After Conan realized that this was a complete farce, Shajin spoke up.

"Okay, everyone, I don't have a hobby of killing people casually. This time I just want to remind you that the organization is not as simple as you think. You must be serious.

If this farce was discovered by other people in the organization, you would only be four corpses now."

Hearing his words, Conan's pupils shrank,"What do you mean by other people? Could it be that you……"

Shajin didn't refute, which made the atmosphere in the room suddenly solemn.

Shajin didn't waste any words, looking directly at Conan in front of him,"You have already stepped into this vortex called the Black Organization, and there is no possibility of leaving.

Do you remember the second time I met you?"

Looking at Conan who became serious, Shajin said slowly:"I played a happy game with you at that time. This moment is just like that time, isn't it?

My friend, the game has begun, make a deal with me, you can't refuse.

There is no reason, and there is no room."

Hearing this sentence again, Conan seemed to have returned to the day they met. He still didn't know how Shajin did it at that time.

"My friend, I don't think you came here just to say these things."

Realizing that he was not in danger now, Kudo Yusaku's smart mind once again occupied the high ground, looking at Jin Jin and asked his question.

Jin Jin snapped his fingers,"Smart friend, I like to deal with smart people.

This time, in addition to witnessing your farce, I came here mainly to remind you.

Someone from the organization has been to your home, and found that Kudo Shinichi's childhood clothes had mysteriously disappeared there, but they were still there when they first went there.

What do you think the organization will think?"

Hearing his words, several people turned pale.

Kudo Yukiko on the side said tremblingly:"They will guess that Shin-chan may not be dead, but has become smaller."

Jin Jin smiled,"That's right, my friend, you are really smart.

So as I said, in this vortex called the Dark Organization, Kudo Shinichi, since you have stepped in, there is no possibility of leaving."

Kudo Yusaku frowned,"What if we seek help from Interpol, or the FBI."

This is one of their goals this time, to take Kudo Shinichi away.

Sha Jin shook his head,"You are too naive. I said that this is an organization with influence all over the world. Do you think the FBI or the so-called Interpol has not noticed it?

This is impossible, but in the process of confronting the organization, they have never gained an advantage.

I have a message for you. Not only the FBI, but also the CIA, MI6, CSIS, BND and Neon Public Security have actions against the organization.

But the organization is still alive and well, so think about it carefully. Do you think they can protect you?"

Everyone was silent, and then they fell into a strong sense of crisis.

Seeing that everyone was in a low mood, Sha Jin smiled slightly,"Okay, don't be so negative. The current situation is still very good. You are very lucky. The person who led the team to search Kudo's house is a kind person.

Although she has learned that Kudo Shinichi has become smaller, she still changed Kudo Shinichi's status in the organization's list to death.

In the near future, you will stand on the united front, and I hope you can treat her well then."

Having achieved his goal, Shajin was ready to leave. Before leaving, he turned around and said,"Let's get to know each other again, Petrus, a member of the Dark Organization.

Mr. Kudo Yusaku and Ms. Yukiko, this is our second meeting, and I am looking forward to seeing you again next time.

At the same time, Kudo Shinichi, I said that you don't have to worry about my identity and origin. Our goals are not in conflict. I don't mind helping you when it's appropriate, but don't expect too much from me.

In the meantime, you can use me, or you can betray me at the right time. This is all about showing your value.

So, goodbye, friends."

After saying that, he closed the door and left.

Inside the room, the remaining four people were still digesting the information just now.

Among them, Kudo Yukiko paid special attention to the second meeting he mentioned, thinking about its meaning.

Suddenly, her eyes widened,"Kakawasha, he is Kakawasha, the little kid back then!"

Kudo Yusaku nodded on the side,"It should be correct. The Petrus he mentioned should be his code name in the organization. When I met him that year, I brought a bottle of Petrus red wine."

Kudo Yukiko frowned,"This little guy actually survived, but why did he join that organization?……"

Yusaku Kudo pointed to his neck,"Did you notice the tattoo-like thing on his neck?"

Yukiko Kudo was a little dazed, and then said nothing.

Conan on the side was a little confused,"What are you talking about?" The

Kudo couple looked at each other, and did not express their guesses, but simply explained their encounter with each other that year.

After they said this, Conan also had an impression, but he was still very young at that time, and his memory was not very deep.

Then Yukiko Kudo looked at her husband again,"Yusaku, what should we do now, do we really want Shin-chan to face that organization?"

Yusaku Kudo was silent at first, then nodded,"This is the only way. If what he said is true, we should wait for the person he said to show up.

It sounds like a girl. (There seems to be a difference in the pronunciation of he and she in Japanese)"

Yukiko Kudo sighed,"This is the only way. I wanted to take Shin-chan away."

Conan shook his head,"Even if he doesn't show up, I won't leave. I must face everything with the organization, and……"

I don't know what he thought of, his face turned red.

Yukiko just laughed and said nothing. She thought it must be because of the girl in the office.

The atmosphere in the room gradually became better. Conan also remembered that his parents had played a prank on him, and his face became stern again.

After several people pleaded for mercy, Conan finally forgave them.

On the other side, Sakin, who had left the Beihua Hotel, received a call from Gin.

"Gamblers, gather at the research institute."

After saying that, perhaps because Shajin had hung up on him too many times, he hung up first this time.

This made Shajin, who was about to press the hang-up button, stunned, and then curled his lips.



"Mermaid Island? What are we going there for?"

Looking at the Gin in front of him, Jin Sha was a little confused.

"Shirley will tell you the specific situation."

After saying that, Gin turned and left. Vodka on the side looked at his boss, then looked at Gold Dust.

Then he whispered,"My brother and I were supposed to accompany Shirley on this mission, but Shirley asked you to come along and refused my brother, so my brother is in a bad mood now."

Gold Dust nodded, and seeing this, Vodka also hurried away to find his brother.

"Mermaid Island, it sounds familiar."

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