"Are there any other evidences?"

Xing would not believe him so easily.

Shajin smiled and turned around slowly."The Patrol Ranger is elusive and they have little contact with each other. This dress is too easy to wear. As long as she doesn't let go, there is no evidence. The company has ways to track it down, but it also takes time.

So, my friend, it's time for you to make a choice... You can leave here now, immediately, without looking back, and give up the opportunity to get close to the truth forever.

On the other hand, you can also accept my invitation and learn a fact, a fact that can overturn Pinocchio."

Turning back, he looked at Xing in front of him with burning eyes,"I need your help, so I will wait for you, but I won't wait too long. If you are ready, follow me.

As for whether to cooperate, make a decision after seeing the facts... It's not too late."

After that, he walked towards somewhere.

After hesitating for a moment, Xing walked towards the Black Swan on the side. Until now, although she accepted that the other party brought her to Shajin because of some kind of transaction, she still felt very uncomfortable and her face was not very good.

Black Swan raised his hand and tapped his chin,"Ah... You look like a wounded animal. Are you still willing to talk to me? I am still willing... to be your psychotherapist."

Xing was silent for a moment,"You deceived me."

Black Swan did not hide anything,"I admit that I made a deal with that gentleman and brought you to him. But... this is also a safe place.

He needs you, which is a necessary part of regaining Pinocchio. I think he has potential and can help me gain unique memories, so I agreed to cooperate.

In Pinocchio, everyone can lie, of course... including me. I cannot refute this and I will not ask for forgiveness. But remember? I also said that I believe in your potential, and there is absolutely no falsehood in this sentence."

"Yiting wants to witness the Star Train pioneering the future of the Milky Way, and I will treasure these memories one by one, so I have no reason to hurt you, but will continue to help you, provided that you are still willing."

Looking carefully at the other person's expression, it doesn't seem like a lie.

"Do you think Sha Jin is trustworthy?"

The Black Swan smiled,"My opinion may surprise you. In my opinion, he is a trustworthy person, not for anything else, just because he is an excellent businessman.

In this vast universe, no one pays more attention to integrity and contracts than businessmen.

But you have to be careful, especially when signing a contract with them, you have to pay more attention. Outside the contract, they will not consider your rights... In order to maximize their own interests, they can do everything they can."

Xing nodded, which was regarded as an acknowledgment of her words.

Then he continued to look at her,"Who do you think is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"I still think Miss Liuying's matter... as we speculated, is more related to the Star Core Hunter. But you also heard that Shajin accused the Ranger.

Although I don't know why he made such a judgment, he has the company's intelligence network, and his opinion is worth further discussion. And, I also think that Miss Huangquan is hiding something.……"

Before she finished speaking, she shook her head again,"No...it should be said that she concealed everything."

"This was an unexpected gain I got from a previous encounter. I could also prove that what Sha Jin said about the Annihilation Gang was true.

Therefore, she was the dancer I paid the most attention to in this golden banquet."

"So, can you still take me out of this memory zone?"

Black Swan nodded,"I'm happy to help, but it's not the right time yet. I know you are confused and... sad.

No matter who that girl is, a living person, a memory that should not end... was erased just like that, like bubbles dissolved in water, disappearing into thin air...

In any case, I hope you trust Sha Jin, or trust me more, and see the facts in his mouth, which can lead us to the deeper secrets behind Pinoconi.

I will protect you, and after getting more information from him, it will not be too late for me to escort you back to your companions.

And for the truth, and to stop more unnecessary sacrifices... this is the most correct choice."

Without the help of Black Swan, she could not leave this childish dream.

Seeing this, she had to agree,"Let's go, let's go and see together."

Black Swan nodded,"Next, I will be with you in the form of a meme, in case of emergency, let's go"


Seeing her coming, Shajin smiled and said,"Very good, I knew you would come. By the way, the Rememberer……"

He shook his head and said,"Forget it, I won't ask any more questions. After all, I said that you can discuss with your companions, or you can use me in return. I welcome it.

Because this is also showing me your value. I never do business at a loss. I hope all my friends... don't let me down."

As he said, he walked forward and stretched out his hand,"Come on, please come this way."

The familiar place reminded Sha Jin of the last time they met.

"Oh, by the way, I think I said something after that... what was it?"

He said with some emotion,"Ah... familiar corridors, familiar rooms. Remember? This is where we met last time." Then, he stopped and stood in front of a door.

"Here we are, behind this door. Hold your breath and wait and see……"

Pushing open the door, Gold Dust suddenly said,"Oh, I finally remember... my friend! After that, we played a fun game.

Look, this moment is just like that moment... isn't it? I remember it completely, this is what I said to you at that time.——"

Pushing aside the memory bubble in the room, the two slowly walked towards the dream pool.

Sha Jin said as they walked.

"Look, my friend.���The show has already begun. Make a deal with me. You can't refuse it."

In front of the Dream Pool, Sha Jin pushed away the last memory bubble that blocked his view, and completely displayed the scene in front of Xing.

Xing opened his eyes wide and looked at the inside of the Dream Pool in disbelief. The robin was lying there, with a huge wound on his chest, which slowly dissipated, and new memory bubbles kept emerging and flew to the top of the room.

And Sha Jin's words ended at this moment.

"There is no reason... and no room for it."

Seeing her surprised look, Shajin shrugged,"Oh my friend, my expression when I saw this scene was not much worse than yours.

You are not mistaken, it is her, the famous singer Robin"

"The robin also……"

Shajin was somewhat helpless."Let me first make it clear to you that this matter has nothing to do with me. I am just an unlucky guy who ran into the scene.

My family can testify to this. If you don't believe me, you can ask someone from the Hound family. They hate me and the company, so they will never lie.""

"This is not the crime scene. What I am showing you is a memory. The simplest light cone presentation technology. Authorized by Yiting, owned by the company"


"You said this place is really strange, it seems that people who come in don't want to leave again, it's just a dream."

On Grax Avenue, Hattori Heiji looked at the pedestrians on the street and couldn't help sighing.

Kuroba Kaito also sighed,"This is normal, although the investigation has not made much progress, but we have interviewed so many people, most of them can't survive in reality.

But here there is no pressure, as if everything can be achieved, this beautiful dream makes people sink, and the weaknesses of human nature are all exposed."

"You said Conan……"

Before Hattori Heiji could finish his words, the two stopped and looked ahead calmly.

A group of people stood on the road they had to pass, blocking the entire street.

Hattori Heiji's mouth twitched, and he saw a few familiar people in the crowd.

Megure Jusan, Shiratori Jinsaburo, Sato Miwako, Takagi Wataru...

At this moment, the other party looked at him with a very surprised expression, obviously not quite understanding the situation.

Looking behind him, he was also blocked by a group of people.

"You two, the head of the family invites you to come and have a chat."

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