Going to the sea: The whole sea has become my back garden

Chapter 95 How about letting me be the captain of the whale?

The seafood barbecue feast lasted until the early morning.

It was a really pleasant night.

But Ye Sihai was exhausted.

His barbecue was a specialty.

So in the end, he was responsible for the barbecue alone.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

In addition to various grilled fish, there are also grilled shrimps and shellfish.

These are all looted from the dock, and they are all fresh and varied.

"Sihai, another conch, why is the taste of your grilled conch so special."

Ye Sihai smiled:

"Of course, there is a secret recipe."

Liu Xiaoyu picked up a large lobster cut in half and handed it over:

"I still like this one."

Ye Sihai glanced at him, took it and continued to grill.

Many precious seafood were brought from Xiao Jianguo's store, and even a few large boxes of fresh seafood were specially sent from Fucheng.

Aunt Mei brought a large pot of boiled gooseneck barnacles.

This stuff is good stuff.

And they are very big, one is almost as big as a child's palm.

Xiao Jianguo sent about five kilograms, and the purchase price is about 10,000 yuan.

What Xiao Jianguo can send must be of the top quality. If his seafood restaurant makes it into a dish and sells it, the price will be ten times higher.

There are also two boxes of Norwegian lobsters, each box is about seven or eight kilograms.

Norwegian lobsters are also called sea lobsters. They live in cold waters, so they grow slowly.

This kind of lobster is expensive, the meat is delicious, and it is rich in various vitamins.

As for sea crabs, it goes without saying that they are also top-notch goods.

Steamed, boiled, grilled, just a little sea salt is the best delicacy.

Everyone is well-informed.

But it has never been before to eat so many expensive and cheap seafood at Ye Sihai's house.

Lin Qi talked about another thing:

"Did you donate all the money?"

Ye Sihai smiled and nodded.

Liu Gang asked in surprise:

"Fifty million? Brother, what's going on in your head?"

Ye Sihai talked about the private charity fund and asked Qiaohua to bring Wanwan over.

These second-generation rich people usually don't know that there are so many dark things. After hearing about Wanwan's experience, they all showed shocked expressions.

Wanwan is so cute. Even though she is disabled, she sat next to Ye Sihai obediently throughout the whole process, eating and drinking soda obediently.

After hearing that this is Ye Sihai's adopted sister, Liu Gang and others were even more moved.

"Sihai, we don't know what to say."

"Realm, this is the realm."

"You have sublimated to a new height."

"Yes, compared with you, I find that the days when we spent our money on wine and women before were really shit, shit!"

After all, everyone is a rich second-generation with some wealth, and they expressed their willingness to donate on the spot.

Three or five million is naturally nothing to them.

But Ye Sihai didn't accept it at all.

The principle of his private charity fund is not to accept donations from anyone.

He only uses his own money and does it himself.

This will avoid a lot of trouble.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment after hearing what Ye Sihai said.

Liu Xiaoyu licked his lips and asked with admiration:

"Sihai, you are trying to get my sister. Are you trying to trick her into working for you? I'll give you an idea. You should cheat her body first...!"

Ye Sihai didn't even have to do anything, Lin Qi kicked him.

How dare you be so arrogant in front of Qiye's sister?

Liu Gang took a sip of whiskey, swallowed a piece of grilled fish, and said:

"Brothers, since we have become brothers with Sihai, we should not be too lame. Sihai doesn't accept our money, so how about we set up a small private charity fund for fun?"

Ah Cheng raised the beer bottle in his hand:

"Count me in."

Others joined in.

"Brother, we came to your house this time, and it was really the right thing to do."

Liu Xiaoyu said:

"It really was a spiritual cleansing. I found that I was much cleaner."

Lin Qi said contemptuously:

"Among us, you have the dirtiest heart."

Liu Xiaoyu pouted in grievance.

Ye Sihai said with a smile:

"Let's talk about the plan for the seaside resort. I need your participation in this."

Liu Gang, under the influence of alcohol, slammed the table and said:

"I will definitely participate. There are nine of us here, plus Uncle Xiao, ten. Sihai, you still take half, and the remaining half will be divided among the ten of us. Find someone to calculate the cost and start working."

Ye Sihai said:

"You can go and have a look tomorrow. That coastline is really nice, with mountains, water and scenery, but the beach is very small, but I don't need any beach in my plan."

Lin Qi's eyes lit up and said:

"You want to make it a small beach like Siam, right?"

Ye Sihai shook his head:

"Not entirely right."

He thought about it, and still smiled and said:

"How about the gimmick of riding a whale?"

Everyone was immediately stunned.

There are so many seaside resorts in the world.

But have you heard of any one that has killer whales to ride?

Ye Sihai counted his fingers:

"Look, Xiao Hui will definitely become the king of their whale group in the future. Now there are only 80 adult whales in that group. If they develop in the future, 200 will not be a problem."

"I'm going to do something similar to a horse farm on land, except that the horses are replaced by killer whales."

Lin Qi covered her heart in excitement and asked hastily:

"How do you ensure safety?"

Ye Sihai smiled faintly.

"Drink, drink, I don't want to talk anymore, damn it, you guys come together tonight and get this kid drunk."

Uncle Qi was deeply affected.

He also grew up by the sea.

Why is the gap between people so big?

My soon-to-be brother-in-law is no ordinary person.

"Drink, if you have wine today, you will get drunk now!"

Liu Gang also stood up excitedly and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Liu Xiaoyu, Brother Cheng, and five other rich second generations also raised their glasses.

These guys who drink too much are not afraid of not having a place to live. The Lin family can accommodate dozens more people.

Aunt Mei went to rest early.

Liu Xiaoer and a group of teenagers were so excited that they were not sleepy at all.

After the barbecue, they were responsible for cleaning up the battlefield.

Seeing that most of the people had left, Ah Mo quietly woke up to Ye Sihai.



Ye Sihai looked at his brother-in-law with some caution.

Usually when this guy calls him brother-in-law, he's asking for something.

"What do you want to say?"

Amos Siaiai said:

"Um... can I count as a share of your seaside resort?"

Ye Sihai was both crying and laughing:

"Are you a good boy? Do you have money? My brothers will settle the accounts and we will not give credit."

Ah Mo’s chest was beating loudly:

"Of course, I still have 1.5 million left. My mother also helped me save a lot of New Year's money. Three million is no problem."

When he said this, he kept staring at the old sister in the distance.

He was afraid that if his elder sister heard him, his wealth would be at risk.

Ye Sihai was very curious:

"Amo, why do you want to get involved in my business?"

Amo looked shy:

"How about you let me be the whale captain from now on?"


Ye Sihai burst into laughter.

Sure enough, he is still a child.

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