"Sometimes I really feel that your habit is not normal. You are particularly good at disguising yourself as a girl."

In the dressing room, Hattori Heiji leaned against the wall with a playful look on his face.

"Hey, I helped you anyway, is that how you talk to me?" In front of the mirror,"Mockingbird" rolled her eyes at her.

At this time, the door of the dressing room was opened, and a staff member asked:"Ms. Mockingbird, the next interview will start soon, are you ready?"

Mockingbird smiled and said:"It will only take three minutes, thank you for your hard work."

The other person blushed slightly,"Ms. Mockingbird has participated in so many interviews today, it's much harder than us."

As she said that, she saw Hattori Heiji standing by the wall and became puzzled.

"I wonder who this gentleman is? Why is he in Miss Mockingbird's dressing room?"

Mockingbird explained:"This gentleman is a distinguished guest of the Iris family. This time he came to discuss with me the Harmony Ceremony. You can confirm this with Ms. Maeveen."

"So that's how it is. I won't bother Miss Mockingbird anymore."

The staff member closed the door and slowly retreated.

Looking at Hattori Heiji's reflection in the mirror, Kid asked,"Have you found out what happened to this girl?"

Hattori Heiji was a little helpless,"Ah, no, this lady is very noble, with the guarantee of the Iris family, those guys won't stop me, but they won't reveal much to me."

Turning around, Kid looked a little puzzled,"Then why did you come here? You don't just want to tease me, do you?"

"That's not the case. I did get some information."

"what news?"

"Someone died." Hattori Heiji said calmly.

"Didn't the family guarantee that there would be no danger in the dream? Why, it's a joke now?"

The three minutes were up, and the staff outside knocked on the door again.

""Mockingbird" stood up and walked towards the door.

Looking at this scene, Hattori Heiji said:"I came here this time just to say that I probably won't come to see you for a while, and I want to see if I can find out who the dead person is.

I think she may be the key to our mission, so you can be a big star here for a while."

On the other side, Jin Jin also arrived at the destination under the leadership of Doctor Zhenli

"We have arrived at the Chaolu Mansion, the Oak Family's fortress, where the heads of the families discuss the Pinoconi plan."

Looking at the building in front of him, Shajin smiled,"Fortress? That's a good metaphor. I just dealt with the warlords of the Iyimanika galaxy not long ago, and their synchronous orbit manors were not so heavily guarded."

"As befits its owner, this house nominally belongs to Sunday, and without his invitation, ordinary guests will never have the opportunity to set foot here in their lifetime.

Take a closer look while you still have a moment of freedom."

Hearing this, Shajin couldn't help but look at him,"Hey, professor, where do you stand on this?"

"Who can guarantee that I won't betray you?"

Under his calm expression, Sha Jin couldn't tell his true thoughts for a moment, but this was interesting.

Sha Jin smiled slightly,"Then let's wait and see. When I meet the controlling head of the Oak family, I will have my own way to pry the answer out of him."

"Come with me, I'll take you to his reception room. Don't say anything extra, I'll take care of the family members."

Under the guidance of Doctor Zhenli, Sha Jin went deep into the Chaolu Mansion.

Obviously, the chicken-winged man didn't want him to see him so easily, and set up several traps in the mansion, but Sha Jin successfully passed them all.

Sha Jin didn't care about testing his abilities before meeting.

Finally, the two came to a door.

"I'm sorry to see you make it here. Sunday is behind this door. In my superficial opinion, he is not an easy person to deal with. Are you ready?"

At least for now, the two are still colleagues. Doctor Zhenli gave his final advice.

However, Shajin obviously would not stop, and said with a smile:"I believe that he is the one who needs to be prepared."

Doctor Zhenli had a calm face, and he did not expect that his words would make this gambler give up,"Tell me about your plan."

Shajin shrugged,"No plan, just act according to circumstances. There are only two kinds of chips in negotiating with others: interests or fear."

Doctor Zhenli said sarcastically:"It seems that you really don't understand sincerity."

Seemingly aggrieved, Shajin's tone was sad,"Am I not sincere enough? No need to emphasize it. We must make good use of death. The man's sister is dead, and he will definitely not be able to sit still. This is fear.

And I will help him find the murderer. Due to his identity and position, he can't do it himself, but I can, and this is the interest."

"Why do you think he can't do it, and why must he entrust a company person with an opposing stance?"

Sha Jin smiled,"It's very simple, because the murderer is likely to be a traitor lurking in the family."

Doctor Zhenli folded his arms and said calmly:"The person you accused before was the patrol ranger"

"Oh, that's an excuse, professor. There's something wrong with that woman, I need someone to contain her, the fewer variables outside our field of vision the better.

I also need to know who she is, if my good luck is real, she will definitely become an important chess piece. And the more friends who can help me in this matter, the better."

He shook his head and said,"But to be honest, the murder case is most likely nothing to do with her. I still hold the same view: there must be a problem within the family, otherwise why would our Mr. Sunday arrange a private meeting? This is not an interrogation, but a secret negotiation."

"Watch, I will use the robin's death as a bargaining chip for my own���Win back my freedom and power. Finally, I will overturn this beautiful dream and create the most magnificent death.

If I can have the chance of triumph by stepping through this door, even if the probability is infinitely close to zero, I have no reason to hesitate, right?"

Looking at Doctor Zhenli with full confidence.

Doctor Zhenli sneered:"Huh, what makes you think you can win, damn gambler?"

"Three chips are enough, everything, or nothing."

Pushing open the door, the two met the head of the Oak family, Sunday.

Sunday had his back to the two of them, and his tone was very gentle,"It seems that the puzzle I set is still too simple for you, the company's envoy."

Shajin smiled and said,"Thank you for your compliment, and thank you for taking so much trouble to welcome me, Mr. Sunday. It's just that this is really not what someone who sincerely invites would do."

Sunday's tone was neither hurried nor slow, but his attitude was indeed not good,"So this is not an invitation, but a summons. Before the conversation, I need to test your character.

I guess this knowledgeable friend beside you has helped a lot!"

Shajin didn't care at all,"Of course, you should know this better than me. He has been faithfully performing his duties, right?"

"Well, the professor has vouched for your noble character before. He said that both of you have the same integrity in your hearts and are trustworthy to the family.

I know you very well now, Mr. Gold Dust. You are diligent, generous, and willing to cooperate. You have successfully overcome many obstacles and come to me. This gives me reason to believe in your wisdom and courage."

At this time, Sunday turned around and looked directly at the Gold Dust in front of him,"But there is one thing I want to question you, that is, your talents are used in the wrong place, which makes you meet people you shouldn't meet, appear in places you shouldn't appear... and witness tragedies that shouldn't happen."

At the end, his face was very ugly. Obviously, he still cared about his sister, the robin.

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