Someone tentatively said: "Why don't you open the city gate and let them leave?"

Hearing Wen Ye, he immediately said solemnly: "No!"

The person next to him frowned.

In fact, when they said these words, they seemed to be speaking for the people, but they were actually asking for themselves. After all, this time the situation was special. The rebels were besieging the city. The emperor was so arrogant and insisted that he did not go to Peiping to send reinforcements. There was no foreign aid. It’s almost only a matter of time before the city breaks.

The rebels again issued a warning that the city would be slaughtered on the day the city was broken.

They are also afraid of death.

If Wen Ye is willing to open the city gate, can they also take the opportunity to escape, so that they can get a life back?

Who knows, Wen Ye refused without hesitation.

Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere was stagnant for a while.

Wen Ye looked gloomy, only glanced at them, did not say anything, looked outside the tower, under the faint morning light exposed from the sky, he could barely illuminate the front.

However, after so many years of fighting, he can judge even with a faint outline.

In the dark night ahead, an unknown number of soldiers were hidden.

As soon as they open the city gate, these rebels will swarm in. At that time, these people will still have their lives?

And those ordinary people, needless to say, will only become stepping stones for them to step into Crane City. Who cares about their life and death?

Thinking of this, Wen Ye's face became darker.

He turned his head and said to the people around him: "Don't think about abandoning the city and surrendering to have a ray of life. King Ning is now rebelling against the court. It is his own brother who is rebelling. A person does not even care about his own hands and feet. Can you keep you? Stop dreaming!"


Everyone had nothing to say for a while.

After saying these words with a grimace, Wen Ye looked down again.

The people's mood has become more and more anxious, the voices of arguing with the soldiers who defend the city are getting louder and louder, and even some people behind are already desperately crowding forward.

Seeing the waves of people surging forward, like waves crashing against the boulders.

At this moment, it can be prevented.

But how long can it be protected?

Wen Ye's face sank, and he called the lieutenant next to him, whispered a few words to him, the lieutenant nodded, and immediately went down the tower, mounted on horseback, and hurriedly headed towards the Jinlou Garden.

Seeing his figure disappear in front, Wen Ye couldn't help clenching his fist, then turned to look outside the tower.

The sky is getting brighter gradually.

At this time, there was a loud noise from the side inside the city gate below the city building.

Wen Ye walked over and looked down on the wall. He was a young man among the crowd. He was a little angry at this time because he had been guarding the city for a whole night. He said to the soldiers guarding the city: "You haven't opened the city gate yet. Do you want us to die here?"

The soldier guarding the city didn't close his eyes all night, nor did he get angry: "Stop the **** nonsense and step aside!"

After speaking, he reached out and pushed him.

The young man staggered, stood up immediately, and said angrily: "You people, if you can't win the battle, you will only bully our people. We are not your mules in captivity. Why don't you let us go out of the city?"

The soldier drew out the knife with a brush: "Death?"

When everyone saw him drawing his sword, the originally cowardly mood all turned into anger at this time.

Someone in the crowd yelled: "If you use a knife against us, then we will do it too!"


The lieutenant rode a horse and quickly to the Jinlou Garden.

In Liuhetang.

A huge map was spread out on the table where the antiques were originally placed. Zhu Feng looked at the three places of Beiping, Hecheng, and Changqing City with solemn eyes.

The lieutenant sent by Wen Ye was kneeling at the table and reported the situation on the other side of the tower.


He lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Master Wen asked the final admiral to report to the emperor. At present, the people are very passionate and it is really difficult to control. Next, even if the rebels do not attack the city, they will riot in the city."


"The number of us defending the city is really not many, I'm afraid there will be a big mess."

Zhu Feng retracted his gaze from the map and slowly raised his head.

He said: "Wen Ye means, he can't keep it for too long?"


Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside.

Looking up, an attendant hurried over, knelt down and said: "The emperor, there is a disturbance at the gate."


"The common people clamored to leave the city, but the guards refused to open the city gate, so they started fighting."


"Now, many people have been hurt."

When the lieutenant heard this, his face paled, and he didn't expect something like this to happen to his back foot as soon as he walked away.

Zhu Feng said: "Then, are you under control?"

The attendant said: "Master Wen sent someone back to report, and he has controlled it, but the soldiers and the people who defended the city have injured a lot of people, and everyone's mood is even worse. I'm afraid that if the stalemate continues, there will be a big mess. Up."

Hearing this, the lieutenant's heart became even heavier.

"The emperor, please make the decision early!"


Zhu Feng was silent for a while and said: "You go down first."

The lieutenant looked at him with almost helpless and hopeless eyes, but Zhu Feng remained calm and said, "Go down."


He could only get up and retreat dejectedly.

However, as soon as he left the house, he saw a slender figure standing at the door, holding a cup of tea in his hand. The officer was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly bowed his head in salute: "The concubine empress."

Nan Yan had just stood at the door and had already heard what they said.

At this time, he only nodded to him, then turned and walked in.

Zhu Feng was still standing in front of the table, staring at the map on the table with scorching eyes, as if to say that the map burned a hole, and the anger faintly rose in his heart.

At this moment, a very soft voice came from my ears——


As soon as she looked up, she saw Nan Yan standing in front of her holding a cup of tea.

Zhu Feng's eyes flickered.

When she left her before, she was still saying where she was, but that kind of charming atmosphere could not continue after all in the current situation.

Zhu Feng coughed slightly before speaking, his voice was a little strangely dull.

"How did you come."

For some reason, when he heard his dark voice, Nan Yan's mind also showed some scenes from last night.

She couldn't help but blushed, but she lowered her head and stepped forward: "The concubine is here to bring tea to the emperor. Xiao Shunzi said that the emperor did not sleep last night, did not drink water, did not eat."

"I, it's too late."

"No matter how urgent, you have to eat and drink enough to figure out a way."

Her soft voice is irresistible.

Zhu Feng sighed, took a sip from the tea cup she took.

A smile immediately appeared on Nan Yan's face.

She walked up to him, looked at the map on the table, moved slightly in her heart, and whispered: "The emperor, how do you plan to solve this time?"

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