"An electronic toy supervised by my uncle?"

Conan looked at Xiaolan in surprise.

Xiaolan nodded,"Yes, the theme is the reasoning mansion of the famous detective Maori Kogoro. Players will find a corpse in a mysterious villa.

Detective Maori who happens to be at the scene will give hints, and then solve the incident step by step. It's a reasoning game."

Conan had a very surprised expression, but he was actually complaining in his heart. This was exactly the same as his usual reasoning.

Then he looked at Maori Kogoro on the side with some concern,"But is it really okay for me to be invited to the press conference?"

Hearing what he said, Xiaolan also looked at her father, and then felt helpless.

Walking to his side,"Really, who told you to say you wanted to celebrate in advance last night and drink so much!"

Although Maori Kogoro looked haggard, he still insisted,"I just drank five or six glasses, just gin and vodka……"

After waiting for a while, Maori Kogoro recovered and several people began to line up in front of the storage counter.

"There are so many people!"

Not far away, Jinsha took a sip of the coffee in the cup, then looked at the video game machines beside him, and finally stopped in front of a machine that dropped chips.

Today, the organization sent Tequila to this new product launch of Mantiantang to trade a list of the most talented programmers in the world.

And he is here to meet the other party at any time to prevent some special situations from happening.

Jinsha had no interest at first, but when he heard the name Tequila, he decided to come.

There was no other reason, he was very curious about what Tequila looked like to be so unlucky.

The first member of the organization to get a box lunch in the whole play, and his death was a bit unfair.

Tequila is closer to Pisco in the organization, and has been carrying out missions near Osaka. Although Jinsha has joined the organization for many years, he has never seen him.

While thinking, he looked at the full of chips in front of him, and suddenly felt that it was boring, so he walked around again.


""Hey, Mr. Maori!"

Suddenly, someone nearby recognized the identity of Maori Kogoro.

Turning around, the man began to introduce himself,"Hello, I'm Nakajima Hideaki from Mantiantang. I designed this game. Thanks to Mr. Maori, I was able to plan such a great video game!"

"Nakajima, you are really good. You actually said that you designed the video game software. You can definitely make a lot of money by using the Maori detective to design video games. I accidentally leaked it to you."

"Ueda?" Nakajima Hideaki turned his head and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise.

He heard the other party continue:"As a result, three days later, you proposed a project plan with the same theme, and held a press conference in the blink of an eye.

You are a genius at plagiarizing other people's things, both work and women!"

As he said, he looked at the man behind him,"Hey, am I right?"

Takeshita Hironobu, who was suddenly cueed, said awkwardly:"Yes... yes, but that was all in college, I have forgotten it a long time ago."

Mr. Ueda did not embarrass him, and looked at Nakajima Hideaki again,"Okay, just pretend that I didn't see this matter this time. I always feel that you are about to be forced into a desperate situation by the underground money houses." Being ridiculed by him like this, Nakajima Hideaki felt a little uncomfortable, and his anger was written all over his face.

After waiting in line for a long time, it was finally Maori Kogoro's turn. He took the number plate,"Hey, No. 96!"

At this time, Takeshita Hironobu on the side glanced at his watch, and then exclaimed:"Oh no, it's very late, we have to hurry to enter the venue!"

He hurried to the front desk to deposit his belongings first, and so did Ueda Koji.

"You deal with this first!"

"Mine too!"

Nakajima Hideaki, who was standing by, was about to tell the two not to cut in line, but he was told by the other party to be careful not to be late and get scolded by the president, so he joined the queue.

Xiaolan was not angry about this.

In this case, the people behind her would have no objection. These three people happened to be behind Xiaolan and Conan, and the two of them had no objection, so why should they be in a hurry? It didn't affect them anyway.

At this time, Xiaolan suddenly found that the suitcases of the three people were the same, and felt a little novel,"Hey, the suitcases of the three of you are the same!"

Takeshita Yushin smiled and said,"Yes, not only the suitcases, but also the tie clips and watches. These are the ideas of our president. He said that this will leave a deep impression on people about our company."

Nakajima Hideaki complained,"However, it is a large, bulky and low-quality suitcase. Although I brought it here today, almost all employees will leave it here."

Ueda Koji on the side said,"The only one who would carry such a thing with him is our president."

Unexpectedly, their president was standing behind them

"Ahem, ahem, is it not possible?"

Turning around and seeing this scene, the three of them were suddenly shocked,"President!"

"Why don't you go to work quickly? Really!"

As soon as he said this, the three of them hurriedly left here.

"This is your number plate!"

On the side, Xiaolan also deposited her things. Unexpectedly, the number plate was exactly 100.

She couldn't wait to share it with Conan, looking forward to something good happening today.

At this moment, Tequila has also entered the press conference site

"Friend, how is the mission going? Do you need help?"

Tequila picked up the phone and heard the frivolous tone of the other party, and said lightly:"No need, Petrus, this mission is very simple, I can complete it alone, I really don't know why the organization asked you to come."

Shajin sighed,"Oh, the organization is also caring for old employees, worried that you are too old.���The work is not done well."

"Shut up."

After that, Tequila hung up the phone.

On the other side, Jinsha met Xiaolan and the others.

Xiaolan said excitedly:"I didn't expect Jinsha to be here too. Are you here to see the newly released video game software?"

Jinsha nodded and said with a smile:"Yes, I quite like the game console designed by Mantiantang. I heard that there will be a press conference today, so I came to have a look."

As he said that, he squatted down and rubbed Conan's head,"See you again, friend, I didn't expect to meet again. I remember you were picked up by your mother last time?"

Conan looked at her with half-moon eyes. Why can't you see yourself?

Jinsha didn't care about his resentful little eyes at all.

Xiaolan on the side explained:"It's like this, because Conan's parents have something to do abroad, and I heard that Conan was reluctant to leave the office, so he continued to ask us to help take care of him.

However, the other party left a sum of care money before leaving, otherwise his father would not……"

She looked at her father helplessly.

Hearing her words, Jin Jin smiled,"I see, but I think even without the money, Detective Maori will take good care of Conan, after all, he is a very good person! Isn't that right, Conan?"

Conan nodded, and then said naively,"Of course, Jin Jin brother!"

In fact, his true heart: Haha.

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