"Rebel Zhu Xuan, are you going to drop?!"

This roar was heavier than a roar, as if it was going to be overwhelming, and finally, among the crowd, there was a clanging sound.

It was the sound of a weapon landing.

Some people's hands were already shaking so much that they couldn't take their weapons. At this time, they could only drop their swords and kneel to beg for mercy.

"Don't kill us!"

"Yeah, spare, spare!"

The soldiers who were just as fierce as a tiger, killing countless people, are in the general situation at this time, or in front of the "destiny" they have seen, they have completely lost their confidence and combat effectiveness.

More and more people dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Xuan's eyes were red and almost bleeding.

He gritted his teeth and said: "You--"

"His Royal Highness Ning!"

Xu Shifeng refused to let him speak any more, and rode his horse forward slowly and said: "You are gone, it is better to surrender obediently. The emperor's love for brotherhood, perhaps, will be open to you.

He didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but when he spoke, the words "fraternal affection" were aggravated.

When Zhu Xuan heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The surroundings were so quiet that there was only the sound of the wind. His laughter was louder than the sound of the wind, and it spread to people's ears, making them a little painful.

Zhu Xuan laughed wildly: "Brother? I Zhu Xuan, there is no such brother!"

Xu Shifeng's brows wrinkled as soon as he spoke.

Zhu Xuan seemed to have decided to die. At this moment, he was even more fearless. With a backhand wave of the long sword in his hand, he placed it on his neck and pulled it away.

"We wish home, let alone—"

Just when his long sword was about to cut his throat, and the last sentence was about to be spoken, suddenly, a cold light cut through the night sky and hit the long sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the long sword shot out and fell to the ground.


Zhu Xuan looked at his empty hand in surprise. He hadn't reacted just now. He only felt a strong force coming, and he couldn't hold the sword in his hand. Even when he looked down, the tiger's mouth was split!

It's a short knife!

Zhu Xuan turned his head back abruptly, looking behind him, Li Bushang looked at him coldly, with one hand stretched forward, at this time, slowly letting go.

Did he stop himself? !


Zhu Xuan wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt a tingling in his throat. He hurriedly reached out and touched the blood on his hand.

On the neck, a **** mouth!

At that moment, although the long sword in his hand was knocked down, the blade was too close to the throat, and the skin on his neck was cut away. Although it was not deep, it was injured and he couldn't speak!

What else did he want to say, Xu Shifeng's eyes were quick, and he immediately ordered: "Catch the rebel!"


The surrounding soldiers were like tigers coming out of the gate, as soon as they swarmed up, they threw him down and quickly tied him up.

The other rebels knelt to the ground one after another, never daring to make any movement.

This rebellion ends here!

Nan Yan stood on the tower, watching this scene, and suddenly felt indescribable.

The cold wind was bitter. Although she was dressed very thickly, she still felt a little cold in her hands and feet, and she couldn't help shuddering slightly.

And just as she shuddered, Zhu Feng used the hand that held her hand slightly.

Nan Yan looked up at him.



After hesitating, she shook her head.

Actually, it's not cold.

It’s just that, after looking back on this journey, from Feng Shu’s medicine to Zhu Feng, to the later prince Yin Jing, the chaos in the altar, and he was beaten into the cold palace, and then robbed by Zhu Xuan, followed Jian Ruocheng out to sea , After going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, meeting Zhu Feng again is a life of nine deaths.

To this day, everything is finally over.

There is an unreal feeling.

Is everything really over?

Can she and him calm down from now on?

Feeling a little blank and helpless in her gaze, Zhu Feng squeezed her hand firmly, as if not only sending her body temperature, but also sending strength to her.

He said, "Don't be afraid."

These two words, and the temperature in his hand, made Nan Yan feel a little real.

All this is really over.

All the storms should have subsided at this moment.

She smiled a little at him: "Yeah."

I am not afraid to have you by my side.

When the two of them stared at each other, the city tower kept escorting the rebels into the city, while other soldiers were also cleaning the battlefield.

A figure quickly entered the city and boarded the tower.

As soon as I stood still, I saw the front, two people standing side by side in the biting wind, looking at each other and smiling. Although the sky was freezing, the gaze they stared at each other was as warm as the spring breeze.

Breath, could not help but suffocate.

However, he walked over immediately and whispered: "Weichen pays respects to the emperor, pays respects to the concubine.

Hearing this voice, Zhu Feng frowned involuntarily.

Nan Yan's mood suddenly became happy. She turned her head, and she saw the familiar tall figure standing in front of her, and said with joy: "No hurt, it's really you!"


"It's great that you are fine!"

Li Bushang couldn't help but look up at her.

She can talk.

Moreover, the previous haggard expression seemed to have been blown away by the wind, and the whole person became alive.

It was like the first time he saw it.

That kind of warm feeling came from the bottom of my heart as soon as he approached her, making him feel warm to his fingertips, even his hands.

He subconsciously wanted to make a smile.

However, his eyes could not help but saw their hands.

Zhu Feng and Sinan Yan, holding hands.

This scene, like a needle, pierced into his eyes, and he immediately lowered his head: "Weichen is fine. Thank you for your memory."

Nan Yan looked at him with a smile.

These days, she really remembers him.

Suddenly disappeared from them, Zhu Feng refused to say where he went, but guessed that it should be to perform a certain task, and as his Jinyiwei commander, the task will not be easy.

What's more, the immediate task is to deal with King Ning's rebellion, and his mission is more likely to be dangerous.

Fortunately, he is now safe and sound.

And he also knew that he was going to transfer troops, and he should have agreed with Zhu Feng in advance that he would arrive at Crane City just at sunset today.

Zhu Feng said solemnly: "You are doing well."

Although this is a great achievement, he should reward him and praise him with two words, but seeing Nan Yan excited and happy around him, he even squeezed out these words.

Nan Yan also said happily: "Where did you transfer so many soldiers? Is it Peking?"

Li Bushang lowered his head: "No."

"where is that?"

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