Dr. Agasa on the side said with a smile:"Since Xiao Ai is the inventor of the medicine, it seems that it will be much easier to make an antidote!"

However, Xiao Ai shook her head and said,"The information about the medicine is all in the research institute. How can I remember all the information?"

Conan asked anxiously:"Where is the location of that research institute?"

"It's useless, look, this is the evening paper from the day before yesterday." Ai picked up a newspaper on the table. Dr. Agasa suddenly realized,"Oh, it's the accident that the pharmaceutical company was mysteriously burned down!"

"So, even if you go, you will have nothing left."

In the surprised eyes of the two, Xiao Ai slowly explained the reason,"This happened because they were afraid that I would reveal the company's information, so the organization took the initiative.

It seems that other organizations related to me will have the same fate."

Conan said in disbelief:"So, they want to...……"

Xiao Ai nodded, looking a little lonely,"Yes, I think the organization must be frantically looking for me now!

They don't know that my body has become so small. However, if the organization continues to use that kind of drug as a means of assassination, it is hard to say whether there will be cases of body shrinkage like ours in the future.

By then, the organization will do its best to find me based on my childhood appearance and information." At this point, Xiao Ai looked at Conan who was silent on the side,"What do you think, will you kick a troublesome person like me out of here?

High school detective, Kudo Shinichi."

Seeing his silence, Xiao Ai chuckled,"To you, I may be a person who makes poison and participates in killings. I am an out-and-out villain planned by others, and I am also hunted by the organization.

To you, I am indeed a hateful and dangerous person. There is no reason for you to keep someone like me around."

Conan looked dead,"That's not necessarily true. Let's not talk about what that guy said before. If your affairs are exposed, it will be sooner or later for my affairs to be exposed, so you should stay here as an elementary school student.

This way you won't go out and make mistakes."

Xiaoai raised her eyebrows,"Ha, you are quite kind! But who is the person you have been talking about since just now?"

Conan was stunned for a moment, then asked with some confusion:"Don't you know? It's gold sand, I thought you would know?"

"Gold Dust!"

Upon hearing this name, Huiyuan Ai's face suddenly changed. Thinking of her sister, she felt a little sad.

Seeing that her face was not right, Conan asked with concern:"Are you okay?"

Dr. Agasa on the side was also a little worried, but he still said:"Ai, your parents need to be transferred to a safe place!"

Hearing his words, Ai also pretended to be calm,"You don't have to worry about this. My parents are also members of the organization. They died in an accident shortly after I was born."

Dr. Agasa asked again:"Then do you have any other family members?"

A deep grief flashed in Ai's eyes,"I only have a sister who is rarely together.

At the request of the organization, I went to study in the United States for a very long time, but my sister was different from me. She was left in Neon so that she could be monitored nearby.

Yes, my sister agreed to work for the organization just to get me out of the organization.

However, she can go to an ordinary school, make ordinary friends, and travel like others."

At this point, her face changed."Oh, now I remember that a few years before my sister was killed, she saved her travel photos on a floppy disk and sent me two or three floppy disks.

I used the computer at the institute to retrieve them and took a look at them, and then I sent them back immediately. After that, the floppy disk with the drug information I saved suddenly disappeared. I remember searching for it for a long time but couldn't find it."

Then, they guessed that the disk might be in the hands of Hirota Masaki, Miyano Akemi's teacher when she was in college, and prepared to go and take a look.

But when Xiaoai mentioned the name Hirota Masaki, Conan was stunned.

The surname Hirota is too heavy for him.

Although he was detained by the public security personnel at that time, he still found a way to run away.

But after he chased after them, the public security's aftermath work had been completed.

In the end, he learned the news of Hirota Masami's death from the public security officer Fuzami Yuya, who he had met once.

He was very upset at the time, and he almost saved her. He stood at the scene in a daze until Fuzami Yuya called and waited until Xiaolan came and took him away.

Back to the present, their trip to get the disk will naturally not be smooth sailing.

After all, there is no reason why there will be no cases wherever Conan has been.

After they solved the case, the disk He was also taken away by the police station because he was needed as evidence. When

Xiaoai saw Conan's reasoning on the spot for the first time, she was still very shocked.

But besides being shocked, there was a little resentment in her heart. When the public security police announced the news of Hirota Masami's death, there was Conan's shadow in the reporter's report photo.

It happened to be when Xiaolan came to take him away.

Xiaoai naturally saw this, and she was very silent on the way home.

When they arrived at Agasa's house, a red Alfa Romeo GTV Coupe was parked nearby at some point. (The car of Yukiko Kudo in the play)

But the few of them didn't care. In the dark, they couldn't see if there was anyone in the car.

Conan found that Xiaoai had been standing next to the car, so he wanted to pull her into the house, but he didn't expect Xiaoai to be unmoved.

He looked at Xiaoai with a puzzled look on his face,"What's wrong with you?"

Xiaoai lowered her head, tears streaming down her face���Luo,"Why, why didn't you save my sister at that time?"

"Your sister?" Conan looked at her blankly.

Xiao Ai sobbed and said,"Don't you understand yet? Hirota Masami is actually a pseudonym given to my sister by Professor Hirota."

Hearing this, Conan also reacted,"Could it be that... the 1 billion yen robber Hirota Masami is……"

Recalling the scene at that time, Conan said with difficulty:"It's your sister."

Xiao Ai's emotions collapsed instantly, and tears could not stop pouring out,"Yes, I ask you now, since you are so good at reasoning, then my sister's matter should be easy to see through!

But...but you, why didn't you...……"

Grabbing Conan's clothes, Xiao Ai fell to her knees and cried loudly.

At this moment, a figure rushed over, squatted down and hugged Xiao Ai who was lying on the ground.

"Shiho, I'm sorry, Shiho……"

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