a day.

There were dozens of workers, and Aunt Mei couldn't handle it alone.

So Ye Sihai invited Liu Xiaoer and five other teenagers and their mothers to help.

Aunt Mei was worried.

So many people were eating.

What to eat every day and how many vegetables to buy, they had to think about it.

Several teenagers ran errands to buy vegetables and deliver them, and their mothers helped in the kitchen.

Even Qiaohuamei's mother came to show up.

Although she only picked a few green onions, her attitude was very positive.

Shuiyi's mother was grateful to Ye Sihai and worked the hardest.

They came the earliest, left the latest, and ate the least.

Ye Sihai was a little embarrassed.

He had selfish motives for helping others.

He wanted to kidnap these teenagers to work for him in the future so that he could lie down all the time.

The team was weak at first, but the future was promising.

The project underway was digging a well.

Water was the most important.

Both the Ye family and the Mei family had a pressure well, but it was too small to support Ye Sihai's seaside love house plan.

So Ye Sihai spent a million to dig a well with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of 300 meters.

The construction site was noisy every day.

This time when he went to Fucheng, Lin Changqing's driver still picked him up.

When he got home, Ye Sihai saw Aunt Mei and Huang Yijun standing on the roadside to greet him.

"Aunt, Mom."

Qiaohuamei shouted excitedly out of the window, waving her arms:

"Our little princess is back."

Aunt Mei glanced at Huang Yijun with a guilty conscience.

Huang Yijun's face was always elegant and with a faint smile.

Ye Sihai carried Wanwan out of the car and then gently put her down.

Wanwan immediately grabbed his hand nervously and didn't dare to let go for a moment.

Qiaohuamei ran towards Aunt Mei.

Then she ran into Huang Yijun's arms and nudged her affectionately:

"Mom, Wanwan is so pitiful. I must raise her well in the future."

Huang Yijun laughed and scolded:

"You are still a child yourself, stay away from me, a girl is so crazy, sweat all over."

Qiaohuamei snorted and threw herself on Aunt Mei again:

"Aunt, I have a sister too."

Aunt Mei's smile was a little stiff.

She could feel the faint resentment in Huang Yijun's heart.

After all, if it were her, she would not agree with Ye Sihai's approach.

This has nothing to do with selfishness.

Adopting a child is of course a good thing, but it can't affect the relationship in the family because of this matter.

But she understands Ye Sihai.

Sihai has his own reasons for everything he does, so she just listens to him.

Ye Sihai led Wanwan over, leaned over and smiled at her:

"Wanwan, who is this? What should you call her when you saw her last time?"

Wanwan looked at Aunt Mei timidly, as if she was reminiscing.

Then a sweet smile suddenly appeared on her face, she opened her two hands, one long and one short, and ran towards Aunt Mei:


Aunt Mei's eyes were wet, and she quickly squatted down and hugged her in her arms:

"Oh, what a good child."

Wanwan hugged Aunt Mei's neck with her intact right hand and smiled very happily.

The tortured young heart finally felt what happiness was.

Liu Hanhan walked over and stood beside Aunt Mei, grinning:

"It's great to have a mother."

Huang Yijun sighed in her heart, walked over, and gently touched Wanwan's face:

"What a poor child, these damn human traffickers."

Wanwan seemed to be a little afraid of Huang Yijun, and timidly called:


Huang Yijun's heart ached, and the only dissatisfaction with Ye Sihai completely disappeared.

"Hey, hey, this child is so smart."

Qiaohua sister pierced her mother's disguise:

"Mrs. Huang, your eldest grandson is 18 years old now, do you feel young now?"

Ye Sihai laughed like a pig.

Huang Yijun was so angry that she stretched out her hand and hit the leaky little cotton jacket:

"I wonder if Ye Sihai will spoil you to the sky in the future. When you cry, don't go back to your mother's house to complain."

Ye Sihai's laughter stopped abruptly.

In front of the mother-in-law, the attitude must be correct:

"Auntie, you can rest assured. As long as Lin Qiaohua doesn't want the moon in the sky, I will never return it."

Huang Yijun glanced at Ye Sihai with a reproachful look:

"I just realized that my daughter has become so naughty. You, Ye Sihai, have contributed a lot. Let's go. I won't stay here to be angry."

Ye Sihai hurriedly sent his future mother-in-law to the car.

He was also greatly relieved.

This hurdle of the Lin family is considered to be over.

Seeing that his mother had left, A'mo brought Liu Xiaoer, Shui Yi and other five teenagers to surround him.

"Brother Sihai, this is Wanwan, right?"

"She is so beautiful."

"Sister Wanwan, brother will take you to the sea in the future."

"This is for you to eat. It's so sweet."

Wanwan was surrounded by six teenagers, and she was both scared and happy.

She quickly reached into her pocket and said in a baby voice:

"I have some candy too, brother, have some."

Ye Sihai gently rubbed her head:

"You will have so many brothers to spoil you in the future, and your mother will love you, are you happy?"

Wanwan shouted loudly:


Then she burst into tears.

Amo and the other boys were shocked and thought that they had frightened the child.

Ye Sihai knew the reason.

He picked up Wanwan and patted her back gently, without coaxing her, letting her cry.

She cried so hard that she was out of breath.

She cried so hard that her clothes were soaked with tears and snot.

Many workers looked over curiously.

Auntie Mei lowered her head and wiped her tears.

Qiaohuamei didn't understand, and she was a little flustered and surrounded Ye Sihai, not knowing what to do.

Liu Hanhan suddenly said:

"Wanwan, don't cry, only bad kids cry."


Wanwan magically stopped crying.

Then she pursed her lips, trying not to laugh, but she couldn't help it.

She giggled again.

"Brother new soldier, I won't cry anymore. It's so nice to have you by my side."

Liu Hanhan hummed:

"There's also my mother, my boss, and my sister who helps me with my job."

Wanwan immediately shifted her attention:

"Who's the boss?"


"He's my brother."

"My brother is the boss."

"My brother is not the boss, my brother is my brother."

"It's the boss."



"It's not!"

Liu Hanhan stared at her green eyes in distress, rubbing the back of his head with a grin:

"But the boss is my brother."

Wanwan snorted, staring at Liu Hanhan like a little adult:

"My brother is my brother."

"Oh, I see."

Ye Sihai was so depressed.

I corrected him countless times, but this kid never called me brother.

Unexpectedly, his nemesis is here.

Very good.

Raise these two babies well.

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