where are we going?

Zhu Feng said: "We are going to meet Yujia."


"I know what King Ning is going to do, and after those people go back to report the letter, he will soon know that I am here, so we need to dispatch people."


"The Yujia should be coming to Changqing City soon."


Nan Yan was also a little surprised.

He seemed to really know what he wanted to ask. The two people "asked" and answered, and Zhu Feng answered all the questions she wanted to know.

Looking at her expression, Zhu Feng also knew that what she said was exactly what she wanted to ask.

I don’t know why, just now, he experienced that sharp pain. There was a gap in the whole person’s mind and memory, but now, everything seems to be better, and he, as if because of the sharp pain, was Thoroughly general.

Can understand her heart sound unexpectedly.

Seeing Nan Yan's somewhat surprised expression, Zhu Feng said calmly: "You, know that King Ning is going to rebel, and that I will be in danger, so you know-my identity, right?"


Nan Yan was silent for a while, then nodded.

This is not unexpected.

After expressing those ideas with Zhu Feng, I originally intended to recognize him, so there is nothing wrong with admitting that I know his identity.

At least now, it seems that Zhu Feng is not too wary or hostile to her.

And seeing her admit that Zhu Feng is indeed, not surprising.

He was silent for a while, and then said, "Then, who are you?"


This is the problem again.

Just now, he also asked this question, and those people came.

Nan Yan looked at him with a complicated expression.

She still clearly remembered that when those people said the word "concubine" in front of him, he suddenly appeared abnormal, as if the pain was severe, and after that, his whole body seemed to be blank.

This seems to be a problem for him now.

If I tell him the truth, I don’t know what will happen again, but now, the actual situation of the two of them is "fleeing for their lives." When those people return to the Ning Palace to notify the incident, Ning will definitely send a large number of people to chase them .

At that time, let alone meeting with Yujia, whether you can leave Changqing City alive is a question.

Nan Yan fell silent.

Zhu Feng looked at her drooping eyelashes and suddenly frowned: "Don't you say?"


"Don't want to say it, or dare not to say it?"


Nan Yan hesitated for a moment, raised his head, and looked at him with a complicated expression.


And Zhu Feng looked at her gaze, was silent for a long while, a little coldness appeared on his face.

This look is no stranger to him.

In the palace, when facing He Yi, Xu Miaoyin, Ye Yu, and even Qin Ruolan, who is very close to him, when they deliberately conceal something, they face themselves with this expression.

It clearly says: I know everything, but I just don't want to tell you.

He hated that feeling.

So this time, he left the sacred car alone, following the little feeling in his heart, taking such a big risk to go out to sea on a stormy night and saving this woman.

And he also felt a feeling from her body that he had never had before.

But even she concealed it.

Zhu Feng felt that he had a reason to be angry, but looking at her pale face, there was even a slight aggrieved expression in the silence, which made him reluctant to ask any more questions.

After a while, he said lightly: "Nothing."

After speaking, he turned his face to one side.

Nan Yan could tell that he was a little angry, but he didn't seem to be angry with him.

She thought for a while, stretched out her hand that didn't have much strength, and took his hand.

Although Zhu Feng was not in a good mood, the feeling of being grasped by those soft little hands was not bad. He looked at her and saw her lowering her head and writing seriously in his palm. A few words-

You need someone to help.

Zhu Feng frowned: "What do you mean?"

Nan Yan continued to write: In the Changqing City, there are people who can help you.


This point made Zhu Feng a little surprised.

He only knew that he had left Yujia and came here alone, and here, in King Ning's territory, how could anyone help him?

He asked: "Who is it?"

Nan Yan wrote stroke by stroke: Li-no-hurt.

Zhu Feng frowned.

Does Li hurt?

I don't know why, the first moment he saw this name, a feeling of unpleasantness surged in his heart.

And this name, he seems to be no stranger.

It seems that when I was in the palace, I saw it in a roster. If I remember correctly, it should be a member of Jin Yiwei, my trusted guard.

However, it seems that there is no him among those who follow Yujia this time.

He said: "He is in the Changqing City?"

Nan Yan nodded vigorously.

That night, during the storm on the sea, she could not board the ship, but before she lost consciousness, she seemed to see that Li Bushang had boarded the ship that came to meet her.

Then he should be safe now.

If he didn't guess wrong, he should also be in Changqing City or near here.

Nan Yan already knew his skill, if they could join him now, at least Zhu Feng would have one more help beside him, and there would be no need to be alone in front of the coming danger.

There is...

She thought for a while, and continued to write in his palm: There is another person.

and also?

For some reason, although she was talking about people who could help herself, Zhu Feng's feeling in her heart was not very good.

On the contrary, a little impatient.

But he still said, "Who else?"

Nan Yan hesitated.

Although, until now, that person hadn't given herself a clear answer, but what happened on the boat that night made her understand that he didn't really take refuge in King Ning.

But to accomplish another thing, obviously, for another purpose.

Then he should not be what he seems to be to Zhu Feng.

So, she carefully wrote the person's name in Zhu Feng's palm.


This time, Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled.

He hadn't seen this name before, and no one had told him, but when he saw this name, he immediately felt a little familiar.

It seems to be trustworthy, but at the same time, it feels very uncomfortable.

He frowned and looked at his palm.

Nan Yan looked at him nervously, don't know, he still remembered these two people.

After a long silence, Zhu Feng raised his head, the expression in his eyes looked very unhappy, and said: "Why do you have so many-'helpers'?"

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